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India: World's Largest Mobocracy

Strife is part & parcel of our lives.
As per all Dharmic beliefs, the material world is a struggle. Jeevan ek sangharsh. Aag ka dariya . Dukh ka bhandaar. Tu kaun hai tera naam hai kya, Sita bhi yaha badnam hui. Kalyug.
If there is no strife, struggle, pain in this life, our beliefs would collapse.
Even this may be too much for you to understand.
You are funny guy !
Strife is part & parcel of our lives.
As per all Dharmic beliefs, the material world is a struggle. Jeevan ek sangharsh. Aag ka dariya . Dukh ka bhandaar. Tu kaun hai tera naam hai kya, Sita bhi yaha badnam hui. Kalyug.
If there is no strife, struggle, pain in this life, our beliefs would collapse.
Even this may be too much for you to understand.

Sheesh man. Heard about people willing to struggle to achieve an outcome but never saw a sane guy seeking a life of struggle for the sake of struggle.
Personally, I don't give a damm , whatever happens inside Pakistan, the only point I was trying to make was before preaching other you have look inwards.

I never said varan system was not a problem yes it was and still in some rural areas is but again as per the constitution its a crime to call someone lower caste and the govt has a full proof reservation for lower castes in all jobs and a lower caste can become a PM or even president of country.

Even the current Prime Minister is from a backward caste.
The current president is from schedule Caste
The schedule cast act of IPC :


As you said Schedule CAste has no right then below is the link to the constitution

No one can control the individual thinking but on govt level, you cant do that like in your govt. job advertisement the sanitation job is just for non-Muslims

The example given by you does not make any sense as there is a difference between a govt advertisement and an NGO.

Even your sunni muslims send the legal notice the NGO do you even dare to condemn them :

Even the Sunni Awami Forum has slapped a legal notice on HDRC for listing Saiyads among the forward castes to be considered for the sweeper's job. The Sunni Awami Forum says that it is 'denigrating' to offer a sweeper's job to Saiyads as they are considered direct descendants of Prophet Muhammad.


It is true caste problems are there among muslims too in south asia. I once made a post Islam as a religion is one of the most beautiful things out there but Islam as a way of life tolerated lot of things like caste system and even slavery in middle east. It is everyone's fight but ofcourse the worst is in India.

But you are completely wrong about indian lower castes being free to chose anything.

Gujarat NGO releases ad for 'upper caste sweeper', gets pelted with stones

Gujarat NGO releases ad for 'upper caste sweeper', gets pelted with stones

RATHIN DAS| Updated on: 10 February 2017, 1:49 IST


In an apparently innocuous effort to break caste barriers inherent in Indian society, a human rights organisation in Gujarat has landed itself in trouble.
The Human Development and Research Centre (HDRC) has been pelted with stones while its director, Prasad Chacko, has fled to safety simply because they had welcomed upper caste people to fill up a vacancy for a sweeper, a job invariably given to the lower castes
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Personally, I don't give a damm , whatever happens inside Pakistan, the only point I was trying to make was before preaching other you have look inwards.

I never said varan system was not a problem yes it was and still in some rural areas is but again as per the constitution its a crime to call someone lower caste and the govt has a full proof reservation for lower castes in all jobs and a lower caste can become a PM or even president of country.

Even the current Prime Minister is from a backward caste.
The current president is from schedule Caste
The schedule cast act of IPC :


As you said Schedule CAste has no right then below is the link to the constitution

No one can control the individual thinking but on govt level, you cant do that like in your govt. job advertisement the sanitation job is just for non-Muslims

The example given by you does not make any sense as there is a difference between a govt advertisement and an NGO.

Even your sunni muslims send the legal notice the NGO do you even dare to condemn them :

Even the Sunni Awami Forum has slapped a legal notice on HDRC for listing Saiyads among the forward castes to be considered for the sweeper's job. The Sunni Awami Forum says that it is 'denigrating' to offer a sweeper's job to Saiyads as they are considered direct descendants of Prophet Muhammad.

As much as Muslims don't want to admit, the caste structure in Muslims is at least as worse as in Hindus. Several documentaries and studies have documented that. Moreover, the denial that it doesn't exist have done much harm and impeded any progress that could've been made to eradicate this evil.
Please do not say the truth so nakedly, Indian Victim cardholders will declare you Sanghi
As much as Muslims don't want to admit, the caste structure in Muslims is at least as worse as in Hindus. Several documentaries and studies have documented that. Moreover, the denial that it doesn't exist have done much harm and impeded any progress that could've been made to eradicate this evil.
Strife is part & parcel of our lives.
As per all Dharmic beliefs, the material world is a struggle. Jeevan ek sangharsh. Aag ka dariya . Dukh ka bhandaar. Tu kaun hai tera naam hai kya, Sita bhi yaha badnam hui. Kalyug.
If there is no strife, struggle, pain in this life, our beliefs would collapse.
Even this may be too much for you to understand.

You are funny guy !
Not as much as you!
On a serious note, looks like you have a life free of strife, struggle & pain. Enjoy living that lie while it lasts!

Sheesh man. Heard about people willing to struggle to achieve an outcome but never saw a sane guy seeking a life of struggle for the sake of struggle.
All struggles in YOUR life may be the ones you are willing to take-up. Most genuine people struggle in this life for no mistake of theirs. Innocents suffer the most. Barbaric types easily go BOOM and get heaven. LOL.
I can see how the non-Muslims get treatment in your country even Islam cant change your real mentality :)
Better taker case of Pakistani Chuddas( local name for Sanitary workers)

Even becoming Christians dint helps Pakistani Lower Castes .....
Again I said Indian so-called Victim Muslis deserve the treatment which Pakistani non-Muslims get, seems like even Islam didn't change the as you defined Aryan filth.

