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If we examine the text of the rig veda we find that it does not contain even the faintest hint of any memory of any such invasion . No reference to any area to outside Indian subcontinent. No reference to any foreign ancestral land . The geographic horizon of rigveda is essentially the saptasindhu region from western uttar pradesh and haryana in east to southern afghan in north and the present day border towards iran in west . It has no reference that rigveda arrived into Indian subcontinent from abroad conquering indigenous dravidian people , no reference to conquering destroying a great urban civilization on the contrary the Hymns of the Rigveda show that the composers considered themselves native to the vedic area to which they show great sentimental attachment . The composers were intimately familiar with not only rivers places plants animals of saptsindhu reigion but also with those of eastern India and on other hand thar are no references to foreign rivers places or plants or animals . Hence from Rigvedic texttual evidence its very clear that its composers were native to India .

Now europeans giving meaning to vedas is hillarious larp because we know that max muller wrote a letter to his waifu in 1866 he says that vedas are the root of Indic religion and that he will uproot all that is sprung from vedas from last 3000 years. Hence all these translations of vedas by europeans and jewish british anglo saxon abhramics is nothing but a desire to uproot Dharma in favour of biblical chronology as they believed that yahova the god of jews or father of jesus created everything in about 4004 bce and nothing could have been prior to that . They also believed thar god destroyed world in 3000 bce noahs flood and because of that no history can be present [emoji38]

As for brahmins , its not caste its varna . Brahmin is one who possess the knowledge of "Brahma" Absolute Truth / Ishwara) , Brahmin is a quality later on due to corruption and politics its meaning was changed .
Nick Allen did some work and he found lots of common mythology between Greeks and Proto Hinduism. I'm not saying his work is definitive but I am saying that Greeks had well kept and established historical time lines unlike Hindu texts and give a more fairer analysis. There is much that has been derived from steppe lore and it didn't form overnight...
Brother dont you think it western colonials were the ones who came here to impose thar biblical narrtives upon us and as a result of the aryan migration theory is nothing but a quest for the "western identiy".The majority of the claimants of western civilisation are not actual descendants of the Western Roman empire to begin with. For example, the flag bearers of supposed western civilisation today, United Kingdom, Germany, and its descendants in United States and Anglosphere, the Anglo Saxons are not actually descendants of Roman civilisation or culture and are just barbaric Anglo Saxon tribes (as referenced during Roman period) which robbed and looted and eventually settled in present day England, Germany. They are not Romans, but rather the barbaric tribes which scavenged the corpse of the dying and decaying Roman empire and carved their own respected societies in modern day Britain and Germany. Western Civilization today could be a thing though, but thanks to their 500-600 years of affluence and prosperity gained by looting and genociding everyone else is making them weak and decadent. Karma hitting back maybe . TIme will tell. Western identity is rooted in the judeo christian framework and that framework requires purity of thought. Therefore it cannot have Asian or Indic Cultures even Chinese culture or japanese cultures stepping out . It cannot have that .That separation is thar inside this sub continent ,all the time (they want) every period of time the knowledge needs to come to Asia to this subcontinent by so called "superior" whity and not the other way around ... only lies and nothing pffttt.

Only by reichs and his genecbrigade not as a well established scientific law as " universal law of gravity".

Well you didnt provide any satisfactory answer about why migration into India is not mentioned in rigveda you just relied on few assumptions see Hindutva is a concept that came in 1923 almost 100 years after max muller wrote that letter . And you mention about "certain clever positions adopted by enslavers" .Then well Consider the Baudhayana Shrauta Sutra, a Vedic text. Baudhayana Shrauta Sutra 18:44 records:
“Amavasu migrated westward. His people are Gandhari, Parsu and Aratta.”

This refers to a Vedic king called Amavasu, whose people are the Gandhari (Gandhara – Afghanistan), the Parsu (Persians) and the Aratta, who are tentatively identified as living in the vicinity of Mt. Ararat, which is located in Turkey (eastern Anatolia) and Armenia.Afghanistan (Gandhara) was historically part of the Indian civilization until the Islamic invasions. The name“Persia” comes from the ancient Parshva people (an Aryan clan). The word “Parshva” is derived from the Sanskrit/Avestan (Old Persian) word “Parshu”,
which means “battle-axe”. There are clear linguistic and cultural similarities between Persia and India .
So why would so called aryan warlords who compiled vedas - brahmanism and associated termnologies with it would mention an out of India migration and not into India migration ? (Btw in vedic sanskrit aryan simply means noble person and upholder of eternal cosmic laws aka Dharma . It has nothing to do with racism and brahmanism I have already told meaning of Brhamin you can check dictionaries of Sanskrit).

Even after all these attempts, the Invasion theory leaves behind many more questions than it solves successfully. There are crores of temples for Dravidian Gods- Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma all over India while the Aryan gods- Indira, Varuna, Vayu, Agni etc. have very few temples dedicated to them. Unless one is wilfully brainded manchild, it makes no sense that the any invading superior race who supposedly defeated the indegenious men breeding thar women and made them the lower castes and/or forced them to migrate to the south, would have adopted the gods of the so called dravidians as the primordial deities above thar own Indira or Vayu. Because in reality all of them Indira Vayu Agni Shiva Krishna are just a few among such a huge array of gods and goddesses in hinduism .

No they dont speak .Think about this , if an indian person converts into christianity will the dna also become christian ? Or lets if you learn to speak french will your dna also become french ? No it will not your dna will remain same . Its as simple as that . So Genetics speaking is absurd nonsensical argument because dna doesnt carry religion or languages . Howevar still
I would like to present a very influential paper by American journal of Human genetics . They took one of the largest samples of Indians from across different regions , different backgrounds and so on to try and identify of we are as a people . They postulated an ANI and ASI population and thar interest was to show how was the current population was derived from the ancient population , what was the actual relationship.They showed ANI and ASI diverged from a common ancestor 60000 years ago pretty much co relating with discernment of stephen oppenhiemers ancient men came at India at certain time . They also found that ANI and ASI existed side by side without mixing for a huge and long period of time untill about 4000 years ago certain event caused vicious mixing when they actually started marrying among each other . So when did central asian gene exactly got here ? As since supposedly invading aryans came to India in 1500 bce as per migration larp , so they must have left some genetic imprint in the current population .So to find any evidence of central Asian genes they looked 2000 years back 3000 years back 4000 years back 7000 yrs back 8000 years back 10000 years back and so forth no trace at all. Infact they had to go all the way to 12500 years before in order to find any evidence of central Asian gene in ancestral north Indian population !!!This clearly invalidates aryan migration larp happening in 1500bce and such.

This paper is from researchers of National Genographic consortium(about when did genetic differentiaion begin) , 1700 or so individuals from tamil nadu were taken into study about endogamy in south if you could think of it as a caste system , it shows that endogamy is 6000 years old in south India. What pro migration larpers try to show that aryans imposed caste system upon dravidians at around 600 bce so any endogamy in caste system should be present in genetic record from 200-300 or 400 bce but what we rather see in south India it is hillarious 6000 years old !

*Endogamy means the custom of marrying only within the limits of a local community, clan, or tribe. So its clear that south Indians didnt indulge in practice of endogamy because of any forced caste system imposed by so called invading aryans in 300-400 bce or so.

Would like to also add , Thats right SLC24A5 ^ the mutation occurred 30000 years ago and this mutation is present both in ancestral north Indians , europeans and ancestral south Indians .
It is responsible for expression of melanin which controls skin color .

Also a bit about r1a1a or r-m17 which also happens to be worlds most successful family , its members may possibly be over in billions .The data from the study of Leucotte G gives evidence that the R1a1 found in Punjab is the oldest while the central european haplotype is in the middle and Northern European R1a haplotype is the youngest. This pretty much buries the Aryan invasion migration theories to the ground because if they was true, we would have seen from the genetic results that the eastern european haplotype being the oldest and Indian haplotype being the youngest since reocjs claims that europeans (the parent population) came as invaders or migrants to North India as Aryans

(See - http://www.omicsonline.org/open-acc...plogroup-r1a-in-eurasia-2161-1041-1000150.pdf)

(See - http://repository.ias.ac.in/51846/1/42-PUB.pdf)
(See - https://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1038/jhg.2008.2)

It is also important to note the age of different population groups in the study. The study states that Central/Eastern european population is 12500 years old while Northern Population is 6900 years old. And the Punjabi/North Indian population is at least 15500 years old.The age component in these studies is the most important because as per migration theory, IVC was Dravidian and it ended because of invasion by the Aryans around 1500 BC i.e. 4000 years ago. In the light of above mentioned and similar other genetic studies, the Aryan Invasion theory is off the mark by at least 10000 years. The significance of this fact is that it demolishes the argument of these brainless retards who push the narrative that Hinduism is not native to India and came with the Aryan invaders. Since North Indian population is at least 15,000 years old, this claim falls flat on its face and make Hinduism indigenous to India and India alone. This also shows that hundreds and millions of members even billions of R1a family living across the world today are descended from a single male ancestor who lived in India at least 15500 years ago !!!

Infact , These research paper >

Shows that Europe experienced a massive population influx from the east, beginning around 4,500 years from the present . Several haplogroups were involved in this demic expansion, including the Indian-origin R1a1a. This was almost a total replacement event, which indicates that Indo-Aryans, among others, expanded westward into Europe and to a large extent replaced indigenous European males and their Y-chromosome strata. This indicates military expansion. Conquest. This genetic evidence indicates that several Y-chromosomal (patrilineal) lineages, one of which was the Indian-origin R1a1a, gave rise to the modern European population. Out of these lineages, R1a1a is the most widespread and numerous.

All of these find no mention in reichs genetic study brigade . Academic research papers must cite all research that is relevant to their work, even if it contradicts their findings and if reichs truthful enough and free from any bias (in which case they must prove that their work improves upon, or disproves that of their predecessors). Thats why reich whose study you quote was criticized and condemned and questioned upon by fellow researchers as well for his prejudiced agenda isnt it .
Also what a joker of a gentic expert one could be that in his paper titled “Massive Migration from the Steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe” that makes the dubious claim of being able
to associate language (and culture) with DNA. It purports to support the hypothesis that the steppe Yamnaya culture represents the origin of Indo-European (IE) languages and culture.
This paper's conclusions have been thoroughly and conclusively demolished by the legendary Russian archaeologist Leo Klejn in two papers published in Acta Archaeologica and the European Journal of Archaeology. Also LOL at this damning new york times article that exposes shocking malpractices in the ancient DNA research ecosystem, reduces reich’s scientific reputation to dust and discredits nearly every piece of research he and his team have published liken to the Final nail in his coffin. (See - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/17/magazine/ancient-dna-paleogenomics.html)

Given all this I think you should seriously introspect brother and not blind believe in bigoted school yard outcast racists delusional brigade claims.

In the end I would like to tag @Chhatrapati if he has something to add
Amusing collection of near decade old papers that have been superseded by work from within the last two years by Reich and others. You have simply ignored the evidence and presented older items for consumption.

The Nat Geo paper regarding migration into Europe certainly mentions westward migration, but not from Bharat, rather from the same steppe land region from whence the eastward migration into India occurred. You should read your own sources more carefully.

This is the point your "pseudo-anti-orientalism" argument falls down on. English researchers had no vested interests in claiming a steppe land origin for ANI DNA because steppe land DNA also swept into Western Europe on the back of mass rape and pilllaging. It's accepted without any sense of victimhood or inferiority. Mature western Europeans accept their DNA was contributed to by Vikings, Steppe land raiders and Mongols - it's not some existential threat. Meanwhile, Hindustan pretends its DNA is all locally sourced.

Keep denying reality.
@AgNoStiC MuSliM @waz can u do something about this religious preaching and historical revisionism from the above poster?

This is going way off topic.

Really brother ? Sorry to hurt you.

Nick Allen did some work and he found lots of common mythology between Greeks and Proto Hinduism. I'm not saying his work is definitive but I am saying that Greeks had well kept and established historical time lines unlike Hindu texts and give a more fairer analysis. There is much that has been derived from steppe lore and it didn't form overnight...

Not just similarity with greeks but evan shaykh adi ibn musafir blessings upon him of yazids in iraq got pretty much lot of commonalities from tilak to deepak to peacocks and melek taus nature and characteristics is smiliar to Lord murugan son of shiva Also even use of saree is found thar wew. That has got great relevance of its own but not for this discussion right now .

