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Indian Army set to place order for 248 more arjun main battle tanks

You are comparing the wrong class of tanks.

Arjun Mk1 vs Al-Khalid Blk1
T90S vs T80UD
T72 vs Al-Zarrar

Now compare the armor.

I know and that's why I told.You can see T90S are inferior to Al khalids and there lies the problem.Pakistan has already developed the Al khalid I which are better than the Al khalids and T 90S can't stand against them(though the recent M variants are better).But pakistanis are already developing the heavier Al khalid II which will be better than T90M.They will become the backbone of pak army,hence will be produced in far larger numbers.So we will need more Arjun mk2 tanks to crush them and fortunately both MoD and IA has started the proces.
hi can any one post the pics for arjun mk2 is there any change in the turret design??????????
hi can any one post the pics for arjun mk2 is there any change in the turret design??????????

Very SORRY,but no picture and info about the turret design of Arjun mk2 has been published.So currently no one can provide the pictures.Actually everyone is searching for that.
India ordered on 2006 330 T-90M and in 2007 347 T-90M
they features some improvement over the basic T-90s
Now from this links like wiki and others I can't post the links as this is my first post
T-90M is a Prototype version featuring
Relikt or Kaktus ERA
New additional autoloader
new 2A82 125 mm MG main gun
1,250 PS V-99 engine
This tank was unveiled in 2009
so how can india order T-90M in 2006?
The Indian T-90 has 2A46 gun which is not so effective in firing long rod penetrators
Indian T-90 does not have Commanders Panoramic Sight and they have problems with there
THALES-built Catherine-FC thermal imager due to heat
Are this problem solved?
And wiki is referencing to prasun senguptas blog when saying that the Saab's LEDS-150
has won the APS contact
I don't believe all source of prasun senguptas as he has been proven wrong more than often
is there any other source to confirm what APS will go in the T-90M?
India will be license-assembled T-90 what is the indigenous content in Indian build T-90?
I also heard thet they are using kanchan Armour in T-90
upgraded Indian T-90M must have increased weight due to upgrades so they must need more
powerful engine than the 1,000 hp engine presently used
How does Indian T-90M differ from that of Russian T-90A does Indian T-90M really have Kaktus ERA?
And lastly what type of gun does Arjun use is it 120mm 44 caliber or 120mm 52 caliber ?
I could not find any credible source about the gun clarification of Arjun
I know and that's why I told.You can see T90S are inferior to Al khalids and there lies the problem. Pakistan has already developed the Al khalid I which are better than the Al khalids and T 90S can't stand against them(though the recent M variants are better). But pakistanis are already developing the heavier Al khalid II which will be better than T90M.

O my my!!! Why are you so panicked.

Tank vs Tank combat is a no issue. Tanks normally don't fight one-on-one so this is a pointless question. Fighting other tanks is not even the tanks primary mission. Don't get me wrong, they can fight (I know you are going to point out Asal Uttar and Battle of Chawinda, etc.), but that isn't their primary role. MBTs are generally used as armoured spearheads to slice through infantry. MBTs are favoured for rapid deployment and mobility of forces.

Whenever it comes to tank vs tank combat, it is usually several factors that play a decisive role. Remember Patton M47s and M48s!!! They got much better armour, but that didn't help them much.

But pakistanis are already developing the heavier Al khalid II which will be better than T90M.

To answer your question; T-90 and the Al-Khalid are almost equal, each having it's drawbacks and strengths.

Remember, the main enemys of a tank are Helicopter gun-ships and Fighter-Bombers with a designated role of destroying tanks.

They will become the backbone of pak army, hence will be produced in far larger numbers. So we will need more Arjun mk2 tanks to crush them and fortunately both MoD and IA has started the proces.

BTW, How many Al Khalid Pakistan going to induct??? My idea is about 600-800. And if that is true, what is the fuss???
O my my!!! Why are you so panicked.

