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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Spare me your efforts dear, helis were in the sky for Recon, they must have had FLIR or thermal fitted so vegetation or no vegetation, thats out of question
Spare us your efforts. MI 35 & drones are doing exactly that. In built up areas situation is different.
Hidding some thing.... for Indian Govt.
For every one; this what a cover up looks like...
Ops were finished 24 hours ago... now they are still ongoing...
Casualities were 2... now 10... and counting...
No photos of dead terrorists yet...

I have sever doubt that they failed to reach tech area as claimed
Ops were never finished for your information, combing of area was happening through all night. Give it a rest. Wait for few days, then things would be clear.
Meanwhile Adarsh Liberals => Terrorism has no religion, especially the religion of peace.
You keep dragging Pakistani casualties into discussion to make your self look good, let me remind you that most of those personal were martyred inside the compound Mosque while performing their morning prayers.
Does it not hurt whether they were performing their duties to GOD or nation.
Bharti Jain @bhartijainTOI
Union Home Secretary SRajiv Mehrishi to brief media on Pathankot attack at 5 pm today
2:11 PM - 3 Jan 2016
When APS happened
What India did => #IndiawithPakistan

When this is happening
What Pakistan is doing => #PathankotDramaAttack

Says a lot about difference between two nations.

Now u would compare our kids with your army men?
Yes... "Says a lot about difference between two nations."
I think you are right.. We may have under estimated the tactics and the strategy used by terrorists. Placing a grenade without pin in a dead corpse speaks volume of about the fact that they dont want to leave any trace for any investigation.

The level of training and tactics are eye openers.. Perhaps it tells us that the era of normal trained hardcored militancy is gone and now may be we may see a far better trained urban warfare tactics using and sadist persona based terrorists.

We better gear up for more such attacks.. We perhaps need to revisit our strategy of standard ops and capturing them alive planned steps of ops.
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