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Indian Army Found YASHIN MALIK.... And Gave life.

Where's his friend, philosopher and guide, General Hafiz Saaed in the time of need? Did Yasin Malik fax him to save his pathetic life? And what did the General do? Probably shake his a$$ with a smirk on his lips. He must have told him to take the help of the Indian 'occupation' forces, after swallowing his pride!

I wonder if these Hurriyat bozos have realised that the IA is not an 'occupation' force but a Savior of tens of thousands of Kashmiris.

And hey! I wonder where that yahoo SAS Geelani is? I would love to see him in a boat being rescued by the IA!! That would be epic!

Oh that story is even funnier. Geelani is sitting comfortably in Delhi, enjoying world class medical treatment from his "oppressors", and tweeting merrily. Three days ago, he tweeted that it is the responsibility of the Indian "occupation" forces to save Kashmiris, and cited the Geneva conventions to (ostensibly) prove that. He also said that the Indian forces are not doing a favour, it is their duty as "oppressors".

How about this - indeed, they are not doing a favour, it is their sworn duty to protect all Indians, and that includes kashmiris, and that is why they started rescuing Kashmiris even before Geelani realized there is a flood in the place he apparently wants to be the "liberator" of.
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Make a name change request here: Name change request . Your current name is misleading and can be considered trolling.

Also correct your flags. You do not live in Green Land: Requests: Flag Change

In addition to those, isn't it against forum rules to say things like "coward Indian army" for no apparent reason? Insulting armed forces? Please let him know that too.
Well the fact is Indian army has always been in the business of saving innocent Kashmiri lives.

The sixty thousand Pakistani terrorist and Kashmiri militants it has killed is again to save innocent Kashmiri and Indian lives.

then why doesnt Indian govt let the foreign journalists goto Kashmir, would it be a good PR for Indian govt to show case their Army's humanitarian missions
then why doesnt Indian govt let the foreign journalists goto Kashmir, would it be a good PR for Indian govt to show case their Army's humanitarian missions

Who told you we don't? Generally foreign journalists are free to travel anywhere in Kashmir, and even meet and interview separatists. Only during turbulent times of unrest, have journalists been barred temporarily, for a few days at most. You do know that all journalists, foreign or otherwise are barred from covering your military's present operation in Waziristan? And that only the ISPR's narration is made known to the world?

Indian Kashmir * | Freedom House

Foreign journalists are generally able to travel freely, meet with separatist leaders, and file reports on a range of issues, including government abuses.

As in the rest of India, print media are thriving in Kashmir, and online media have proliferated, providing new platforms for public discussion. By the end of 2012 there were over 1,100 registered publications in Jammu and Kashmir, compared with 30 in 1989.

Some day you will have to come to terms with the fact that Indian Kashmir is more peaceful than any part of Pakistan, and that all those stories of millions of Kashmiris raped and killed etc are a bunch of BS made up by your people to fool you.
then why doesnt Indian govt let the foreign journalists goto Kashmir, would it be a good PR for Indian govt to show case their Army's humanitarian missions

Lol you are the one to talk about letting journalists in militancy hit areas..where as your army does not even let Pakistani journalists in their area of operations...do tell why?
Lol you are the one to talk about letting journalists in militancy hit areas..where as your army does not even let Pakistani journalists in their area of operations...do tell why?

there you go comparing again, this inferiority complex will destroy you

Who told you we don't? Generally foreign journalists are free to travel anywhere in Kashmir, and even meet and interview separatists. Only during turbulent times of unrest, have journalists been barred temporarily, for a few days at most. You do know that all journalists, foreign or otherwise are barred from covering your military's present operation in Waziristan? And that only the ISPR's narration is made known to the world?

