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Indian 1000Rs and 500Rs notes banned from 08-Nov-2016

that sort of technology requires so much power - it doesnt look possible with current technology. think about it - My Audi's GPS gets lost under a tunnel in Boston. how does a non-powered signal reflector communicate with the satellite unless its a star wars grade satellite that has the energy source to track tiny "reflected" signals out of millions of square miles?
Leave that discussion for a later day! Lets talk about your Audi. :yes4:
one of good things which we will see is

inflation coming down and may be even going into negative
and yes I am talking about CPI

so guys please moniter closely
the prices of vegetable, milk etc

u will learn something about relation between oversupply of money and inflation relation

however, the post keynesian economics have doubted it
and they say that there is no relation between inflation and intrest rates (supply of money)
because in India a case of supply chain bottleneck exists

even I am of the same view

but the views can also change

kul milkar
just see if the prices of everyday commodity come down or not

and if they dont
then think that all rate adjustments done by Reserve bank in name of
rapo, reserve rapo rate is a sham

and only has a placebo affect
Corrupt bank officers will make millions.. probably!
Excellent move.

Taken the crooks completely by surprise too.

Also one of those moves that will de-fund many anti-national movements and terror cells ....and also leave the opposition reeling as to whether support or not support (and they lose face either way).

Very well played Modi....totally did not see this coming!

Looking forward to more such measures in future (same stealth + intensity).
Opposition is really in a dilemma as how to react to this blockbuster announcement! Usual suspects are conspicuous by their absence in Twitter. Election bound state leaders are royally screwed. Mayawati & Mulayam may re-auction MLA seats for highest bidders in 100 rupees currency! All those notes stashed up in godowns for buying votes will now be good only for making confetti! wow...talk about masterstroke, they don't come any better!
Though, I am with Modi Ji however, I wonder why they wish to bring back 500 and 2000 RS ? (1st term black money gone to some extend Second term starts, powerful people can still posses notes with chip without being caught. 100 Rs should be the maximum that's my opinion. What you guys think ?

Corrupt bank officers will make millions.. probably!
Tell me how can they make money, do you think that so simple, no its not.
Go to the ATM in the railway station and get unfcuked. Its as simple as that.

Now if you do not have any money in the bank, THEN you are Fcuked.
Atm all are out of order or out of 100 rupees . I am supposed to get money deposited into the account today . Am left with 500rs notes .

Yet like a king Came in taxi and booked nice hotel room :azn: Fucking Brilliant ?
It's a stupid populist move that will make the lives of people so much harder. Now people will have to carry 5-10x the amount of notes to pay for things. Also the grace period given is only a few weeks so NRIs holding currency have basically lost their money.

not true. I read the announcement and it says even after December 30th, some exceptional avemues wil be made available for those with mitigating circumstances. Frankly why would NRIs keep very large amounts in rupees abroad? A few thousands at most
This was not an overnight decision.According to media preparation was already started 6 months ago.Means necessary 100Rs and bew notes are already in reserve .
Preperations started pretty much from day 1 of Modi's govt, this move is the culmination of a lot of efforts and seperate but linked strategies over the past 2.5 years; SIT on black money, numerous black money disclosure agreements with key nations (US, Switzerland, Mauritius etc), bank account roll out to 300+ million Indians who had not been part of the digital banking sector, voluntary depositiing of black money last month (said to have raised $10-15BN for the GoI).

God damn, I have been a critic of Modi at times but this is devestatingly cunning, hatsoff to the PM. Not many nations in the world can boast of having a leader as visionary as this that puts their nation's interests first.
Currently he is best what we have .......
Preperations started pretty much from day 1 of Modi's govt, this move is the culmination of a lot of efforts and seperate but linked strategies over the past 2.5 years; SIT on black money, numerous black money disclosure agreements with key nations (US, Switzerland, Mauritius etc), bank account roll out to 300+ million Indians who had not been part of the digital banking sector, voluntary depositiing of black money last month (said to have raised $10-15BN for the GoI).

God damn, I have been a critic of Modi at times but this is devestatingly cunning, hatsoff to the PM. Not many nations in the world can boast of having a leader as visionary as this that puts their nation's interests first.
I would say he who critizes this the most is the most affected. There will be some who would be very effusive with praise. Some among them would also be the affected parties trying the negative psychology.
Only ones smug are guys like me, who pays the taxes from his paycheck, happy are Farmers, mixed bag are gold dealers and smugglers.
Devastated are Politicians real estate and small businesses
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