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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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The Fake picture from either Syira or Iraq was posted by you. Further, it's not from some Kashmir Newspaper. :lol:

Terrorist apologist use such Pics to spread their propaganda. You did it to & other fell for it. :sick:

Total 10 personnel got martyred. :(
Number of casualties is very high. Give it some time. Things will open after few days only.
My sincere apologies to Indian members and iys not good to make fun of others in harsh times, but you guys have made a laughing stock of yourself....... I mean you guys were tapped into the coms, heli in the sky, your Intel Agencies were proactive, NSG and other SF on ground and still can't clear a damn base, its almost 36 hours and you thought you had cleared the base but it was not, you still had attackers hiding inside......
@Horus ..... Aheb mein kua bolon, :haha:

They were only using their coms much before they attacked, the compound is huge and has dense vegetation, helis or not it is very hard to work within such parameters.
Entire Indian media is accusing Indian Government for hiding casualties
Focus should be to get at least capture one of them alive.. we need to know everything about the ops, planners, financiers etc..
We can comb and kill but the prized info froma alive captured one is far far precious..

RIP to the bravehearts who departed. Ntion wont forget your contribution

@Zarvan Can you post from where you got the ss of causalities. The ppl in ICU and Surgery can have fatalities .. next 24-48 hrs are crucial.. May god bless them.. our wishes are with them and we hope they come out of danger.
so is it true opertaion is still going on and two rats are still holed up at patahnkot air base ?
I told u, u reap what u sow! Same terrorists u trained for us are now hitting u!

Uh huh LOL.
How many terrorist attacks happen in Pakistan as compared to India? By the looks of it it is the other way round.

Denial will only get you so far.
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