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Indian AEW&C at Baharin International Airshow

But focusing on the DRDO's failures alone is a bit harsh IMHO and I am one of the biggest critics of DRDO there is but to be fiar to them they have produced some successes and especially lately.

It's not the fact that they attend on air / PR shows (although I think it's rather embarrassing for them with their underperformance) but that is not the point here, they can't do it with material that is meant for our forces and the defence of the country. When an Indian politican would use a government car for his privat purposes, you all would complain and here once again so many justifications. :rolleyes:
It's not the fact that they attend on air / PR shows (although I think it's rather embarrassing for them with their underperformance) but that is not the point here, they can't do it with material that is meant for our forces and the defence of the country. When an Indian politican would use a government car for his privat purposes, you all would complain and here once again so many justifications. :rolleyes:
Right now though the a/c is in the possession of DRDO so they are able to use it in such a manner. Just like Boeing showcased a/c earmarked for the USN to show off the P-8A in the UK at Farnborough.
Right now though the a/c is in the possession of DRDO so they are able to use it in such a manner. Just like Boeing showcased a/c earmarked for the USN to show off the P-8A in the UK at Farnborough.

After the development and while similar aircrafts (P3s) were available to do the roles in the defence forces. DRDO has not finished their job and Indian forces have no alternative to that aircraft at the moment.
When that aircraft is going for an PR trip to Bahrain for DRDO, how can it protect India and Indian airspace? Does DRDO have an alternative for IAF in the meantime? Did they even have finished the development?
=> So who is benefitting here, DRDO or Indian security?

I dont think they are operational and integrated with Phalcons as of yet. So meanwhile some critical work going offline, whats wrong in some PR?
Whom? DRDO, but we didn't paid 100s of millions for this aircraft for DRDOs PR, but for Indian security!

For India. DRDO represents India abroad, does it not ?

If we have paid 100 million $ then it is because DRDO has demonstrated ability to deliver and because we have no other choice. However that does not make DRDO your SLAVE. It just makes them a bunch of very smart and patriotic people who you have entrusted to build you a very complex machine. So we will just have to trust their judgement.
For India. DRDO represents India abroad, does it not ?

No, they are not advertising Indian aero industry or Indian defence industry as a whole, but their company alone and that has nothing to do with Indian defence procurements. It's not like HAL is diverting a few Dhruvs of the Sarang team, or of prototypes to air shows, we are talking about a critical piece of tech for the defence of the country here and we can't afford to send it to PR shows, especially when it is only under development yet!

If we have paid 100 million $ then it is because DRDO has demonstrated ability to deliver and because we have no other choice.

Wrong, we paid for the Brazilian aircraft so far, DRDO might have celebrated the arrival of the aircraft in India, but all they have delivered so far were mock ups of the sensors that now needs to be installed and tested! That's why I am highly against these useless celebrations of every test flight of LCA as well, because nothing was achieved. When DRDO has fully integrated the radar system and IAF has approved it, to be sufficient enough for their requirments (sufficient is more than enough for me, since I don't expect wonders nor do I believe DRDOs promises), we can applaud or be proud, because we have achieved something, TILL THEN all these celebrations and now these PR shows are a useless distraction.

It just makes them a bunch of very smart and patriotic people who you have entrusted to build you a very complex machine. So we will just have to trust their judgement.

How patriotic is it to delay crucial developments and procurements for the defence of the country, only because they claim to be able to develop comparable techs? :rolleyes:
No, they are not advertising Indian aero industry or Indian defence industry as a whole, but their company alone and that has nothing to do with Indian defence procurements. It's not like HAL is diverting a few Dhruvs of the Sarang team, or of prototypes to air shows, we are talking about a critical piece of tech for the defence of the country here and we can't afford to send it to PR shows, especially when it is only under development yet!

LOL. You do not get to make that call. The people who do the actual work gets to make that call. Stop making a fool of yourself with your self righteous indignation. It comes across as childish. (probably because you are a child without much real world exposure)

However a LCA and an AEW&C displayed at Bahrain does shout out India's abilities to the world.

