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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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We are turning stronger everyday . Once we become strong enough , may god save you that day.

How are those flying coffins and premature last chance aircraft doing?
Whose whining?
I said that if Pakistan is responsible, then GoI will make sure Pakistan does not stabilize and casualties in retaliation exceed 10 fold for every Indian who dies.

They dont have capability... the few stooges they had running towards Afghanistan and hiding in their caves.. they will die in those caves.. moreover if we feel little heat like Peshawar next time.. we will make sure we avenge 1 by millions...
Ever since Modi came to power, I have been saying "there will be a false flag," Here you have it!

Didn't expect it to happen so soon though.

Right? Modi just took the initiative to visit and dialogue with Pakistan, and somehow this is an Indian false flag? :lol:

There isnt a rouge institution(s) in India that by-passes the civilian government for their own agenda. That's well known world wide to support terrorism. To the point the US didnt inform that country ahead of an important raid. That's in another country.
They dont have capability... they few stooges they had run to Afghanistan and hiding in thier caves.. they will die on those caves.. morever if we feel little heat like Peshawar next time.. we will make sure we avange 1 by millions...
You keep saying but are unable to do anything.
Your country has been destabilized for over a decade now.

The same will continue for another decade if GoI wants despite your rants of whether they have 'capability' or not.
there are some bald vultures who are settled in EUROPE & USA are blaming Pakistan for this event and treating. I would like to say them that you and yours family are safe you do not know that what is the status of Pak India Armies in 2016. Both are on the peak point of modern weapons including nuclear weapons.How will the war of future between the two countries? you do not know.They know more than you who lives in both countries.You had leaved your homeland a long for you and your family bright future.USA & USSR never face to each other in war during the cold war.They blame each other but never suspend peace talk and respect each others in every meeting.It is the need of today to forgive the people of both countries. you please to increase your business and enjoy your life.
Ever since Modi came to power, I have been saying "there will be a false flag," Here you have it!

Didn't expect it to happen so soon though.
Utter nonsense of the highest level. Let me get this straight...Modi shows up in Lahore as a goodwill gesture for peace with Pakistan...and then a few days later he launches a false flag attack on his own countries air base?
The logic is non-existant in your argument, you and your conspiracy theories are hilarious Mr Military professional.
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