Amusing collection of near decade old papers that have been superseded by work from within the last two years by Reich and others. You have simply ignored the evidence and presented older items for consumption.

The Nat Geo paper regarding migration into Europe certainly mentions westward migration, but not from Bharat, rather from the same steppe land region from whence the eastward migration into India occurred. You should read your own sources more carefully.

This is the point your "pseudo-anti-orientalism" argument falls down on. English researchers had no vested interests in claiming a steppe land origin for ANI DNA because steppe land DNA also swept into Western Europe on the back of mass rape and pilllaging. It's accepted without any sense of victimhood or inferiority. Mature western Europeans accept their DNA was contributed to by Vikings, Steppe land raiders and Mongols - it's not some existential threat. Meanwhile, Hindustan pretends its DNA is all locally sourced.

Keep denying reality.

The article you posted https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842210/ is also a decade old And its not just about one of the nat geo papers being proved wrong you havent cited that too and explain your argument that it was not Bharat or evan if same steppe land that doesnt invalidates anything. As we know The Y-chromosomal (patrilineal) haplogroup R1a1a (also known as R-M17) is the world’s most successful extended family. Its members already number in the high hundreds of millions, possibly over a billion. It is widespread across Eurasia, with high concentrations in Russia, Poland and Ukraine, as well as in the Indian subcontinent and the Tuva region of Asiatic Russia. So your claim doesnt make any sense at all you need to answer properly brother . Because Several haplogroups were involved in this demic expansion, including the Indian-origin R1a1a. or R-m17 .Howevar thar will be just too many things you gotta cite .probably thats why reichs and his brigade got shitted hard by Russian Klejn in Acta Archaeologica. No individual author of genetics . If I were to ask you who is author of physics , not just one author who holds patents of eternal truth like krantikari patrakars in scroll claim anyways lets not deviate too much . Genetics is such a huge multi disciplinary field after all now lets continue and not deviate over one sole point so Yeah those same western matures whiteys when talking shit about islam means terrorism then you also call them racist quickly then they are no longer mature but prejudiced ahl al kitab enh . I assume you are reasonable man brother and will not be subjected to any multi personality disorder against degeneracy. Lets get to the topic and then you answer me and enlighten us as you claimed brother to want support science I saw in your posts earlier okay so ummm... you see maternal mitochondrial dna is very very stable its used by Like stephen oppenhiemers and other fellow researchers and they showed how around 85000 years ago group of people left India, generatation by generation migration , then 75000 years ago how mount toba event that caused the extinction of human race leading to less than 10000 adults that were left to repopulate the world or probably all the non african people of the world are derived from the 10000 people who survived the event viz chains of migration . This is based upon the function of maternal mitochondrial dna, now the
maternal mitochondrial dna is very very stable as I told earlier . It aint using the x chromosome of the mother , rather in the ovum they find the mitochondria, its the dna of mitochondria that we are tracking and that is very very stable , it doesnt mutate very often thats why its very stable . Ofcourse these researches could not address the aryan migration larp or the "western identity proplem" so they whined okay lets look at the Y chromosomes . Here comes into play the story of r1a or r-m17 . Where does it originate . I already posted evidence about its indic origins in previous post which you completely ignored because it goes against your agenda . It was based on newer study by leucotte G. Even the consensus among scholars regarding its origin see the snap below ,

the majority consensus is pointing towards indic origin .Also it fails to validate thar stupid linguistic model as well .

After all these faliures we have your david reichs and his self proclaimed genecist brigade coming into party. They were butthurt probably as mitochondrial dna or Y chromosomes is not telling them the story they want so why not look into remaining 22 autosomes lmaoo . Since mitochondrial dna or y chromosomes r1a or r-m17 is not proving sh1t about his delusional narratives about "western identity issues" . This is called genome wide data . So first thing he did is tried to take ancient samples that hes might be able to recover entire genome record . For example harrapan skeletons if they are 5000 years old can he go and get them from bones or teeth or maybe you can maybe find some genetic records.
The problem is the ancient samples are invariably contaminated by the bacterial dna . Human dna is mixed with the bacterial dna after such thousands of years right the bacteria is gonna work right and cause contamination. Next thing is that if the sample has been under the soil under the water salt water , the mineralization breaks down the dna also . So scientists today kind of use certain methods (Not 100 percent accurate or reliable) to get the peices of genome one piece from here one piece from there and so on then they need to "Fill in the blanks" . And to "Fill in the blanks" they make use of present day human dna and also chimpanzee dna LOL. They use both to reconstruct the anicent fragments.

Our hipster reich says in pages 30 31 33 of his book how he takes sample . He concluded very strange things he says 'europeans are more closely related to Indians than to chinese' then he also says that
'chinese are more closely related to Indians than europeans' . So any logical person you see will clearly say that the model is "Indians are the common links" as from Indians you get the europeans on one side and chinese on the other side . However this orangutan of a genecist aka reich didnt do that , refering to aryan invasion theory he introduced "one layer of abstraction" . He said that let thar be an "hypothesiezd proto indo european people over here" from whom are derived the europeans and the Indians .

So whats this model validity ? what is this model you did , you selected a model that conviently goes the circular argument and fits your retarded delusions and now you are gonna do
some mathematical analysis and befuddle krantikari morons of journalist like the ones you quote in scroll.in who doesnt know 3 shits about basics of genetics biology or maths
who would post your delusion as some "universal truth" and then assuming that everybody is gonna buy this lmao.

Then we are told that 9000 years ago the pastoral people from iran came and mixed with Indians then he says that present day Indians have strong affinity to ancient steppe pastoral dna now this he says is aryan invasion. He claims iranian impacted ANI and ASI then steppe impacted ANI and ASI. Thar are some issues ovar here . I would like to bringout some of his contradictory sadakchaap research . While writing this I was going through my directory and also found this interesting paper ,

Some moar evidence of outward migration

Anyways lets get back to topic . yeah so the proof of sadakchaap research is below papers you check them

^ This paper they claim admixtures from yamnaya . Howevar another paper that came out following it by scandivanian professors
(https://science.sciencemag.org/content/360/6396/eaar7711) show that thar is no admixture from yamnaya . How is it two different teams using the same people data both ancient and present, get fully opposite results ? method problem research problem what the hell is going here LOL . Then we also got this rebuttal research

What this shows is something very very interesting . They worked a mathematics model and figure out that if you are claiming the so much of percentage of central asian dna content
in present Indians , lets work backwords and find out how many immigrants came so that genetically they will overwhelm the existing population?
Thar research found upto 4X immigrants need to come to completly overwhelm. Saraswati civilization supported between to have 2000000 to 5000000 estimates .
Now you do the math 4x5000000 = 20000000 lmaoo thar is no evidence of this huge number coming evar to subcontinent either .

See also - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3487126/

And which model did they use for India ? We need to know when did both populations made any hybrid what time did they come when did they give thar content . We have this problem
thars no damn data nothings available only assumptions and possibilites LOL .You dont know the exact ancient populations , You dont have thar dna profile exactly , You dont know
thar exact numbers , You dont know the exact descendants , You dont know the exact number of generations , You dont know the exact parings from the pool . You not evan know the
exact descendants and direct descendants in this pool goddamnit. You neither got thar exact dna profiles all this rascal of genecist reich and his hooligan brigade got is nothing but
"assumed asstatistical models" "assumed assparameters" and " limited asspredictability"

So this is the model he has today and he wants us to believe shit about his toilet class research. Also thar is admixture problem as well . Do you even know about pca ? Its called principle component analyses in that analyses what they do is you have a matrix thar is geographical regions namely gr 1 gr 2 gr 3 for example you start with southern India and work your way to north this village this village that village you go village by village and you take the different markers you find the genome profiles and you say 30 percent carring this marker 20 percent carrying that marker 17 percent carying that marker and and so on . Now do you evan also know what singular value decomposition is
before spaming this thread with your delusions and copy posting articles from cucks of krantikari journalists like shoaib danyal tony joseph romillia thapar etc?
So once you do this singular value decomposition which is a mathematical algorithm it will giv you a bunch of numbers called "principle components" . reich is taking these pcs and placing them on a graph and gets a gradient based on this gradient he whines that ANI is closer to central asians . ASI is an isolate . Howevar
what this rascal liar of genecist reich has done brother I want you to see is to this retarded gradient is in southern Indian sample hes included the andamanese so thar is clustering possible to create
a hillarious artifical gradient . Andamanese stopped mixing with mainstream population 45000 to 60000 years ago . David reich and his cumskin racist pig brigade is interested todays delusional narrative of who we are and interested in 5000 years data then why the hell would you include them to prove your todays delusion ? ANDAMANESE SHOULDNT BE THAR SIMPLY DAMN SHOULDNT.
So you skew the damn data skew the numbers in your matrix so you can get the results that you want to show just to prove your shitty theory LMAO . Now this very scientic lad .

We all know this is a multi disciplinary field . Nobody got expertise in your scroll wire the print leftist homo articles LOL. The guy who knows maths doesnt know damn about biology
the guy who knows bio doesnt know damn about genetics the guy who knows genetics doesnt know damn about either. And then when we question them and thar blind followers we get no answer .
You havent been able to rekt me anywhere with evidence brother yet you keep spaming this thing as some divine piece of fact when in reality its pure cumskins delusions at best . We can also rekt them
on fusion of genetics and linguists but it is not the part of our very discussion right now so I am staying silence on it .

I will again quote my last para in previous post and now we probably know exactly why it holds pure wisdom and truth about reichs and his brigade

All of these find no mention in reichs genetic study brigade . Academic research papers must cite all research that is relevant to their work, even if it contradicts their findings and if reichs truthful enough and free from any bias (in which case they must prove that their work improves upon, or disproves that of their predecessors). Thats why reich whose study you quote was criticized and condemned and questioned upon by fellow researchers as well for his prejudiced agenda isnt it .
Also what a joker of a gentic expert one could be that in his paper titled “Massive Migration from the Steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe” that makes the dubious claim of being able
to associate language (and culture) with DNA. It purports to support the hypothesis that the steppe Yamnaya culture represents the origin of Indo-European (IE) languages and culture.
This paper's conclusions have been thoroughly and conclusively demolished by the legendary Russian archaeologist Leo Klejn in two papers published in Acta Archaeologica and the European Journal of Archaeology. Also LOL at this damning new york times article that exposes shocking malpractices in the ancient DNA research ecosystem, reduces reich’s scientific reputation to dust and discredits nearly every piece of research he and his team have published liken to the Final nail in his coffin. (See - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/17/magazine/ancient-dna-paleogenomics.html)

There is nothing as old decade articles so they lose any validity . You cant answer my points so all you have left is this validty issue probably shoab daniyal didnt mention or shoab daniyal coulnt mention or explain this in his retarded scroll article or what ? It looks like you have just memorised a few paras from those papers and nothing else and you have developed this terrible habbit of repetition and alteration ovar and ovar you should learn deeper about genetics with all due respect brother. And alsp einstein’s announcement of the general theory of relativity in 1915, for example, did not cause any headlines until 1919, when the bending of light by the Sun’s gravitational field was first observed (simultaneously in Brazil and western Africa). Many more tests of general relativity were devised and performed during the past century, and the theory continues to be tested today. General relativity has passed all these tests without exception, which is why it is widely accepted as being correct.


I will again tag @Chhatrapati if hes got anything to add
I saw his posts in this thread no wonder hes this senior .

Last edited:
It is widespread across Eurasia, with high concentrations in Russia, Poland and Ukraine, as well as in the Indian subcontinent and the Tuva region of Asiatic Russia. So your claim doesnt make any sense at all you need to answer properly brother .
Reich also bases his hypothesis on the Y- DNA of R1a which he thinks is an Aryan contribution, but some of the oldest R1A haplogroups can be found among South Africa tribes. Either Aryans also invaded the South of Africa, or it's simply back migration of an old group, which again will not be of European origin.

I think that's the only thing you missed. Nice explanation.
@Chhatrapati bhraataa can you open your dm for me I have to talk urgently .
I can't open DMs
Reich also bases his hypothesis on the Y- DNA of R1a which he thinks is an Aryan contribution, but some of the oldest R1A haplogroups can be found among South Africa tribes. Either Aryans also invaded the South of Africa, or it's simply back migration of an old group, which again will not be of European origin.

