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Indian Army admits carrying out covert ops in Pakistan.

Where is this document telling deep penetration in Pakistan? HT is reporting the document which tells about formation of TSD unit and rest of story was claimed to be told by unidentified ex-unit member. This is totally bogus news released by VK and party to save his face, blackned by the other news of mis-use of intelligence funds. His dream to become politician is ruined by this news and his ball suckers tried to save his face. Some morons here blaming the congress govt.

VK is a scum bag, promoted by bhagwa goons. He also tried to exploit the platform of Anna, but failed miserably. If revelations of misusing funds are true and he used the secret funds to topple Abdulla govt and funded the PIL against General Bikram, then he should be tried in court of law for treason, stripped of from all retirement benefits and should be revoked from using 'General' before his name. He is a fool and tarnished the image of Indian Army. There was also a news of moving two army divisions around delhi without any information to defence ministry during his tenure. From this revelations, it looks like that might also be true to some extent.
Let them gain power - the show is going to be worth watching.We just need a flashing 'red button' handy.

You already pressed all red buttons you have in last 40-50 years. Now sit by and watch the show, Its our turn going on. Its just 5-10 years gone by and you already started complaining. Keep patience like us, still long way to go!!!!!!!

For your information Mody is going to remain as PM in waiting in whole of his remaining political life and will never come to power.
What ever you call Modi, assume the same for Jinnah... Njoy... ;).. As long as we are abusing each others' national leaders.

btw, Till date, I am a confirmed Congressi, who may change loyalties this time around :)

Looks like I have hit the nerves very deep this time. Well if it goes this way, I would do it again and again.;)
Looks like I have hit the nerves very deep this time. Well if it goes this way, I would do it again and again.;)

No nerves mate. Unlike Pakistanis, I dont hero worship politicians. Whether they are politicians of 1940's or of now.. Its just that if you want to go on a spree of abusing Indian leaders, be ready to get some back on your father figures too.. I personally have no issues with you calling Gandhi and Nehru names.. But ask yourself.. Can you tolerate jinnah's death being called Kutte ki Maut ? If yes, bring it on ;)
The withdrawal is not far now... 2 years more for things to go back to the normal order(pre 2001) :)

Never gonna happen. Pre 2001 (actually 1980s-2000) was the time when Pakistan was slowly descending into the chaos of religious extremism. However the effects were not felt by common people. 2001 was the point of inflection (brought about by 9/11) when the people of Pakistan started feeling the repercussions of the Pakistani state policy of sponsoring terrorism. Its a one way street mate.. the impact may go up or down, but movement of NATO from afg is not going to change the price your population will have to pay for Pakistan's policy of religious extremism. That's going to take years if not decades :)
Never gonna happen. Pre 2001 (actually 1980s-2000) was the time when Pakistan was slowly descending into the chaos of religious extremism. However the effects were not felt by common people. 2001 was the point of inflection (brought about by 9/11) when the people of Pakistan started feeling the repercussions of the Pakistani state policy of sponsoring terrorism. Its a one way street mate.. the impact may go up or down, but movement of NATO from afg is not going to change the price your population will have to pay for Pakistan's policy of religious extremism. That's going to take years if not decades :)

Ok... Keep feeling good:)
Terminate him and go radio silent - imagine what you can do with the leverage created out of a billion angry Hindus and grateful 200 million Muslims,Secularists & Christians. BJP wins the sympathy votes, gets into power - blames the congress for not providing enough security , keeps milking it for another 10 years for political mileage.

Few hundred million Hindu youth hoping to rule India as a matter of 'the right of birth' - get radicalized as a result - unleashing revenge upon their fellow citizens......Shudhifying drive picks up again, Modi becomes an avatar and is worshiped for 'dealing with the malichas with divine power' in the temples.We don't need to fight India - we need to do EXACTLY what our forefathers did -- play on its internal divisions.

try putting out fires in your own backyard before you start new ones.
The report was submitted by the Army in March 2013, the news got leaked(read deliberately by the Congress) to the media in September, 5 days after Rewari rally. Gen VK Singh has done nothing wrong, had he done anything wrong the report would have never leaked.

As stated multiple times before, I never did disagree to the probable political connotations behind the disclosure. That said, I do not share your point of view in assigning innocence just by noting the timing of it all. Six months is hardly a blink of an eye in terms of babu time.
As stated multiple times before, I never did disagree to the probable political connotations behind the disclosure. That said, I do not share your point of view in assigning innocence just by noting the timing of it all. Six months is hardly a blink of an eye in terms of babu time.

