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Indian Acquisition of the Gorshkov

Read the quote below
An Interesting Note though , IAC 1 ie INS Vikrant is expected to have a shelf Life of about 40 Yrs , ie it will retire by yr 2055 , while Indian Navy Mig 29 K are expected to be retired in 2040 , though some may remain in service if Vikramaditya is operational Beyond 2040
While Vikrant could shift to 5th gen fighters ie F35B for the final 15-20 Yrs of its life

Once again:

First batch of Mig 29Ks will be delivered till 2012 with a service life of 30 - 40 years => 2042-52, while Vikramaditya is expected in the same year and to be in service for 20 - 25 years only => 2032-37

The Migs for IAC1 will come from 2012 onwards and to be in service with the carrier from 2014/15 onwards and both for a life of up to 40 years.

That means, IAC1 will have over 40 Migs and additional NLCAs till the end of it's service life, because they will be constantly upgraded and not all of them will be in service on the carriers at the same time. Actually it seems that IN is going for 3 air wings (1 in service, 1 in reserve on the second carrier, 1 at the home base) which will replace eachother in service and will reduce operational hours of course.

There won't be other fighters for these carriers, especially not a new type for just a small life time.

The only reason why Mirage 2000 and Mig29smt of IAF will be operational till 2025 , becoz after upg these aircraft will still be considered capable till 2025-30 , but not in 2040

That's the point, the same will happen for NLCA and Mig 29Ks as well, Indian forces plans with their fighter for up to 40 years (Air Chief Naik stated that in regard of MMRCAs too!), that's why that is the imortant point and not what other countires do.

As far as Tarawa and Wasp Class Is concerned , I have one question for u , How do u think Marine Corps 200 Harrier Jump Jet take off
and How do u think F35B will take off from America class LHD

Like this:

YouTube - Harrier jet take off...

As you can see without a ski jump and you just need to google a bit to see that none of these US amphibious carriers have (or will have) a ski jump.

Tarawa class:

Wasp class:

America class:
As you can see without a ski jump and you just need to google a bit to see that none of these US amphibious carriers have (or will have) a ski jump.
Yeah, and what are you trying to say ?/ Plz elaborate....

Air Chief Naik stated that in regard of MMRCAs too!)
What, they are not thinking of buying something else for IAC II ??/ I thought IN is considering buying a 4++ gen fighter and even F35 B/C (By the way F35 C is very expensive something aroung 145 million $ per piece something around 30 million $ extra than B).
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