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India: World's Largest Mobocracy

There's no benefit of communism. That world order failed and has been in coffin for over three decades.

You should ask the Cubans if they prefer their communist system or would adopt the Indian socio-economic system.

And you should also post in my thread about the proposed new, communist economic system.
You should ask the Cubans if they prefer their communist system or would adopt the Indian socio-economic system.

And you should also post in my thread about the proposed new, communist economic system.
1) False dichotomy and a very stupid one. Cuba and India are not comparable at all.
  • Indian and Cuban are not the only two systems on earth, one would have to be really stupid to suggest that. From my point of view, both are far from perfect but communism is more fatal to growth than anything else.
  • Cuba lived off Soviet aid, now lives off Venezuelan oil money, none of that is available to India in proportion to its population (which would be impossible to provide by any country given the Indian population size).
  • Also, both Cuba and India have gone through liberalization-privatization phases albeit in different degrees - it means they are drifting away from communism too.
2) On your thread, duh. You sound not only naïve and uneducated when it comes to modern economy (and politics by extension) but also quite stubborn and hypocrite (like ANY flaws of capitalism are bad but killing machines of USSR were "just an experiment"), so much you start sounding like a broken record which is stuck on 3-4 topics like "Micro-processor, OS, space, Gaddafi, Assad, Russia good, west bad", that's actually all you say again and again and ironically not seeing any contradiction in such self-contradictory views. Like popular Micro-processor and OS are inventions of evil capitalist west, right? Or you used to ask about any "Indian micro-processor" and then you called Vinod Dham a fraud? Why? personal ego? Or that anti-west faction is itself capitalist - Russia have the highest wealth inequality on the planet. Sorry, for such a long rant but just come up with something new buddy. Things get boring when repeated too much.
You cant really discuss with some indians like this. They dont have a moral compass and second they are blindly and fanatically attached to their governments - their government is like an idol to them.

Point out obvious problems in their society they will search the dregs of the world to find something equivalent and then satisfactorily declare - these problems are everywhere. They have no interest in being right, in being good - just grab, hate whatever they can and use any tragedy anywhere to justify themselves. Essentially animals who hopefully will be put down like rabid animals are sometime.
2) On your thread, duh. You sound not only naïve and uneducated when it comes to modern economy (and politics by extension)

What is this "modern economy" ? And is it written by the stars in the night sky why "modern economy" cannot be changed ?

Also, both Cuba and India have gone through liberalization-privatization phases albeit in different degrees - it means they are drifting away from communism too.

What ! When was India governed by a communist movement ?

so much you start sounding like a broken record which is stuck on 3-4 topics like "Micro-processor, OS, space, Gaddafi, Assad, Russia good, west bad", that's actually all you say again and again

1. Space... It is the next industry of humans. Simple. Undeniable. Everything from medicine to agriculture to politics and economics will be a part of it. Elon Musk has spoken for Direct Democracy to be the governing system of Mars settlements.

2. Gaddafi... You should read The Green Book here and critique it. It won't take too long to read. But I don't stop with Gaddafi's ideas. For example, the new economic system I proposed.

Things get boring when repeated too much.

Why should talking about India's very real problems and solutions for world problems, become boring ? If you believe so, sorry but you should quit PDF.

and then you called Vinod Dham a fraud? Why?

Why not ?

Simple point. He claims to be, or his Indian fans claim, that he was the "Father of the Pentium microprocessor". Now the Indian ministry of electronics and IT had called for an Indian indigenously designed processor eleven years ago. Couldn't Vinod Dham have come to India and set up a team to design such a processor ? After all he is supposed to know how to design and engineer a processor.

It's been eleven years since. Where is he ? Why couldn't the Indian governments since 2009 get him to India for the project. And read this article from 2009.
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I had NEVER thought India was ever a democracy. This is not some emotional rant. Having lived a lifetime in America and Pakistan I can fairly compare repressive systems (like Pakistan and India) vs something resembling a democracy.

Change of govts through ballots is not a valid yard sticks of democracies. It takes much more than that. By every criteria India was always a communal state where the Hindu majority was biding its time to strike and strike it did! Decades of cosmetic measures like the Muslim Bollywood stars and even a Muslim President (with a peon's real authority) and similar ones could never hide the brutal massacres of Muslims and Sikhs (and less reported against lower Caste Hindus) happening throughout India's history. And I mean BIG MASSACRES!! Forget Muslims if you have an anti-Muslim leaning. Ask the Sikhs about what happened in 1984!! The massacres in India would make KKK, the Jim Crow Laws, the Lynchings in America to look like child's play.

