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Indian Army Major, who tied a Kashmir man to the bonnet of his vehicle, detained with woman

However, her mother, Naseema Begum, claimed that Major Gogoi and Mala, who is also an Army soldier, raided their house several times in civvies since March this year and engaged her daughter in conversations “without any reason”.
Ever since their house was washed out in the 2014 floods, Naseema, her husband and their four children, including the woman, have been living in a tin shed.

“I have three little boys and a daughter who is just 17. Both Major Gogoi and Sameer Mala would frequently visit our house during late-night hours. The mere presence of Gogoi sent chills down my spine. Sameer used to converse with my daughter. I became doubtful but never knew she would be detained with the Army major at a hotel,” she said.

Her daughter did not tell her that she was going to Srinagar but instead had asked permission to go to the Narbal branch of Jammu & Kashmir Bank, she said. Naseema blamed Sameer for bringing the major to their house to “lure” her daughter.

When cross-examined, the woman claimed before the magistrate that she first came in contact with the Gogoi through a Facebook account named “Aadil Adnan”.


We neither abandon our solider nor we refuse to take our dead soldiers back . The major will come clean after the enquiry as everyone knows this whole narrative is spread by our communist/Prestitues who are the big time boot lickers of the separatist and Pakistanis
Just check above posts.
First you said fake news and know when Govt initiated an inquiry now you are waiting for result and once he will convicted them you may say see this Chinese looking army officer is against India and supports freedom fighter from Chinese borders hence did this to defame India.

you khkaki chadi kids are pathetic.

We neither abandon our solider nor we refuse to take our dead soldiers back . The major will come clean after the enquiry as everyone knows this whole narrative is spread by our communist/Prestitues who are the big time boot lickers of the separatist and Pakistanis
However, her mother, Naseema Begum, claimed that Major Gogoi and Mala, who is also an Army soldier, raided their house several times in civvies since March this year and engaged her daughter in conversations “without any reason”.
Ever since their house was washed out in the 2014 floods, Naseema, her husband and their four children, including the woman, have been living in a tin shed.

“I have three little boys and a daughter who is just 17. Both Major Gogoi and Sameer Mala would frequently visit our house during late-night hours. The mere presence of Gogoi sent chills down my spine. Sameer used to converse with my daughter. I became doubtful but never knew she would be detained with the Army major at a hotel,” she said.

Her daughter did not tell her that she was going to Srinagar but instead had asked permission to go to the Narbal branch of Jammu & Kashmir Bank, she said. Naseema blamed Sameer for bringing the major to their house to “lure” her daughter.

When cross-examined, the woman claimed before the magistrate that she first came in contact with the Gogoi through a Facebook account named “Aadil Adnan”.


Just check above posts.

Army will never raid for a conversation :lol:
Army will never raid for a conversation :lol:
But wicked Gogoi raided her house to harass and misguide under age girl, what a p@ssy he is 45 years old wants to have relation with 17 years old girls.....shame on you people stoop too low to be even called animals.

NEW DELHI, August 27, 2018 13:00 IST
Updated: August 27, 2018 13:27 IST

On May 23, Maj. Gogoi was detained by the police following a scuffle as he tried to enter a hotel with an 18-year-old local woman.

Major Leetul Gogoi, who is facing a Court of Inquiry (CoI) after being seen with a local woman in Srinagar hotel is likely to be court-martialled, according sources in the Army.

“Orders have been issued to initiate disciplinary action. The CoI has held him accountable for fraternising a local in spite of instructions to the contrary and being away from the place of duty while in an operational area,” an Army source said on Monday.

On May 23, Maj. Gogoi was detained by the police after a scuffle when he tried to get into a hotel with an 18-year-old local woman. Following this, the Army ordered a CoI to ascertain the facts.

Army Chief Gen. Bipin Rawat, during a visit to the Jammu and Kashmir shortly after the incident, said that action would be taken if Maj. Gogoi was found guilty. “If any officer of the Indian Army is found guilty of any offence, we will take strictest possible action,” he said.

After the CoI was ordered, earlier this month a report reached the Srinagar based 15 Corps headquarters to recommend action.

'Human shield' incident in April
Maj. Gogoi was in the news in April when he used a local, Farooq Dar, as a human shield against those pelting stones during polling in the Srinagar Lok Sabha by-election. On this occasion, he was awarded a commendation card by Gen. Rawat in appreciation of his sustained efforts in counter-insurgency operations.
an 18-year-old local woman.

I really don't understand how is this an offence if she was 18. 18 is the universal age of consent in India and the Major is free to be with whosoever he wants. As long as he was not passing state secrets, the J&K police have no right to infringe his personal life. But the Army taking action seems more like a push from the Army wives' association.
Maybe if the enlightened morons in the country hadn't made an officer who tied up an innocent voter into a hero and printed dumb t-shirts, this issue wouldn't have seen the light.

He has himself to blame.

The guy who was tied up gets threats from terrorists now for voting. He is the only victim here.
I really don't understand how is this an offence if she was 18. 18 is the universal age of consent in India and the Major is free to be with whosoever he wants. As long as he was not passing state secrets, the J&K police have no right to infringe his personal life. But the Army taking action seems more like a push from the Army wives' association.

It has nothing to do with the girl or her age. Rather he is gonna be facing the court martial on two counts.

1) Being present with a woman source against existing orders.
2) Leaving his unit post in an operational area without permission.

And I guess the army is very much correct in initiating the process since it is proved beyond doubt that the Major had blatantly violated both the orders.
Maybe if the enlightened morons in the country hadn't made an officer who tied up an innocent voter into a hero and printed dumb t-shirts, this issue wouldn't have seen the light.

He has himself to blame.

The guy who was tied up gets threats from terrorists now for voting. He is the only victim here.

Innocent voter as he may claim, huh??? But the army especially the men on ground clearly know who is innocent and who is a stone pelter.

That said I never supported that act of Mr. Gogoi back then or even now, and condemn it yet again.

The army should sticked to SOP and used minimum detterance/mob control tactics as they are supposed to use, even if that mean firing live rounds in case their life is under threat. :-)
fine go back to playing your national sport now


And Indias national sport isnt much better either

In India: A Woman Raped Every 20 Minutes

And somebody think they are better off, while they are far better when they play their other national spot. LOL :bunny:

93% of Pakistani women experience sexual violence
Yet you indians are in a league of your own when it comes to raping women and children. your competition is yemen, syria, afghanistan when it comes to rape and sexual violence not Pakistan.

In India a child is sexually assaulted every 15 minutes

the world most unsafe country for women and children. :omghaha::omghaha:
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