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Indian Air Force needs to upgrade Su-30MKI, says former air marshal

Pakistani Fighter

Jul 4, 2011
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Indian Air Force needs to upgrade Su-30MKI, says former air marshal
Reuben F Johnson, Singapore - Jane's Defence Weekly
06 February 2020


An IAF Sukhoi Su-30MKI in 2007. The type has been in IAF service since 2002. Source: Jane’s/Patrick Allen
Key Points
  • The IAF has a pressing need to upgrade its Su-30MKI fighters, according to a former IAF commander
  • aircraft's radar and EW system in particular are areas to be addressed
The Indian Air Force (IAF) must address the need to upgrade its fleet of Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighters, according to a former senior commander of the service.

Speaking at the 4-5 February Electronic Warfare Asia symposium in Singapore, retired Air Marshal Daljit Singh said, "The Sukhoi is quite obviously a superb and powerful platform. In terms of the carriage capability and its range it has great utility but the reality is that the programme originally came online in 1997 and there have been numerous technological advancements since then that dictate an update for the aircraft."

The IAF has acquired more than 250 of the type, most of which have been licence-assembled at the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) plant in Nasik, India.

Singh said two key elements in the Su-30MKI - the radar and the electronic warfare (EW) suite - are falling behind the current state-of-the-art elements and need to be upgraded. The radar is the NIIP N011M Bars radar, which is only a passive electronically scanned array (PESA) system and would need to be replaced with an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar to give Su-30MKI crews a higher level of situational awareness.

The EW suite is a greater challenge in that the aircraft's large radar cross-section makes a robust self-protection capacity mandatory. The aircraft's current EW suite is a variant of the Russian-produced KNIRTI SAP-518 wingtip-pod-mounted system, which can be augmented by the SAP-14 centreline stand-off jamming module.

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Didn't the Su30z successfully dodged the PAF missiles already...

What more Indians want on the Raptor of the East?

After 27th February, the so-called Raptor of the East has in Indian hands declined it'self to become an AMRAAM dodger....but as the dust settles, the Indians have realized that only Two AMRAAMS were fired and while dodging them a MiG-21 and and SU-30 mistakenly got in the firing line.
After 27th February, the so-called Raptor of the East has in Indian hands declined it'self to become an AMRAAM dodger....but as the dust settles, the Indians have realized that only Two AMRAAMS were fired and while dodging them a MiG-21 and and SU-30 mistakenly got in the firing line.
But imagine, their MKI fleet gets AESA upgrade over next 6 years + Rafales + Possible additional rafales + MK1A/MK2 + Migs and M2ks, wouldn’t that be something to really worry about in technological terms (not taking numerical superiority in question here ) ?

We will be even if on par or better in technology but numbers wouldn’t be enough to counter such a force. Although they have a poor active fleet record.

Indeed, it was by accident that AMRAAMz hit the idling Indian Jets... otherwise, Indians are biggest doggers in the world.

It is rather worrying that Indians are going to upgrade their Raptor of the East even further...

I fear EnergyWeapons might be installed ... it would practically become a Starfighter... 6thGen at least!

Then they are going to build Tejas in 100s..and have already started on IIndianStealth fighters.. and Orca... PAF has NOTHING to match the Might of India!

We need to change our defence strategy... after S400.. my, my.... I say let us go back to munjqain technology!

India already is the second best airforce in the world after Yanks... what more the Indians can possibly want...
Beat American?

Scary all this!

Indeed, a flying Hanuman on Steroids :bunny:

Indeed, it was by accident that AMRAAMz hit the idling Indian Jets... otherwise, Indians are biggest doggers in the world.

It is rather worrying that Indians are going to upgrade their Raptor of the East even further...

I fear EnergyWeapons might be installed ... it would practically become a Starfighter... 6thGen at least!

Then they are going to build Tejas in 100s..and have already started on IIndianStealth fighters.. and Orca... PAF has NOTHING to match the Might of India!