So the Court's decision about Babri Masjid is not a surprise at all. And in the same way the Court's delaying on the verdict on the annexation of Indian Occupied Kashmir is another indication of how compliant and FAKE the mightiest Court in India really is.

India is not the world's biggest democracy. It is the world's BIGGEST HYPOCRISY!!
Its good for health, but only Indian breed cow urine. Allot of people are drinking it to get cured of various illness. You carry on with your ham burger and white supremacy piss drink.

So there is truth in that some Indians DO drink cow urine for some medical or spiritual reasons?!! And here I always thought the PDF Pakistanis were making things up. I generally don't follow such threads.
Maybe you are kidding?? Please drink on. I have no problem with that. I really don't.
Change of govts through ballots is not a valid yard sticks of democracies. It takes much more than that.

Correct. British-style "Representative Democracy" basically is majoritarian dictatorship where the people who voted for the losing candidate won't have any say in the governance of the country. Such a system is also a demagogy.

Take India for instance. Fickle-minded people, especially the middle class, who all these years voted for Congress mainly because there was no other big opposition. They since 2014 voted for the BJP because this party pandered to their regressive / religious outlook. Modi is a demagogue who doesn't address, even in the Independence Day speeches, socio-economic problems in India like the very avoidable deaths by hunger, suicide and disease, and other issues like inter-religion strife, caste oppression and honor killing. The middle class who voted him in is not bothered.

The urban, "educated" middle class has voted the non-secular and non-harmonious party, the BJP, to governance twice and these middle class people waste their time in things like Modi's call to the people to bang thaalis ( eating plates ) to drive away Corona ( watch this vid ).
Surely then you will agree that the destruction of the Babri Masjid was a crime and the criminals should be punished. You should join me in lamenting this travesty of justice that unfolded, where the criminals were acquitted.

Of course the destruction of a structure which was sub judice was wrong. If there was a need to destruct it should have been done on the order/supervision of the courts and the administration. I never support vigilantism and mob rule.
Do you preserve a record of atrocities committed by Hindus on buddhists, other hindus and lower castes? Just curious. I've mentioned some of them previously, which you and your buddies pretend not to read.

Muslims came as punishment from God for the crimes Aryan invaders committed against subcontinent natives. If you follow the religion of the Aryan slave master, you get whatever you deserve from their replacements.

First you Muslims should get this straight that Buddhism, Jainism, Vaishnavism, Shaivism etc are all part of the same Dharmic philosophy. There are thousands of temples where Buddha and other Dharmic gods coexist under the same roof and worshiped together. You can read about Ellora caves here as an example.

Ellora Caves: Where Buddhist, Hindu, Jain Mythology And Philosophy Meet

The Ellora caves are a confluence of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist ways of life.

Updated: December 18, 2019 11:28 PM IST

By Arpita MukherjeeEmailEdited by Arpita MukherjeeEmail

Ellora is also world-famous for the largest single monolithic excavation in the world
Lying in the lap of the Chamadari hills, the Ellora caves epitomize the zenith of Indian rock-cut architecture. As many as 34 caves extol the glories of Buddhist, Hindu and Jain mythology and philosophy. Also Read - Why You Must Visit The World Heritage Site of Ellora Caves

Built by the Rashtrakuta dynasty between the 5thcentury and the 10th century, the Ellora caves are a confluence of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist ways of life. Also Read - Tourists enjoy picturesque waterfall in Maharashtra
Situated 18 miles northwest of Aurangabad in Maharashtra, the Ellora caves were declared a World Heritage Site. It took over five centuries for the Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monks to chisel out the caves and decorate them with remarkable imagination and detail.

Buddhist Caves:
The first 12 caves were built during the 5th-7th century. The earliest Buddhist cave is cave 6 while caves 11 and 12 were the last. All the Buddhist caves were constructed between 630 AD and 700 AD.

The Buddhist caves consist mostly of viharas or monasteries: large, multi-storeyed buildings carved into the mountain face. Some of the caves have carvings of Gautama Buddha, bodhisattvas and saints.

Ellora has cave temples belonging to three different religious creeds Buddhism, Brahmanism and Jainism
The Vishvakarma:
Most famous and the only chaitya griha amongst the Buddhist caves, it is locally known as Vishvakarma or “Sutar ka jhopda” (carpenter’s hut). At the front is a rock-cut court, entered through a flight of steps. On either side are pillared porticos with chambers to their rear.
In the chaitya hall is a stupa on which a colossal 3.30 m high Buddha sits in teaching posture. A large Bodhi tree is carved at the back.
Hindu Caves:
The Hindu caves were constructed between the middle of the sixth century to the end of the eighth century. Caves 29 and 21 constructed in the early phase are the most impressive.

