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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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We don't have covert capabilities brother. Let us accept that, no more bragging until we conduct such operations in a response to Pathankot attack.....
If that were the Case we wouldn't had a strong intel prior to this attack let me say are deep assets prevented it from being a Shocker

The problem is with coordination with state authorities like state police or Govt

Lastly media coordination is also important I think Pakistan is very much ahead from us in media coordination. ISPR basically work effectively in this area

Sorry for your loss but refrain from indulging Pakistan without a shred of evidence. When you allege Pakistan without basis, you won't find sympathizers here.

Right back at ya.
Pakistanis should refrain from calling any of the past incidents as Indian false flag operations, since none of you have a shred of proof to back it up.

PS- I'm sure few years from now an international agency and/or a Pakistani politician will come up saying that Pak elements were indeed involved in the attacks while Pakistan comes with pictures of "Indian" machine guns and RPGs in Balochistan.
Right back at ya.
Pakistanis should refrain from calling any of the past incidents as Indian false flag operations, since none of you have a shred of proof to back it up.​

PS- I'm sure few years from now an international agency and/or a Pakistani politician will come up saying that Pak elements were indeed involved in the attacks while Pakistan comes with pictures of "Indian" machine guns and RPGs in Balochistan.
Talk about Proof....Don't wanna derail this thread though but past incidents includes also this....!!
It is very sad to see Indian Media and the spokes person from various levels pointing fingers at Pakistan. This is not going to bring India any good. Even if they have the reasons to believe some elements from Pakistan are involved they should take it up maturely. Pakistan also has undeniable evidences of Indian involvement in Baluchistan and FATA but this is not the right time to bring it up. But, if India acts irresponsibly and tries to act macho so should Pakistan do rather than getting into defensive mindset. A huge huge challenge of character for our dearest Gen. Raheel. God speed general, the whole Pakistan stands with you!

PicPaste - c10aa8c6d107ca277997ec36177cb0bb.JPG



If I die in a war zone,
Box me up n send me home,
Put my gun on my chest,
And tell my mom i did my best,
N tell my dad not to bow,
He will never get tension from me now,
Tell my bro study perfectly Keys of my bike will be
his permanently,
Tell my sis dont be upset,
Her bro will not rise after this
Dont tell my friends they are
and start 2 ask for parties
Tell my LOVE not to cry....
Because I'm A Soldier Born to Die....

We lost him, but he made us proud.
The uneventful drive back from a religious shrine on Friday evening didn’t take much time to turn into a nightmare for Madan Gopal, one of the three abducted by the terrorists who stormed the Pathankot air base on Saturday morning.

Mr. Gopal, the cook of former Gurdaspur Superintendent of Police Salvinder Singh, spoke to The Hindu at his residence on Sunday morning as fighting continued a few kilometres away between the security forces and terrorists, almost 35 hours after the terrorists stormed the forward base of the Indian Air Force.

Mr. Gopal, Mr. Singh and the latter's jeweller friend, Rajesh Verma, were abducted on Thursday late night. And on Friday early morning, at around 2 a.m., Mr. Gopal and Mr. Singh were freed.

Mr. Gopal alleged that not only was the vital information he shared with the police immediately after he was freed ignored but also he was brutally tortured by the Punjab Police.

On their way from Pathankot to Gurdaspur, the ordeal of the trio started at Kolian area where Mr. Gopal and others were signalled to stop by five men dressed in Army fatigues and carrying assault rifles. They already had another vehicle which they had obtained after murdering a taxi driver.

It was nearly midnight and they were on a isolated stretch when the uniformed men stopped them.

"Mr. Verma was driving the SUV with Mr. Singh sitting next to him while I was in the middle passenger seat. In a flash, we were overpowered with Mr. Verma being the first one to be forcefully evicted and stuffed inside the boot," said Mr. Gopal.

"They dragged Mr. Singh out of the car and sandwiched him between the front and middle seats, something they did to me as well. Two of them sat on us after tying up our limbs, taping our eyes and gagging our mouths," he added.

