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INDIAN ARMY-hard to be shot!


Mar 23, 2009
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One of my friends recently went for a trip to the heaven on earth-kashmir......he came back a few days back and shared many of his majestic experiences there with us......i would like to share with you people a incident faced by him there-----as all of you must be aware,there has been a series of face-offs betn the IA and terrorists in kashmir in the recent past,my friend happenned to visit a place close to a zone where an encounter took place the last day......while my friend were passing by in their car, they saw a convoy of IA passing by too.....,.my friend promptly told the driver to stop,and along with some of his co-travellers shot a few pics of the convoy in his digi-cam with some zoomed ones aswell.,.....just the moment he felt lucky,the convoy suddenly stopped,and a few jawans, who were too big in size for a average height bong to be not afraid of, called my friend with hard jaws and angry face........my friend became cold and after a few jitters,and heavy breathings went near the jawans twice his size taking slow steps........the jawans asked if he had taken any pics,to which he answered yes with a voice as low as a mice.......the jawans then took his cam ,formatted the memory card and then told him if he was found guilty again he would found himself in the closest police station the very moment!!!.....the jawans also checked each and every other camera which my friend's group carried!.....the poor bongs nearly pissed in their pants.......lol.......i wonder,why they did such.....as we can find scores of such images scattered round the net already!......
Maybe they thought these pictures will be provided to ISI?I surely think its a sensitive area and soldiers are paranoid.
Lol.....or the could have thouht of him as an illegal banglaeshi immigrant!!!....all bongs,you know....hahahah
Terrorist in Kashmir lolzzzzzzzz
Only the people called terrorist who kill innocents .Both part of Kashmir (Pakistani and Indian) doesn't have any terrorist there are freedom fighters who try to survive their land....................Otherwise you can write Terrorists/Jawans and innocent survivors...
One of my friends recently went for a trip to the heaven on earth-kashmir......he came back a few days back and shared many of his majestic experiences there with us......i would like to share with you people a incident faced by him there-----as all of you must be aware,there has been a series of face-offs betn the IA and terrorists in kashmir in the recent past,my friend happenned to visit a place close to a zone where an encounter took place the last day......while my friend were passing by in their car, they saw a convoy of IA passing by too.....,.my friend promptly told the driver to stop,and along with some of his co-travellers shot a few pics of the convoy in his digi-cam with some zoomed ones aswell.,.....just the moment he felt lucky,the convoy suddenly stopped,and a few jawans, who were too big in size for a average height bong to be not afraid of, called my friend with hard jaws and angry face........my friend became cold and after a few jitters,and heavy breathings went near the jawans twice his size taking slow steps........the jawans asked if he had taken any pics,to which he answered yes with a voice as low as a mice.......the jawans then took his cam ,formatted the memory card and then told him if he was found guilty again he would found himself in the closest police station the very moment!!!.....the jawans also checked each and every other camera which my friend's group carried!.....the poor bongs nearly pissed in their pants.......lol.......i wonder,why they did such.....as we can find scores of such images scattered round the net already!......
That's easy. Bad hair day. If someone started taking pictures of you on the day you decided you could skip the morning shower, what would you do?

Though, your question remains, they were only a fee shots of the convoy. We've seen all kinds of IA pictures before.

Your story reminds me of a story my friend told me. He, a proud born-and-bred Kashmiri, narrated this story to me last year about how the Indian PM (or some other very high ranking politician) came to his school in Indian Occupied Kashmir when he was still quite young. The security was very tight, and everything was thoroughly checked. For days they would be given special safety briefs by men in Army uniforms (could be BSF, I'm not sure).

One of the rooms emptied for preparations was the room right next to his class room, and during his break, he snuck in to take a look. According to him, there was some kind of communication hub set up in that room, with one wire running out of the front of the class and onto the stage, and the other running out of the window and over the school wall. There was also a walkie-talkie on a chair. Not completely realizing the consequences of what would happen if his stupidity was uncovered, he wrote down the serial number on the equipment and the number on the frequency dial in his notebook. Lucky for him, the security personnel didn't bother checking their notebooks again after the visit, or else he'd probably have had a real bad day. When I asked him what he was thinking, he said something along the lines of, "I thought it would be useful information for you Pakistanis." Most would probably laugh this off, but knowing him, I think he may have been serious!

