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Indian Army Major, who tied a Kashmir man to the bonnet of his vehicle, detained with woman

Yet you indians are in a league of your own when it comes to raping women and children. your competition is yemen, syria, afghanistan when it comes to rape and sexual violence not Pakistan.

In India a child is sexually assaulted every 15 minutes

the world most unsafe country for women and children. :omghaha::omghaha:
Yet you indians are in a league of your own when it comes to raping women and children. your competition is yemen, syria, afghanistan when it comes to rape and sexual violence not Pakistan.

In India a child is sexually assaulted every 15 minutes

the world most unsafe country for women and children. :omghaha::omghaha:

Just because you have almost zero conviction rate and therefore gross under reporting of such cases because of that doesn't mean that you guys are better. LOL :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Zero-conviction rate for rape: Senator proposes constitutional changes

Seeking justice: Only one rape conviction in the last five years

In a country where civil society estimates that four women are raped everyday and conviction rates are next to zero in most districts, it is little surprise that a significant majority of rape cases are compromised before the trial is concluded.

State of neglect: Closed eyes to sexual assault

Pakistan among 10 worst countries regarding rape cases: PTI

But you can live in your self dilutional world as if;



Say what you want But India is declared as the world rape capital by every foerign media out

4 rapes a day in Pakistan
4 rapes every hour In India, delusional soul let that sink in.

India being named and shamed as the world capital of rape :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
India: A Woman Raped Every 20 Minutes

One rape every 20 minutes in country - Indias great shame


In India a child is sexually assaulted every 15 minutes

New Delhi the worst place in the world for sexual violence against women

I really don't understand how is this an offence if she was 18. 18 is the universal age of consent in India and the Major is free to be with whosoever he wants. As long as he was not passing state secrets, the J&K police have no right to infringe his personal life. But the Army taking action seems more like a push from the Army wives' association.
No put a eoman infront of an indjan and tbey forget their duty their country etc and focua on the age....shame on yoj
Mufti and the rest of them are just upset that this major was f-king this young Kashmiri girl who made her own free choice to do so. She fell in love with the guy and they are scared that this will change their narrative forever.
No put a eoman infront of an indjan and tbey forget their duty their country etc and focua on the age....shame on yoj

Dereliction of duty is a valid charge for punishment. But then there are many senior army colonels and brigadiers who do the same and go unpunished. That is where this punishment for a Major sounds unfair. The man is a proactive thinker with the ability to take hard decisions. This will only demoralise people below him who look upto him.

It has nothing to do with the girl or her age. Rather he is gonna be facing the court martial on two counts.

1) Being present with a woman source against existing orders.
2) Leaving his unit post in an operational area without permission.

And I guess the army is very much correct in initiating the process since it is proved beyond doubt that the Major had blatantly violated both the orders.

The same is done by many senior military officials and are let go. This is excessive. Yes, there needs to be punishment but not a court martial. He's a valuable officer. This is exactly why many ex-officers do not harbour any affectionate relationships with the military once they move out.
Dereliction of duty is a valid charge for punishment. But then there are many senior army colonels and brigadiers who do the same and go unpunished. That is where this punishment for a Major sounds unfair. The man is a proactive thinker with the ability to take hard decisions. This will only demoralise people below him who look upto him.

The same is done by many senior military officials and are let go. This is excessive. Yes, there needs to be punishment but not a court martial. He's a valuable officer. This is exactly why many ex-officers do not harbour any affectionate relationships with the military once they move out.
Yes a proactive thinker who has to pay for a hole
Propaganda against an strong will assamese gazzeted army officer becouse of regional lobbyist. Do they know the priviledges of an army officer. There is not to make reply there is not to reason why. And i do know about shillong the hq of assam rifles ( para-military) and assam rifles, gurkha rifles etc where not only assamese army officers but army officers from other parts of india can be seen walking hand in hand with girls and no one raises any voices. Its becouse of culture , tradition and mentality. It's not a big issue, everyone has a personal life and can fall in love with anyone he wishes. It seems the kashmiri girl was his freind at worst his g.f than whats wrong with it. He was with his g.f so whats the shouting
Srinagar, September 19, 2018 00:04 IST
Updated: September 19, 2018 00:04 IST
Faces action for meeting local woman

Major Leetul Gogoi, who sparked off nationwide controversy over the use of a ‘human shield’ against stone pelters in 2017, has been shifted out of his unit.

He has been attached to local formation headquarters after being indicted by an Army Court of Inquiry(CoI) for “fraternising” with a local woman in Srinagar, officials said Tuesday.

Incident with woman
Last month, the CoI instituted by the Army indicted Maj. Gogoi, an officer with 53 Rashtriya Rifles — a specialised anti-militancy force for Jammu and Kashmir — on two counts: “fraternising” with a local in spite of instructions to the contrary and “being away from the place of duty while in operational area”.

It recommended Summary of Evidence against him, a step before court martial proceedings are initiated.

Officials said Maj. Gogoi was shifted out of his unit in Budgam and “attached” to Awantipora-based Victor Force headquarters.

The officer, whose decision to tie a civilian to the bonnet of his vehicle in Kashmir on April 9 last year as a shield against stone-pelting by a mob had kicked up a huge controversy, will now face Summary of Evidence, a process similar to framing of charges. The process is likely to take three months.

Based on the Summary of Evidence to be compiled by “competent authorities”, the Army is likely to decide further action in the case which may include General Court Martial (GCM) or Summary General Court Martial (SGCM). The GCM is like a full court whereas the proceedings in SGCM are conducted in a much shorter time span and cases are disposed of quickly.

Gogoi, who was commissioned as a lieutenant in December 2008, was detained by Jammu and Kashmir police on May 23 following an altercation at a hotel in Srinagar where he was allegedly trying to enter with an 18-year-old woman.

Army Chief General Bipin Rawat had supported the young officer’s action and honoured him with the Army chief’s ‘Commendation Card’ for his ‘sustained efforts’ in counter-insurgency operations.

However, after the name of the major was embroiled in a controversy involving a girl, Gen.Rawat said exemplary punishment would be given to Gogoi if he was found guilty of “any offence“.

“If any officer of the Indian Army is found guilty of any offence, we will take strictest possible action,” he had said.
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