Two of the attackers then sat over the duo. Mr. Gopal recalled the attackers talking to each other but is fairly certain that the language used by most of them "wasn't Punjabi".

"Only one of them uttered few words in broken Punjabi, which is why I could not comprehend much. The other familiar words I heard were Asalam Alaikum. From the voices, I could sense they were young men," said Mr. Gopal.

Neither Mr. Gopal nor Mr. Singh (in his purported disclosure to the police) could remember the routes they were driven on in the hijacked car but it was a dense forest close to the base where they were eventually dumped. The assailants drove away with Mr. Verma still inside the boot.

Mr. Gopal then heard his senior's voice: "Madan let's try and get out of this forest." It was Mr. Singh who managed to free himself first and he freed Mr. Gopal.

"The darkness, dense bushes and tall grasses made it extremely difficult for us to navigate out of the forest. When we eventually did, after walking for two hours and even encountering a canal, we were in a village," said Mr. Gopal.

Villagers helped Mr. Singh to contact his seniors. "He called up Gurdaspur SSP Gurpreet Singh and told him that those who had kidnapped us could be militants," recounted Mr. Gopal.

He added that his hope of police rushing him to safety was immediately dashed when they were taken to the Sadar police station in Pathankot.

"I was repeatedly assaulted even as I kept insisting that whatever I had told them was true. My fears were proved right when the base was attacked but the local police as well as some intelligence officers kept torturing me even after the gun battle started. This is all I get after serving this force for 40 years," said Mr. Gopal, a Class IV staff of Punjab Police, who got an extension after retiring last year.

Punjab DGP and SSP Pathankot were unavailable for comment, despite repeated attempts by The Hindu.


Looks like Punjab police is same on both side of border.
Fresh firing at Pathankot air base; Army deploys reinforcements in area
Fresh firing has been reported at the Pathankot Air Force base with more terrorists suspected to be holed up in the area. Reinforcements have been sent to the area of operation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in the national capital on Sunday evening, and directly went into a huddle with senior officials including National Security Adviser Ajit Doval, Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar and others to discuss the terror strike. More...

Forty hours into the operation against the terrorists who stormed the Indian Air Force base in Pathankot, investigating agencies have not yet made any significant recoveries that could give a clue to their identity or the route they took to enter India
Identity of terrorists still unclear

Pathankot attack: Identity of terrorists still unclear - The Hindu

Forty hours into the operation against the terrorists who stormed the Indian Air Force base in Pathankot, investigating agencies have not yet made any significant recoveries that could give a clue to their identity or the route they took to enter India.

A top intelligence officer told The Hindu they were not sure whether the terrorists belonged to Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM). Their initial presumption was based on a piece of paper recovered from SP Salwinder Singh’s vehicle, which was snatched by the terrorists and abandoned later. “It is all a presumption till now that they belonged to JeM. We have not recovered any GPS sets yet that could have given clues about their location. It could be LeT as well… we don’t know yet,” said the intelligence official.

All operations to retrieve some kind of identification from the slain terrorists were suspended after NSG commando Lieutenant Colonel Niranjan died while handling a body. A senior official said a grenade, hidden in the terrorist’s shirt pocket, exploded when the Lt. Col tried to drag the body to another location, a standard drill in such cases. A team of the National Investigation Agency, which has been camping in Pathankot for the past two-days, has not made any recoveries as the operation was still on.

A senior government official said the Border Security Force (BSF) had scanned footages from the surveillance cameras installed along Punjab’s and Jammu’s border with Pakistan. “There has been no breach along the fences…. For the past three days, we have also checked the border areas for some kind of tunnel, but haven’t found anything yet,” the official said.

He said the BSF sent out teams to different locations near the Pakistan border, from the two places where the slain taxi driver’s and SP Salwinder Singh’s vehicles were found abandoned by the terrorists, but failed to trace the route the intruders could have possibly taken.

Another official said the terrorists stagger themselves in groups during fidayeen attacks and wait for an opportune moment, when a number of security personnel have assembled to clear up the area, to strike. This was done, he said, to inflict maximum casualties.

