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Will IAF looking to order another batch of 10 C-17s along with 12 C-130J???

I have been hearing for another 6++ C-130Js???

How many these are in IAF that are being upgraded. Any Plans for MiG-35s???

C-17 order stands at 10 confirmed orderd as of now (making the IAF easily the largest operator of the type outside of the USAF) the contract included a stimpulation for 6 follow-ons. The real question now is will the IAF look to go beyond 16 and most observers and IAF insiders are heavily winking in this direction and that the envtual number of C-17s in IAF service could range from 22-30 easily. We just have to wait and see, once the IAF takes delivery next year of its first C-17 and tests it out then the picture will become clearer, if it delivers like the IAF hopes then follow-on orders are a given.

wrt C-130Js, a follow-on order for 6 is a given and the order will be placed shortly. These 12 (6+6) will comfortable fill India's dedicated Spec Op transport requirement. However it seems the IAF has been so impressed by the Herc and LM that they are looking to use it in other roles beyond this dedicated Spec Op platform and so numbers over 12 are likely. Infact the Indian Meteorological dept is seriously interested in the WC-130J (that would be flown and operated by the IAF) and if all reports are accurate this order is almsot a given. Also there are other wings such as the BSG,IN and ICG interested in the C-130J and its varients for numerous roles. WATCH THIS SPACE.

irt Mig-35, NO CHANCE for India/IAF. It lost MMRCA and Rafale deal is on verge of being signed.
C-17 order stands at 10 confirmed orderd as of now (making the IAF easily the largest operator of the type outside of the USAF) the contract included a stimpulation for 6 follow-ons. The real question now is will the IAF look to go beyond 16 and most observers and IAF insiders are heavily winking in this direction and that the envtual number of C-17s in IAF service could range from 22-30 easily. We just have to wait and see, once the IAF takes delivery next year of its first C-17 and tests it out then the picture will become clearer, if it delivers like the IAF hopes then follow-on orders are a given.

wrt C-130Js, a follow-on order for 6 is a given and the order will be placed shortly. These 12 (6+6) will comfortable fill India's dedicated Spec Op transport requirement. However it seems the IAF has been so impressed by the Herc and LM that they are looking to use it in other roles beyond this dedicated Spec Op platform and so numbers over 12 are likely. Infact the Indian Meteorological dept is seriously interested in the WC-130J (that would be flown and operated by the IAF) and if all reports are accurate this order is almsot a given. Also there are other wings such as the BSG,IN and ICG interested in the C-130J and its varients for numerous roles. WATCH THIS SPACE.

irt Mig-35, NO CHANCE for India/IAF. It lost MMRCA and Rafale deal is on verge of being signed.
yeah! what bout MRTA???
yeah! what bout MRTA???

MRTA is being developed, not much seems to be moving on that front though we shouldn't expect much until atleast 2017 but as of now the IAF's requiremtn stands at 45-80+ units. If it comes to it the IAF can procure more C-130Js as an interim especially as LM is looking to set up C-130j production hub in India.
MRTA is being developed, not much seems to be moving on that front though we shouldn't expect much until atleast 2017 but as of now the IAF's requiremtn stands at 45-80+ units. If it comes to it the IAF can procure more C-130Js as an interim especially as LM is looking to set up C-130j production hub in India.

So it means in short that MRTA will not be available before 2020/22. Then tell me from your point of view and official figures that what will be the IAF requirements for both AC??? Like:
30 C-17s
26 C-130Js
?? C-27Js(will win 100% due to similarity with C-130Js)

So what are the requirements as IAF will also buy new Russian il-76 version??? so do they need 50 Heavy lift and 40 medium life and how much light lift????
So it means in short that MRTA will not be available before 2020/22. Then tell me from your point of view and official figures that what will be the IAF requirements for both AC??? Like:
30 C-17s
26 C-130Js
?? C-27Js(will win 100% due to similarity with C-130Js)

So what are the requirements as IAF will also buy new Russian il-76 version??? so do they need 50 Heavy lift and 40 medium life and how much light lift????

