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Indian Army admits carrying out covert ops in Pakistan.

to infiltrate his circle?

let me guess --- they wanted to replace his fountain pen with an explosive one (a la mossad)

Hafiz Saeed gives speeches out in the open; everyone knows where he lives. Maybe this brave former general of india (the one who doesnt know his date of birth) should visit this thread on PDF.

he can get one of his spooks to just take a rickshaw to Johar Town Lahore, near Anarkali Bazar.

if they see a paan shop/newspaper stand nearby and some barricades, they'll know they're close


(true story by the way)
actual they dont care about hafiz, there target is TTP and BLA to support and help them destroy pakistan
Policy decisions can be and should be questioned and debated. However those were not for power grab, unlike the mess congress created by rigging elections in Kashmir, by projecting bhindranwale for defeating akalis and tolerating illegals in assam for VOTES was all pure short term power grab that cost india hundreds of thousands of lives and innumerable damage in resources.

Congress is in panic and i'm scared what they will do next.

BJP is responsible for the thousands of deaths due to communal clashes which spread after 1992 Demolition of Babri Masjid by BJP,RSS & VHP thugs.

BJP always instigated communal riots to garner votes.

Even recently BJP leaders teamed up with SP & BSP to communalise UP before elections.
BJP is responsible for the thousands of deaths due to communal clashes which spread after 1992 Demolition of Babri Masjid by BJP,RSS & VHP thugs.

BJP always instigated communal riots to garner votes.

Even recently BJP leaders teamed up with SP & BSP to communalise UP before elections.

I agree with you BJP has used communal politics that also damages country.

Lets get back to topic now, what more national damage congress will cause now that they are ''getting ready'' for elections?
I thought TOI is referred to as TOILET by Pakistanis ...suddenly a new found love fro TOLIETS....

On topic:

Glad to know that India has finally started responding to Pakistani Asymmetrical warfare with some Asymmetrical warfare of our own...

[Bregs];4793059 said:
Harinder Baweja, Hindustan Times New Delhi, September 21, 2013
Last Updated: 00:10 IST(21/9/2013)

The military intelligence unit set up by former army chief General VK Singh was involved in sensitive covert operations in Pakistan and was even on the trail of 26/11 mastermind and Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed, officials associated with it have told HT.

“Our main task was to combat the rising trend of state-sponsored terrorism by the ISI and we had developed contacts across the Line of Control in a bid to infiltrate Hafiz Saeed’s inner circle,” an official who served with the controversial Technical Services Division (TSD) said.

Asked for an official response, an army spokesperson said, “The unit has been disbanded. Details of the unit, which was the subject matter of an inquiry, are only known to the Chief and a few senior officers. It is for the defence ministry now to initiate any further inquiries.”

The spook unit was set up after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks on a defence ministry directive asking for the creation of covert capability.

Army documents, perused by HT, reveal the senior-most officers signed off on the formation of this unit. File No A/106/TSD and 71018/ MI give details of approvals by the Director General Military Intelligence, vice-chief and chief of army staff.

The TSD — disbanded after allegations that it spied on defence ministry officials through off-the-air interceptors — was raised as a strategic force multiplier for preparing, planning and executing special operations “inside depth areas of countries of interest and countering enemy efforts within the country by effective covert means”.

But it then got caught in an internecine battle between army chiefs. The TSD – which reported directly to Gen VK Singh — used secret service funds to initiate a PIL against current chief General Bikram Singh. As reported by HT in October 2012, secret funds were paid to an NGO to file the PIL, in a bid to stall Bikram Singh’s appointment as chief.

However, covert ops were the unit’s essential mandate and deniability was built into it and it reads, “The proposed organization (TSD) will enable the military intelligence directorate to provide a quick response to any act of state-sponsored terrorism with a high degree of deniability.”

Its task was to carry out special missions and “cover any tracks leading to the organisation”.