Indian Kashmir * | Freedom House

Some day you will have to come to terms with the fact that Indian Kashmir is more peaceful than any part of Pakistan, and that all those stories of millions of Kashmiris raped and killed etc are a bunch of BS made up by your people to fool you.

then why Army and not the police?
if its the ordinary law and order situation civilized nations use police not Army.
there you go comparing again, this inferiority complex will destroy you
There is no comparison. India allows unfettered access to all journalists, foreign or otherwise, to any part of India including Kashmir. And yes, when a Pakistani talks to us about journalistic freedom, the first thing that pops to mind is the audacity. If North Korea lectured South Korea on prosperity or freedom, obviously the South Korean's response to him would be to look at his own place first - not because of any inferiority complex (do you even know what that means?), but because of the absurdity.

then why Army and not the police?
if its the ordinary law and order situation civilized nations use police not Army.

1) Most civilized nations do not have a neighbour that keeps trying to take a chunk of their territory, and frequently infiltrates trained and heavily armed jihadis with military grade weapons into their country.

2) The regular army DOES NOT manage law and order in Kashmir. Only the police forces and the Rashtriya Rifles (which belongs to the home ministry) take care of law and order. Unlike you, we have a strict policy not to use the armed forces either for policing, or even for counter insurgency within the country. That is why the maoist insurgents are also tackled by police forces. Once again, a comparison to your country would be illuminating. And no, I don't suggest that out of inferiority complex or PMS.
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then why doesnt Indian govt let the foreign journalists goto Kashmir, would it be a good PR for Indian govt to show case their Army's humanitarian missions
Who TOLD you that... ?
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I saw the reaction of kashmiri people in news today.People of kashmir were angry at umar abdulla and central government but all of them were praising IA and NDRF.
Some of them called IA as angels and some of them asked IA to send umar abdulla to kalapani :lol:
Kashmir: Battling floods and false-reporting by the Indian media
By Basharat Ali Published: September 12, 2014


Kashmiri men evacuate women and the elderly from a flooded neighborhood in Srinagar. PHOTO: AFP

Kashmir is battling the worst of times in its living memory. A flood that has inundated half of the valley is causing unimaginable devastation, yet the hyper-nationalist and jingoistic Indian media has made the so-called rescue operations by itsarmythe centre of its attention and coverage.

“Army and air force are risking their own lives to save lives in #JKfloods. Separatists who have only abused the fauj should feel chastened now,” tweeted the cheerleader of India’s broadcast media Barkha Dutt.

Having been accused for her involvement in one of India’s biggest corruption scams, the 2G spectrum, the prime time journalist has the shameless guts to ask questions and pose a serious face.

The rescue operations, if at all, carried out by the Indian army, according to people on ground, involved in evacuations of locals voluntarily, is restricted to the outskirts of the Srinagar city only and on selective basis. In South Kashmir, the entire rescue and evacuation was done by the locals themselves. Yet the self-congratulatory media is all praise for the Indian army that is cherry-picking its own people and sending them to safer places.

NDTV and CNN IBN, India’s two leading English news channels, have stooped to the lowest ebb and brought disgrace to the idea of journalism. Instead of focussing their attention to the relief and rescue, they have been constantly equating the actions of the Indian army with Kashmir’s integration with India.

NDTV on its prime time show, The Buck Stops Here, discussed the topic “Armed forces at heart of rescue – a turning point in Kashmir” where the panellists and moderator were all praise for the army and how their efforts would integrate Kashmir with India.

CNN IBN’s report titled “Kashmir floods: Defence forces’ heroics expose separatists, ‘intellectuals’” crossed all barriers of stupidity and absurdity. According to this report “the defence and security forces have emerged as the saviours of the people” and that the “hated Indian army is doing commendable job.” The report says that the army has reached the “remote corners of the state with rescue,” which is a complete fabrication as only the central and large parts of Kashmir are flooded. Also, the report has the intelligence and rationale to say that “separatists are safe in their flood-proof houses”.

CNN IBN hopes that that the heroics of its army will change the perception of the local Kashmiris, thereby explicitly giving its efforts (I repeat, if at all any) a political colour. By that logic, the people of Pakistan, who are also battling a similar situation in Punjab, should change their perceptions about India and its army because the Indian prime minister offered them help. Also, the people of Kashmir should feel the same about Pakistan and its army as their prime minister offered help to flood-hit Kashmir.

