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Indian aggression on LOC: Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

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A small question, how far our border post , how can any one just cross the loc and come to pakistan outpost kill one soldier and get away without getting injured or dead
Quick question for who might know. Is there a way to know without doubt who opened fire first. I mean, if not nobody will take the blame. Ceasefire can remain in effect if we are honest in accepting mistakes. As far as I see there is zero reason for us to be aggressive, there was nothing to gain. On the other hand Pakistan has a lot of reasons.
1) Infiltration of terrorist.
2) Diverting media attention.
3) Sabotage Peace process.
Common guys stop talking to illogical, biased, prejudiced members who can talk only crap(BD members). Learn to ignore them. While you will get dirty in mud fight, the pig actually enjoys it.
Indians are Pakistan enemy & they are snakes they can't be trusted ever. They are cowards & they have no love for Pakistan this is the thing the corrupt Govt. & the current corrupt politicians don't understand & they don't want to understand.

When Gen. Musharraf was the leader of Pakistan the only thing India knew what to do was shitting in their dippers.
We won the match Today and hence now it's our turn to kill few more in horizontal celebratiory firing.

Don't stoop to this Pakistani's level. A soldiers death is always regrettable

Probably died in celebratory firing after the Cricket match. !!

Indians are Pakistan enemy & they are snakes they can't be trusted ever. They are cowards & they have no love for Pakistan this is the thing the corrupt Govt. & the current corrupt politicians don't understand & they don't want to understand.

When Gen. Musharraf was the leader of Pakistan the only thing India knew what to do was shitting in their dippers.

Pretty idiotic of Pakistanis then to throw him out and declare him as a murderer and fugitive from the law. :D
Indians are Pakistan enemy & they are snakes they can't be trusted ever. They are cowards & they have no love for Pakistan this is the thing the corrupt Govt. & the current corrupt politicians don't understand & they don't want to understand.

When Gen. Musharraf was the leader of Pakistan the only thing India knew what to do was shitting in their dippers.

In this whole work of fiction, yu were right once.

We, Indians, hve no love for Pakistan.
Master stroke by Pakistani army,

So India is number one enemy again (and TTP becomes innocent CIA/RAW misled taliban). Hats off to ISPR for spin story.

Between Rest in peace to poor soldier.
Indians are Pakistan enemy & they are snakes they can't be trusted ever. They are cowards & they have no love for Pakistan this is the thing the corrupt Govt. & the current corrupt politicians don't understand & they don't want to understand.

When Gen. Musharraf was the leader of Pakistan the only thing India knew what to do was shitting in their dippers.

under same mushraf attempts,pakistanis were standing naked during kargil :lol: and this guy is liar.
Even after umpteenth promises,he never returned pakistan ;)
Kashmir is disputed territory and China is a P5 member of UN. It is China's duty to enforce UN resolutions on india.

It's time for China to join and make it a two-front war! Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal will all join in to take down the elephant!

india only knows how to talk big and run away. We saw that in 1962 :)
Then what happened in 67, 87 and still all you are doing is issuing a world record of barking warnings. In 62 you outnumbered us and later your a$$es were handed to you at the border, after that you are here still here talking out of your behind. India gave you bloody nose whenever you tried to bully us. toothless mythical dragons are nothing but a bedtime stories for grandmothers in china. We saw what happened in 67, 71, 87 you ran back crying to your communist party and said India is not what it was in 62.

Now run back to your mama and tell her the elephant stomps whatever it encounters now.!!!!
Indians are Pakistan enemy & they are snakes they can't be trusted ever. They are cowards & they have no love for Pakistan this is the thing the corrupt Govt. & the current corrupt politicians don't understand & they don't want to understand.
When Gen. Musharraf was the leader of Pakistan the only thing India knew what to do was shitting in their dippers.
Gen. Musharaff, attacked India when NS was making peace deal. Who is the snake ?

Gen. Musharaff still in UK. Who is the coward ? :lol:
When Gen. Musharraf was the leader of Pakistan the only thing India knew what to do was shitting in their dippers.

You people are the most worthless on the planet didn't this general actually rode out of his way to clean the mess in your homes and in return you worthless people turned him into a useless grandfather who changes dippers of his grand kids in London. :smitten:
Does this mean indian army provide cover fire for TTP terrorists infiltration?

PA should've kill dozens of these intruding r@ts to make LoC secure.
When Gen. Musharraf was the leader of Pakistan the only thing India knew what to do was shitting in their dippers.
Musshraf was main perpetrator of your Kargil mis-adventure and after sending his troops he was running here and there shitting in his diapers to save his *** .
USA saved you *** back then by backdoor negotiations .
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