High time our billionaire industrialists and goverment must starts funding this and let the truth come out . Maybe modi would announce it right before elections kek.
High time our billionaire industrialists and goverment must starts funding this and let the truth come out . Maybe modi would announce it right before elections kek.

Please see below – I have tried to respond to your earlier disjointed rant in bold text:

The article you posted https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842210/ is also a decade old And its not just about one of the nat geo papers being proved wrong you havent cited that too and explain your argument that it was not Bharat or evan if same steppe land that doesnt invalidates anything.

As we know The Y-chromosomal (patrilineal) haplogroup R1a1a (also known as R-M17) is the world’s most successful extended family. Its members already number in the high hundreds of millions, possibly over a billion. It is widespread across Eurasia, with high concentrations in Russia, Poland and Ukraine, as well as in the Indian subcontinent and the Tuva region of Asiatic Russia. So your claim doesnt make any sense at all you need to answer properly brother . Because Several haplogroups were involved in this demic expansion, including the Indian-origin R1a1a. or R-m17 .Howevar thar will be just too many things you gotta cite .probably thats why reichs and his brigade got shitted hard by Russian Klejn in Acta Archaeologica.

you see maternal mitochondrial dna is very very stable its used by Like stephen oppenhiemers and other fellow researchers and they showed how around 85000 years ago group of people left India, generatation by generation migration , then 75000 years ago how mount toba event that caused the extinction of human race leading to less than 10000 adults that were left to repopulate the world or probably all the non african people of the world are derived from the 10000 people who survived the event viz chains of migration . This is based upon the function of maternal mitochondrial dna, now the
maternal mitochondrial dna is very very stable as I told earlier . It aint using the x chromosome of the mother , rather in the ovum they find the mitochondria, its the dna of mitochondria that we are tracking and that is very very stable , it doesnt mutate very often thats why its very stable . Ofcourse these researches could not address the aryan migration larp or the "western identity proplem" so they whined okay lets look at the Y chromosomes . Here comes into play the story of r1a or r-m17 . Where does it originate . I already posted evidence about its indic origins in previous post which you completely ignored because it goes against your agenda . It was based on newer study by leucotte G. Even the consensus among scholars regarding its origin see the snap below ,

the majority consensus is pointing towards indic origin .Also it fails to validate thar stupid linguistic model as well .

After all these faliures we have your david reichs and his self proclaimed genecist brigade coming into party. as mitochondrial dna or Y chromosomes is not telling them the story they want so why not look into remaining 22 autosomes lmaoo . Since mitochondrial dna or y chromosomes r1a or r-m17 is not proving his narratives about "western identity issues" . This is called genome wide data . So first thing he did is tried to take ancient samples that hes might be able to recover entire genome record . For example harrapan skeletons if they are 5000 years old can he go and get them from bones or teeth or maybe you can maybe find some genetic records.
The problem is the ancient samples are invariably contaminated by the bacterial dna . Human dna is mixed with the bacterial dna after such thousands of years right the bacteria is gonna work right and cause contamination. Next thing is that if the sample has been under the soil under the water salt water , the mineralization breaks down the dna also . So scientists today kind of use certain methods (Not 100 percent accurate or reliable) to get the peices of genome one piece from here one piece from there and so on then they need to "Fill in the blanks" . And to "Fill in the blanks" they make use of present day human dna and also chimpanzee dna LOL. They use both to reconstruct the anicent fragments.

Our hipster reich says in pages 30 31 33 of his book how he takes sample . He concluded very strange things he says 'europeans are more closely related to Indians than to chinese' then he also says that
'chinese are more closely related to Indians than europeans' . So any logical person you see will clearly say that the model is "Indians are the common links" as from Indians you get the europeans on one side and chinese on the other side . However this genecist aka reich didnt do that , refering to aryan invasion theory he introduced "one layer of abstraction" . He said that let thar be an "hypothesiezd proto indo european people over here" from whom are derived the europeans and the Indians .

I shall keep my response to this particular rant brief. You have attempted simply to character assassinate David Reich, when in reality, his views are shared by scores of other population geneticists. He is the one who had the wherewithal to accuse sanghees of having a problem with these findings, hence his initial comments about Indian “resistance” to his findings. He wanted to call the ANI group “west eurasians”, which was resisted by Hindustanis, as it conflicted with their sanghee narratives. You are continuing this
rich tradition of singling him out and vilifying him, when if you read my own references in this very thread and elsewhere, you will become clear and reassured that he is but one of many who reject the “out of india” nonsense emanating from the secular republic’s official/quasi-official mouthpieces.

I shall add that I am well aware of the importance of mito DNA and Y-chromosome analysis in population genetics due to their relative stability. Their shortage in certain studies is irrelevant, as other studies which do emphasise the findings of analysis of these precise molecules do very much exist, as we shall see herein.

Anyways lets get back to topic .

The Genomic Formation of South and Central Asia
The genetic formation of Central and South Asian populations has been unclear because of an absence of ancient DNA. To address this gap, we generated genome-wide data from 362 ancient individuals, including the first from eastern Iran, Turan (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan), Bronze Age...
^ This paper they claim admixtures from yamnaya . Howevar another paper that came out following it by scandivanian professors
(https://science.sciencemag.org/content/360/6396/eaar7711) show that thar is no admixture from yamnaya . How is it two different teams using the same people data both ancient and present, get fully opposite results ? method problem research problem what the hell is going here LOL . Then we also got this rebuttal research

Word of advice: Read all the relevant text from your quoted sources and don't cherry pick. “The steppe people seem not to have penetrated South Asia. Genetic evidence indicates an independent history involving western Eurasian admixture into ancient South Asian peoples.”

“earliest secure evidence of horse husbandry comes from the Botai culture of Central Asia, whereas direct evidence for Yamnaya equestrianism remains elusive”

“In South Asia, we identified at least two distinct waves of admixture from the west, the first occurring from a source related to the Copper Age Namazga farming culture from the southern edge of the steppe, who exhibit both the Iranian and the EHG components found in many contemporary Pakistani and Indian groups from across the subcontinent. The second came from Late Bronze Age steppe sources, with a genetic impact that is more localized in the north and west.”
“Our findings further suggest that West Eurasian ancestry entered South Asia before and after, rather than during, the initial expansion of western steppe pastoralists”

So, as per your sources, whether “ancient Indians” came from the Yamnaya or a combination of Namazga and Late Bronze Age Steppe sources, they still did not come “out of India”. In general terms, somebody (I don’t really care who) has entered ancient India and spread their DNA to create the northern and western population groups who proceeded to enslave the whole subcontinent, including the native groups from the south

What this shows is something very very interesting . They worked a mathematics model and figure out that if you are claiming the so much of percentage of central asian dna content
in present Indians , lets work backwords and find out how many immigrants came so that genetically they will overwhelm the existing population?

You’re clutching at straws now by saying “there’s no way mathematically so few could overwhelm so many”. That isn’t based on fact but rather on your own conjecture. We know numerous instances of numerically superior nations and races being enslaved by numerically inferior attackers. The latin consquest of south America is but one example. If motivation and technology exist, it is entirely possible and indeed has happened not infrequently.

In more general terms (and you should regard this as my main conclusion) a mature reaction is required to the harsh realities of population intermixing – even if it was sometimes violent and oppressive in ancient times.


“We can falsify this notion that anyone is pure,” says population geneticist Lynn Jorde of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Instead, almost all modern humans “have this incredibly complex history of mixing and mating and migration.”

And which model did they use for India ? We need to know when did both populations made any hybrid what time did they come when did they give thar content . We have this problem
thars no damn data nothings available only assumptions and possibilites LOL .You dont know the exact ancient populations , You dont have thar dna profile exactly , You dont know
thar exact numbers , You dont know the exact descendants , You dont know the exact number of generations , You dont know the exact parings from the pool . You not evan know the
exact descendants and direct descendants in this pool ….

Quite the rant about what we don’t know. We DO know that north Indians are as “native” to India in terms of genetic composition as “Germans” are to Germany.

So this is the model he has today and he wants us to believe shit about his toilet class research. Also thar is admixture problem as well . Do you even know about pca ? Its called principle component analyses in that analyses what they do is you have a matrix thar is geographical regions namely gr 1 gr 2 gr 3 for example you start with southern India and work your way to north this village this village that village you go village by village and you take the different markers you find the genome profiles and you say 30 percent carring this marker 20 percent carrying that marker 17 percent carying that marker and and so on . Now do you evan also know what singular value decomposition is
before spaming this thread with your delusions and copy posting articles from cucks of krantikari journalists like shoaib danyal tony joseph romillia thapar etc?
So once you do this singular value decomposition which is a mathematical algorithm it will giv you a bunch of numbers called "principle components" . reich is taking these pcs and placing them on a graph and gets a gradient based on this gradient he whines that ANI is closer to central asians . ASI is an isolate . Howevar
what this rascal liar of genecist reich has done brother I want you to see is to this retarded gradient is in southern Indian sample hes included the andamanese so thar is clustering possible to create
a hillarious artifical gradient . Andamanese stopped mixing with mainstream population 45000 to 60000 years ago . David reich and his cumskin racist pig brigade is interested todays delusional narrative of who we are and interested in 5000 years data then why the hell would you include them to prove your todays delusion ? ANDAMANESE SHOULDNT BE THAR SIMPLY DAMN SHOULDNT.
So you skew the damn data skew the numbers in your matrix so you can get the results that you want to show just to prove your shitty theory LMAO . Now this very scientic lad .

Calm down. There is plenty of evidence of origin-dependent genome differences between north and south India, without any such “dependency upon” or “skewing by” the Andamanese contribution as you claim. You are simply overemphasising the Andamanese as some confounding factor to entire volumes of research in this field. Sorry but the Andamanese aren’t going to save sanghee theorists from the harsh realities of their origins.

“Maternal lineages primarily reflect earlier, pre-Holocene processes, and paternal lineages predominantly episodes within the last 10 ka. In particular, genetic influx from Central Asia in the Bronze Age was strongly male-driven, consistent with the patriarchal, patrilocal and patrilineal social structure attributed to the inferred pastoralist early Indo-European society. This was part of a much wider process of Indo-European expansion, with an ultimate source in the Pontic-Caspian region, which carried closely related Y-chromosome lineages, a smaller fraction of
autosomal genome-wide variation and an even smaller fraction of mitogenomes across a vast swathe of Eurasia between 5 and 3.5 ka.”

“The Indian society comprises tribal, ranked caste, and other populations that are largely endogamous. As a result of evolutionary antiquity and endogamy, populations of India show high genetic differentiation and extensive structuring. Linguistic differences of populations provide the best explanation of genetic differences observed in this region of the world. Within India, consistent with social history, extant populations inhabiting northern regions show closer affinities with Indo-European speaking populations of central Asia that those inhabiting southern regions. Extant southern Indian populations may have been derived from early
colonizers arriving from Africa along the southern exit route. The higher-ranked caste populations, who were the torch-bearers of Hindu rituals, show closer affinities with central Asian, Indo-European speaking, populations.”

Lastly, let me remind you that posting lengthy and angry rants is a waste of everyone’s time, including my own. Stick to the science if you wish to argue with me about science. Stick to casual trolling and hey, I can indulge likewise. But do not cross the streams of these two distinct approaches to discourse with me, as your rants have polluted your attempts at scientific rebuttal, or perhaps it’s the other way around – your attempted science has polluted your highly developed aggressive ranting and name-calling. Likewise, do not indulge in attempts to character assassinate me by inferring some biased critique of any opinions I may or may not hold regarding race or religion.

By the way (and I told you this before) – refrain from calling me “brother”. You’re a standard sanghee, hence can never be anything close to my brother, no matter how many nafls you read or fasts you perform or how long your beard is. A Pakistani hindu, Christian or jew is more my brother than a sanghee-loving muslim
can ever hope to be.
It is all in the name "Iran" ... land of Aryans... in Avestan the language of Northeastern Persia, likely Tajikistan, were the first ones to use the name. Interestingly it also explains why the Persians themselves are so close to Arabs but Aryans aren't... it also explains origin of ancient Persian as an Indo-European language. Persia coopting the name Iran is also akin to modern day use of the word India and its designation...
Ofcourse, being Aryan meant something to Persians... more importantly, superiority/inferiority based on race/ethnicity. It fits like a glove on India, their animist/shamanistic religions and hierarchy.
I wanted to piece something together around "What's in the name" to provide some context. Since, Iran of today is an interesting mix of Turkic, Persian/middle-eastern, Iranic and Indic peoples. Things became interesting and more complex when Turks of yore started using Persian as their court languages and Safavid Turk rule over present day Iran.