Keywords: Pathankot attack, Pathankot Air Force base attack

What credibility is left to Indian journalists and Indian commentators who from the 0.1 second started blaming Pakistan without zero evidence in hand. Shame on such a ridiculous media and shame on people who believe their propaganda.
He said he would call later…, Jaspreet Proud wife of Shaheed Gursewak Singh
45 days back they were dancing, celebrating and laughing when this brave man got married...

Family members in mourning as mortal remains of Garud Commando Gursewak Singh arrive in Garnala (Ambala) #Respect! :cray:


My eyes getting moistness ..... Yaar kya likhu or kya bolu kuch samajh Ni aata.....
Right back at ya.
Pakistanis should refrain from calling any of the past incidents as Indian false flag operations, since none of you have a shred of proof to back it up.

PS- I'm sure few years from now an international agency and/or a Pakistani politician will come up saying that Pak elements were indeed involved in the attacks while Pakistan comes with pictures of "Indian" machine guns and RPGs in Balochistan.

Why not, Maley Gaon, Samjhota Express, Murder of Sikhs and Pandits on Clinton's arrival in Kashmir and Blowing of smugglers boat were all proven to be done by Indians themselves. Even beheading of Indian soldier was registered as murder by robbers in police station before Indians had an idea to blame it on Pakistan.

Besides, 26/11 is also admitted under the oath as an inside job done by Indians before Supreme Court of India.
My eyes getting moistness ..... Yaar kya likhu or kya bolu kuch samajh Ni aata.....

Even my & family members eyes are filled with tears while last rituals for them is being performed. :cray: #dontknowwhenthismadnesswillend
Right back at ya.
Pakistanis should refrain from calling any of the past incidents as Indian false flag operations, since none of you have a shred of proof to back it up.

PS- I'm sure few years from now an international agency and/or a Pakistani politician will come up saying that Pak elements were indeed involved in the attacks while Pakistan comes with pictures of "Indian" machine guns and RPGs in Balochistan.
If, using a snatched phone to call back home, and leaving behind a shred of paper with the name of the terrorists organization on it are your proofs then No sir! we do not believe it and we would keep calling it false flag. So, if anyone would dare try label it on us even before the operation is completed then we are forced to put it on war mongers and sadist macho anti Pakistan lobby in the GoI
What credibility is left to Indian journalists and Indian commentators who from the 0.1 second started blaming Pakistan without zero evidence in hand. Shame on such a ridiculous media and shame on people who believe their propaganda.

I know its a waste of time and energy with u in any debate.

But do tell me who started with the Pakistani thing on this thread from the very first page?

Our media is chutiya of highest order and you guys are leaving no stone unturned to give them a tough competition in thid regard.

And for the sympathy , plz keep it with u. u guys need ur sympathies more than us.
Which government official source has informed you that apart from burning media...??

Same source which bracketed terrorism & philanthropy as pious deeds...

Same source which fooled the world while obl was having a briyani in a manison close to army area...

Same source which says a terrorist under imprisonment can father a child ....

The return of Masood Azhar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM (return of massood azhar urf another philanthropist from heavenly land)

Pathankot attack: JeM role not ruled out, India will give befitting reply, says Rajnath Singh | The Indian Express
I know its a waste of time and energy with u in any debate.

But do tell me who started with the Pakistani thing on this thread from the very first page?

Our media is chutiya of highest order and you guys are leaving no stone unturned to give them a tough competition in thid regard.

And for the sympathy , plz keep it with u. u guys need ur sympathies more than us.

You want to say Indian media picked Pakistani angle after they read a post in this thread alleging Pakistan? So Defence.pk is the starting point where every nagging tongue in Indian media started at? I would be amazed if this is your angle and defence of Indian media going baboon.

For the sympathy part, Pakistan has lost more live and received 1000s of such attacks. Even if entire India would try to sympathise for what Pakistan went through, it would be less than sufficient. Feel good for Pakistanis empathizing with you for good reasons - but we ask Indians to refrain from becoming Indian media. Have something at hand before you blame. Is that too much of an asking?
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