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Indian Air Force needs to upgrade Su-30MKI, says former air marshal

After 27th February, the so-called Raptor of the East has in Indian hands declined it'self to become an AMRAAM dodger....but as the dust settles, the Indians have realized that only Two AMRAAMS were fired and while dodging them a MiG-21 and and SU-30 mistakenly got in the firing line.


Indeed, it was by accident that AMRAAMz hit the idling Indian Jets... otherwise, Indians are biggest doggers in the world.

It is rather worrying that Indians are going to upgrade their Raptor of the East even further...

I fear EnergyWeapons might be installed ... it would practically become a Starfighter... 6thGen at least!

Then they are going to build Tejas in 100s..and have already started on IIndianStealth fighters.. and Orca... PAF has NOTHING to match the Might of India!

We need to change our defence strategy... after S400.. my, my.... I say let us go back to munjqain technology!

India already is the second best airforce in the world after Yanks... what more the Indians can possibly want...
Beat American?

Scary all this!


It is true that Indians successfully dodged both AMRAAMs..

The missile that was fired at Su-30, pilot dodged that easily, but it hit Mig-21.. The one fired at Abhinandan, he ditched the missile but that one hit Su-30.

The one that was meant for PAF Jet dodged itself and hit a heli..

Long story short, PAF won the battle due to luck on that fateful day!

Indeed, it was by accident that AMRAAMz hit the idling Indian Jets... otherwise, Indians are biggest doggers in the world.

It is rather worrying that Indians are going to upgrade their Raptor of the East even further...

I fear EnergyWeapons might be installed ... it would practically become a Starfighter... 6thGen at least!

Then they are going to build Tejas in 100s..and have already started on IIndianStealth fighters.. and Orca... PAF has NOTHING to match the Might of India!

We need to change our defence strategy... after S400.. my, my.... I say let us go back to munjqain technology!

India already is the second best airforce in the world after Yanks... what more the Indians can possibly want...
Beat American?

Scary all this!


No doubt, it is a scary thought.



For ..............


...........................The Indians.

There isn't a pittance of evidence to suggest an IAF su30 was shut down on 27th feb.

I stand with you, Pakistanis lied.
No IAF Su 30 was shut down.:woot::what: :crazy_pilot:
I Swear.
Cross my heart. :pdf:
There isn't a pittance of evidence to suggest an IAF su30 was shut down on 27th feb.

It's been nearly a year passed, nothing came out as proof to say so.

funnily, when i visited this site in May, at that time @Windjammer used to crow it will come on Alan moore (i don't know exact name) interview ?? Kya hua uska??

Then some smart alek said it will be disclosed on air force day. Those who expecting evidence got eggs on the face that day.

On other hand, IAF produced Radar images of shooting down a f16 which may think u think drawn at some CAD lab, even enthusiasts Indians got tadpole shaped trails in from mobile clip of areal battle.

Kuch to evidence do, nahi to bematlab ka sur sharaba pagalpan he.
Whats so wrong about believing a su30 wa sgot down when indians believe 100s were killed even though satellite images say otherwise and f16 was shotdown by abhi when all four missles and an f16 count showed otherwise ...

Atleast there is no solid argument or evidence to suggest the su30 wasn't shot down

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