So how was the name “avestan” given to this language? There are no ancient zoroastrian texts that refer to their language as “avestan”In fact no one knew of any original zoroastrian language of any name, be it avestan or any other name. But here is how the name was given.In the late 1700s a man called Anquetil du Perron came to India and lived for a few months with Parsi priests in Surat, who taught him what they knew of Zoroastrian chants (gathas) and rituals. Perron also collected some Zoroastrian texts and returned to europe where he wrote a book in French
called “zend avesta – ouvrage du Zoroaster” meaning “zend avesta – the work of zoroaster”. perron’s work was initially dismissed but 60 years later it was validated and corrected by a man called eugene burnouf. To make the corrections burnouf used a 13th century Sanskrit book by an Indian called Neryosangh Dhaval. That book was a Sanskrit translation of a pahlavi language version of zoroastrian holy texts. So whatever is written about the 3000 plus year old “zend avesta” is derived from verbal accounts of 17th century Parsi scholars, contemporary texts and a 13th century book that was written in Pahlavi language and translated to Sanskrit. A 3000 year gap between the original language and the translation does not inspire confidence about linguistic theories regarding the identity of the original zoroastrian language ;)

Modern persians living in other countries love to LARP as the blue eyed blond haired master race from the steppe is that the achmenid shahenshah darius had a nice inscription that survives to this day in Iran, It is called the "naqsh -e- Rostam inscription" it says basically "I am darius, a achmenid, son of a persian, of aryan lineage". The way he says it it sounds like aryan is a tribe of the region.
Everything else "aryan" related to the farsis is reconstructed from the avesta, which was thar holy book, of course after peaceful arab invasions no actual copy of this remains except from what our parsis have, but many of that's Gujurati translated now. So I dont know upon what authority you are trying to authenticate caste system of iran and comparing it with vedas . Everybody knows caste != varna. Fun Fact, zoroaster thar prophet was from what is now tajikistan, and most of zoroastrian is centered in that region, not necessarily Pars.

And since the main source of reconstruction was from a 1300 AD Sanskrit text they ended up with a language that sounded somewhat like Sanskrit but had some differences such as the sound “sa” being replaced by the sound “ha” and some other changes. Fanbois called this language avestan; claimed that it was spoken 3000 years ago by zoroastrians and made up a story of how a mother language came from somewhere and split into avestan that went to iran as Sanskrit developed in the subcontinent.
I shall keep my response to this particular rant brief. You have attempted simply to character assassinate David Reich, when in reality, his views are shared by scores of other population geneticists. He is the one who had the wherewithal to accuse sanghees of having a problem with these findings, hence his initial comments about Indian “resistance” to his findings. He wanted to call the ANI group “west eurasians”, which was resisted by Hindustanis, as it conflicted with their sanghee narratives. You are continuing this rich tradition of singling him out and vilifying him, when if you read my own references in this very thread and elsewhere, you will become clear and reassured that he is but one of many who reject the “out of india” nonsense emanating from the secular republic’s official/quasi-official mouthpieces.

Are you dyslexic? He blames RSS for his own screw up LOL . Now character assassination is that all you could come with ?

His conclusions have been thoroughly and conclusively demolished by the legendary Russian archaeologist Leo Klejn in two papers published in Acta Archaeologica and the European Journal of Archaeology I talked about in previous post .
evan his co authors condemned him for his racist behaviour .

It has blown the lid off a shocking scandal in paleogenomics. This whoreson reich figures as a central character in this scandal. You are putting the blame on RSS now here is extensive collaboration to the point of collusion between three well-funded and well-connected labs that dominate the field of paleogenomics, in a manner that harms their competitors. These labs are the Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School (David cuck reich), the Department of Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany (director: Svante Pääbo), and the Department of Archeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany (director: Johannes Krause).Small labs are unable to compete with the Big Three because they lack access to the datasets that would enable them to place their work in the context of the bigger picture. The only way to get access to the data is to give their samples to reichs or one of the other two teams, in return for being added to the list of contributors of their research paper.

The Big Three labs function as an oligopoly. Their power extends to funding, samples, data, and even technology. They have marginalized all competition and their dominance of the field leaves researchers and archaeologists with no option but to submit samples to them in return for a token junior authorship. Samples are routinely procured by extremely dubious means, often violating ethical norms. This has created a “smash and grab” culture among archaeologists in which hopeful co-authors source their bones by any means necessary, even under false pretenses. Among teams at work on any given excavation, it takes only a single colleague to deliver a bone to one of the industrial giants for the entire group to lose control of their findings. Ancient specimens in museums, too, are being swept up by these perverse incentives.

It isn’t unusual for junior authors to be given just days to review a finished manuscript, with little input into its broader framing.This has created an atmosphere of intense suspicion, anxiety and paranoia, among archaeologists and geneticists alike. In dozens of interviews with practitioners of both disciplines, almost everyone requested anonymity for fear of professional reprisal.

Reich and his team are accused by an ancient-dna researcher in turkey of seeing the rest of world as the 19th-century colonialists saw Africa — as raw-material opportunities and nothing else.Reich is shown to repeatedly arrive at broad, grandiose, sweeping conclusions about ancient migrations, invasions and wholesale replacements of onepopulation by another on the basis of flimsy and dubious evidence – in one case, on the basis of a single sample from a single island – and often uses different, unrelated,arbitrary population groups as stand-in proxies for modern populations whose DNA samples he is unable to procure. Moarover reich’s team makes “disproportionate or even wholly unwarranted claims on the basis of both the archaeological and genetic evidence it provides”.He and his team invariably express absolute certainty about their inferences and conclusions and presume to offer the final word on the ancestry and history of entire regions and cultures. They do not consider the possibility that their inferences could have been skewed by biases and faults in the set of assumptions that are inherent in their complex statistical models. Their paleogenomic papers, which are riddled with assumptions that are often weak, tenuous or outright unwarranted, end up being interpreted as fact.

Shekel hungry manwhoreich’s papers are immediately taken up and politicized by blogs such as Eurogenes, West Hunter, etc which happen to be cumskin master race delusional mafia.).

There is a shocking nexus between reich and the journal Nature, which is the world’s pre-eminent scientific journal, as well as other scientific journals. Nature is shown to violate long-established peer-review norms and standards when dealing with Reich’s papers.

Nature’s actions demonstrate clear favoritism toward Reich’s work.For example, Nature allowed reich, against its own norms, to revise and resubmit a paper that was rejected by reviewers (rejections are final, papers that are rejected are not allowed to be resubmitted).Rascal resubmitted his paper on the basis of flimsy new evidence. The revised paper addressed very few of the reviewers’ concerns. Nevertheless, Nature’s editors overruled the reviewers’ steadfast objections and accepted the paper. Editors overruling a peer-review panel is unheard of. Nature’s preferential treatment of Reich and his team is demonstrated by the fact that other researchers and teams that arrived at the same conclusions as Reich,but by different means, had their papers inexplicably rejected, which defies logic and justice.The journal Current Biology accepted a paper by Reich’s team just one week after it was submitted.Peer review and acceptance of a scientific paper in a week is an unprecedented feat, unheard of even among low-quality scientific journals. It is unheard of even among low-quality scientific journals. It takes a lot of time to review a scientific paper – typically several months – as any scientist can attest.The acceptance of a complex genetics paper in just one week is absurd to the point of being ridiculous. It is a red flag that raises the very real specter of possible scientific misconduct.

Reichs himself hasnt been able to defend it and you are trying to shill . :lol:

These are but a few of a large number of extremely serious and troubling revelations establishing a case of possible ongoing scientific misconduct and raise serious doubts about the veracity of the entire corpus of Reich’s research.They demonstrate that the glaring issues in reich’s papers that support the ait are repeated throughout the entire corpus of his and mafia work.

Word of advice: Read all the relevant text from your quoted sources and don't cherry pick. “The steppe people seem not to have penetrated South Asia. Genetic evidence indicates an independent history involving western Eurasian admixture into ancient South Asian peoples.”

“earliest secure evidence of horse husbandry comes from the Botai culture of Central Asia, whereas direct evidence for Yamnaya equestrianism remains elusive”

“In South Asia, we identified at least two distinct waves of admixture from the west, the first occurring from a source related to the Copper Age Namazga farming culture from the southern edge of the steppe, who exhibit both the Iranian and the EHG components found in many contemporary Pakistani and Indian groups from across the subcontinent. The second came from Late Bronze Age steppe sources, with a genetic impact that is more localized in the north and west.”
“Our findings further suggest that West Eurasian ancestry entered South Asia before and after, rather than during, the initial expansion of western steppe pastoralists”

So, as per your sources, whether “ancient Indians” came from the Yamnaya or a combination of Namazga and Late Bronze Age Steppe sources, they still did not come “out of India”. In general terms, somebody (I don’t really care who) has entered ancient India and spread their DNA to create the northern and western population groups who proceeded to enslave the whole subcontinent, including the native groups from the south

Cherrypicking LOL thats your kind who induldge in such mal practices . Evident from my previous posts and this post as well as you will see .

You have copying a bunch of lines from 1 of those research papers of reichs team and posting it here again without any elaborations on assumed parameters . Incoherent at best .

Quite the rant about what we don’t know. We DO know that north Indians are as “native” to India in terms of genetic composition as “Germans” are to Germany.

Lalji Singh and K Thangaraj showed that the ANI and ASI are considerably more than 12,500 years old, and not the result of any recent migration.

Reich was with them co author probably and he also got butthurt about this LOL

See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3769933/
See - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929711004885

Calm down. There is plenty of evidence of origin-dependent genome differences between north and south India, without any such “dependency upon” or “skewing by” the Andamanese contribution as you claim. You are simply overemphasising the Andamanese as some confounding factor to entire volumes of research in this field. Sorry but the Andamanese aren’t going to save sanghee theorists from the harsh realities of their origins.

A genetic chronology for the Indian Subcontinent points to heavily sex-biased dispersals
“Maternal lineages primarily reflect earlier, pre-Holocene processes, and paternal lineages predominantly episodes within the last 10 ka. In particular, genetic influx from Central Asia in the Bronze Age was strongly male-driven, consistent with the patriarchal, patrilocal and patrilineal social structure attributed to the inferred pastoralist early Indo-European society. This was part of a much wider process of Indo-European expansion, with an ultimate source in the Pontic-Caspian region, which carried closely related Y-chromosome lineages, a smaller fraction of
autosomal genome-wide variation and an even smaller fraction of mitogenomes across a vast swathe of Eurasia between 5 and 3.5 ka.”

I know where is all this coming from exactly . On 16 June 2017, an article appeared on the Hindu titled “How genetics is settling the Aryan migration debate” by Tony Joseph .

Joseph’s article is based on a peer-reviewed, which, at first sight, appears to be an impeccable source. Being published in a peer-reviewed journal, however, does not automatically endow a research paper with credibility. There are big issues with the peer review, which is known to be a flawed process Nobel prize-winning papers have been known to be rejected by the peer review, while works of low quality are often accepted.

See - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1420798/

Further they have misinterpreted the dating of the expansions within R1a-Z93 given in them as the age (Time to Most Common Recent Ancestor: TMCRA) of the subclade itself. The paper refers only to expansions within R1a-Z93 occurring approximately 4,000 – 4,500 years ago in South Asia; it does not refer to the time of the subclade’s diversification from its parent haplogroup; it makes no attempt to determine the subclade’s TMRCA and makes no claim that the date of the expansions coincides with the subclade’s TMRCA. Silva et al’s conclusions misrepresent the findings of which they cite, and are therefore incorrect.

silva et al. neglect to cite research papers that do not support their conclusions. Academic research papers must cite all research that is relevant to their work, even if it contradicts their findings (in which case they must prove that their work improves upon, or disproves that of their predecessors).

> This paper rekts your argument http://www.omicsonline.org/open-acc...plogroup-r1a-in-eurasia-2161-1041-1000150.pdf

In contrast, silva et al. neglect to cite the 2015 paper by Lucotte ^ which samples a dataset of 6643 male DNA samples originating from 79 populations in 52 countries (more than the samples of your silvas put together). Lucotte’s paper demonstrates that the Z93 subclade originated in India and is approximately 15,450 years old, thereby confirming and refining the results of several other studies.