Tank vs Tank combat is a no issue. Tanks normally don't fight one-on-one so this is a pointless question. Fighting other tanks is not even the tanks primary mission. Don't get me wrong, they can fight (I know you are going to point out Asal Uttar and Battle of Chawinda, etc.), but that isn't their primary role. MBTs are generally used as armoured spearheads to slice through infantry. MBTs are favoured for rapid deployment and mobility of forces.

Whenever it comes to tank vs tank combat, it is usually several factors that play a decisive role. Remember Patton M47s and M48s!!! They got much better armour, but that didn't help them much.

To answer your question; T-90 and the Al-Khalid are almost equal, each having it's drawbacks and strengths.

Remember, the main enemys of a tank are Helicopter gun-ships and Fighter-Bombers with a designated role of destroying tanks.

BTW, How many Al Khalid Pakistan going to induct??? My idea is about 600-800. And if that is true, what is the fuss???

First of all I was just comparing the specs and not talked about scenarios.T 90S is by far inferior to even those Al khalids,leave alone the Al khalid I.
Wrong,Pattons were not the best out there.The best tanks in the 1965 and 71 were the 280 Centurion mkVII of indian army.These tanks were much different than earlier models.These 56 ton giants had 240 mm thick gun mantlets,220 mm sloped front turret front,180 mm of sloped frontal hul armor and 150 mm of side armor.The armor was made of tungsten steel to withstand the german 88 mm AA guns and were found to be impenetrable against the 90 mm guns of Pattons from few hundred meters.But its 105 mm high velocity gun,designed to defeat the german Tiger royals or Panzer mkVIIs could fire 1st generation FSAPDS rounds and HEAT rounds that penetrated the front armor of the Pattons from upto 3000 meter.
PA will induct 800 Al khalids and Al khalid Is.After that when the Al khalid II will be ready they will form the backbone of PA tank force and 1500 tanks will be inducted as per their current plan.These tanks will be heavier and completely different from the Al khalids and Al khalid Is.
First of all I was just comparing the specs and not talked about scenarios.T 90S is by far inferior to even those Al khalids,leave alone the Al khalid I.
Wrong,Pattons were not the best out there.The best tanks in the 1965 and 71 were the 280 Centurion mkVII of indian army.These tanks were much different than earlier models.These 56 ton giants had 240 mm thick gun mantlets,220 mm sloped front turret front,180 mm of sloped frontal hul armor and 150 mm of side armor.The armor was made of tungsten steel to withstand the german 88 mm AA guns and were found to be impenetrable against the 90 mm guns of Pattons from few hundred meters.But its 105 mm high velocity gun,designed to defeat the german Tiger royals or Panzer mkVIIs could fire 1st generation FSAPDS rounds and HEAT rounds that penetrated the front armor of the Pattons from upto 3000 meter.
PA will induct 800 Al khalids and Al khalid Is.After that when the Al khalid II will be ready they will form the backbone of PA tank force and 1500 tanks will be inducted as per their current plan.These tanks will be heavier and completely different from the Al khalids and Al khalid Is.

Interesting. I always thought that the Pattons were better tanks. Guess I need to do more research. Any idea on the time frame for Al Khalid II? There were talks of a Futuristic MBT between India and Russia. We might end up comparing that and Al Khalid II in the future.
Interesting. I always thought that the Pattons were better tanks. Guess I need to do more research. Any idea on the time frame for Al Khalid II? There were talks of a Futuristic MBT between India and Russia. We might end up comparing that and Al Khalid II in the future.

Fortunately recent
news stated that pakistan had to slow down the development of Al khalid II due to budgetary problems.
The russian proposal for joint development of tank had been rejected.Now DRDO will go solo on the FMBT project because with Arjun mk1 and mk2 project all the core technologies are developed indigenously.Army plans to induct over 2000 such pieces to replace the T 72 from 2024 onwards.
Fortunately recent
news stated that pakistan had to slow down the development of Al khalid II due to budgetary problems.
The russian proposal for joint development of tank had been rejected.Now DRDO will go solo on the FMBT project because with Arjun mk1 and mk2 project all the core technologies are developed indigenously.Army plans to induct over 2000 such pieces to replace the T 72 from 2024 onwards.

