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Indian Army is mobilizing tanks and troops along the internationl boundary with Pakistan-OSINT


India has a very capable air force---. Paf has shown their potent secrets in a useless skirmish---.

Young pakistani kids are strutting around as if the Paf has won the war---.

It has not---it was just a small skirmish and not even a battle---.

Pakistani boys should not brag too much---.

Paf is all alone in this right now---.

India has all the backing of the christian world air force brains and the Jewish air force brains behind it to tackle the pak air force---.

You are right what happened in 27th February was Indian blunder of underestimating their enemy and superior performance by the superior performance by PAF Pilots proving the role of man behind the machine also important in wining war . If IAF had disperse most of their Air asset to different target along the border PAF and PA would be in trouble overcoming the numerical superiority of IAF. what actually happened the war/skirmish concentrate on only Kashmir border mainly ,so PAF had the chance to divert most of their asset to LOC and counter the threat .
Well, without reading all of it, let's say that all which you say is correct. What relevance it would have in the longer run and wider scheme of things!! They were mere Skirmishes, not wars, even major encounters. Pakistan had a chance to make them major encounters by downing Indian jets in bigger numbers and destroying their installations. Let say 500 Indian troops died in the bombardments on Battalion, and Brigade HQs!! Wouldn't you see that would have become a major battle!! More deterrence factor.
Now it would only be called the first punch. In the battle who provides the last punch and still standing is the winner. Enuf said.

I don't think that they came that far. The enter in our space 3/5 km to bring the site in their missile working range and fired the bombs. They would have not taken the risks of coming 80 km inside without being shoot down.
PAF PACs were already in the air. According to the accounts, they got an opening in Muzaffarabad sector and intruded briefly, before PAF PACs turning their attentions at them and chase them off.
What I don't agree with is that even due to operational reasons you couldn't have stop them intruding, you still should have shoot them down. 5/10 of them down, would have changed the equation and impact completely.
What I believe is that when our fighters were air borne they were already heading back to India. That is why PAF didnot risk by shooting the jets as the wreckage would had landed in IOK
Indians will be kicked in nuts again...

Posturing, guys.....trying to tell us wounds are still fresh.


Indians won't go for war. Pakistanis haven't still shown what we are capable of doing.

India is suffering from terrible PR since 27th FEB....Pakistanis should ruin India's reputation more.
And there you go again..
.the anti pak in your is out once again


This section is for serious posters---"stupid " section is somewhere else---. You need to search for it and maybe post over there---.

Uncle, don’t mistake COURAGE for FOOLHARDY. “Taking out all military assets” means Pakistan initiated a war.


" air assets "---not military assets---. Means those assets that were in the air at that time---.
at least he fights election in which the common people vote , unlike ping xi jin !

Yeah well that just tells you how incompetent and stupid the indian populace is. They elected a terrorist who has the blood of scores of people on his hands. Honestly, it’s nothing to brag out. Where are the 2 million toilets?

This section is for serious posters---"stupid " section is somewhere else---. You need to search for it and maybe post over there---.


" air assets "---not military assets---. Means those assets that were in the air at that time---.
But what uf SU 30s caused problems or jammed our Radars just like our F 16s did to them. It would had taken time for our jets to get airborne to intercept them. BTW, what if there jets were bigger in number? You cannot target jets in big number with your small jets power otherwise you could be in trouble
it is your perception and you are free to have one , now no need to mention where in china people are free to express themselves or not , the world knows . bye

Are you free to express your self in Hindu India? I’m sure the families of people that were lynched for eating “beef” beg to differ.
I agree.india now believes that it can win a limited war but if we look at their preparation,it looks like they want full fledged war.the movement of their tanks and artillery suggest that they are preparing to grab our land.weak Pakistani response give them strength and courage.feqr of nuclear war is now gone.india wants to attack Pakistan but most of our members think it as some kind of joke.

Suppose India does attack across the border ....how far is it willing to intrude?

India has a very capable air force---. Paf has shown their potent secrets in a useless skirmish---.

Young pakistani kids are strutting around as if the Paf has won the war---.

It has not---it was just a small skirmish and not even a battle---.

Pakistani boys should not brag too much---.

Paf is all alone in this right now---.

India has all the backing of the christian world air force brains and the jewish air force brains behind it to tackle the pak air force---.

No one is bragging, we have intentions and faith, and that's what matters in the end. Because we know its not the size or capability of an enemy, but the strength of our imaan and the will of the Heavens is what reigns supreme.

But for those low on faith, they will always see the enemy bigger than they are.
US had a very potent airforce, have they defeated the Taliban yet?
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