Though covert operations were formally shut down by IK Gujral when he was PM in 1997, sources reveal the TSD carried out several such operations within and outside the country — such as Op Rehbar 1, 2 and 3 (in Kashmir), Op Seven Sisters (Northeast) and Op Deep Strike (Pakistan).

Controversy is dogging the unit once again after disclosures in The Indian Express that secret service funds were also used to destabilize the Omar Abdullah government in Jammu and Kashmir. The BJP has raised questions over the timing of the disclosures. While the defence ministry has had the inquiry report since March, the revelations have come soon after Singh shared the stage with the saffron party’s PM candidate Narendra Modi last Sunday.

Source: Army spook unit carried out covert ops in Pakistan - Hindustan Times
I agree with you BJP has used communal politics that also damages country.

Lets get back to topic now, what more national damage congress will cause now that they are ''getting ready'' for elections?

It is VK Singh who is doing grave damage to the Army by using it's funds to further his personal cause and paying NGO's to prevent the promotion of his successor.
Oh please, spare me of the holier than thou BS, everyone uses whatever means required to forward their interests. You used to support mukti bahini, US is using proxies in Syria, it's real politik, so don't lecture me. All the mess we seem to be in is a willing price our establishment is paying to regain control of Afghanistan. Else a swat like operation would have long been done in waziristan. As I said soon your dear bjp will go back to the game of handing over our operatives in VIP flights escorted by ministers:)

Right now though its your govt that is licking the boots of the operatives that routinely blow up your military men and begging for peace on one side and allowing a foreign country to bomb the living daylights out of your civilians on the other.
Right now though its your govt that is licking the boots of the operatives that routinely blow up your military men and begging for peace on one side and allowing a foreign country to bomb the living daylights out of your civilians on the other.

No problem, soon we'll kiss and makeup and things will be like pre-2001:)

You do know we have been supporting them all through the years under the table:)
That sounds like the 1971 operation by India, the deep scars and permanent psychological damage would be unbearable indeed and make india a failed state of warring factions of artificial identities where young people are nothing but cannon fodder in the hands of old generals, feudals and religious charlatans.

@Topic - if the intelligence work was outside the remit of army, then responsible officers must be disciplined. We can not have rogue deep state running and sabotaging our policies as they please, we, who have put faith in democracy and patiently grinned through the teething pain deserve better than that.

I do not agree. A "deep state" is not just necessary it is essential (manned by merit). Visible politics is the game of the masses.
Even politicians cannot touch the deep state.

Even within a family it is near impossible to convince certain retards why some politician or party is destroying the nation. Imagine the damage a single retard is capable of doing(example: this thread)
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Those indian bastards! Don't they know that covert ops is the sole birthright of ISI!

Why are we getting up in arms about something that is obvious? Both Pakistan's and India's military and intelligence wings are conducting covert operations on each other's soils, this is old news.

This is not old news. We generally keep our swords in the sheath. (If you know what I mean) Only incapable people display the tactics of their brethren. They are generally referenced as Traitors.

My above quote should have my name written all over it. However the Traitors, hopefully; know who they are.

(EDIT)No Actually: Shravan Khajuria
No problem, soon we'll kiss and makeup and things will be like pre-2001:)

You do know we have been supporting them all through the years under the table:)

Sure.. Enjoy what comes after the kiss ;)
Pre-2001 conditions? yay! More death and destruction of civilians who are peacefully trying to get on with their lives. Never understood the Indian or pakistani sense of schadenfreude when people on both sides of the border die.

I guess it's easy to post things like this from behind the keyboard and not actually suffer the consequences of what you are actually advocating. After all some other idiot do the killing for you. And someone will pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives and have to get past the grief and suffering while people will continue to post jingoistic and religious destruction calling for more death and destruction.

It still amazes me how tribalistic Humanity still is. it also puts in racism from Europeans or American in perspective. I would rather have that.... than this.
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