Further also he neglect to cite the recent paper ^ by Tamang and Thangaraj which rejects the possibility of an Aryan invasion/migration and concludes that Indian populations are genetically unique and harbor the second highest genetic diversity after Africans.

Silva et al. are guilty of cherry-picking which you were trying to accuse me of lmao: they have selectively chosen data that support their conclusions, and tried to suppress data that doesn’t. A biased approach such as this invariably leads to skewed and inaccurate results and conclusions.

Further , joseph tony the krantikari dalal whos best frens with your scroll.in shoyab danyan and you interprets this to mean that there was a significant inflow of Indo-European language (which they infers to be Sanskrit) speakers from Central Asia into India in the Bronze Age, approximately 4,000 to 4,500 years ago (the so-called Aryan invasion/migration), even though the authors of your paper dont make no such claim, referring only to lineage expansions within R1a-Z93 in south Asia.

Fun fact .


Does he not know that R1a is a Y-chromosomal, patrilineal (male-only) haplogroup? Does he not know that the Y chromosome is absent in females (who have two X chromosomes)? Most high-school students would be able to teach him this! This is extraordinarily poor journalism; it is what happens when non-scientists write science articles.

“The Indian society comprises tribal, ranked caste, and other populations that are largely endogamous. As a result of evolutionary antiquity and endogamy, populations of India show high genetic differentiation and extensive structuring. Linguistic differences of populations provide the best explanation of genetic differences observed in this region of the world. Within India, consistent with social history, extant populations inhabiting northern regions show closer affinities with Indo-European speaking populations of central Asia that those inhabiting southern regions. Extant southern Indian populations may have been derived from early colonizers arriving from Africa along the southern exit route. The higher-ranked caste populations, who were the torch-bearers of Hindu rituals, show closer affinities with central Asian, Indo-European speaking, populations.”

Again this doesnt prove shit . It is indeed an easy way to check, based on various genetic studies:Firstly, is it a question of brahmins? The highest percentage of R1a1 among brahmins is in the east: Bengal 72%, Bihar 60%, eastern UP 48%. In most of the rest of the country, the percentages vary among the 30s (e.g. Gujarat 32%, Jammu 37%, Maharashtra 40%, Andhra 26%, Madhya Pradesh 35%, Punjab-Haryana 35%).
Compare the non-brahminical castes of North India: Punjab-Haryana Khatri 67%, Punjab Haryana Ahir 63%, Punjab Haryana Balmiki 33%, Haryana Meo 31%, Rajasthan Meena 38%, Rajasthan Meghwal 30%, Gujarat Bhanushali 67%, Gujarat Lohana 60%, Gujarat Kathodi 40%, Gujarat Charan 36%, Gujarat Rabari 32%, Gujarat Dongri Bhil 26%.....Then, is it a question of "Aryan" vs. "Dravidian"? Compare some of the Dravidian-speaking castes and particularly the tribes (some, like the Kota, representing among the purest and most pristine Dravidian forms of speech): Medar 39%, Ezhava 24%, Korava 24%, Andh 31%, Kare Vokkal 27%, Chenchu 26%, Kota 23%.Further, the Manipuri people in the far east, who speak the Sino-Tibetan Meitei language, have 50%. The starkness of this will be better understood if we examine the R1a1 (the "genetic signature" of Indo-european language speakers) percentages in the other Indo-European branch language speakers outside India, starting with the branch closest to Vedic, the Iranians:Amazingly, the percentage of R1a1 haplogroup in Iran is almost negligible: it ranges from around 3-4% in the western parts of Iran to less than 20% in the more central and eastern areas and among "the traditional custodians of the avestan text and language", the endogamy-practicing Zoroastrians in Iran as well as the Parsis in India.The Armenians have R1a1 ranging from 2% to 9%.The Greeks have from 11% to 17%.The Albanians have 2% to 10%.The Italic people of Spain, Portugal have around 2%. In Italy to the east, it is 4% to 5%, going up to 11% in the north-east in areas bordering eastern Europe. The Romanians, actually in eastern Europe, have as high as 20%.The Celtic people (Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall and Wales) have 1% to 7%.
The Germanic people (including Hitler's "pure Aryans") mostly have low percentages: in Germany from 8% to the highest 31% (in areas like Rostock), in Holland around 4%. In England, it ranges from 1% to 7% (except in Orkney, a Scottish island, where it is 27%, due to it having long been in control of the Norse people of Norway, who also have 27%).

In fact, among the Germanic populations, the Scandinavians (Norway, Sweden, but also the non-Indo-European Finland) have the highest consistent percentage of R1a1.It is only the Baltic and Slavic speakers of eastern Europe who have this haplogroup in high percentages: from 38% to 60%, going sometimes to as high as 65% (still less than the Bengali brahmins, which as we saw above, does not make it an "Aryan" or "brahmin" or "Indo-European" haplogroup!)―and the Iranian speakers of Afghanistan, and Central Asia: The Pathans 45-50%, the Baluchis 28%, Nooristanis 60%, Tajiks 31%!The dismal percentages among the Iranians proper, Greeks, Armenians and Albanians (as also Celts and most Italic speakers) may also be compared with the percentages in certain non-Indo-European Semitic groups of West Asia: 9% in Syria, as high as 43% among the Shammar tribes in Kuwait, and as high as 52% among the Ashkenazi Levites in Israel: Levites are a priestly class among "yahwehs chosen ", "'the traditional custodians of the Hebrew Old Testament text and language"!

In fact, even the Uralo-Altaic language speaking Uighurs of Central Asia and Sinkiang have 22%.
Clearly, while haplogroups may show genetic ancestral connections among different peoples of the world―and they yet tell nothing about the history of languages.

@SuvarnaTeja yo buddy check this out .

Anyways I gotta sleep right now brother . Will post any points if missed .

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Are you dyslexic? He blames RSS for his own screw up LOL . Now character assassination is that all you could come with ?

His conclusions have been thoroughly and conclusively demolished by the legendary Russian archaeologist Leo Klejn in two papers published in Acta Archaeologica and the European Journal of Archaeology I talked about in previous post .
evan his co authors condemned him for his racist behaviour .

It has blown the lid off a shocking scandal in paleogenomics. This whoreson reich figures as a central character in this scandal. You are putting the blame on RSS now here is extensive collaboration to the point of collusion between three well-funded and well-connected labs that dominate the field of paleogenomics, in a manner that harms their competitors. These labs are the Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School (David cuck reich), the Department of Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany (director: Svante Pääbo), and the Department of Archeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany (director: Johannes Krause).Small labs are unable to compete with the Big Three because they lack access to the datasets that would enable them to place their work in the context of the bigger picture. The only way to get access to the data is to give their samples to reichs or one of the other two teams, in return for being added to the list of contributors of their research paper.

The Big Three labs function as an oligopoly. Their power extends to funding, samples, data, and even technology. They have marginalized all competition and their dominance of the field leaves researchers and archaeologists with no option but to submit samples to them in return for a token junior authorship. Samples are routinely procured by extremely dubious means, often violating ethical norms. This has created a “smash and grab” culture among archaeologists in which hopeful co-authors source their bones by any means necessary, even under false pretenses. Among teams at work on any given excavation, it takes only a single colleague to deliver a bone to one of the industrial giants for the entire group to lose control of their findings. Ancient specimens in museums, too, are being swept up by these perverse incentives.

It isn’t unusual for junior authors to be given just days to review a finished manuscript, with little input into its broader framing.This has created an atmosphere of intense suspicion, anxiety and paranoia, among archaeologists and geneticists alike. In dozens of interviews with practitioners of both disciplines, almost everyone requested anonymity for fear of professional reprisal.

Reich and his team are accused by an ancient-dna researcher in turkey of seeing the rest of world as the 19th-century colonialists saw Africa — as raw-material opportunities and nothing else.Reich is shown to repeatedly arrive at broad, grandiose, sweeping conclusions about ancient migrations, invasions and wholesale replacements of onepopulation by another on the basis of flimsy and dubious evidence – in one case, on the basis of a single sample from a single island – and often uses different, unrelated,arbitrary population groups as stand-in proxies for modern populations whose DNA samples he is unable to procure. Moarover reich’s team makes “disproportionate or even wholly unwarranted claims on the basis of both the archaeological and genetic evidence it provides”.He and his team invariably express absolute certainty about their inferences and conclusions and presume to offer the final word on the ancestry and history of entire regions and cultures. They do not consider the possibility that their inferences could have been skewed by biases and faults in the set of assumptions that are inherent in their complex statistical models. Their paleogenomic papers, which are riddled with assumptions that are often weak, tenuous or outright unwarranted, end up being interpreted as fact.

Shekel hungry manwhoreich’s papers are immediately taken up and politicized by blogs such as Eurogenes, West Hunter, etc which happen to be cumskin master race delusional mafia.).

There is a shocking nexus between reich and the journal Nature, which is the world’s pre-eminent scientific journal, as well as other scientific journals. Nature is shown to violate long-established peer-review norms and standards when dealing with Reich’s papers.

Nature’s actions demonstrate clear favoritism toward Reich’s work.For example, Nature allowed reich, against its own norms, to revise and resubmit a paper that was rejected by reviewers (rejections are final, papers that are rejected are not allowed to be resubmitted).Rascal resubmitted his paper on the basis of flimsy new evidence. The revised paper addressed very few of the reviewers’ concerns. Nevertheless, Nature’s editors overruled the reviewers’ steadfast objections and accepted the paper. Editors overruling a peer-review panel is unheard of. Nature’s preferential treatment of Reich and his team is demonstrated by the fact that other researchers and teams that arrived at the same conclusions as Reich,but by different means, had their papers inexplicably rejected, which defies logic and justice.The journal Current Biology accepted a paper by Reich’s team just one week after it was submitted.Peer review and acceptance of a scientific paper in a week is an unprecedented feat, unheard of even among low-quality scientific journals. It is unheard of even among low-quality scientific journals. It takes a lot of time to review a scientific paper – typically several months – as any scientist can attest.The acceptance of a complex genetics paper in just one week is absurd to the point of being ridiculous. It is a red flag that raises the very real specter of possible scientific misconduct.

Reichs himself hasnt been able to defend it and you are trying to shill . :lol:

These are but a few of a large number of extremely serious and troubling revelations establishing a case of possible ongoing scientific misconduct and raise serious doubts about the veracity of the entire corpus of Reich’s research.They demonstrate that the glaring issues in reich’s papers that support the ait are repeated throughout the entire corpus of his and mafia work.

Cherrypicking LOL thats your kind who induldge in such mal practices . Evident from my previous posts and this post as well as you will see .

You have copying a bunch of lines from 1 of those research papers of reichs team and posting it here again without any elaborations on assumed parameters . Incoherent at best .

Lalji Singh and K Thangaraj showed that the ANI and ASI are considerably more than 12,500 years old, and not the result of any recent migration.

Reich was with them co author probably and he also got butthurt about this LOL

See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3769933/
See - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929711004885

I know where is all this coming from exactly . On 16 June 2017, an article appeared on the Hindu titled “How genetics is settling the Aryan migration debate” by Tony Joseph .

Joseph’s article is based on a peer-reviewed, which, at first sight, appears to be an impeccable source. Being published in a peer-reviewed journal, however, does not automatically endow a research paper with credibility. There are big issues with the peer review, which is known to be a flawed process Nobel prize-winning papers have been known to be rejected by the peer review, while works of low quality are often accepted.

See - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1420798/

Further they have misinterpreted the dating of the expansions within R1a-Z93 given in them as the age (Time to Most Common Recent Ancestor: TMCRA) of the subclade itself. The paper refers only to expansions within R1a-Z93 occurring approximately 4,000 – 4,500 years ago in South Asia; it does not refer to the time of the subclade’s diversification from its parent haplogroup; it makes no attempt to determine the subclade’s TMRCA and makes no claim that the date of the expansions coincides with the subclade’s TMRCA. Silva et al’s conclusions misrepresent the findings of which they cite, and are therefore incorrect.

silva et al. neglect to cite research papers that do not support their conclusions. Academic research papers must cite all research that is relevant to their work, even if it contradicts their findings (in which case they must prove that their work improves upon, or disproves that of their predecessors).

