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Indian Air Force News & Discussions

Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria at AFS Srinagar, home of the "Sword Arms", flying front seat on the MiG21 UM joined in the back by the CO of the 51 Sqn, Group Captain Kamran Nazeer.
Very rare honour for the 51 Sqn.
Also seen are Mirage 2000(unupgraded) and Su30.MiG29 UPG were also part of the mission.

A random question popped in my mind,if a Group captain is commanding a squadron in IAF then who commands a wing. In Paf Wing commanders command active squadrons.
India wants to buy $2 billion worth mothballed Soviet-era MiG-29 and submarines from Russia: https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2020/04/04/after-mig-29-jets-india-mulling-offer-of-refurbished-submarines-from-russia/

IAF wants to buy the 21 MiG-29s, that have never been flown. If bought, they'll be upgraded to the MiG-29UPG standard, which is what all IAF MiG-29s are now at. Estimated cost will be $45 million each I believe, with the upgrade kits. Well worth it, in my opinion.

As for the Kilo submarine offer, it is the Russian side that offered 3 refurbished Kilo subs if India agreed to do the deep refit for 3 existing IN Kilos at a Russian shipyard.

IMO, not worth it. The best option would to be to order more Scorpenes from Mazgaon Dockyard Limited (MDL) and Naval Group. Far more cost effective in the long run and brand new, rather than refurbished Kilos.
A random question popped in my mind,if a Group captain is commanding a squadron in IAF then who commands a wing. In Paf Wing commanders command active squadrons.
IAF is very top heavy. Instructors at IAF Academy are Group Captains and Wing Commanders compared Squadron Leaders in PAF.
S-400 Triumf – Strategic Deal for India
Some Excerpts from the excellent article by Air Marshal Anil Chopra(Ret.)
System Components and Technical Specifications

Like other Russian missile systems, there is an electronically controlled administration system that manages eight battalions. There is a command and control center. A panoramic radar detection system (range 600 km) with protection against jamming which is mounted on a multi-wheel mobile trailer. The S band system can track 300 targets. The battalions of SAMs can also act as an independent combat system, and can track six targets on their own, and support additional two battalions if they are within a 40-kilometre range. There is also a multi-functional radar with a 400-km range, that can track 100 targets. The launchers are on trailers with different missiles. The S-400 uses an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.

The Protivnik-GE is an anti-stealth UHF radar with a 400-kilometre range. The Moscow-1 is a passive sensor with even larger effective range than the than the Protivnik. There is also a target-designation system. The complex also has a adversary radar jamming system.

The 400-km range S-200D Dubna (SA-5c) missiles and S-300 P-family radar systems can be used without additional command-and-control centers. The S-300 (SA-20A, SA-20B) missiles may also be guided after designation from an A-50 class AWACS aircraft providing early warning and command-and-control target designation. Such control can be integrated with the S-400 Triumf and others. There are special jam-proof systems for communication between command post, missile batteries, the mobile radar units and fighter-aircraft. The system’s VHF component provides sector search and tracking, and the X- and L-band radars providing fine-tracking capability. Correct placement of the elements relative to the threat axis can enable the L- and X-band units to detect the incoming target from angles where the target RCS is even sub-optimal. The Gamma-C1E SHF mobile radar station has a 300-km detection range. The Nebo VHF mobile radar station and the Resonance-NE radar station have a detection range of 1,200 km, with height coverage up to 65 km, and low of 500 metres.

The declared anti-stealth range is 150 km. To track ballistic missile types of targets with RCS of 0.04 sq meters, and speed of 4800 m/s, the system range is 230 km. A bomber sized target will be detected at 570 km. The export version has the capability to track a maximum of 100 targets. In mountainous terrain, the system is resistant to false returns or clutter. Maximum height for the detection of the target 100 km away and from all directions. Can use a special tower for better detection against cruise missiles and stealth. In 2014, a new type of transporters were introduced, improving the mobility of the system, and reducing fuel consumption.

One system comprising up to eight battalions can control up to 72 launchers, with a maximum of 384 missiles. The missiles are fired by a gas system from the launch tubes up to 30 meters into the air before the rocket motor ignites, which increases the maximum and decreases the minimum ranges. All the missiles are equipped with directed explosion warhead, which increases the probability of complete destruction of targets. The S-400 is able to intercept cruise missiles out to a range of about 40 km due to their low altitude flight paths. All-purpose maximum radial velocity is 4.8 km per second (17,000 km/h, Mach 14). The System response time 9–10 seconds. The complex can move on roads (60 km/h) and off-road (ground) at speeds up to 25 km/h.

A regular S-400 battalion consists of at least eight launchers with 32 missiles and a mobile command post. It uses four different missiles from medium to long range to cover entire range envelope and target threats up to 400 km. The maximum range for tactical ballistic targets is 60 km. The number of simultaneously engaged targets by the full system is 80. Its radars can pick up targets at over 600 km and system can track and engage large aircraft to small UAVs. A cross-section of radars operating at different frequency bands give it a natural Electronic Counter Counter Measure (ECCM) from enemy jamming. Service life of ground facilities is 20 years and of the missiles is 15 years.

Tactical Significance India

According to Siemon Wezeman Senior Researcher of SIPRI, the S-400 “is among the most advanced air defense systems available. Russia is already developing the S-500 system to supplement the S-400, and is currently targeting for deployment by 2025. It will be very similar to the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. Indian strategic nuclear missiles already cover all of China. The ‘Dragon can thus not spit fire on the Elephant‘. The S–400 will give great air defence capability, especially for the National Capital Region (NCR). It will also act as a combat barrier both on the Western and Northern borders. It will keep the adversary AWACS and FRA aircraft further deeper away from Indian borders. With nearly four times India’s defence budget, China is pulling ahead in its aerial strike capability both through aircraft and missile development. India not only needs to watch closely but also allot more resources for indigenous weapon systems development.


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