The propaganda, that the Indian forces are helping in any way is blasted by the fact that these forces were stoned in Kashmir and asked to leave. According to the locals, the forces are taking out their own people and not the stranded rescuers. This is largely true. With such dense and huge deployment of forces in and around Srinagar the statistics would normally suggest that the rescue should have been over by now. That thousands are still stranded is indicative of the fact that the so-called “saviours” are doing nothing. However, the Indian media, with their reporters, chopper-riding and taking aerial surveys, are busy issuing certificates to their army and trying to absolve them of their war crimes in Kashmir.

Social media is the only platform that has been of immense help in this crisis. People on ground have been providing updated information about all the people they have rescued. In the name of help and rescue, the Indian media has been copying all the information and pasting it on their websites and attributing it to the government and security agencies to further their propaganda.

A ground report from Kashmir by one of the voluntary rescuers presents a grotesque picture of the state of affairs. The report posted on Facebook reads,


Screenshot taken from Facebook.

It further states,


Screenshot taken from Facebook.

A journalist, Sameer Bhat, who is in close contact with people on ground, presented the gravity of the situation in the most explicit manner possible.


Screenshot taken from Facebook.

But help does not seem to arrive from anywhere. The little that people could save and put into relief, food, water, and whatever people from areas like Sopore, Baramulla, Bandipora and Ganderbal had managed is running short. According to Kashmir Monitor,

“Relief shelters running out of supplies, no government aid is arriving.”

The inefficiency of the Indian State and its client regime in Kashmir can be gauged by the fact that water levels have not receded due to the unplanned development around the city which is in total contravention of environment rules and disaster management protocols. Reports on social media suggest that India has denied entry to foreign aid agencies, fearing a 2005 earthquake-like vulnerability of its actions in Kashmir. (Remember that mass graves were found after the earthquake in the areas worst hit.)

The government has failed to provide food, shelter and water to the people and all help is provided locally by the people through self-help volunteers. But the Indian media is trying everything to conceal that under the facade of the “heroics” of their army.

The Indian media, through its continuing biased reportage of the catastrophe, has brought disgrace to journalism. It is bizarre and gross stupidity to think that such a public relations exercise will help India absolve itself of the crimes against humanity or really turn Kashmir into its atoot ang (internal part). Nothing can be farther from reality.

Kashmir: Battling floods and false-reporting by the Indian media
By Basharat Ali Published: September 12, 2014

Kashmiri men evacuate women and the elderly from a flooded neighborhood in Srinagar. PHOTO: AFP

Kashmir is battling the worst of times in its living memory. A flood that has inundated half of the valley is causing unimaginable devastation, yet the hyper-nationalist and jingoistic Indian media has made the so-called rescue operations by itsarmythe centre of its attention and coverage.

“Army and air force are risking their own lives to save lives in #JKfloods. Separatists who have only abused the fauj should feel chastened now,” tweeted the cheerleader of India’s broadcast media Barkha Dutt.

Having been accused for her involvement in one of India’s biggest corruption scams, the 2G spectrum, the prime time journalist has the shameless guts to ask questions and pose a serious face.

The rescue operations, if at all, carried out by the Indian army, according to people on ground, involved in evacuations of locals voluntarily, is restricted to the outskirts of the Srinagar city only and on selective basis. In South Kashmir, the entire rescue and evacuation was done by the locals themselves. Yet the self-congratulatory media is all praise for the Indian army that is cherry-picking its own people and sending them to safer places.

NDTV and CNN IBN, India’s two leading English news channels, have stooped to the lowest ebb and brought disgrace to the idea of journalism. Instead of focussing their attention to the relief and rescue, they have been constantly equating the actions of the Indian army with Kashmir’s integration with India.

NDTV on its prime time show, The Buck Stops Here, discussed the topic “Armed forces at heart of rescue – a turning point in Kashmir” where the panellists and moderator were all praise for the army and how their efforts would integrate Kashmir with India.

