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Indian army kills man trapped in rubble after finding out he's Muslim

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Daari wala is no means of identification.

That would depend on whom they are searching for & whether they saw him earlier in the operation.

There is a process of innocent until proven guilty. Where is due process?

Due process? You think that counter terrorist operations are like that? They blew up the house to kill him, he should have surrendered when challenged.

This shows all claims by Indian Army are worth nothing since they kill based on facial hair!

The only thing this shows is a complete lack of understanding if the situation.
In the video we can see he was trapped in rubble and not repeatedly firing at the IA. The video is the proof. Where is Indian Army's video of him firing at them?

The Video is a propaganda and not proof .... This is what happens when you have selective thinking on what you want to believe in....
One soldier can clearly be heard saying (Translate)..."He's a bearded one".????.....does supporting a BEARD qualifies one to be an infiltrator. !!!


You didn't get it.:cuckoo:

It only means that during the encounter the army would have spotted a few terrorists in the building one of which was bearded. They might have even identified him as the Commander of JeM. After the building collapsed and the terrorist is trapped under the rubble, a soldier recognizes that it is the same Darhi wala. So they gave him what was his just due.
Show me at which point in the video can you see a grenade! Bakwas ki haddein paar hogai hain.

okay army should have arrested him instead of killing but afterall he was a militant and he could have blown himself if army could tried to arrest him. Anyway such incidents happens everywhere including Pakistan still not justified but can't refuse the army's POV too.
Show me at which point in the video can you see a grenade! Bakwas ki haddein paar hogai hain.

Doesn't matter. If you are a terrorist, you can expect no quarter from the Indian state. If you are a "foreign" terrorist, then death is pretty much guaranteed. The IA has an absolutely ruthless policy of not accepting surrenders from foreign terrorists. Very rarely do such guys get a chance of life, that happens occasionally if they surrender immediately on being challenged.

These chaps didn't come to play cricket. They came in for a much harder game, no point complaining that the the IA does not wish to play cricket with you.
This is a general reminder - anyone who refers to Kashmiris as terrorists will receive an infraction. Refer to our policy on libel, this is established forum rule. Compliance is mandatory.

Basically...if we do not agree with you on the identity of the person we get an infraction ?!?.....way to go....am out of this stupid thread ....
okay army should have arrested him instead of killing but afterall he was a militant and he could have blown himself if army could tried to arrest him. Anyway such incidents happens everywhere including Pakistan still not justified but can't refuse the army's POV too.

The fact that he was a militant or not has to be established in a court of law. The video shows a man trapped in rubble and then shot at after being identified as a daari wala only. The rest of the IA narrative is not backed by any evidence.
This thread started off on the claim that the man was an Indian victim of an earthquake who was shot by the military simply because he had a beard. Now it concludes with the man being a Pakistani infiltrator who was shot by the military (after they had to demolish the house he was hiding in since he refused to surrender) and that he should have been instead arrested, tried before a court and afforded all civil liberties available to law abiding Indian citizens. The claim seems to further be that the fact that he may have posed a risk to the lives of the soldiers is irrespective. He should have been arrested even if he was still armed and dangerous. In conclusion, I wonder whether the Pakistani army offers the TTP terrorists the same courtesy demanded by our Pakistani friends on this forum ?
Basically...if we do not agree with you on the identity of the person we get an infraction ?!?.....way to go....am out of this stupid thread ....

You can call him a militant, not a terrorist. We made this policy to ensure both sides are referred to without name calling. If we allow you to call him terrorists, we would have to allow others to call IA "Kuttay ke bachay" and that's a culture we don't want here.
This is a general reminder - anyone who refers to Kashmiris as terrorists will receive an infraction. Refer to our policy on libel, this is established forum rule. Compliance is mandatory.

this is wrong what will you call those who ambush pakistani army in the hills of balochistan arent they also fighting for there freedom from the corrupt GOP common mods why these double standards i thought you were a same and rational person but ithink you are baised agaisnt my mother land and gave me infraction as i dont tow your line you are missusing your power as a MODS and I protest
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