We need to change our defence strategy... after S400.. my, my.... I say let us go back to munjqain technology!

India already is the second best airforce in the world after Yanks... what more the Indians can possibly want...
Beat American?

Scary all this!

You have turned a super saiyan these days u must admit :lol::lol::lol:.
Going all out everytime.

And i like your namings, “JammerMan”
There isn't a pittance of evidence to suggest an IAF su30 was shut down on 27th feb.

It's been nearly a year passed, nothing came out as proof to say so.

funnily, some i've visited this site in May, at that time @Windjammer used to crow it will come on Alan moore interview ?? Kya hua uska??

Then some smart alek said it will be disclosed on air force day. Those who expecting evidence got eggs on the face that day.

On other hand, IAF produced Radar images of shooting down a f16 which may think u think drawn at some CAD lab, even enthusiasts Indians got tadpole shaped trails in from mobile clip of areal battle.

Kuch to evidence do, nahi to bematlab ka sur sharaba pagalpan he.
You probably dont hate us more than Her Excellency Aunty Alice Wells. What should we do if your arguments couldnt even convince Aunty Wells?
How can India possibly upgrade/replace/reinvent/improve their men behind the machines...they have the machines but not the men to match'em.

Pilots are abhi here abhi there and gone...and done with.
O Shahzadae meray,

I am on the Journey of Discovery in the Anicent Lingum Space Travel Technology thread... you could become like myself... but then you have to watch The American Volgger... so far you have avoided it completely!

Did you know that all Humanity came from India except for Africans? It is according to Indian scholars mind you!

Therefore, it is only logical to treat IndianBeings with respect!

Coming back to the topinc in hand... if the Indians upgrade it with upscaled Tejas radar... do you know what it would mean for us?


We would be left guessing...
There isn't a pittance of evidence to suggest an IAF su30 was shut down on 27th feb.

It's been nearly a year passed, nothing came out as proof to say so.

funnily, when i visited this site in May, at that time @Windjammer used to crow it will come on Alan moore interview ?? Kya hua uska??

Then some smart alek said it will be disclosed on air force day. Those who expecting evidence got eggs on the face that day.

On other hand, IAF produced Radar images of shooting down a f16 which may think u think drawn at some CAD lab, even enthusiasts Indians got tadpole shaped trails in from mobile clip of areal battle.

Kuch to evidence do, nahi to bematlab ka sur sharaba pagalpan he.
Just like with count of your unlimited fake IDs, you have lost the plot, let me remind you that you were blabbering that Alan Warnes was actually coming to India where he is going to disclose that ''He thinks that no SU-30 was shot down''.....but someone Chickened out, ( I wonder why) and refused to give Alan a visa and invited Christine Fair instead....and guess what, when the lady put Indians in their place, they didn't like it....why was she only discussing that no F-16 was lost, why didn't the pannel touched the shooting down of the IAF fighters....she didn't want to humiliate you creatures any further.....all those who really matter know the truth....in case you have missed out, there was a reason why Lockheed Martin recently displayed this image of an older PAF F-16 on their websites....now remember this version the company no longer makes...sooner or later someone will rain on your parade but then you can always adopt another ID.

Indian Air Force needs to upgrade Su-30MKI, says former air marshal

Last I heard they wanted a 'Super Sukhoi' upgrade where they wanted a more powerful Engine as part of the upgrade package. Of course cutting teeth of the jet also need to be upgraded. I personally believe after 1999 where IAF had a free run because of PAF's lack of BVR, and 2002 induction of Su30MKI, IAF thought they were too far ahead and have recently gotten a reality check. They knew PAF had AMRAAMs but again it is human to underestimate the adversary. The flagship fighter so to speak was found anything but so they will for sure do everything they can to upgrade the fleet.

Some Su30s came as earlier as 2002.
Every jet of today carries AESA radar, even jf17 blk3 will sport Aesa radar, so there is need to upgrade su30's radar and EW software.

That is a bit of an overstatement don't you think.

There isn't a pittance of evidence to suggest an IAF su30 was shut down on 27th feb.

