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Pakistan Army hits India hard at LoC, dealing losses in men and material

Thursday Dec 10 2020


Pakistan Army soldiers man a post at the Line of Control (LoC). Photo: AFP

Pakistan Army troops responded in kind to Indian aggression in the Khuiratta Sector along the Line of Control (LoC) on Wednesday, dealing heavy losses to the Indian Army in terms of men and material, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) informed in a late-night tweet.

Two soldiers of the Pakistan Army, Lance Naik Tariq and Sepoy Zaroof embraced martyrdom in the exchange of fire while fighting valiantly, the ISPR said.

"Indian troops initiated CFVs in Khuiratta Sector along #LOC. Pakistan army troops responded befittingly. Reports of heavy losses 2 Indian troops in men & material. During exchange of fire, while fighting valiantly, 2 soldiers, Lance Naik Tariq & Sepoy Zaroof embraced shahadat," tweeted the DG ISPR.

Relations between the two nuclear-armed countries have been tense ever since the Pulwama attack, when India blamed Pakistan for having a hand in the assassination of more than 40 Central Reserve Police Force soldiers in the occupied Kashmir territory.

Pakistan vehemently denied the accusations, which had been levelled by India without any evidence.

However, on February 26, 2019, Indian aircraft intruded into Pakistani territory and dropped their payload Balakot, making a hasty retreat as the PAF jets chased them out of Pakistan's airspace.

The next day, the PAF shot down two Indian army planes in broad daylight and captured Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who was later released by Pakistan as a "peace gesture" towards India.

Pakistan-India ties had then deteriorated further when New Delhi scrapped Article 370 of the Indian constitution, stripping occupied Kashmir of its special status and the freedoms that came along with it.

Ever since then, India's ceasefire violations across the LoC have increased and Pakistan has responded befittingly each time.

Pakistan Army hits India hard at LoC, dealing losses in men and material

Thursday Dec 10 2020


Pakistan Army soldiers man a post at the Line of Control (LoC). Photo: AFP

Pakistan Army troops responded in kind to Indian aggression in the Khuiratta Sector along the Line of Control (LoC) on Wednesday, dealing heavy losses to the Indian Army in terms of men and material, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) informed in a late-night tweet.

Two soldiers of the Pakistan Army, Lance Naik Tariq and Sepoy Zaroof embraced martyrdom in the exchange of fire while fighting valiantly, the ISPR said.

"Indian troops initiated CFVs in Khuiratta Sector along #LOC. Pakistan army troops responded befittingly. Reports of heavy losses 2 Indian troops in men & material. During exchange of fire, while fighting valiantly, 2 soldiers, Lance Naik Tariq & Sepoy Zaroof embraced shahadat," tweeted the DG ISPR.

Relations between the two nuclear-armed countries have been tense ever since the Pulwama attack, when India blamed Pakistan for having a hand in the assassination of more than 40 Central Reserve Police Force soldiers in the occupied Kashmir territory.

Pakistan vehemently denied the accusations, which had been levelled by India without any evidence.

However, on February 26, 2019, Indian aircraft intruded into Pakistani territory and dropped their payload Balakot, making a hasty retreat as the PAF jets chased them out of Pakistan's airspace.

The next day, the PAF shot down two Indian army planes in broad daylight and captured Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who was later released by Pakistan as a "peace gesture" towards India.

Pakistan-India ties had then deteriorated further when New Delhi scrapped Article 370 of the Indian constitution, stripping occupied Kashmir of its special status and the freedoms that came along with it.

Ever since then, India's ceasefire violations across the LoC have increased and Pakistan has responded befittingly each time.

Fancy tittle without any proof because two army person died.

Actually, it happens both sides. if any side armyman die due to cross firing then army add that we have given strong response and kill more enemy.

Fancy tittle without any proof because two army person died.

Actually, it happens both sides. if any side armyman die due to cross firing then army add that we have given strong response and kill more enemy.
No, problem,
PA always admits, but India will cover up with Suicide and accidental death.
NO bro, it is not a simple as you think.
yes, casualty is too high to disclose.

Indian Army's Moral which is already down, will reach bottom low, and general public reaction is next thing. only in Modi's India it becomes state secret and matter of national security .......obviously for mentioned reasons.

Modi is making Indians fool and they are happy, so be it my friend, your country, do as you wish.
Not something to be proud of but still whats necessary should be done.
yes, casualty is too high to disclose.

Indian Army's Moral which is already down, will reach bottom low, and general public reaction is next thing. only in Modi's India it becomes state secret and matter of national security .......obviously for mentioned reasons.

Modi is making Indians fool and they are happy, so be it my friend, your country, do as you wish.

You have too much wrong information!

About Indian army, they don't need certificate from anyone! they have already proved in 1965, 1971, 1984 and 1999.

Their capabilities are written in the history and no one can change it. People are free to leave in fancy world.

If indian army was not capable enough then kashmir was part Pakistan a long back as same as Assam, Ladakh, Arunachal pradesh to China.

But reality is different as you think! if Pakistan army was so much capable then I must say that Kashmir was now part of Pakistan.

Now you will say that it will happen in the future, correct? Ohh yaar! I am tired of listening such things from more then 20 years....
yes, casualty is too high to disclose.

Indian Army's Moral which is already down, will reach bottom low, and general public reaction is next thing. only in Modi's India it becomes state secret and matter of national security .......obviously for mentioned reasons.

Modi is making Indians fool and they are happy, so be it my friend, your country, do as you wish.
You should not believe your army too much, they have always underperformed in all of their endeavours.
Pakistani generals believed that Indian army are cowards and would surrender in 1965, Pakistan would easily take Kashmir and more.
You obviously know how that turned out to be, and just a few years after 1965 everything capitulated.
Kargil war too was more or less same outcome.
Region is hot since 2019 . Local population always under fire because of Indian snipers..
True Indian characteristic - continue disinformation even after the massive Indian disinformation network active for 15 years gets exposed internationally.
Every country has its perception wars going on.
Also Pakistan has not done any good service to change its global view.
You should not believe your army too much, they have always underperformed in all of their endeavours.
Pakistani generals believed that Indian army are cowards and would surrender in 1965, Pakistan would easily take Kashmir and more.
You obviously know how that turned out to be, and just a few years after 1965 everything capitulated.
Kargil war too was more or less same outcome.
Pakistan didn't attack first in 1965. It was India that started the war and Pakistan successfully defended itself.

Pakistan didn't attack first in 1965. It was India that started the war and Pakistan successfully defended itself.


NO, just read about on recorded statements of Pakistani's generals and books etc.... you will get your answer!
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