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Indian Army:Pakistan welcome to withdraw from Siachen,but we won't withdraw

Indian Army vacating Siachen at a time when we are in a clear position of strength will be a strategic suicide. This after so many of our men have given the supreme sacrifice to keep the glacier under our control. Least of all, it will be an act of highest contempt to the sacrifice of those bravest martyrs.

Let the Pakistanis wince with in their self-inflicted wounds. Who cares?
It is more than 700,000 security force personnel stationed in Kashmir.

Indian Army - about 350,000

Indian Para-Military - 360,000, including Rashtriya Rifles

Indian Police - probably around 100,000

*Fact reinstated*

I didn't want to make this discussion about J&K, but if you insist.. Northern command of the Indian Army is based in J&K alon with 3 State Divisions Viz (J&K Rifles + J&K light infantry and Ladakh scouts -roughly totaling 40,000 troops and support staff)

Northern Command
The Northern Command was a formation of the British Indian Army from 1895 to 1942, and then from 1945 to 1947. Subsequently it was reformed in the post-Independence Indian Army in 1972. is also based in J&K.
The government of India decided to raise a separate command to oversee operations in the northern borders with Pakistan and China. Lt Gen P.S. Bhagat, VC was appointed as the first Army Commander in June 1972. Bhagat's main activities as Army Commander were the improvement of defences and the living and working condition of his troops

the northern command structure is
3rd Infantry Division headquartered at Leh
8th Mountain Division headquartered at Dras
?th Artillery brigade
XV Corps, headquartered at Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir
19th Infantry Division headquartered at Baramulla,
28th Infantry Division headquartered at Gurez
?th Artillery brigade
XVI Corps, headquartered at Nagrota, Jammu and Kashmir
10th Infantry Division headquartered at Akhnoor
25th Infantry Division headquartered at Rajauri
39th Infantry Division headquartered at Yol
Artillery brigade
Armoured brigade

Indian Armed presence is due to historical Pakistani Aggression. indian Armed structur has been in j&K since 1972, its not a recent deployment...

It is a strategic state where military establishment is stationed.. questioning indian army's presence in j&K is like questioning why do you have troop concentration in Rawalpindi... even now if you dont get my point .. then there is no point in wasting my time ...
Lets withdraw the forces from Siachen and Park them in Indian Administered Kashmir , while Indian army is busy making snow man in siachen
Really? Suppose India accepts Pakistani assurances and withdraws from a position. If Pakistani troops then advance to take the position Pakistani leaders will be lauded by Pakistanis for a successful deception, is that not so? However, if Indian forces tried the same trick after Pakistani forces withdrew from a position, they would be strongly condemned by Indians for violating the country's honor, yes?

At least, that's how I see it. That's how low my expectations of Pakistan have fallen...
Look Look who is speaking of deception and expectation.Pakistan has got deceived by USA for 60 years and now when Pakistan pays you by the same coin you cry foul!!!!

I pray that Indian leaders don't fall in USA deception trap and learn from past how USA threatened and sanctioned India .Indian leaders should also learn from Pakistan's experience with USA and try to keep safe distance.Coz USA is that snake which can bite its own friends.
Btw all these miseries in Indian subcontinent is due to USA's experimentation of Wahhabi Islam.
Lets withdraw the forces from Siachen and Park them in Indian Administered Kashmir , while Indian army is busy making snow man in siachen

Your guys had tried something similar, maybe it's time to end this line of fantasy with Jammu and kashmir.
Good stance taken by the Indian Army........keeping in mind the Kargil incident...
Look Look who is speaking of deception and expectation.Pakistan has got deceived by USA for 60 years and now when Pakistan pays you by the same coin you cry foul!!!!
Foreign Relations of the United States is the official declassified record of U.S. foreign relations, including U.S.-Pakistan relations. Go read, say, S. Asia 1965 and the consider who deceived whom and then lied to their own people in order to blame the other party.
Bonjour members of this thread, I would like to express my opinion in contrast to varying opinions that are displayed on this thread. I think from a neutral perspective, there should be UN monitoring the line of control on Jammu/Azad Kashmir with peacekeepers preferable Canadian or a country that both of these nations would agree with. THis would keep the peace and prevent war from escalating, I also think that once we have secured peace in 10 année , we can have an independent referendum on both sides of LOC, where only Kashmiris are allowed to vote(as there are alot of residents from pakistani and indian side that now reside in kashmir). Based on the will of people there should be an inappropriate action taken by the UN.

Have a good day

au revoir
Foreign Relations of the United States is the official declassified record of U.S. foreign relations, including U.S.-Pakistan relations. Go read, say, S. Asia 1965 and the consider who deceived whom and then lied to their own people in order to blame the other party.
I'll trust my country's leadership over some other country's declassified records.And i'm glad that leader of those time kept distance from usa.