It's been nearly a year passed, nothing came out as proof to say so.

funnily, when i visited this site in May, at that time @Windjammer used to crow it will come on Alan moore (i don't know exact name) interview ?? Kya hua uska??

Then some smart alek said it will be disclosed on air force day. Those who expecting evidence got eggs on the face that day.

On other hand, IAF produced Radar images of shooting down a f16 which may think u think drawn at some CAD lab, even enthusiasts Indians got tadpole shaped trails in from mobile clip of areal battle.

Kuch to evidence do, nahi to bematlab ka sur sharaba pagalpan he.
There is no solid evidence to suggest F16 or su30 shot down. Period.

Welcome back my friend. I may agree that there isn't any 'concrete' evidence unless you believe one of the two opposing narratives. The only problem is the context where IAF has lost a Mig21 and a Mi17 fratricide which affords PAF complete silence over Su30. Once IAF manages to prove F16 irrefutably and another kill to match Mig21 and Mi17, I will join you in imploring PAF for Su30 evidence.

Why do u think so ? I'm really interested to know.
Indian military is basically dominated by north India who share racial ancestry with Punjabi dominated Pakistan military.

Give all other sector of life from economy to sport to science and tech, in every field india dominats pakistan. Two days back our U-19 cricket team beat pakistan by 10 wickets.

I want to know the source of this confidence when u say Pakistani pilots outmatch Indian merely because they are india? Any rational idea behind such fantastic comment. Or is it self assurance when take panga with 6 times bigger country?

I do not want to sound like a Pakistani equivalent of an Indian bhakt and I like how you do not fall quickly for inherent biases. I agree Pakistan and India aren't the 300 vs Persians in the 300 movie as many of my compatriots might choose to believe, however I also believe that there will never be a victorious India coming out of any war with Pakistan as much as there won't be victory for Pakistan in harming Indian civilian populace in event of a war.

Just like with count of your unlimited fake IDs, you have lost the plot, let me remind you that you were blabbering that Alan Warnes was actually coming to India where he is going to disclose that ''He thinks that no SU-30 was shot down''.....but someone Chickened out, ( I wonder why) and refused to give Alan a visa and invited Christine Fair instead....and guess what, when the lady put Indians in their place, they didn't like it....why was she only discussing that no F-16 was lost, why didn't the pannel touched the shooting down of the IAF fighters....she didn't want to humiliate you creatures any further.....all those who really matter know the truth....in case you have missed out, there was a reason why Lockheed Martin recently displayed this image of an older PAF F-16 on their websites....now remember this version the company no longer makes...sooner or later someone will rain on your parade but then you can always adopt another ID.

We should always welcome opposing views and yes I have had this argument on twitter with Indians who have for years peddled Christine Fair's shutting down of an ignorant Pakistani youth over the UN resolutions. Indians have also loved her hate for Pakistan and they felt betrayed when Christine Fair chose to overcome her hate for Pakistan to speak analytically over the F16 affair. Alan Warnes was another mistake they narrowly avoided. It doesn't look well for the IAF chief BS Dhanoa to sit and listen to a foreign expert talking over all the rank propaganda. It is rich of him to say 'we do not need to reveal our intel sources just to win a propaganda war' when everyone so desperately wants to wish away the PAF response on 27th Feb.

Anyone who is on twitter would know Christine fair has been criticizing the way India conducted Balakot strike and also agrees 27th feb version that support FT article since the beginning. She even hate Modi. So to imagine India invited her support IAF claims would be ignoramus.

I don't understand what you are cribbing about multiple IDs? It's my first membership ID. I guess u hate to see counter replies that stops your ridiculousness assertions.

Anyone who has been on twitter also knows Christine Fair has since ages hated Pakistan, hated Pakistan military with a passion and has written books against the alleged targets of Balakot Strikes. It is rich for you to overlook this considering Christine Fair's statement that she would've loved for India to have bombed Pakistan and to have shot down not 1 but many F16s.

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