> This paper rekts your argument http://www.omicsonline.org/open-acc...plogroup-r1a-in-eurasia-2161-1041-1000150.pdf

In contrast, silva et al. neglect to cite the 2015 paper by Lucotte ^ which samples a dataset of 6643 male DNA samples originating from 79 populations in 52 countries (more than the samples of your silvas put together). Lucotte’s paper demonstrates that the Z93 subclade originated in India and is approximately 15,450 years old, thereby confirming and refining the results of several other studies.


Further also he neglect to cite the recent paper ^ by Tamang and Thangaraj which rejects the possibility of an Aryan invasion/migration and concludes that Indian populations are genetically unique and harbor the second highest genetic diversity after Africans.

Silva et al. are guilty of cherry-picking which you were trying to accuse me of lmao: they have selectively chosen data that support their conclusions, and tried to suppress data that doesn’t. A biased approach such as this invariably leads to skewed and inaccurate results and conclusions.

Further , joseph tony the krantikari dalal whos best frens with your scroll.in shoyab danyan and you interprets this to mean that there was a significant inflow of Indo-European language (which they infers to be Sanskrit) speakers from Central Asia into India in the Bronze Age, approximately 4,000 to 4,500 years ago (the so-called Aryan invasion/migration), even though the authors of your paper dont make no such claim, referring only to lineage expansions within R1a-Z93 in south Asia.

Fun fact .

View attachment 680638

Does he not know that R1a is a Y-chromosomal, patrilineal (male-only) haplogroup? Does he not know that the Y chromosome is absent in females (who have two X chromosomes)? Most high-school students would be able to teach him this! This is extraordinarily poor journalism; it is what happens when non-scientists write science articles.

Again this doesnt prove shit . It is indeed an easy way to check, based on various genetic studies:Firstly, is it a question of brahmins? The highest percentage of R1a1 among brahmins is in the east: Bengal 72%, Bihar 60%, eastern UP 48%. In most of the rest of the country, the percentages vary among the 30s (e.g. Gujarat 32%, Jammu 37%, Maharashtra 40%, Andhra 26%, Madhya Pradesh 35%, Punjab-Haryana 35%).
Compare the non-brahminical castes of North India: Punjab-Haryana Khatri 67%, Punjab Haryana Ahir 63%, Punjab Haryana Balmiki 33%, Haryana Meo 31%, Rajasthan Meena 38%, Rajasthan Meghwal 30%, Gujarat Bhanushali 67%, Gujarat Lohana 60%, Gujarat Kathodi 40%, Gujarat Charan 36%, Gujarat Rabari 32%, Gujarat Dongri Bhil 26%.....Then, is it a question of "Aryan" vs. "Dravidian"? Compare some of the Dravidian-speaking castes and particularly the tribes (some, like the Kota, representing among the purest and most pristine Dravidian forms of speech): Medar 39%, Ezhava 24%, Korava 24%, Andh 31%, Kare Vokkal 27%, Chenchu 26%, Kota 23%.Further, the Manipuri people in the far east, who speak the Sino-Tibetan Meitei language, have 50%. The starkness of this will be better understood if we examine the R1a1 (the "genetic signature" of Indo-european language speakers) percentages in the other Indo-European branch language speakers outside India, starting with the branch closest to Vedic, the Iranians:Amazingly, the percentage of R1a1 haplogroup in Iran is almost negligible: it ranges from around 3-4% in the western parts of Iran to less than 20% in the more central and eastern areas and among "the traditional custodians of the avestan text and language", the endogamy-practicing Zoroastrians in Iran as well as the Parsis in India.The Armenians have R1a1 ranging from 2% to 9%.The Greeks have from 11% to 17%.The Albanians have 2% to 10%.The Italic people of Spain, Portugal have around 2%. In Italy to the east, it is 4% to 5%, going up to 11% in the north-east in areas bordering eastern Europe. The Romanians, actually in eastern Europe, have as high as 20%.The Celtic people (Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall and Wales) have 1% to 7%.
The Germanic people (including Hitler's "pure Aryans") mostly have low percentages: in Germany from 8% to the highest 31% (in areas like Rostock), in Holland around 4%. In England, it ranges from 1% to 7% (except in Orkney, a Scottish island, where it is 27%, due to it having long been in control of the Norse people of Norway, who also have 27%).

In fact, among the Germanic populations, the Scandinavians (Norway, Sweden, but also the non-Indo-European Finland) have the highest consistent percentage of R1a1.It is only the Baltic and Slavic speakers of eastern Europe who have this haplogroup in high percentages: from 38% to 60%, going sometimes to as high as 65% (still less than the Bengali brahmins, which as we saw above, does not make it an "Aryan" or "brahmin" or "Indo-European" haplogroup!)―and the Iranian speakers of Afghanistan, and Central Asia: The Pathans 45-50%, the Baluchis 28%, Nooristanis 60%, Tajiks 31%!The dismal percentages among the Iranians proper, Greeks, Armenians and Albanians (as also Celts and most Italic speakers) may also be compared with the percentages in certain non-Indo-European Semitic groups of West Asia: 9% in Syria, as high as 43% among the Shammar tribes in Kuwait, and as high as 52% among the Ashkenazi Levites in Israel: Levites are a priestly class among "yahwehs chosen ", "'the traditional custodians of the Hebrew Old Testament text and language"!

In fact, even the Uralo-Altaic language speaking Uighurs of Central Asia and Sinkiang have 22%.
Clearly, while haplogroups may show genetic ancestral connections among different peoples of the world―and they yet tell nothing about the history of languages.

@SuvarnaTeja yo buddy check this out .

Anyways I gotta sleep right now brother . Will post any points if missed .

Don't call me "brother". You're sounding quite desperate to befriend me despite my repeated rejections. And don't think I haven't noticed your "dyslexic" slur. Try and talk jive to my face.

Listen, your pathetic RANT has taken on new proportions. Citing NYT and Acta Archeologica is great but for every one journal condemning Reich, there are a dozen praising him.

This is the problem when basic character assassination forms the core of your disjointed argument, as opposed to actual analysis of his facts.

"Peter Forbes, in The Guardian, calls the book "thrilling in its clarity and its scope."[2] In Forbes's view, Reich handles racist abuses of human origin stories, such as Nazi ideology, "commendably". Forbes writes that Reich explains how ancient DNA teaches a single general lesson, that the human population of any particular place has repeatedly changed since the last ice age; any supposed "mystical, longstanding" link between some people and a place, based on some kind of racial purity, is in Reich's words "flying in the face of hard science".[2]

Clive Cookson, in the Financial Times, writes that one of the first and most surprising impacts of genomics is in human prehistory, and Reich is the first leading practitioner to write a popular book about this. Cookson calls the book[9]

a marvelous synthesis of the field: the technology for purifying and decoding DNA from old bones; what the findings tell us about the origins and movements of people on every inhabited continent; and the ethical and political implications of the research.[9]
Cookson notes that Reich dismisses worries that DNA evidence of differences between populations is "racism in genetic clothing",[9]and that on the contrary, the "unsuspected degree of mixing"[9] in every part of human history makes old ideas of racial purity "absurd".[9]

Bell-shaped Beaker pots, found in Western Europe c. 2900–1800 BC
The archaeologist and geneticist Turi King, in Nature, writes that Reich's laboratory "has developed some of the most sophisticated statistical and bioinformatics techniques available. Using computers, they painstakingly reconstruct genomic information from fragments of DNA from ancient individuals. They then drill down in search of a new understanding of human history." King notes that Reich's group helped to show that "Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of all modern humans descended from Europeans, Asians and other non-Africans." Their work is showing the "tremendous degree to which populations globally are blended, repeatedly, over generations." King notes, too, that Reich reflects on the dangers of misinterpretation by racists, who "pick and choose results", or others who opt to "sweep [genetic] differences under the carpet". But, King argues, echoing Reich, we do need "a non-loaded way to talk about genetic diversity and similarities in populations", and Reich has begun to do that.[10]

The economist Tyler Cowen calls the book "truly excellent, readable and informative". Cowen insists it is "a science book, not a 'race book'", stating that although it has engendered "some public controversy", he is confident that no attentive reader could feel "affirmed in racist beliefs".[3]"

It is NO SURPRISE that hindutva sympathisers interpret his findings as "racist". The first card played by your kind against valid criticism of hindutva theory is indeed the "hinduphobia" card. You don't surprise me One bit. Indeed, the racist, antisemitic slurs in your posts make it clear you are projecting your own racist agenda onto someone else.

I will respond to the non-rant parts of your post when I have time. Clearly you're not a busy person.
It has blown the lid off a shocking scandal in paleogenomics
Hyperbole is your first resort? Really? Not only this but you and your butthurt hindutva supremacist clique claim Reich is the racist?? Moreover, did he really not respond to such allegations himself, as you claimed he didn't?

"January 19, 2019

To the Editor:

Gideon Lewis-Kraus (Jan. 17) profiles the nascent field of ancient DNA, which in the last few years has contributed to a transformation in our understanding of the deep human past. His article touches on important issues that we, as a field, have yet to deal with fully: including how to handle ancient remains ethically and in a way that preserves them for future generations; how geneticists and archaeologists can work in equal partnerships that reflect true respect for the insights of different disciplines; and how ancient DNA technology, which at present is applied efficiently only in large labs, can be made accessible to a wider group of scholars.

But Lewis-Kraus misunderstands several basic issues. First, he suggests that competition to publish is so extreme that standards become relaxed. As evidence, he cites a paper by my lab that was accepted on appeal after initial rejection, and another that was reviewed rapidly. In fact, mechanisms for appeal and expedited review when journals feel they are warranted are signs of healthy science, and both processes were carried out rigorously.

Second, he contends that ancient DNA specialists favor simplistic and sweeping claims. As evidence, he suggests that in 2015 I argued that the population of Europe was “almost entirely” replaced by people from the Eastern European Steppe. On the contrary, the paper he references and indeed my whole body of work argues for complex mixture, not simple replacement. Lewis-Kraus also suggests that I claimed that our first study of the people of the Pacific island chain of Vanuatu “conclusively demonstrated” no Papuan ancestry. But the paper in question was crystal-clear that these people could have had some Papuan ancestry – and indeed, to support his claim, Lewis-Kraus could only cite his own notes from an interview I gave him long after I had published a second paper proving that there was indeed a small proportion of Papuan ancestry.

Lewis-Kraus also suggests that I use small sample sizes to make unjustifiable sweeping claims. In fact, small sample sizes can be definitive when they yield results that are incompatible with prevailing theories, as when my colleagues and I described two samples that proved the existence of the Denisovans, a previously undocumented archaic human population. In my papers, I am careful to only make claims that can be supported by the data I have. In small-sample size studies, I emphasize that more samples are needed to flesh out the details of the initial findings. A major focus of my lab is generating the large data sets needed to do this.

Lewis-Kraus’s critiques are based on incomplete facts and largely anonymous sources whose motivations are impossible to assess. Curiously, he did not ask me about the great majority of his concerns. Had he done so, the evidence underlying his thesis that my work is “indistinguishable from the racialized notions of the swashbuckling imperial era” would have fallen apart. The truth, and the main theme of my 2018 book Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past, is exactly the opposite – namely, that ancient DNA findings have rendered racist and colonialist narratives untenable by showing that no human population is “pure” or unmixed. It is incumbent on scientists to avoid advocating for simplistic theories, and instead to pay attention to all available facts and come to nuanced conclusions. The same holds truefor journalists reporting on science.