MTA will be available by 2017. First flight is scheduled in 2015,,,the first
prototypes are likeky to pop out of HAL Kanpur facility.

The C-17s' will grow beyond 25 for sure, after which they'll start replacing
the 24 x IL-76MDs in service right now. IAF also needs an ac which can replace
the IL-76 as the platform for the Phalcon AWACS radar, an ac with equal (if not
superior) performance, endurance, altitude etc.

All the six C-130Js in service now are only for Special Ops missions. Most
probably the next 6 will also be for the same roles. Then, the order could grow
to 26 as you've said or even more depending on MTA's timeline and about
how long the upgraded An-32Bs can serve. These C-130Js would most probably
be made in India itself, hence are likely to be cheaper.

The tender for light-to-medium turboprop planes meant to replace the Hawker
Siddeley HS-748 AVROs are for 58 ac. Out of these, 18 will be bought off-the-shelf
and remaining 40 will be made in India under license by a Private Company (most
likely TATA).
7 Mig29T trainers are not being upgraded since they are not meant for combat





The real question now is will the IAF look to go beyond 16 and most observers and IAF insiders are heavily winking in this direction and that the envtual number of C-17s in IAF service could range from 22-30 easily.

No sure on whom you are refering, but that's wishful thinking only. IAF currently has around 15 x IL 76 in the heavy transport and they are meant to be replaced with C17. Ten are ordered so far, with 6 more on options and they all offers roughly 1/3 more payload capacity than the ILs. Another point is, that IAF don't have the requirement to have a fleet of 20 - 30 strategic lift aircrafts, since Indian forces are meant to be operated in and around India, not in other countries like the US or NATO.
So even with 10 x C17s, the payload capacity would be increased (with 16 nearly doubled), while the numbers would be more than sufficient for IAFs requirement.

they are looking to use it in other roles beyond this dedicated Spec Op platform

True, but you have to keep in mind that unlike the special ops C130Js, these additional weather observation or tanker versions, will remain in their role and won't be used in normal transport duty, so they are not meant to be replacements for the AN 32 / Avro fleet, but additional aircrafts in specialised roles only. The medium class transport remains to be the aim of MRTA and MoD/IAF seems to focus on that as the recent contract signature confirms.
Wrt production of C130J in India, LM will outsource some parts of the production to India/Tata to reduce their own production costs, but so far IAF has no requirement for an productionline, since the numbers they want are low and only for specialised versions. That's where MRTA again will be more of a benefit for the Indian industry, because of the joint development and sale of the aircraft.

IAF also needs an ac which can replace
the IL-76 as the platform for the Phalcon AWACS radar, an ac with equal (if not
superior) performance, endurance, altitude etc.

That's not correct, the A50s are new and will remain in service for years, 2 more will be added hopefully soon to. The only reason why another big AWACS platform is considered, is because DRDO wants to develop a bigger AWACS version too and that might not be on an A50 again, however it's not an replacement!
Wow thanks for the MiG-29UPG pics Sancho bro,,,erm, do you have any pics
of MKI carrying fuel tanks? Search as I might, I can never find one! Is it because the
internal fuel is enough for usual combat radius and beyond that A2A refuelling
is available?
Wow thanks for the MiG-29UPG pics Sancho bro,,,erm, do you have any pics
of MKI carrying fuel tanks? Search as I might, I can never find one! Is it because the
internal fuel is enough for usual combat radius and beyond that A2A refuelling
is available?

Hi, missed your post sorry. Yes the Flankers benefit a lot from there huge internal fuel tanks, the only version that can carry fuel tank AFAIK is the Su 34.

Guys check out my vid on the IAF, it's my first vid so tell me what you think!

" This video is currently unavailable "
Edit: ok got it working now :D good job. Nice vid
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Very nice dude! But I would prefer a metal song XD. Just cuz I like metal XD. Plus that would give the video a bit of oomph! :D

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