Wrong, we paid for the Brazilian aircraft so far, DRDO might have celebrated the arrival of the aircraft in India, but all they have delivered so far were mock ups of the sensors that now needs to be installed and tested! That's why I am highly against these useless celebrations of every test flight of LCA as well, because nothing was achieved. When DRDO has fully integrated the radar system and IAF has approved it, to be sufficient enough for their requirments (sufficient is more than enough for me, since I don't expect wonders nor do I believe DRDOs promises), we can applaud or be proud, because we have achieved something, TILL THEN all these celebrations and now these PR shows are a useless distraction.

Thank you for sharing with us what YOU think is "right and proper".

However as you can see, people who do the actual work do not care a fcuk of what other useless 'talkers' think. To be frank, I don't care a fcuk what you think is 'prime and proper' either. I always vote for people who do and delivery than people who bitch and moarn and do nothing except talk fancy.

How patriotic is it to delay crucial developments and procurements for the defence of the country, only because they claim to be able to develop comparable techs? :rolleyes:

Under DRDO all 'claims' are evaluated and only the feasible claims get pushed ahead and get funding. (pretty much like every other R&D org. in the world) They do their best, however if you feel you can do better, kindly step up and do better. Other wise you are just another ......... you know what.
1. India bought Israeli AWACS almost a decade back. These have been developed only now.

2. Indian air coverage plan is a hub and spoke kind of system. Israeli Phalcons are the Hubs. These EMB based DRDO AWCS are the spokes. Smaller detection range compared to larger Boeing/IL based systems. They are like the PAF Erieyes. However more hubs are needed.

3. At max, 2 more Phalcon AWACS will be procured. Current inventory is 3.
Whereas the total number of AWACS that IAF and IN will eventually acquire is over 12. The gap will be fulfilled by DRDO AWACS.

I thought that 3 more phalcons will be ordered.

1. India bought Israeli AWACS almost a decade back. These have been developed only now.

2. Indian air coverage plan is a hub and spoke kind of system. Israeli Phalcons are the Hubs. These EMB based DRDO AWCS are the spokes. Smaller detection range compared to larger Boeing/IL based systems. They are like the PAF Erieyes. However more hubs are needed.

3. At max, 2 more Phalcon AWACS will be procured. Current inventory is 3.
Whereas the total number of AWACS that IAF and IN will eventually acquire is over 12. The gap will be fulfilled by DRDO AWACS.

Thanks for Info.

he is banned... :(

Seriously? WHat did he do?

Whom? DRDO, but we didn't paid 100s of millions for this aircraft for DRDOs PR, but for Indian security!

That's the point! They haven't delivered anything yet, the whole project is delayed and only because of the hope of them delivering anything soon, IAF kept delaying additional procurement of A50 Phalcons, which resulted in IAF having less AWACS coverage than PAF!!!
So let DRDO deliver "something" first, before they start PR for their own benefits and definitely, don't give them critical defence material that costs 100s of millions for PR, why not models, or mock ups of the radar? More than enough!

Dude, I think you're being a little too tough. On AWACS, since it's the cheapest system in the world, word on 'export potential' has been there since the start. With regard to the system itself, the IAF is quite satisfied with the performance.
However a LCA and an AEW&C displayed at Bahrain does shout out India's abilities to the world.

And what LCA will be displayed? Models!!! So why can't they do the same with the mock up of the aircraft or the antenna? Because they want to show off!!!
And it's hilarious that you see anything other than embarrassment will be shown off there, look at the facts and don't blind yourself with pride. DRDO has neither developed the AWACS platform, nor designed or produced the figher that they are showing, in fact all systems they were meant to develop for these aircrafts are not ready yet! To me that's embarrassing, but DRDO is know to ignore the reality, so it's not that surprising either.

Thank you for sharing with us what YOU think is "right and proper".

Hehe, when you can't stand the facts, why even try? This nonsense talk that you now have to come up with actually proves only, that DRDO has nothing achieved yet, otherwise you could have come up with at least any prove isn't it? And I don't even blame you, I blame DRDO for not fulfilling their promises, but unlike you, I see and say things as they are! When they have achieved something, I will be happy about it too, but won't find cheap excuses or justifications for them and their failures in the meantime.
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