And we know the double standards and double speak of usa on terrorism.and really despise the mess usa has created in in indian subcontinent.Indian leaders were wise enough to see it so mess has not reached india.you have destroyed two functional modern countries Afghanistan and pakistan by using islamist for your narrow gains.More than pakistan i would blame usa for 26/11 mumbai attacks coz it was usa spy mastermind that went rogue.and usa protected him till now and did not extradite him to india to face trial.india has seen the double speak of usa on warren anderson involved in bhopal gas accident.and india has seen usa double speak 1992 mumbai blast case by destroying the forensic evidences
I didn't want to make this discussion about J&K, but if you insist.. Northern command of the Indian Army is based in J&K alon with 3 State Divisions Viz (J&K Rifles + J&K light infantry and Ladakh scouts -roughly totaling 40,000 troops and support staff)

Northern Command
The Northern Command was a formation of the British Indian Army from 1895 to 1942, and then from 1945 to 1947. Subsequently it was reformed in the post-Independence Indian Army in 1972. is also based in J&K.
The government of India decided to raise a separate command to oversee operations in the northern borders with Pakistan and China. Lt Gen P.S. Bhagat, VC was appointed as the first Army Commander in June 1972. Bhagat's main activities as Army Commander were the improvement of defences and the living and working condition of his troops

the northern command structure is
3rd Infantry Division headquartered at Leh
8th Mountain Division headquartered at Dras
?th Artillery brigade
XV Corps, headquartered at Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir
19th Infantry Division headquartered at Baramulla,
28th Infantry Division headquartered at Gurez
?th Artillery brigade
XVI Corps, headquartered at Nagrota, Jammu and Kashmir
10th Infantry Division headquartered at Akhnoor
25th Infantry Division headquartered at Rajauri
39th Infantry Division headquartered at Yol
Artillery brigade
Armoured brigade

Indian Armed presence is due to historical Pakistani Aggression. indian Armed structur has been in j&K since 1972, its not a recent deployment...

It is a strategic state where military establishment is stationed.. questioning indian army's presence in j&K is like questioning why do you have troop concentration in Rawalpindi... even now if you dont get my point .. then there is no point in wasting my time ...


Your information is outdated and you need to update your knowledge about the deployment of Indian Army. I’ll help you:

Supposed Deployment in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) along the LOC
Four Corps’ are deployed in IOK (14, 15, 16 and 9 Corps’), over a distance of 1225 km.

International Border with Pakistan
Three Corps’ are deployed over a distance of 3323 km, along the states of Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) along the LAC with China
Approximately two brigades are deployed along 1570 km

Whereas, to supposedly safeguard the LOC with Pakistan, you deploy four Corps’ along a 1225 km length and along a 1570 km length of LAC with China you only deploy two measly brigades.

Also compare the deployment against the whole length of 3323 km of international border, which is just three Corps’ and in IOK, it is four.

Also, you don’t talk about the additional army divisions and other forces moved from North East and other parts of India in to IOK. You don’t mention the total number of Para-Military forces including the RR present in IOK.

When you calculate the total number of these forces, it adds to more than 700,000 security forces operating in IOK.

Who are you trying to make a fool of? Along the LAC with China you have only two brigades strength deployed and along a much lesser length you deploy four Corps’.

Please, fool some one else who don’t know the Indian deployments. You can’t fool the people here.
Bonjour members of this thread, I would like to express my opinion in contrast to varying opinions that are displayed on this thread. I think from a neutral perspective, there should be UN monitoring the line of control on Jammu/Azad Kashmir with peacekeepers preferable Canadian or a country that both of these nations would agree with. THis would keep the peace and prevent war from escalating, I also think that once we have secured peace in 10 année , we can have an independent referendum on both sides of LOC, where only Kashmiris are allowed to vote(as there are alot of residents from pakistani and indian side that now reside in kashmir). Based on the will of people there should be an inappropriate action taken by the UN.

Have a good day

au revoir

Well said.

The UNSC has passed 13 resolutions to this effect to hold referendum in Kashmir, but the Indians do not agree. Their famous objection is that one of the pre-condition is that Pakistani forces should withdraw from Kashmir and the UNSC resolution allows presence of some Indian troops for control of law and order. Pakistan agrees to this and asks Indians to agree to hold a Plebiscite. The moment Indians agree to hold the Plebiscite and a time frame is agreed to, Pakistani forces would immediately withdraw. The Indians do not agree to hold the Plebiscite at all, now saying that because the UNSC resolutions are old, therefore they have lost the relevance.

UNMOGIP troops are already present in Kashmir. Whereas Pakistanis allow them free access to anywhere in Kashmir, the Indians have restricted their movement and they are not allowed to move beyond the capital of Sri Nagar.

Have a nice day :)
you have been a good friend of the Pakistanis for a long time,
but for your above post, let me put it straigt. I as an INDIAN would definetly file a case against INDIA if INDIAN ARMY tries to take the hights that PA with draws. and there are a billion people in INDIA just like me, who take Honor first and Life as next. that is why we have been branded as one of the best, hones and loyal work force around the world
If u Do anything like it... I will Trace & Shoot U then Hang My self ... :D
Bonjour members of this thread, I would like to express my opinion in contrast to varying opinions that are displayed on this thread. I think from a neutral perspective, there should be UN monitoring the line of control on Jammu/Azad Kashmir with peacekeepers preferable Canadian or a country that both of these nations would agree with. THis would keep the peace and prevent war from escalating, I also think that once we have secured peace in 10 année , we can have an independent referendum on both sides of LOC, where only Kashmiris are allowed to vote(as there are alot of residents from pakistani and indian side that now reside in kashmir). Based on the will of people there should be an inappropriate action taken by the UN.

Have a good day

au revoir

I agree with your sentiments but I think the time for negotiations has long past. Best scenario for all is to make the LOC the IB.
It is more than 700,000 security force personnel stationed in Kashmir.

Indian Army - about 350,000

Indian Para-Military - 360,000, including Rashtriya Rifles

Indian Police - probably around 100,000

*Fact reinstated*

Are you suggesting that the state's police force and paramilitary force be dismantled ?

:lol: ? Is that how you folks roll in Pakistan ? Dismantle the police force and give every civilian a gun to protect himself ?

Good plan :lol:
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