It was only after meeting him that I realized how serious the Kashmir issue really was. Before meeting him, I simply supported the Kashmir cause because that was instilled in me as a Pakistani child right from birth (like most on this forum, both Indian and Pakistani, whether they admit it or not). After getting to know him and his group of friends, I saw the Kashmir issue in a whole new light. I would recommend every Pakistani and Indian to first visit Kashmiri villages and really understand their issues before engaging in wars of words.

Lol! Jako I just saw your signature, buddy. "Doodh mangoge to kheer denge.....KASHMIR mangoge to CHEER denge". Man, am I barking up the wrong tree or what?
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Lol.....paface.....take the signature as a sign of patriotism of a young INDIAN......nothing more,i kinda liked the phrase which i came through a few days back so used it.......dont bother......and yes you are not barking up the wrong tree my friend
Necessary steps taken to prevent security lapses, count your lucky stars they didn't suspect you put photo evidence in certain crevices of your body. I have seen rectal search take place and have even administered a few to drug dealers. Not fun but such aggressive patrolling is necessary in such terrorist hotbeds. This is Kashmir we are talking about not Beverly Hills right! If I was an Indian living in Kashmir I would make sure the security is always on the offensive and not a wait-and-see approach like the one used by Pakistan in the past and at times now to fight insurgency.
Even i have seen that Soldiers of the Rastriya Rifles also dont show there faces during operations extremely camera shy but dont know why ?

Even the COBRA commandos on anti naxal operations :cheers:
I wouldnt worry too much about it. The Indian security establishment has always been paranoid about cameras. There was a time when cameras werent allowed inside the Delhi metro. Apparently, the DMRC thought that they could be used for surveillance by terrorists. Of course no one in the DMRC realised that most cell phones come equipped with cameras nowadays.

Once my bengali relatives had come over to Delhi on a holiday. We went along with them on a site seeing tour around Delhi, our last stop was rashtrapati bhavan, and obviously being bongs they started clicking photos. They were stopped by our efficient pot bellied Delhi Police. Their cunning detective senses came to the conclusion that middle age women and a couple of kids constituted a security threat. Nothing happened, they let us go and no bribes were given but yeah....security in India is without logic.
Know what..Mostly what Zaid Hamid speaks is all BS, however one series he did ..obviouly his conspiracy theory.. there was one thing on which he thanked India.. was not compromising on kashmir.

I heard him on Anti America CIA threat to Pakistan series, where he said .. Richard Holbrook came to India in 2008 to request some compromise from India on Kashmir, so that Pakistan could divert its attention...

And i am of the same opinion , but in another sense , that there is nothing in Pakisntan that binds people together but hating India, on issue of Kashmir..

And if you take out the "K" word from Pakistani dictionary ...hell will break loose. Please give your opinion... IF INDIA settles Kashmir issue and is accepted as dispute settled in UN and with Pakistan...I am dead sure .hell will break loose ...much more then what it is now..
Necessary steps taken to prevent security lapses, count your lucky stars they didn't suspect you put photo evidence in certain crevices of your body. I have seen rectal search take place and have even administered a few to drug dealers. Not fun but such aggressive patrolling is necessary in such terrorist hotbeds. This is Kashmir we are talking about not Beverly Hills right! If I was an Indian living in Kashmir I would make sure the security is always on the offensive and not a wait-and-see approach like the one used by Pakistan in the past and at times now to fight insurgency.

Good point..no one understands respect for security then a Lankan. Agree with you completely!!

You have been able to knock off LTTE from your lands..Hope now long term peace is blessed on emerald nation...On another note real beauty your country is ..recently visited a resort in Negembo!
Yeah.. from the ground the situation is very grim, every day life of kashmiris are not that great. Well all because of a reason. Any ways lets hope things improve.
Pictures of Army or Army convoys can be used to see the security level of convoy which can be helpful in attacking army convoys. The act was just for security reasons.
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