2024!!!Hope Arjun Mk II is worth the hype.
BANGALORE: The much-maligned Arjun Main Battle Tank is poised to get a fresh lease of life, with the Indian Army set to order 248 more of India's first indigenously-built tanks, a decision that will also give a much-needed shot in the arm to the country's beleaguered tank fleet.

"We are definitely expecting more orders, at least a minimum of 248 tanks of the Mark-II version. The Ordnance Factory Board has been instructed by the ministry of defence to initiate action for the procurement of the Mark-II version," P. Sivakumar, director, Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, told the Economic Times.

The order, which could be placed in late-2011 itself, will come as a huge boost to the Arjun production line at the Heavy Vehicles Factory at Avadhi, on the outskirts of Chennai, as the same was expected to be terminated due to a lack of interest shown by the Indian Army.

So far, the Army has placed an order for 248 tanks of the Mark-I and Mark-II versions.

The Mark-II version of the Arjun MBT is currently undergoing its critical summer trials in Pokhran, Rajasthan, conducted by the country's nodal defence lab, DRDO, while the winter trials are expected to take place later in the year. The defence research establishment expects to get the new orders from the end user - the Army - once the current trials conclude.

"If the trials go well, particularly relating to missile firing, there is no doubt that further orders will be placed. There is a commitment given by the deputy chief of Army staff, if the new improvements are incorporated successfully" Sivakumar said.

The June trials have already seen the Arjun MBT Mark-II tested with a number of technical improvements, including command panoramic sight and uncooled thermal image. According to Sivakumar, a further 40 technological improvements are to be tested, including a new transmission control system and new fuel tanks.

'We are planning the first phase of the end user trials by October or November for the missile and other design improvements," he said.

The Army's decision to induct greater numbers of the Arjun MBT is a significant turnaround from its earlier reluctance to do so. However, with the military's 4,000-strong tank arsenal consisting largely of more than 2,400 obsolete T-72 tanks and transfer of technology issues with Russia relating to the T-90, has forced it to take a re-look at the Arjun.

The tank has had its fair share of detractors within the country's military establishment.

After being in development hell for more than 30 years and at a substantial cost of Rs 300-crore, the Arjun MBT programme had come under severe flak for cost overruns and its failure to meet the Indian Army's combat requirements, leading to speculation that it could never be the mainstay of the Indian Army's Armoured Corps.

But ever since comprehensively outgunning and outrunning the T-90, India's current flagship battle tank in 2010, the DRDO has been positioning the Arjun MBT as the backbone of the country's armoured fighting units.

Defended the programme, the defence establishment also laid part of the blame for the project delays on the Indian military , stating that they had to be "realistic" in their demands.

"'But while we welcome all inputs and guidelines, we also feel the need for the Services to firm up realistic requirements at the earliest, so we may properly plan our project requirements," Dr VK Saraswat, scientific advisor to the defence minister said last month.

Army set to place order for 248 more arjun main battle tanks - The Economic Times

Good development for Indian Army and especially for Arjun MBT project. I see much hopeful DRDO officials for more orders which is confidence in their product. Still some way to go though.
Fortunately recent
news stated that pakistan had to slow down the development of Al khalid II due to budgetary problems. The russian proposal for joint development of tank had been rejected.Now DRDO will go solo on the FMBT project because with Arjun mk1 and mk2 project all the core technologies are developed indigenously.Army plans to induct over 2000 such pieces to replace the T 72 from 2024 onwards. REGARDS....

Work on AK-2 is in progress since funds have been released but still too much secrecy about it for now. Nothing has been released apart of a few initial highlights on capabilities.
Work on AK-2 is in progress since funds have been released but still too much secrecy about it for now. Nothing has been released apart of a few initial highlights on capabilities.

