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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred


But the losses are not as higher as it was expected. Indian official losses stood at 550 (approx ) while pakistani official losses stood at 350 (approx). Nawaz Shariff puts the number at 4000 pakistani losses.

We stated our fight considering them to be Mujadeens and hence border was not tobe crossed. Paksiatn was not brave enough to accept that it is PA's operation and this happened when you actually had NUKES.

Area cleared. Territory regained.

you may even put the number to 50 and may post some link in some other thread. :whistle:

Yes nice !

You lost more than us , we were the aggressors then , dear ... If you had crossed the LOC and cut off the supply lines that would reduced your causalities in half according to your own defense experts/analysts ... What stopped you then ?

Do not tell me you were naive enough not to realize it afterwards ... Yeah that is the point , kid ... The nukes ! You were telling us how nukes didn't stop Indians from retaking their land , forgetting that no one dared cross the LOC to Northern Areas because of ! :D

Oh , I wont ... Check the Kargil thread ...
I have never said that India is behind TTP.

TTP is a disastarous fallout of Pakistan's jihad policies.

There is no proof of India being behind TTP. The best that these Pakistanis could do was show pictures of what looked like uncircumcized penises as the grand proof that India was behind the TTP.

I have always said that Pakistan's Jihad Policy is a total and utter failure.

Pakistan should make peace with India instead of wasting away its resources in a pointless conflict that it has ZERO chance of winning.

Mate, just be aware that fear mongering monkeys on both side could find you a bit crazy for wanting peace!!!

you're so right! Fact is, BOTH OF US need peace with each other...

The "penis theory reasoning" sounds awesome... Superlike!
why are you indian afraid of zaid hamid?
Indian idiots constantly bring him up!
U read ur history from bal monkey thakeray or bajrang{BS}dal
they destroyed babri mosque! Zaid hamid didnt destroy temples!

You mean like you destroyed Somnath temple, Lord Ram's temple and Kashi? you reap what you sow
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why are you indian afraid of zaid hamid?
Indian idiots constantly bring him up!
U read ur history from bal monkey thakeray or bajrang{BS}dal
they destroyed babri mosque! Zaid hamid didnt destroy temples!
Actually you didn't get the humour part of it ,Zaid is used by us just to bring the intended pun.
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Well, looks like this thread is now a p*ss*ng contest with no moderators around, so trying to get back on topic...here are some alternate scenarios:

1> GoI knows from past history that Indian interests are better served when the generals run Pakistan...case in point, the almost-done Kashmir deal when Musharraf was in power when there were no border skirmishes or terror attacks in India. So IA has been asked to heat up the border to gradually push PA to topple GoP and get Kayani in the driver's seat officially. This will avoid the non-state actor cr*p that GoP blames when major attacks happen. The current GoP is just a middle fat layer that accomplishes nothing from Indian perspective, better deal directly with the guys who really run the country.

2> Kayani and Co. want to topple GoP in league with the judiciary and need a convincing reason to do so...what better than old nemesis India stirring up trouble on the border with the GoP in paralysis...esp now considering the PM is soon to be in the dock!

Somehow the argument by both sides that current border fire is "tactical" in nature does not sound right...why trade small arms fire after 9 years of quiet? Surely there must be strategic reasons behind this....thoughts?
1> GoI knows from past history that Indian interests are better served when the generals run Pakistan...case in point, the almost-done Kashmir deal when Musharraf was in power

What was that deal , mate ? I haven't heard a single detail about it ... Just wild guesses ...
He is right a deal was almost done by Mushy

Again , I am doubting it ...

Musharraf said on the record " that the deal was almost done " but what sort of deal ?

He said something along the lines of " borders wouldn't have mattered anymore " ... But what ?
Again , I am doubting it ...

Musharraf said on the record " that the deal was almost done " but what sort of deal ?

He said something along the lines of " borders wouldn't have mattered anymore " ... But what ?

4 point solution
Well, looks like this thread is now a p*ss*ng contest with no moderators around, so trying to get back on topic...here are some alternate scenarios:

1> GoI knows from past history that Indian interests are better served when the generals run Pakistan...case in point, the almost-done Kashmir deal when Musharraf was in power when there were no border skirmishes or terror attacks in India. So IA has been asked to heat up the border to gradually push PA to topple GoP and get Kayani in the driver's seat officially. This will avoid the non-state actor cr*p that GoP blames when major attacks happen. The current GoP is just a middle fat layer that accomplishes nothing from Indian perspective, better deal directly with the guys who really run the country.

2> Kayani and Co. want to topple GoP in league with the judiciary and need a convincing reason to do so...what better than old nemesis India stirring up trouble on the border with the GoP in paralysis...esp now considering the PM is soon to be in the dock!

Somehow the argument by both sides that current border fire is "tactical" in nature does not sound right...why trade small arms fire after 9 years of quiet? Surely there must be strategic reasons behind this....thoughts?

Looks like bad state of indian economy left many to take up bollywood script writing.

Troller of Blastistan get a life.You guys rape and harass your womenfolk more than us but you keep that under cover.
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