David Reich
Harvard Medical School and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Boston, Massachusetts"
Reichs himself hasnt been able to defend it and you are trying to shill

See above. Your criticism is spurious and is a peripheral limitation at best. It doesn't alter the overall pattern being demonstrated by him and many others.
Again this doesnt prove shit . It is indeed an easy way to check, based on various genetic studies:Firstly, is it a question of brahmins? The highest percentage of R1a1 among brahmins is in the east: Bengal 72%, Bihar 60%, eastern UP 48%. In most of the rest of the country, the percentages vary among the 30s (e.g. Gujarat 32%, Jammu 37%, Maharashtra 40%, Andhra 26%, Madhya Pradesh 35%, Punjab-Haryana 35%).
Compare the non-brahminical castes of North India: Punjab-Haryana Khatri 67%, Punjab Haryana Ahir 63%, Punjab Haryana Balmiki 33%, Haryana Meo 31%, Rajasthan Meena 38%, Rajasthan Meghwal 30%, Gujarat Bhanushali 67%, Gujarat Lohana 60%, Gujarat Kathodi 40%, Gujarat Charan 36%, Gujarat Rabari 32%, Gujarat Dongri Bhil 26%.....Then, is it a question of "Aryan" vs. "Dravidian"? Compare some of the Dravidian-speaking castes and particularly the tribes (some, like the Kota, representing among the purest and most pristine Dravidian forms of speech): Medar 39%, Ezhava 24%, Korava 24%, Andh 31%, Kare Vokkal 27%, Chenchu 26%, Kota 23%.Further, the Manipuri people in the far east, who speak the Sino-Tibetan Meitei language, have 50%. The starkness of this will be better understood if we examine the R1a1 (the "genetic signature" of Indo-european language speakers) percentages in the other Indo-European branch language speakers outside India, starting with the branch closest to Vedic, the Iranians:Amazingly, the percentage of R1a1 haplogroup in Iran is almost negligible: it ranges from around 3-4% in the western parts of Iran to less than 20% in the more central and eastern areas and among "the traditional custodians of the avestan text and language", the endogamy-practicing Zoroastrians in Iran as well as the Parsis in India.The Armenians have R1a1 ranging from 2% to 9%.The Greeks have from 11% to 17%.The Albanians have 2% to 10%.The Italic people of Spain, Portugal have around 2%. In Italy to the east, it is 4% to 5%, going up to 11% in the north-east in areas bordering eastern Europe. The Romanians, actually in eastern Europe, have as high as 20%.The Celtic people (Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall and Wales) have 1% to 7%.
The Germanic people (including Hitler's "pure Aryans") mostly have low percentages: in Germany from 8% to the highest 31% (in areas like Rostock), in Holland around 4%. In England, it ranges from 1% to 7% (except in Orkney, a Scottish island, where it is 27%, due to it having long been in control of the Norse people of Norway, who also have 27%).

In fact, among the Germanic populations, the Scandinavians (Norway, Sweden, but also the non-Indo-European Finland) have the highest consistent percentage of R1a1.It is only the Baltic and Slavic speakers of eastern Europe who have this haplogroup in high percentages: from 38% to 60%, going sometimes to as high as 65% (still less than the Bengali brahmins, which as we saw above, does not make it an "Aryan" or "brahmin" or "Indo-European" haplogroup!)―and the Iranian speakers of Afghanistan, and Central Asia: The Pathans 45-50%, the Baluchis 28%, Nooristanis 60%, Tajiks 31%!The dismal percentages among the Iranians proper, Greeks, Armenians and Albanians (as also Celts and most Italic speakers) may also be compared with the percentages in certain non-Indo-European Semitic groups of West Asia: 9% in Syria, as high as 43% among the Shammar tribes in Kuwait, and as high as 52% among the Ashkenazi Levites in Israel: Levites are a priestly class among "yahwehs chosen ", "'the traditional custodians of the Hebrew Old Testament text and language"!
Actually, it's your figures that don't "prove shitt"!

Whoever said other groups didn't admix later on with every single one of the groups you've mentioned outside of India, including your Iranian examples? You're again clutching at straws and popping raw numbers without even bothering to consider admixture beyond the Steppe specific ancestry. Is it even remotely plausible that all these groups' lineages froze after the Steppe contributions? Obviously not! So this ridiculous conjecture is non-contributory to the argument. That said, there is at least one reasonable (albeit unproven) inference that can be made from your not so useless percentage spam - that the haplogroup survived and sustained itself in Hindustan precisely because it was protected by a favourable social circumstance (caste specific endogamy) hence it propagated indefinitely whereas in other unprotected civilisations, it became more diluted over time.

You really don't understand the stuff you're banging on about, despite your tiresome ranting. You made me laugh when you pointed out Hitler had nothing to do with Aryans. Hint: we knew that already.
You’re clutching at straws now by saying “there’s no way mathematically so few could overwhelm so many”. That isn’t based on fact but rather on your own conjecture. We know numerous instances of numerically superior nations and races being enslaved by numerically inferior attackers. The latin consquest of south America is but one example. If motivation and technology exist, it is entirely possible and indeed has happened not infrequently.

Really?!! Do we really find a "similar" replacement in Central Europe of the teeming millions of a materially rich Harappan-like non-Indo-European civilization mysteriously transformed overnight so completely, with this magical transformation immediately recorded in a new, richly detailed Rigveda-like
Indo-European text recording not only the magically transformed new culture of the proportions we have been told but also a total mass amnesia about that transformation?

Btw thar is no archaeological or textual/inscriptional record of the proto-Indo-european or the Rigvedic language or culture anywhere outside India: neither in South Russia, nor in Central Asia, nor in any of the areas on the routes leading from South Russia to Central Asia or Central Asia to the SaptaSindhava area.

The composers of vedas dont mention any of what you are talking . You dodged my entire argument in Baudhyana Shrauta as well . Also by superior tech you imply Aryans who brought the chariots and horses into India. This is a lolz claim and fails the basic common sense. India is protected from the north and north-west from Europe and Central Asia by Hindukush and any invader who had to come into India had to overcome the Hindukush. The Greeks who were known for their chariots had to leave them behind when Alexander invaded India. So it is nothing more than wishful thinking to assume that a bunch of so called nomadic barbarians like Aryans of Central Asia could have achieved the feat of bringing chariots from Central Asia/Russia into India through Hindukush some two thousand years before alexander, something that even he didn’t achieve. What makes this theory more suspicious is the claim that India didn’t have native horses and the Aryans brought them into India which is again based on misinterpretation of the Vedas. Michael Danino presents detailed evidence on the horse debate

See - https://archaeologyonline.net/artifacts/horse-debate

Danino presents the recent archaeological evidence to show that horses were present in India much before the supposed Aryan invasion. Some recent studies actually go so far as to claim that horses are actually native to India. See the related news

See https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/11/20/india-fossils-perissodactyla/

And I actually said is that they worked a mathematics model and figure out that if you are claiming the so much of percentage of central asian dna content
in present Indians , lets work backwords and find out how many immigrants came so that genetically they will overwhelm the existing population?

Thar research found upto 4X immigrants need to come to completly overwhelm. Saraswati civilization supported between to have 2000000 to 5000000 estimates .
Now you do the math 4x5000000 = 20000000 thar is no evidence of this huge number coming evar to subcontinent either in those timelines . .
All your reichs does is use a bunch of proxies to represent populations dna .
Also my question reich says in pages 30 31 33 of his book and adds abstractions still remains un answered.

You hav to provide evidence for everything you say btw , Archaeology completely disproves the idea of any Indo-European movement into India around 1500 BCE:

I dont like repeating myself so many times .

Let us, for arguments' sake, accept all these points:
a) The Steppe people were still connected to areas beyond Kazakhstan all the way to the Urals, and totally unconnected with areas south of Central Asia, till 2000 BCE.
b) They had spread all over the area from Afghanistan to Haryana and western U.P. by 1000 BCE.
c) They had composed the text of the Rigveda, as your kind claims

Then we end up with the absolutely incredible and impossible situation that these people who crossed over from Central Asia only after 2000 BCE (even if we assume they were waiting en masse at
the borders and started pouring in like a flood as soon as the flood-gates were opened at the stroke of midnight on the New Year's Day of 2000 BCE),
had so completely replaced or transformed the entire population (the teeming millions of the massive Harappan civilization) over the whole area from
Afghanistan through the Punjab to the whole of Haryana and the westernmost parts of U.P. within 600 years (2000-1400 BCE), that the orthodox and traditionalist text,
the Rigveda, composed by them over 400 years from this point of time, has the following characteristics:
1. It contains no memories at all of any place beyond Afghanistan, much less memories of having come from places far beyond these areas, and in fact
shows deep and traditional reverence for the geography of the local area.
2. It contains not even the faintest sign or reference showing the contemporaneous or past presence in the area of any person or entity, friend or foe,
with non-Indo-European (much less specifically Dravidian, Austric, Burushaski, Sino-Tibetan, Andamanese, Uralo-Altaic, Semitic, Sumerian, or any other) names lol.

Thats why pro migration larpers want it to reduce just mere to genetics only .
You claimed that genetics speak . No they dont speak .Think about this , if an indian person converts into christianity will the dna also become christian ? Or lets if you learn to speak french will your dna also become french ? No it will not your dna will remain same . Its as simple as that . So Genetics speaking is absurd nonsensical argument because dna doesnt carry religion or languages .

In more general terms (and you should regard this as my main conclusion) a mature reaction is required to the harsh realities of population intermixing – even if it was sometimes violent and oppressive in ancient times.


“We can falsify this notion that anyone is pure,” says population geneticist Lynn Jorde of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Instead, almost all modern humans “have this incredibly complex history of mixing and mating and migration.”

We know of many peoples that migrated to India: Greeks, Scythians, Kushans (Tocharians), and Huns, among others. Modern India's population is undoubtedly mixed; an amalgamation of these various ethnicities. Some of India's greatest leaders were immigrants. Take the great emperor Kanishka, for example, who was a Kushan.He forged a great empire that included much of the Tarim river basin. He worked tirelessly to foster Indian culture and values and promote them throughout Asia.
He valued Indian lives and pursued India's national interest. I daresay he was more Indian than most Indians alive today. The central question of the Aryan invasion debate is therefore not about the genetic origin of the Indian people (This comes from migration larpers ). There is no such thing as a pure race or ethnicity.There isn't even such a thing as a pure species. The central question of the debate concerns the origin of Indian culture, and that of Hinduism, to be specific. And I also told you in my previous post that genes dont carry cultures or languages .

Fun fact , the blatant way in which they derive unwarranted racist and casteist conclusions from the data. The Narasimhan et al report is full of casteist formulations, e.g. "Steppe ancestry in modern South Asians is primarily from males and disproportionately high in Brahmin and Bhumihar groups […] Groups that view themselves as being of traditionally priestly status, including Brahmins who are custodians of liturgical texts in the early Indo-European language Sanskrit, tend (with exceptions) to have more Steppe ancestry than expected": this and similar points are repeated ad nauseam throughout the paper.
But this is a known feature of "genetic studies" conducted by the main mover behind the two studies (though Indian geneticists have been used as fronts
in the naming of the papers), David Reich. There have been many indictments of his genetic studies by western academicians on this score, e.g. here is what a group of 67 genuine scientists, in an article "How not to Talk about Race and Genetics", have to say about the type of racial "genetic studies"
indulged in by David Reich and other scientists associated with him, and about the racially potent conclusions drawn by them in reports "peer-reviewed" by others of the same genre:

See also https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/bfopinion/race-genetics-david-reich

Lastly, let me remind you that posting lengthy and angry rants is a waste of everyone’s time, including my own. Stick to the science if you wish to argue with me about science. Stick to casual trolling and hey, I can indulge likewise. But do not cross the streams of these two distinct approaches to discourse with me, as your rants have polluted your attempts at scientific rebuttal, or perhaps it’s the other way around – your attempted science has polluted your highly developed aggressive ranting and name-calling. Likewise, do not indulge in attempts to character assassinate me by inferring some biased critique of any opinions I may or may not hold regarding race or religion.

This has been pages long and your only arguments against me have been as to blaming me of showing outdated papers lacking validity ofcourse because they go against agenda and certain clevar positions larp . Nobody dont even know what to make out of that mean I saw your posts you have been bullying others in this thread and now ts you are the one whos being trying to dodge everytime I questioned your narratives . You infact begun with some standard whines against hindutva . Claimed because of hindutva threat , self exposing letter was written .None of us knew that Savarkar, who coined the word Hindutva, was a votary, and in fact the originator, of the Out-of-India Theory. Probably Savarkar himself did not know it. . But this revelation is made by dalal krantikari patrakars in an article on in (where else?) scroll.in LOL
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Really?!! Do we really find a "similar" replacement in Central Europe of the teeming millions of a materially rich Harappan-like non-Indo-European civilization mysteriously transformed overnight so completely,
What you talking about? I referred to examples of outnumbered but technologically and socially superior invaders enslaving (in the case of the Indian subcontinent) or destroying (in the case of south America) indigenous populations (however you choose to interpret "indigenous"). You're talking about something completely different.

research found upto 4X immigrants need to come to completly overwhelm. Saraswati civilization supported between to have 2000000 to 5000000 estimates .
Now you do the math 4x5000000 = 20000000 thar is
Why are so many needed to overwhelm a backwards civilisation? This whole argument is pure CONJECTURE to suit your narrative. That's what I said before but you are providing your own fanciful interpretation of what I posited.

