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Indian Army Found YASHIN MALIK.... And Gave life.

lol......people supporting a murderer......saying he is not an 'evil' person, he is 'better' among other killers.... :lol:
......can Indians be any more peculiar?.......
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would be interesting see what turn will this so called Kashmir freedom struggle take after all this.

Waiting for Indian Army to Save life.


Jio mere Lal... Kya Faadu post kiya hai :D
So Indian army is only for taking lives of Kashmiris?
what if they saved few after taking few 100 thousands.

Well the fact is Indian army has always been in the business of saving innocent Kashmiri lives.

The sixty thousand Pakistani terrorist and Kashmiri militants it has killed is again to save innocent Kashmiri and Indian lives.
Bhai log kyu tension le rahe ho ? IA did right.
India me abi bhi KUTTO ko marne ki permissikn nahi hai.
This can't be right! If this was proven he would have found himself amongst his 72 virigins by now- the IA in Kashmir don't let these things slide.
This happened in the early 90s, at the height of separatism and terrorism. He was undergoing training in Pakistani militant camps at the time, infiltrating into India occasionally, killing and murdering unarmed people and going back. Remember, there was no LoC fencing back then, neither was there a proper counter insurgency grid in the form of the Rashtriya Rifles. So terrorists could do such attacks with impunity, unlike today. How do you think they were able to threaten the entire Kashmiri Pandit community to leave their ancestral soil?

In 1995 he surrendered to Indian authorities, after secret meetings and backdoor deals. (Praveen Swami has reported that he even had a secret meeting with the PM.) Indian intelligence agencies were smart - they did not kill him, instead they used him to split up the various hardline separatist factions in Kashmir. He renounced the armed struggle, and sought to achieve "independence" through political means. Many other leaders of his group disagreed, and soon they splintered up.

End result is that the armed insurgency has been completely and utterly sidelined in Kashmir. The place is more peaceful than Karachi or Peshawar. And just like Kashmiris lost faith in armed insurgency, slowly they will also lose the desire for "independence" from India, because being with India is a lot more beneficial. India is doing well now, and poised to do a lot better in future. It is better to be part of this experience than to be a tiny landlocked state with no resources. The newer generation in Kashmir is realizing this.

So Yasin Malik's turnabout was a brilliant plan by our agencies. It yielded a lot more results than killing him would have done.
Where's his friend, philosopher and guide, General Hafiz Saaed in the time of need? Did Yasin Malik fax him to save his pathetic life? And what did the General do? Probably shake his a$$ with a smirk on his lips. He must have told him to take the help of the Indian 'occupation' forces, after swallowing his pride!

I wonder if these Hurriyat bozos have realised that the IA is not an 'occupation' force but a Savior of tens of thousands of Kashmiris.

And hey! I wonder where that yahoo SAS Geelani is? I would love to see him in a boat being rescued by the IA!! That would be epic!
this news is fabrication of bollywood media like hindi films . truth is people of kashmir are helping them selves not indian coward army
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