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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

It's has not big threat concern yeah north east is not important so what you can do nothing.assam has voting percentage of more than 70% there few dissatisfied elements for them AFSPA in place.media is also not covering also because of the human right violation by armed forces can be tainted by western media or Chinese. 70 division are deployed happy hunting for them.
Good luck for that, hope you folks succeed in it. But why was the operation launched late, it has been 4 days since that day. And western or chinese media never did such thing. Show me one solid proof. But still if media will not cover the whole incident than who will
so you will believe what BSF says?
And you do not believe your former president?

They think Nawaz Shariff is Indian agent because he accepts Kasab is a Pakistani. They believe any thing to delude themselves. Like 1 Pakistani soldier = 10 Indian soldier.
so you will believe what BSF says?
And you do not believe your former president?
My sources are from both sides not one side. And Musharaff also claimed that Pakistan not always send terrorist, example Machil fake encounter
My sources are from both sides not one side. And Musharaff also claimed that Pakistan not always send terrorist, example Machil fake encounter
thats what the beauty if IA it admits mistake n accepts truth , can't say about PAK.....
But this also accepted by Indian media that Pakistan had to raise the white flag to pick their dead ones. The two soldiers were killed near the International boundary that is why white flag was raised or for what other reason Pakistan raised it. Cease fire happened many times before but why did Pakistan raise it now. Because the soldier were killed near the border if that was not the case then Pakistan wouldn't had raised the flag to pick their dead one's.

In war if some army is stopping just for enemy soldiers to pick the bodies of their men when they request, that's humanity shown by the army who has stopped! Otherwise, befitting reply is something you don't give a chance to even escape. :angry:
Lol what a lame as$ excuse for no action against militants that killed 80+ civilians.
It's actions is in place it's not like Pakistan were cities, airports and school's are seiged by militants the incident happened in remote area were there is no armed forces involved.india is to big in size with thousands of villages these militias hide in forest and will be killed like before . perhaps Bodo militants are not even big threat as they were before their caused under AFSPA.
They think Nawaz Shariff is Indian agent because he accepts Kasab is a Pakistani. They believe any thing to delude themselves. Like 1 Pakistani soldier = 10 Indian soldier.
Same ways like you folks claimed that PK movie was made by ISI
What does he mean not always? Does Pakistan do us any favour by not always ending terrorist? Pakistan sends terrorist and that makes it a terrorist state. and thats why they use shelling for their cover. and that is how their soldiers die.

And dude, what do you mean your sources? Who dafcuq do you think are you? Barak fukcing obama?:rofl:
Read Machial fake encounter
It's actions is in place it's not like Pakistan were cities, airports and school's are seiged by militants the incident happened in remote area were there is no armed forces involved.india is to big in size with thousands of villages these militias hide in forest and will be killed like before . perhaps Bodo militants are not even big threat as they were before their caused under AFSPA.

Yeah Bodos are not a big threat. Death of 80+ civilians is something very normal. Another lame as$ logic by bharatis.
Same ways like you folks claimed that PK movie was made by ISI

Claimed by Swamy and he was mocked by general Indians. See the replies in that post and the post where all Pakistanis were claiming that Kasab was Indian. Totally different.
Read the what is written on twitter of Swamy on PK movie

Swamy speaks for himself. Not for Indians. And be honest. Dont the people in Pakistan think that Malala is CIA agent sent to malign Pakistan.
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