You will keep denying the possibility, the mere notion that pale skinned taller and more powerful people swept into Hindustan with advanced warmongering techniques because you are so butthurt by this possibility, never mind the countless organisations who teach this as accepted fact. The reason 'out of India" has not taken root outside of India as a theory of the origins of brahminist ideology is that the evidence suggests otherwise for the majority of those involved in this field. You can keep denying it but you remain a vocal minority, just like flat earthers and the rest of your type.

e Rigveda, composed by them over 400 years from this point of time, has the following characteristics:
1. It contains no memories at all of any place beyond Afghanistan, much less memories of having come from places far beyond these areas, and in fact
shows deep and traditional reverence for the geography of the local area.
2. It contains not even the faintest sign or reference showing the contemporaneous or past presence in the area of any person or entity, friend or foe,
with non-Indo-European (much less specifically Dravidian, Austric, Burushaski, Sino-Tibetan, Andamanese, Uralo-Altaic, Semitic, Sumerian, or any other) names lol
You're playing games now. Again, EXTRAPOLATION OF A NEGATIVE INFERENCE ON THE BASIS OF ABSENCE. In other words, absence of documentation doesn't prove absence. There are myriad political reasons for neglecting deliberately to comment on past history in a book intended to reeducate a subject population to yield to the will of a new ruling class. Not every socioreligious construct pays homage to a distant past or point of origin. If I was an invading Aryan, I would gladly forget my past in order to subvert my new subjects into a life of absolute slavery. It's the perfect recipe for absolute rule. But my explanation isn't the only one. A less aggressive explanation is also plausible where a ruling class of invaders merges with its subjects by deliberately writing its own previous history out of its texts - this is a way of convincing a local population to accept your absolute dynastic rule with slightly less mental subjugation. The Ptolemaic empire (syncretic) and other Greek and Persian origin empires were examples of this.

Once folks like you calm down and take a look in the mirror, you'll find peace with the reality that your ancestors were subjugated by invaders and you still bow before them as the architects of the civilisation you know today.

As many of my references have pointed out there is no shame in this truth and it is a universal truth. It's night on impossible to find original native aboriginals still controlling their nation. All nations have been mixed and matched, often violently. Hindustan is no different. Time to loosen the noose of expectation slowly suffocating your ability to think objectively and free of emotion. You could learn from the British. Vikings, Saxons, Normans and Romans have pillaged these lands frequently yet there is no perpetual butthurt here because druidism died out.
know of many peoples that migrated to India: Greeks, Scythians, Kushans (Tocharians), and Huns, among others. Modern India's population is undoubtedly mixed; an amalgamation of these various ethnicities.
You're starting to sound sensible now. It's important to accept that Hindustan is an amalgamation of invading/subjugating tribes, migrating tribes and native tribes. The Aryans are but one of many such invaders/subjugators.

You can believe an alternative hypothesis if you wish. Flat earthers are quite similar.

This has been pages long and your only arguments against me have been as to blaming me of showing outdated papers lacking validity ofcourse because they go against agenda and certain clevar positions larp . Nobody dont even know what to make out of that mean I saw your posts you have been bullying others in this thread and now ts you are the one whos being trying to dodge eve
I did not say your papers were 'outdated' but that they had been superseded. Try to understand.

I have no need to dodge your empty narrative generation, your denial of validated theorisations, your rejection of a consensus of research and your bizarre obsession with depicting the absence of documentation as evidence of absence. Lastly I didn't bully anyone on this thread or anywhere else. If you think I did, report me. If you get me banned for preaching truth, it's your loss ultimately.
Listen, your pathetic RANT has taken on new proportions. Citing NYT and Acta Archeologica is great but for every one journal condemning Reich, there are a dozen praising him.

Mafia singing praises doesnt invalidate anything . Where is the refutation to the points raised in nyt and acta by klejn? :lol:
"has developed some of the most sophisticated statistical and bioinformatics techniques available.

Lol we will see that .

Whoever said other groups didn't admix later on with every single one of the groups you've mentioned outside of India, including your Iranian examples? You're again clutching at straws and popping raw numbers without even bothering to consider admixture beyond the Steppe specific ancestry. Is it even remotely plausible that all these groups' lineages froze after the Steppe contributions? Obviously not! So this ridiculous conjecture is non-contributory to the argument. That said, there is at least one reasonable (albeit unproven) inference that can be made from your not so useless percentage spam - that the haplogroup survived and sustained itself in Hindustan precisely because it was protected by a favourable social circumstance (caste specific endogamy) hence it propagated indefinitely whereas in other unprotected civilisations, it became more diluted over time.

> You are quibbling around genetics too much . Atleast you seem to agree that genetic differentiation begun 6000 years ago and what pro migration larpers try to show that aryans imposed caste system upon dravidians at around 600 bce so any endogamy in caste system should be present in genetic record from 200-300 or 400 bce but what we rather see in south India it is hillarious 6000 years old ! Tell me
steppes was never a place with such a large population in the first place. Whereas
India was and is a well populated country. Could then it have generated such a large population drive towards India such that there could ever have been such a mass admixture with the Indian population? Also where is this steppe ancestry which "bypassed" the BMAC and entered into the swat valley? The point is: your report cannot under any circumstance show that such immigrants brought in the Sanskrit language, religion and culture,

Fun fact ,
The same CCMB hyderabad the former directors and many Indians who are right now holier than thou will be quickly branded "facist hindu dehshatgard " in the years to come irl . Reich's lab has also worked extensively with CCMB.In the jaipur dialogues held last year after that rakhigari dna
sept 06 2019 our own bois from ccmb and wide range of geneticists , historians archeologs , computer scientists , biologists , realized the spins and twists they give to such research papers and the techniques and blunder the create to show results which they want you to show . For example that research paper sylvia et al's paper that was published in 2017 init they DID A HUGE FRAUD which was caught by one of our bois from estonian biocenter, who is an expert in the field of biological anthropology and evolutionary biology, HE made some glaring revelations like how reichs lab nevar does complete genome sequence but capture sequencing . That if "xyzabc" is a geneome then they will just "take whatevar available info is from x y b for example" completely ignoring others and then establishing assumedproxies with certain assumed parameters. As a result the truth is doomed . So on topic yeah thar is , a common ancestor of chimpanzee and humans . Nobody knows for sure whos . And 6 decimal 5 millions ago the line of humans and line of chimapanzees got seperated . Slvias st and this is just to give idea how this entire mafia works . They cooked up the shit in the chart research papers to show that Indians are ancestors of chimpanze

When his own co authors interpret in a complete opposite way like

`There is no north-south divide .. Lalaji Singh former Director of CCMB
'Thar is no such thing as aryan dravidian theory ' Senior CCMB scientist Thangraj

"Interestingly, both the ANI and ASI ancestry components of the Indian populations are found to harbour higher haplotypic diversity than those predominant in west Eurasia.
The shared genetic affinity between the ANI component of northern India and west Eurasia was dated prior to the Aryan invasion .These realities suggest the rejection of the Aryan invasion hypothesis but support an ancient demographic history of India. "
The two other scientists of CCMB (Rakesh Tamang and Kumaraswamy Thangaraj)

See http://repository.ias.ac.in/107429/1/0911-0919.pdf

Read more at:

So the twist and spins and narrations they give to us or like the one you are doing right now doesnt matter. Thar are about 35 papers or so in my knowledge all over the internet and GOD KNOWS how many of them carry the same flaw . I can also quote papers like

Also , This paper demonstrates ABSENCE of any significant outside genetic influence in India for past 10,000–15,000 Yrs.

This paper demonstrates that the R1a haplogroup which originated in India first diversified in present-day Iran.Furthermore,
the paper estimates that the Indian-origin R1a haplogroup diversified in the
vicinity of iran & eastern turkey 5800 years ago.This indicates that Indians carrying R1a lineages migrated WESTWARD from India
during the Copper, Bronze, and Iron ages ... . and partially REPLACED previous Y-chromosome strata.
This indicates military expansion. CONQUEST.

Uing 936 samples & concludes :
"It is not necessary ... to look beyond South Asia for the origins of the paternal heritage of the majority of Indians"

That show completely different story ;)

>other unprotected "civilizations" . What ? Like the mesopatmia or the Saraswati, and China—provided
the basis for continuous cultural developments in the same location at tremndous scale . Not to mention that Rigveda alone is over a thousand hymns . You add the additional vedic literature you can go on to various thousands of pages . Many rishis and lines of teachings it got . Name me any rishi from your
"other uprotected civilizations" LOL. It requires dynastic support given the sort of sophistication it carries .
Your kind says that "Vedas were rantings of nomadic steppe as they invaded and plundered India" , yet vedas speak of 7 rivers the oceanic universe , even all your basic terms karma , dhyana , mantra yoga , rishi prana and thar equivalent terms is already in the ancient vedic text . AND on god knows what basis they
deprived it of any civilization ofcourse because (abhramic sects believed nothing can exist before bible) when in reality we find the same tradition , same continuity and also in Vedic literature we dont find any outside homeland . Homeland is Saraswati Sapta Sindhu of course . And no concept as superior white skinned race in first place. Arya means nobility buddha also called his own as arya dharma .

What evidence do you got to show that nomadic people from steppe produced rigveda and sustained it for thousand of years . While

Bhikkhu Bodhi explains:

The word "noble," or ariya, is used by the Buddha to designate a particular type of person, the type of person which it is the aim of his teaching to create. In the discourses the Buddha classifies human beings into two broad categories. On one side there are the puthujjanas, the worldlings, those belonging to the multitude, whose eyes are still covered with the dust of defilements and delusion. On the other side there are the ariyans, the noble ones, the spiritual elite, who obtain this status not from birth,social station or ecclesiastical authority but from their inward nobility of character. These two general types are not separated from each other by an impassable chasm, each confined to a tightly sealed compartment. A series of gradations can be discerned rising up from the darkest level of the blind worldling trapped in the dungeon of egotism and self-assertion, through the stage of the virtuous worldling in whom the seeds of wisdom are beginning to sprout, and further through the intermediate stages of noble disciples to the perfected individual at the apex of the entire scale of human development. This is the Arahant, the liberated one, who has absorbed the purifying vision of truth so deeply that all his defilements have been extinguished, and with them, all liability to suffering.

>Higher caste show close affinity to indo european speakers is what your paper claimed
For this it is essential toprove archaeologically that a migration originated in some part of Eurasia and spread throughall of the regionswhere historically-attested Indo-European languageswere spoken;and prove that original migration was Indo-European....There ideal of Baltic and Scandinavian homeland... is archaeologically untenable..Absolutely no archaeological evidence has been found of the proto-Indo-European language spoken in Russia before 3000 BCE, or of the Indo-Iranian speakers moving
from South Russia to Central Asia between 3000-2000 BCE, or of the Indo-Aryan speakers moving from Central Asia to the Punjab around 1500 BCE, or even of the Vedic Indo-Aryans moving from the Punjab into the rest of northern India after 1000 BCE.

What was the language spoken btw ? You tell . For example yamnaya etc which they keep quoting , just wanted to know thar is no proof of language , no book no text in that area . If thar is no evidence for the same then how do you know that Sanskrit came here with vedas .
proto indo european languge is joke . Its like saying you have a salad out of cucumber tomatoes and carrot and then saying this is original .From this salad we get cucumber tomatoes and carrot . They also use Sanskrit extensively to cook up shit for thar fraud language LOL and then claim pie is mothar is damn source . This is a circular argument . I gootta understand some of these things man . Europeans were divided into many nations made up of languages as spain spanish , germany german ,
france french and so on . They believed one language meant one nation .In fact they knew all these languages were similar untill somebody came India and found Sanskrit . They realized Sanskrit sucha a great langugae spoken by black brown people ?So they started hypothesis that Sanskrit must have come from steppe . Now the problem was for example sundari means beautiful and arya means noble nobility . You do not have a race of aryans . Its adjective . You cannot say from the genes that a person speaks this language because of this gene lmao .
Imagine using haplogroups and making them to stand as proxies for languge .

Btw Indian archeologists have concluded saraswati corroborate with literature Bhiranna goes 8000 years or so same hindu traditions .

Also ofcourse am pretty busy down to earth barely making 1 post a day here unlike you who seem to spam this forum in every thread 17 hours a day ofcourse under the overprotective custody of mommy probably .
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