The 16th cave is one of the audacious feats in architecture ever achieved. The idea was to build the abode of Lord Shiva, Mount Kailash, from a single piece of rock. Hence it got its name, Kailasa or the Kailasnatha.
Construction entailed removal of 200,000 tonnes of rock and took 100 years to complete. The temple, started by Krishna I of the Rashtrakuta Dynasty, is a splendid achievement of Dravidian art.
A two-storey gateway opens to reveal a U-shaped courtyard that is edged by columned galleries. Within the courtyard are three structures: first is the image of the sacred bull Nandi. The central temple or the Nandi Mandap houses the lingam. The base of the Nandi Mandap has been carved to suggest that life-sized elephants are holding the structure aloft. A living rock bridge connects the Nandi Mandap to the Shiva temple behind it. The temple itself is a tall pyramidal structure reminiscent of Dravidian temples. The grand sculpture of Ravana attempting to lift Mount Kailasa, the abode of Lord Shiva, with his full might is a landmark in Indian art.

Ellora is a World Heritage Site and represents the epitome of Indian rock-cut architecture
The Dashavatara: Cave 15 has an open court with a free-standing monolithic mandapa at the middle and a two-storey excavated temple at the rear. Large sculptural panels between the wall columns on the upper floor illustrate a wide range of themes, which include the ten avatars of Vishnu and hence, the name Dashavatara.
The other famous Hindu caves are the Rameshvara (Cave 21), which has figurines of river goddesses Ganga and Yamuna at the entrance and the Dhumar Lena (Cave 29) whose design is similar to the cave temple on Elephanta Island near Mumbai. Two other caves, the Ravan ki Khai (Cave 14) and the Nilkantha (Cave 22) also have several sculptures.
Jain Caves:
The five Jain caves at Ellora belong to the ninth and tenth centuries and they all belong to the Digambara sect. The caves reflect a strict sense of asceticism and are not as large as other caves. The most remarkable Jain shrines are the Chhota Kailash (cave 30), the Indra Sabha (cave 32) and the Jagannath Sabha (cave 33).

Indra Sabha:
The Indra Sabha is a two-storey cave with a monolithic shrine in its court. It got the appellation “Indra Sabha” probably because it is significantly ornate and also has the sculpture of the yaksha (dedicated attendant deity) Matanga on an elephant, which was wrongly identified as that of Indra. On the upper level of the double-storied shrine excavated at the rear of the court, an imposing image of Ambika, the yakshini of Neminath, is found seated on her lion under a mango tree, laden with fruits.

Ellora caves, unlike Ajanta, never lost to oblivion
How to reach:
Aurangabad, 18 miles away, is the nearest airport and railhead for Ellora. Aurangabad is well-connected with the rest of the country by flights, trains and roads.
Hotels catering to all kinds of budgets are available at Aurangabad. Quality accommodation options are also available near the Ellora caves.

Visiting the caves:
Ellora caves are open for visitors from 9 am till sunset and are open on all days of the week except Tuesdays.

Ellora (\e-ˈlȯr-ə\, IAST: Vērūḷ) (वेरूळ in Marathi) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India. It is one of the largest rock-cut monastery-temple cave complexes in the world, featuring Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monuments, and artwork, dating from the 600–1000 CE period.[1][2] Cave 16, in particular, features the largest single monolithic rock excavation in the world, the Kailasha temple, a chariot shaped monument dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Kailasha temple excavation also features sculptures depicting the gods, goddesses and mythologies found in Vaishnavism, Shaktism as well as relief panels summarizing the two major Hindu Epics.[3][4][5]

There are over 100 caves at the site, all excavated from the basalt cliffs in the Charanandri Hills, 34 of which are open to public.[3] These consist of 12 Buddhist (caves 1–12), 17 Hindu (caves 13–29) and 5 Jain (caves 30–34) caves,[6][7] each group representing deities and mythologies prevalent in the 1st millennium CE, as well as monasteries of each respective religion.[6] They were built close to one another and illustrate the religious harmony that existed in ancient India.[2][8] All of the Ellora monuments were built during the Rashtrakuta dynasty, which constructed part of the Hindu and Buddhist caves, and the Yadava dynasty, which constructed a number of the Jain caves. Funding for the construction of the monuments was provided by royals, traders and the wealthy of the region.[3][9]

First you Muslims should get this straight that Buddhism, Jainism, Vaishnavism, Shaivism etc are all part of the same Dharmic philosophy. There are thousands of temples where Buddha and other Dharmic gods coexist under the same roof and worshiped together. You can read about Ellora caves here as an example.

