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Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

There were many contributing factors to Germany's defeat. You can't judge victory on numbers alone as you earlier emphasized. See in bold:

"After more than a year of bitter defeats, the Soviet army was exhausted and demoralised, but it started to employ a new tactic - the fighting retreat - which put a strain on German supply lines."


That is not exclusive to India.

I don't disagree completely but with all smart warfare technologies there's a difference in how USA can utilize it and how Pakistan, Turkey or Israel can utilize it against a military like India.... theres still long way to go and till then quantity will serve as a quality for us...
In India's case actually whenever India is in trouble whole nation forgets issues and stand up united....

Tell me, dear sir. Why does India need a large military ?? Which country is imminently threatening to invade India, other than in the nightmares of perpetually angry Right-wingers like G.D. Bakshi ??

There are more real problems in India like farmer suicides, student suicides, honor killings, riots, hospital scarcity etc. Just like China, India too must halve its army and retrain the demobilized army men ( and women ) into removing the societal problems I mentioned.

Your profile-picture is of Gandhi. So let's propagate peace instead of militarism.
Tell me, dear sir. Why does India need a large military ?? Which country is imminently threatening to invade India, other than in the nightmares of perpetually angry Right-wingers like G.D. Bakshi ??

There are more real problems in India like farmer suicides, student suicides, honor killings, riots, hospital scarcity etc. Just like China, India too must halve its army and retrain the demobilized army men ( and women ) into removing the societal problems I mentioned.

Your profile-picture is of Gandhi. So let's propagate peace instead of militarism.

Pakistan and China my friend.... both are nuclear powers with large armies.... China had war with us once and Pakistan had four wars.... if India didn't have army in the size what she has today by now Pakistan would have taken entire Kashmir and China would have taken arunachal Pradesh....
Pakistan and China my friend.... both are nuclear powers with large armies.... China had war with us once and Pakistan had four wars.... if India didn't have army in the size what she has today by now Pakistan would have taken entire Kashmir and China would have taken arunachal Pradesh....

Well, I too agree that India should have had a defensive military, for example for the cross-border raid after the Uri attack. But there is a basic question. Why should India have enmity with its neighbors Pakistan and China ?? The Kashmir issue should be resolved once and for all. As for Arunachal Pradesh, once India has a Progressive political system internally ( Direct Democracy Socialism ), it will have a point to say internationally that China does not have a legitimate claim on AP, and also India can encourage China to adopt India's political system.

This way, India will ensure peace with its two rival neighbors.
By checking out the standard of living and level of development between China and India, do you really believe that the Chinese general public will like to adopt India's political system?
He is high to prove his Indian patriotism. He have no choice.

for example for the cross-border raid after the Uri attack. .

That was in Bollywood though.
By checking out the standard of living and level of development between China and India, do you really believe that the Chinese general public will like to adopt India's political system?

I am not talking about India's current political system which is an incorrect form of democracy. I am talking about India adopting the Direct Democracy Socialism system that governed Libya until 2011 and which was also being implemented in Venezuela until NATO decided to implement regime-change there too.

He is high to prove his Indian patriotism. He have no choice.

Read my previous two posts again. I am talking about adopting a new political system.

That was in Bollywood though.

How do you know for sure that there was no cross-border raid ??
The era of mass manpower for power projection is gone. Instead, precise mass fire power in a network centric environment is the future. The smart armed forces have realised it, the dumb ones still rely on number count.

In terrains like the LAC, modern weapons are pretty much useless. It will just be entrenched soldiers, snipers, artillery guns shooting at each other from their bunkers on alternate sides of the mountain ranges. Helicopters have a hard time at such altitudes and are easily shot down by Manpads. Fighter jets also have trouble getting their targets right and are sweet targets for anti missile systems hidden among thick forests/ mountain ranges. Tanks are useless.
In terrains like the LAC, modern weapons are pretty much useless. It will just be entrenched soldiers, snipers, artillery guns shooting at each other from their bunkers on alternate sides of the mountain ranges. Helicopters have a hard time at such altitudes and are easily shot down by Manpads. Fighter jets also have trouble getting their targets right and are sweet targets for anti missile systems hidden among thick forests/ mountain ranges. Tanks are useless.

Don't understand why members here believe that Pakistan or other powers will be able to use modern warfare to the effect of what USA can.... there is a reason why they are only super power even today.... for India Pakistan doctrine and warfare is going to remain same it used to be at least for next two decades....
You guys just read the title and are fighting for 2 pages.

If you read the article it says 3 thing's:
1. India has also started reducing its army but it will take min 5 years to start seeing results.
2. China is way ahead in this and source of worry.

3.In nutshell the article says India also trying its best to reduce army but hasn't been as effective as China. And should do more.
By checking out the standard of living and level of development between China and India, do you really believe that the Chinese general public will like to adopt India's political system?

Well India didn't force it's cultural Development like Mao and had 20 million people killed. People resorted to cannibalism in China those days.

So yes. Our system has deficiencies. But we didnt have our system built over dead bodies of 20 million people unlike you guys. Your CCP even refuses people died during Mao era. And thanks for Chinese virus.

The ancient Chinese people and civilisation had honor and principles. CCP? Not so much.
Well India didn't force it's cultural Development like Mao and had 20 million people killed. People resorted to cannibalism in China those days.

So yes. Our system has deficiencies. But we didnt have our system built over dead bodies of 20 million people unlike you guys. Your CCP even refuses people died during Mao era. And thanks for Chinese virus.

The ancient Chinese people and civilisation had honor and principles. CCP? Not so much.
No, it's 20 billion killed , not 20 million, you and your western masters underrestimated Mao, he personal ate many children.
PRC and India established at roughly the same time 70 years ago, now the difference is clear for everyone to see, so stop dreaming China will adopt your democrazy.
As for the topic, this is a direct result of mismanagement of by Major Generals around 2007-09 era. India had its own man portable device called Saathi, tested and passed, would have let army personnel's to know the positions of other army colleagues and Infact could have evolved to such an extent that unnecessary manpower cost could have cut.
But they told why the hell do we need it and cancelled the proposals. With tech coming in, we need to build up satellite, UAV and cyber force that we can concentrate our attacks only when we require.
That would mean more investment in Airforce and navy.
Tell me, dear sir. Why does India need a large military ?? Which country is imminently threatening to invade India, other than in the nightmares of perpetually angry Right-wingers like G.D. Bakshi ??

There are more real problems in India like farmer suicides, student suicides, honor killings, riots, hospital scarcity etc. Just like China, India too must halve its army and retrain the demobilized army men ( and women ) into removing the societal problems I mentioned.

Your profile-picture is of Gandhi. So let's propagate peace instead of militarism.

Military cannot be seen as causing the problems which you mentioned.
In-case you forgot military also provides employment to 1.2 million men who mostly come from rural areas the general soldiers not including the Officer class . These soldiers are mostly from single income households so nearly 1.3 million families sustained. The military generates employment like 25,000 SMEs are are directly and indirectly supply to military they are part of the value chain which creates 1000s of jobs .

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