So you are saying that Military intelligence running clandestine operations is wrong. and the person responsible for that should persecuted?

Lets get a few things clear-

1) No we, at least I, are not angry that a report was generated by the army.

2) We are angry that the current government leaked that report.

3) This was a report compiled by a Body of Officers under the DGMO (director general military operations), it is not only classified but protected under the Official secrets act. Either the journalists broke into the MOD's file cache itself or the MOD leaked it.

4) The report states allegations, this very report cannot be used as a statement assigning culpability- under military rules and regulations such a report doesn't hold legal weight and the officers who have compiled it can and will most probably rescind their statements down the line if someone tries to use it to make anything sick. As such leaking this report and then having a PMO official issue a statement at the same time stating that none of what has been stated in the report itself can be used as evidence or proof or even investigated further as such shows exactly what the move is and what is its intended effect.

Ye ''we" kaun hai? The coalition of the Aam Army Party(former generals disco, Indian Army khisko)? :P

I jest. On to the remainder of your post:

As per the Congress party narrative, the timing of the disclosure was pure coincidence. Ergo, it cannot be considered as an actual leak.

The same should invalidate your next point. I don't see the need to invoke the draconian and vague Official Secrets Act.

Absolutely. I don't recall labeling Mr. Singh as guilty in any one of my posts. These are accusations being made by the Indian Army which will have to stand further scrutiny. The current government is within its full rights to grant the Indian Army's recommendation of instituting a government probe. Mr. Singh is also within his full rights to seek legal recourse. However, I think the BJP is against such action going by the statements made yesterday:

She also chose to caution the government over the issue and said, “We caution the government to look into this, as the probe will result in complete trust deficit in the Army & demoralizing the armed forces.”

VK Singh targeted for links with Narendra Modi: BJP

The rest doesn't seem to be directed at me.

P.S. I didn't edit my post to neatly reflect on the points you brought up but it's posted in the same order so it shouldn't be hard to follow.

So you are saying that Military intelligence running clandestine operations is wrong. and the person responsible for that should persecuted?

Is that the only accusation made as per the report? I clearly counted more.
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Ye ''we" kaun hai? The coalition of the Aam Army Party(former generals disco, Indian Army khisko)? :P

I jest. On to the remainder of your post:

As per the Congress party narrative, the timing of the disclosure was pure coincidence. Ergo, it cannot be considered as an actual leak.

The same should invalidate your next point. I don't see the need to invoke the draconian and vague Official Secrets Act.

Absolutely. I don't recall labeling Mr. Singh as guilty in any one of my posts. These are accusations being made the Indian Army that will have to stand to scrutiny. The current government is within its full rights to grant the Indian Army's recommendation of instituting a government probe. Mr. Singh is also within his full rights to undertake legal action. However, I think the BJP is against such action going by the statements made yesterday:

VK Singh targeted for links with Narendra Modi: BJP

The rest doesn't seem to be directed at me.

P.S. I didn't edit my post to neatly reflect on the points you brought up but it's posted in the same order so it shouldn't be hard to follow.

This was an official disclosure? Mandated as such? No it was not?

You will decide as and when a law should apply or not? The Official Secrets Acts is very clear on this regard. If you had known the classification of a DGMO's report you would know that. So yes this is a leak. AND no there will be no actual investigation in to this.
This was an official disclosure? Mandated as such? No it was not?

You will decide as and when a law should apply or not? The Official Secrets Acts is very clear on this regard. If you had known the classification of a DGMO's report you would know that. So yes this is a leak. AND no there will be no actual investigation in to this.

The Congress party claims the disclosure was indeed a coincidence. I'll leave it to you to work out the semantics.

I decided what now? It was a mere observation as to what can fall under the Official Secrets Act. Was the leak of V.K. Singh's letters that embarrassed the sitting government no end investigated as to who released them? No, I remember nobody asking for a probe for the leaked letter that painted a very sorry picture of the Indian Armed Forces.


The Congress party claims the disclosure wasn't a coincidence. I'll leave it to you to work out the semantics.

I decided what now? It was a mere observation as to what can fall under the Official Secrets Act. Was the leak of V.K. Singh's letters that embarrassed the sitting government no end investigated as to who released them? No, I remember nobody asking for a probe that time which painted a very sorry picture of the Indian Armed Forces.

A letter which caused embarrassment as opposed to a report which hashes out the details of even the ops of the TSD under DIA (which should have never been a subject anyway), this is a body blow to the forward ELINT capabilities of the IA and everyone is running around burnishing their political loyalties. We have indeed become Bangladesh.
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