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Indian Army failed to learn lesson from Doklam, will get harsh punishment from Chinese Army if conti

It's a pity that your civilization has not continued to this day

Neither has yours,it died with the cultural revolution.Now its just an aping of the west and capitalism,while trying to rediscover some of the old chinese traits to hype up nationalism.The bearers of your tradition - the gentry class senshi were exterminated by the communists.Your leadership now is just communist peasantry which having seized power and murdered millions of their own countrymen now seek claim to the heritage that they themselves destroyed.
Cannot blame China for being so concerned and caring with recalcitrant India.
Better that India heed China's numerous warnings than having to kill Indians.
You know, Indians contribute $50 billion surplus to the Chinese economy yearly, so no killing Indians unless absolutely necessary.
Lucky for China, Indians are really frightened by the warnings and decided to turn tail and cowardly ran away.
Chooo chweet ! Only if they had shown similar love and concern for their own citizens ! Millions killed in long fart march ... Thousands killed in thianmen square !! By the way where is the road ?
No, coz there is no soil to bury dead,, and it's too cold for bodies to rot, they are just lying here and there unclaimed.:smokin:
I have no idea what you are talking about? But as long as you are happy smoking the good stuff...enjoy
This kind of military build up shows that limited war between China and India is possible.i think China has established itself in doklam after both forces left the region after the standoff.problem is what India was doing when China was constructing in doklam.now they have fortified it and if Indian army tries to stop them,I think this time China will open fire because they are already constructed necessary posts.india and Pakistan fighting on loc but Indian army forget doklam completely.armed conflict is possible.
start the war already :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: I am waiting with my pop corns :pop:

Joke aside, Lets hope there is no escalation
Chooo chweet ! Only if they had shown similar love and concern for their own citizens ! Millions killed in long fart march ... Thousands killed in thianmen square !! By the way where is the road ?
Why are you like a broken record ?
You are right, Chinese leaders are molded from the tough long march, very unlike Gandhi keep begging the British masters for independence.
Go check yourself all the Indian satellite images showing so many new roads being built or improved in Donglang. They have even built up to 80 meters from your post at Doka La.
Have you checked your Desi News lately ?
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