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Indian Army admits carrying out covert ops in Pakistan.

array as I said we'll kiss and make up and go back to making a certain country cry like pre 2001:)

There is a reason why india is against the afghan "peace" process;)

For the times they are a-changin'...

Dil ke behlaane ko Ghalib, yeh khayal accha hai..

Chalo lage raho.. Ummeed pe duniya kaayam hai ;)
As for your failed afghan venture dreams... Well:

yeh na thi humari qismet ke visaal-e-yaar hota:)

What failed Afghan venture. Last I heard you guys are still being poked hard on that front.. Both by their army and by the non state actors coming across ;)
What failed Afghan venture. Last I heard you guys are still being poked hard on that front.. Both by their army and by the non state actors coming across ;)

Let me say it again, we'll kiss and make up. Your ultra nationalist bjp on the other hand will be delivering our boys on VIP flights escorted by federal ministers for protocol:)

We have been working hard to legitimise the role of those non state actors in post 2014 Afghanistan for a reason;)
Let me say it again, we'll kiss and make up. Your ultra nationalist bjp on the other hand will be delivering our boys on VIP flights escorted by federal ministers for protocol:)

Now a days your boys are delivered to hundreds of unmarked graves in J&K and on an un-escorted flight to hell

We have been working hard to legitimise the role of those non state actors in post 2014 Afghanistan for a reason;)
Looks like Pakistan has become a passport office for global terrorism. No wonder these guys vent out their adrenaline off and on in Pakistan by attacking your military as well as civilians :)
Now a days your boys are delivered to hundreds of unmarked graves in J&K and on an un-escorted flight to hell

Ad soon you'll go back to the norm of giving them special flights to Kabul, your time of free ride on NATOs back is ending:)

Looks like Pakistan has become a passport office for global terrorism. No wonder these guys vent out their adrenaline off and on in Pakistan by attacking your military as well as civilians :)

actually no, the world is begging them to negotiate and helping them open offices in US influenced countries so no one is buying your stance of calling them terrorists anymore, soon, we'll redirect them to the mutual and real enemy, like old days:)
Ad soon you'll go back to the norm of giving them special flights to Kabul, your time of free ride on NATOs back is ending:)

:lol: you think.. ? I have been hearing Pakistani kids talking about this since last 3 years.. Right now your boys are too busy trying to implement shariya in Pakistan.. They took out a couple of your Army top brass a couple of days back.. Next news probably is also around the corner :)

actually no, the world is begging them to negotiate and helping them open offices in US influenced countries so no one is buying your stance of calling them terrorists anymore, soon, we'll redirect them to the mutual and real enemy, like old days:)

Ha Ha.. Pakistani definition of terrorist :)
:lol: you think.. ? I have been hearing Pakistani kids talking about this since last 3 years.. Right now your boys are too busy trying to implement shariya in Pakistan.. They took out a couple of your Army top brass a couple of days back.. Next news probably is also around the corner :)

Ha Ha.. Pakistani definition of terrorist :)

The withdrawal is not far now... 2 years more for things to go back to the normal order(pre 2001) :)
Let me say it again, we'll kiss and make up. Your ultra nationalist bjp on the other hand will be delivering our boys on VIP flights escorted by federal ministers for protocol:)

We have been working hard to legitimise the role of those non state actors in post 2014 Afghanistan for a reason;)

It was because of this thinking, you were not able to either make peace with them or destroy them.

Why you always talk about post 2014? What is stopping you now? Coalition Support fund will not arrive after 2014.

No problem, soon we'll kiss and makeup and things will be like pre-2001:)

You do know we have been supporting them all through the years under the table:)

Whether you support them over the table or under the table we don't care"

Every time you tried to kiss them, they spanked you

First by Nek Mohammed, Baitullah meshud ... the list goes on
It was because of this thinking, you were not able to either make peace with them or destroy them.

Why you always talk about post 2014? What is stopping you now? Coalition Support fund will not arrive after 2014.

We did not destroy them, because we did not want to, it was all smoke and mirror operations. Others new it that's why they kept asking for more but we successfully played delay tactics. There was a genuine move to help contain them in the initial years but then US started forcing us to accept Indian policeman ship in the region on top of that we saw groups like bla being propped up that's when the policy was changed again ~2004/2005.
Terminate him and go radio silent - imagine what you can do with the leverage created out of a billion angry Hindus and grateful 200 million Muslims,Secularists & Christians. BJP wins the sympathy votes, gets into power - blames the congress for not providing enough security , keeps milking it for another 10 years for political mileage.

Few hundred million Hindu youth hoping to rule India as a matter of 'the right of birth' - get radicalized as a result - unleashing revenge upon their fellow citizens......Shudhifying drive picks up again, Modi becomes an avatar and is worshiped for 'dealing with the malichas with divine power' in the temples.We don't need to fight India - we need to do EXACTLY what our forefathers did -- play on its internal divisions.

....and who exactly were your forefathers???
A terrorist escapes from custody in India - its cool.
Our ex Chief is in trouble - great news!
Ho raha Bharaat nirmaan

what that terrorist has escape has to do with this thread, make another thread for that escape
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