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Indian Army plans to achieve decisive victory against Pakistan

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Jul 27, 2014
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Western Command plans for overwhelming force to achieve decisive victory against Pakistan

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General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Command, Lt Gen KJ Singh, speaks to The Indian Express and gives an insight into the new strategies worked out by the Command to take on its traditional adversary on the western borders, as well as the counter terrorism measures to control infiltration.

How has the operational doctrine of Western Command evolved in the past two years with respect to Pakistan?

The very concept of ‘decisive victory’ appears to be giving way to ‘stalemates’ as seen in Iraq and Chechanya. The possible way forward is to apply overwhelming forces targeting common centre of gravity. In our context it translates to application of Strike Corps. These Strike Corps, which are fixed in the Order of Battle (ORBAT) i.e. one per command on western front, were also getting fixed in their application. We have practised using two Strike Corps in the same theatre to cause psychological dislocation. Unlike the desert, here you do not need to go in deep as the objectives are shallow and sensitive. If you apply sufficient force you can get decisive victory. We have wargamed it and also practised on ground.

Are there any more elements to this?

Yes. Hybrid warfare has become a part of conventional warfare now. Stalemate in conventional warfare is also taking place due to outbreak of hybrid warfare, a distinct possibility in our case. Even when you go in deep you may have to deal with Jihadi elements who may be meshed with elements of the adversary’s army. We have practised counter measures and stabilisation operations for this.

Has any change in behavior been observed with respect to pushing in terror from Pakistan?
It does not seem to have changed. New areas are being explored with the movement of terror from the Samba area to Gurdaspur area now. We have received information that elements are even experimenting with hang gliders for terror attacks and so we have to remain vigilant. The border belt must be sanitised and the drugs smuggling in Punjab and cattle smuggling in Jammu area must be dealt with harshly. We have found lot of supposedly mentally ill people roaming in border areas. Recently two people from Kerala were caught there. We have asked the civil authorities to investigate. It seems our defences are being tested. More coordination with BSF and more aerial surveillance is needed.

read the rest in the above link
now this is something i never came across before
we did hear about the so called cold start doctrine
but this is something new
how india can think about a decisive victory in the presence of Pakistan tactical nukes???
Western Command plans for overwhelming force to achieve decisive victory against Pakistan

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General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Command, Lt Gen KJ Singh, speaks to The Indian Express and gives an insight into the new strategies worked out by the Command to take on its traditional adversary on the western borders, as well as the counter terrorism measures to control infiltration.

How has the operational doctrine of Western Command evolved in the past two years with respect to Pakistan?

The very concept of ‘decisive victory’ appears to be giving way to ‘stalemates’ as seen in Iraq and Chechanya. The possible way forward is to apply overwhelming forces targeting common centre of gravity. In our context it translates to application of Strike Corps. These Strike Corps, which are fixed in the Order of Battle (ORBAT) i.e. one per command on western front, were also getting fixed in their application. We have practised using two Strike Corps in the same theatre to cause psychological dislocation. Unlike the desert, here you do not need to go in deep as the objectives are shallow and sensitive. If you apply sufficient force you can get decisive victory. We have wargamed it and also practised on ground.

Are there any more elements to this?

Yes. Hybrid warfare has become a part of conventional warfare now. Stalemate in conventional warfare is also taking place due to outbreak of hybrid warfare, a distinct possibility in our case. Even when you go in deep you may have to deal with Jihadi elements who may be meshed with elements of the adversary’s army. We have practised counter measures and stabilisation operations for this.

Has any change in behavior been observed with respect to pushing in terror from Pakistan?
It does not seem to have changed. New areas are being explored with the movement of terror from the Samba area to Gurdaspur area now. We have received information that elements are even experimenting with hang gliders for terror attacks and so we have to remain vigilant. The border belt must be sanitised and the drugs smuggling in Punjab and cattle smuggling in Jammu area must be dealt with harshly. We have found lot of supposedly mentally ill people roaming in border areas. Recently two people from Kerala were caught there. We have asked the civil authorities to investigate. It seems our defences are being tested. More coordination with BSF and more aerial surveillance is needed.

read the rest in the above link
finally an entertaining thread everyone start commenting i've grabbed my popcorns

look at this video
seems like Indian army has planned something to counter NASR and to retaliate hard
first time they planned how to respond in the aftermath of a nuclear attack

Because all they wanna do is to get nuked and get vanished from the face of this earth.

Nevermind such statements from a failed, budding extremist and rather poor state who has nothing to give its citizens than an exaggerated nationalism based on a common enemy.
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some thing is fishy
what these guys are planning???
this is definitely something different than cold start doctrine
We have received information that elements are even experimenting with hang gliders for terror attacks and so we have to remain vigilant. The border belt must be sanitised and the drugs smuggling in Punjab and cattle smuggling in Jammu area must be dealt with harshly. We have found lot of supposedly mentally ill people roaming in border areas. Recently two people from Kerala were caught there. We have asked the civil authorities to investigate. It seems our defences are being tested. More coordination with BSF and more aerial surveillance is needed.
these sentences show that how our Giant Eastern neighbor blames their every incompetence and mistake on us ............... its like the wolf and lamb story ......... we all now PAkistan is no lamb .................... i think every sensible Person will ignore this thread after reading this thread ........... popcorn wasted
WE need MORE Artillery and Missile regiments

Because all they wanna do is to get nuked and get vanished from the face of this earth.

Nevermind such statemwnts from a failed, budding extremist and rather poor state who has nothing to give its citizens than an exaggerated nationalism based on a common enemy.

See you bring out Nukes in just Five Minutes

look at this video
seems like Indian army has planned something to counter NASR and to retaliate hard
first time they planned how to respond in the aftermath of a nuclear attack

According to Shatrujeet, India would be the initiator of attack..means the aggressor party...that would mean a lot of moral support on the side of Pakistan...anyway the only successful war is an offensive war..and Pakistan should build a massive offensive capacity to destroy Indian facilities at land air and sea in continuous waves of strikes...Indians are passive aggressive..and cannot be trusted...
bring out Nukes in just Five Minutes
that is why you establish missile bases .......... which are 24#7 being watched by Indian spy sats who are the most superior and will be bombed and vanish by MKIs and then Tejas will bomb us to stoneage
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