Thanks for the update. Must be in the initial stages of design. I'm sure nothing would be revealed until they are sure it's too late to build a customized counter to the capabilities.
2024!!!Hope Arjun Mk II is worth the hype.

Now you saw why I was scared??
By the way,don't hope but believe that Arjun mk2 when ready will make its place in top 5.
Some improvements:
1.Addition of a tungsten carbide face hardening plate in the Armor,making it impenetrable to even L55 guns.
2.Addition of new heavy ERA-improved version of kontact5.
3.Addition of heavy NERA on turret roof as they can withstand multiple hits from heavy HEAT warheads.
4.An indigenous 3x digital zoom passive thermal imaging night sight for commander.
4.The advanced air defence HMG will be placed on an indigenously developed BEL manufactured automatic remote turret to fire from inside.
5.An indigenous BEL manufactured DAS-indian counterpart of russian Shtora,consist of a laser warning and control system with 360 degree coverage,smoke granade launchers and a directional infrared jammer,developed last year and already tested.
6.Indigenous Active protection system with a mm wave radar,high speed ballistic computer and silos of directional warheads.Under trials.
7.Addition of an indigenous1500 hp engine and transmission to replace the mtu systems.
8.Capability to fire the 8 km range LAHAT missiles,an indigenous mmw seeker fire and forget atgm under development.
9.Faster datalinks to send/receive target data from gunships,UAVs,other tanks etc.
10.An automatic target tracking and destruction system to achive greater acuracy on move(current first hit probability is 92% against moving targets while moving over rough terrain).
11.A new fiber optic zyroscope gun stabilisation system for greater accuracy.
12.An indigenous air conditioning system for greater riding comfort.
13.New mk2 FSAPDS T rounds.Current rounds are fired at 640 mpa bore pressure from the L52 rifled guns and achieves a mussel velocity of 1720 meter/sec which is very close to the latest german Rheinmetal L55's 1760 meter/sec.New rounds will be fired at much greater mussel velocity as mk1 rounds are by far under utylised as the guns can endure bore pressure of 950 mpa.Besides the new rounds are fitted with a hardened ballistic caps for greater penetration.So it means Arjuns mk2s will have greater fire power than the latest L55 smoothbore guns.Actually Arjun's gun is already stronger than the L44 gun installed in M1 Abrams.
These were few upgrdes which are in publick.But according to DRDO there will be 94 upgrades over mk1.The mk2 will surely be comparable to
the best
Work on AK-2 is in progress since funds have been released but still too much secrecy about it for now. Nothing has been released apart of a few initial highlights on capabilities.

Hey nabil,thanx bro for the update.Taimi had told that PA had some budgetary problems but it seems it is resolved now.So,when are you expecting the Al khalid II to be inducted????THANX in advance.
I know and that's why I told.You can see T90S are inferior to Al khalids and there lies the problem.Pakistan has already developed the Al khalid I which are better than the Al khalids and T 90S can't stand against them(though the recent M variants are better).But pakistanis are already developing the heavier Al khalid II which will be better than T90M.They will become the backbone of pak army,hence will be produced in far larger numbers.So we will need more Arjun mk2 tanks to crush them and fortunately both MoD and IA has started the proces.

Aint You the same guy who was blabbering about Pritivi 2 and keep bullsh*ting about its antiABM countermeasures,CEP,transportation etc..

Stop misleading here mate ,you again Doing the same about T90 and AlKHALID ,where is your source ?Do you know why IA chose T90?? Because Pakistan went for T 84 from Ukraine and Arjun was not ready at that time .Even without Shitora 1 APS ,T 90 Is far ahead from T 84 itself ,forget about AL KHALID which is more comparable to Combat improved T72 Ajeya....Don't try be smart, when you are not ,people watch every single letter of your post and decide your creadiblity here..
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