CNN IBN’s report titled “Kashmir floods: Defence forces’ heroics expose separatists, ‘intellectuals’” crossed all barriers of stupidity and absurdity. According to this report “the defence and security forces have emerged as the saviours of the people” and that the “hated Indian army is doing commendable job.” The report says that the army has reached the “remote corners of the state with rescue,” which is a complete fabrication as only the central and large parts of Kashmir are flooded. Also, the report has the intelligence and rationale to say that “separatists are safe in their flood-proof houses”.

CNN IBN hopes that that the heroics of its army will change the perception of the local Kashmiris, thereby explicitly giving its efforts (I repeat, if at all any) a political colour. By that logic, the people of Pakistan, who are also battling a similar situation in Punjab, should change their perceptions about India and its army because the Indian prime minister offered them help. Also, the people of Kashmir should feel the same about Pakistan and its army as their prime minister offered help to flood-hit Kashmir.

The propaganda, that the Indian forces are helping in any way is blasted by the fact that these forces were stoned in Kashmir and asked to leave. According to the locals, the forces are taking out their own people and not the stranded rescuers. This is largely true. With such dense and huge deployment of forces in and around Srinagar the statistics would normally suggest that the rescue should have been over by now. That thousands are still stranded is indicative of the fact that the so-called “saviours” are doing nothing. However, the Indian media, with their reporters, chopper-riding and taking aerial surveys, are busy issuing certificates to their army and trying to absolve them of their war crimes in Kashmir.

Social media is the only platform that has been of immense help in this crisis. People on ground have been providing updated information about all the people they have rescued. In the name of help and rescue, the Indian media has been copying all the information and pasting it on their websites and attributing it to the government and security agencies to further their propaganda.

A ground report from Kashmir by one of the voluntary rescuers presents a grotesque picture of the state of affairs. The report posted on Facebook reads,


Screenshot taken from Facebook.

It further states,


Screenshot taken from Facebook.

A journalist, Sameer Bhat, who is in close contact with people on ground, presented the gravity of the situation in the most explicit manner possible.


Screenshot taken from Facebook.

But help does not seem to arrive from anywhere. The little that people could save and put into relief, food, water, and whatever people from areas like Sopore, Baramulla, Bandipora and Ganderbal had managed is running short. According to Kashmir Monitor,

“Relief shelters running out of supplies, no government aid is arriving.”

The inefficiency of the Indian State and its client regime in Kashmir can be gauged by the fact that water levels have not receded due to the unplanned development around the city which is in total contravention of environment rules and disaster management protocols. Reports on social media suggest that India has denied entry to foreign aid agencies, fearing a 2005 earthquake-like vulnerability of its actions in Kashmir. (Remember that mass graves were found after the earthquake in the areas worst hit.)

The government has failed to provide food, shelter and water to the people and all help is provided locally by the people through self-help volunteers. But the Indian media is trying everything to conceal that under the facade of the “heroics” of their army.

The Indian media, through its continuing biased reportage of the catastrophe, has brought disgrace to journalism. It is bizarre and gross stupidity to think that such a public relations exercise will help India absolve itself of the crimes against humanity or really turn Kashmir into its atoot ang (internal part). Nothing can be farther from reality.

Basharat Ali
A seditious Kashmiri. He studies in Delhi and supports every team that plays against India. Currently pursuing Masters in Conflict Analysis and Peace Building at Nelson Mandela Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He tweets as @Basharat_Dar (twitter.com/Basharat_Dar)

What else to expect from a Butt hurt kashmiri traitor :lol:
Basharat Ali
A seditious Kashmiri. He studies in Delhi and supports every team that plays against India. Currently pursuing Masters in Conflict Analysis and Peace Building at Nelson Mandela Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He tweets as @Basharat_Dar (twitter.com/Basharat_Dar)

What else to expect from a Butt hurt kashmiri traitor :lol:

Yes the grapes are sour.
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