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Indian Army opens fire at poonch sector Pakistan Army responds

It's like saying is there any days in India without rape? has there ever been?
Except that I didn't say anything about rape, and don't have a fascination for it like you do. My post was in reply to yours in which you did speak about crisis.
You are saying this!! Maybe you were Hindu during Mughal times and then Aurangzeb kicked *** of your elder and then they convert into Islam. That time only few Muslims were in United India. They force Hindus & Sikhs to accept Islam. Those who were Coward and weak accept Islam and i think you belong to one of them. And Don't tell me that Rape doesn't happen in you country. And in India rapist are not only Hindus. Muslims are also part of it.
:lol: seriously get a life, because muslims were so strong if they wanted, they would have kill every each of your "Vegetarian warriors", and that had enough time.
Except that I didn't say anything about rape, and don't have a fascination for it like you do. My post was in reply to yours in which you did speak about crisis.
You asked a stupid question i gave you a stupid answer

You did, when you said that rape is part of hinduism.
That was in respons to his post, btw he already admit his fault
That was in respons to his post, btw he already admit his fault
Doesn't matter if it was in response. You said you never insulted his religion, which is false.
seriously get a life, because muslims were so strong if they wanted, they would have kill every each of your "Vegetarian warriors", and that had enough time.
Muslims are the most persecuted community in the History of the Sub-continent and still now. Read history first.
Pakistan routinely violates ceasefire to provide cover for terrorists who are trying to infliterate the border, especially during summer months.

What does India gain by violating the ceasefire ?
:lol: real history according to bollywood
He is right.Indira Gandhi never said anything like that.Why dont you show us proof of if you think she said something like that??
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