Ellora (\e-ˈlȯr-ə\, IAST: Vērūḷ) (वेरूळ in Marathi) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India. It is one of the largest rock-cut monastery-temple cave complexes in the world, featuring Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monuments, and artwork, dating from the 600–1000 CE period.[1][2] Cave 16, in particular, features the largest single monolithic rock excavation in the world, the Kailasha temple, a chariot shaped monument dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Kailasha temple excavation also features sculptures depicting the gods, goddesses and mythologies found in Vaishnavism, Shaktism as well as relief panels summarizing the two major Hindu Epics.[3][4][5]

There are over 100 caves at the site, all excavated from the basalt cliffs in the Charanandri Hills, 34 of which are open to public.[3] These consist of 12 Buddhist (caves 1–12), 17 Hindu (caves 13–29) and 5 Jain (caves 30–34) caves,[6][7] each group representing deities and mythologies prevalent in the 1st millennium CE, as well as monasteries of each respective religion.[6] They were built close to one another and illustrate the religious harmony that existed in ancient India.[2][8] All of the Ellora monuments were built during the Rashtrakuta dynasty, which constructed part of the Hindu and Buddhist caves, and the Yadava dynasty, which constructed a number of the Jain caves. Funding for the construction of the monuments was provided by royals, traders and the wealthy of the region.[3][9]

Stop appropriating Buddhism.

No wonder you Muslims are clueless about Dharmic philosophy.
I don't give a rat's tail about dharmic anything. Buddhism is not Hinduism, no matter how many times Modi says it is.

I shall go further. The modern aberration of brahminism is also not Hinduism. Caste philosophy was brought into the subcontinent by white Aryan invaders from central Asiatic steppeland. You "dharmics" follow the creed of an invader who raped your ancestors.

Kindly desist from appropriating true Asiatic religions native to the subcontinent. If you like brahminism so much, take your caste system and get out of the subcontinent. It doesn't belong here.
I don't give a rat's tail about dharmic anything. Buddhism is not Hinduism, no matter how many times Modi says it is.

I shall go further. The modern aberration of brahminism is also not Hinduism. Caste philosophy was brought into the subcontinent by white Aryan invaders from central Asiatic steppeland. You "dharmics" follow the creed of an invader who raped your ancestors.

Kindly desist from appropriating true Asiatic religions native to the subcontinent. If you like brahminism so much, take your caste system and get out of the subcontinent. It doesn't belong here.

Your post has so many flaws and demonstrates your utter ignorance that it is useless to even correct them as you want live in your own fictitious world.
Did I ever said nothing wrong happened to Dalits in India, even a change of religion did not make any difference to their plight. and In Indian constitution there are enough provisions to support the dalits and OBCs

Regarding Vamula, there is law they can file the FIR and he was an OBC, not SC ...

Just FYI neither Andhra nor Telangana is BJP ruled state and as you know Law and Order is state subject
Rohith Vemula not a Dalit, says collector; Andhra govt to cancel SC certificate

Vamula case was nothing more then a Commie gimmick and someone said if left has a future in India then India has no future left , his mother was failed to prove that they are scheduled caste


Regarding Dalits who so ever become their leader like Kashi Ram, Mayawati and now this Ravan focussed more on their own upliftment then the upliftment of Dalits.

Regarding president Kovind he is not the president of Scs he is president of the whole country and thanks atleast you agree PM is OBC not an upper-caste Brahmin
But is he a Dalit and acknowledge the oppression of Dalits ?

This is from 2018. He was harassed by temple priests for being a Dalit :

Secondly, did President Ram Nath Kovind, a Dalit, ever express sadness against the suicide of Hyderabad University student Rohith Vemula who being a Dalit was hounded by upper caste university officials ? Did Kovind say that Caste is an atrocity that should be abolished right now ? Does he speak against the caste discrimination that is carried by upper caste computer engineers to foreign countries and practiced against fellow-Indian Dalit computer engineers in their company ?

Thirdly, why doesn't the Dalit-origin President even nominally make himself a worker of the direct action Dalit movement Bhim Army ?
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