View attachment 675661

Regarding Indian lower castes , they free to choose what ever they want and their is no special occupation just assigned to them .

Dont worry about us its just the beginning of making up the scars of the Islamic past as some one said we will forgive but will never forget.
Note this AD was not published 500 years back, so it will better you preach this message in your home then pointing fingers towards anyone else
Tsk tsk, "et tu quoque" as usual. Society condemned such items. Pakistani society ALWAYS condemns aggression against minorities. We've never had a concept of a mainstream islamist supremacist political party. Please point out the Pakistani equivalent of BJP if you can. Now Hindustan on the other hand has since inception depended on half of its political structure spending its time trying to suppress the embarrassing, delusional, hateful, PTSD, inferiority complex-laden rhetoric of the other half. India is truly locked into a fascist destiny. The only hope for Muslims, dalits and others is a Congress government, but even then, the BJP is still the opposition, the BJP is still half the country's voice. In Pakistan, patriots of the nation condemn discrimination. In Hindustan, at least half your population demands more discrimination because they think they're born special, more special than Dalits and Muslims, hence they're enraged and become murderous when such groups demand equality and the basic right to life and safety.

It's an odd little basket case of a country that you have been born in. Unlucky for you really. Your massive overwhelming numbers make it harder to destroy the fascist core. Throughout history, nobody bothered to finish off hindutva because it seemed too big a task. Mughals and and Brits were best placed to try but they got lazy.

The situation is different. Nuclear weapons make hindutva vulnerable.

In any case, viz your et tu quoque approach, we're not actually talking about Pakistan. We're talking about the "secular republic", which is why we in Pakistan continue to laugh at you. White people continue to laugh that you believe your own implanted propaganda. You truly believe you're a secular, democratic republic. White folks prop up your cesspool of hatred where you democratically elect and empower Hindu terrorist filth. They only prop this artificial state up in order to counter China.

Look around you. Asia is waking up and being hauled kicking and screaming into an Asia-led future. Countries like Hindustan remain dependent on colonial masters for validation, and will be left behind to wallow in their own delusions of grandeur.
Pakistan is much more tolerant than India. Both as a society and as a state.

Despite massive Indian propaganda against Pakistan, a small focal incident any where in Pakistan is highlighted in every corner of the world by India to malign Pakistan. Yet today the world knows who is facist. the world refuses to buy Indian propaganda any more. India stands naked and exposed. The fire of hate against Pakistan , has now caught Indian society. Muslims in India have not future , they are clueless. When Indian media was barking day in and out against Pakistan these Muslims in India remained silent, they turned their back on Kashmiris for last 72 years, now they are the target and they ll suffer the pain. India can do nothing against Pakistan, the brute force will be faced by Indian muslims.

On the external front India has been humiliated by both China and Pakistan convincingly. Its not only the outside world, Delhi is rape capital of the world, would you blame Pakistan for that??? If 10000 farmers commit suicide would you blame Pakistan??

The caste system is deep rooted in India and would take another 100 years to overcome, no such thing exists in Pakistan.

Pakistan has a bright future ahead. Only time will tell where things will stand after 10 years.
On a serious note, looks like you have a life free of strife, struggle & pain. Enjoy living that lie while it lasts!

All struggles in YOUR life may be the ones you are willing to take-up. Most genuine people struggle in this life for no mistake of theirs. Innocents suffer the most. Barbaric types easily go BOOM and get heaven. LOL.
My struggle and pain made me humble and compassionate towards my fellow countrymen !
Strife is part & parcel of our lives.
As per all Dharmic beliefs, the material world is a struggle. Jeevan ek sangharsh. Aag ka dariya . Dukh ka bhandaar. Tu kaun hai tera naam hai kya, Sita bhi yaha badnam hui. Kalyug.
If there is no strife, struggle, pain in this life, our beliefs would collapse.
Even this may be too much for you to understand.

Utter rubbish. So, should people die of hunger just because they have no money to buy food while one kilometer away some middle class Maneka Gandhi type is feeding fifteen stray dogs ? And you are also legitimizing the moralistic public shaming of Sita by some regressive / misogynist types. Why are this very avoidable, unnecessary troubles / strifes ?

It is no surprise that you don't like Communism which speaks for socio-economic harmony, non-troubled satiating of one's material needs and of man's harmony with Nature / Ecology.

Sheesh man. Heard about people willing to struggle to achieve an outcome but never saw a sane guy seeking a life of struggle for the sake of struggle.

Sane ?

Even the current Prime Minister is from a backward caste.

But is he a Dalit and acknowledge the oppression of Dalits ?

The current president is from schedule Caste

This is from 2018. He was harassed by temple priests for being a Dalit :
NEW DELHI: Even holding the highest constitutional post of the country is not a guarantee that it would save a person from caste-based discrimination.

President Ramnath Kovind and his wife, were allegedly put to harassment by priests.

This incident happened at the famous Jagannath temple in Odisha. The servitors allegedly grazed past Kovind and his wife, Savita. They also blocked the couple's way and hassled them, said sources.

This happened even though temple was kept out of bounds during the VVIP visit. The district administration has ordered an inquiry. President Kovind is a Dalit by caste.

"The president, just as he was leaning forward, had been stopped from placing his head at the 'Ratnasinghasana' on which the Jagannath deity is placed", reported ET.

The visit to temple had taken place in March. Now the temple committee is investigating if the protocal was breached and the President was put to inconvenience during the visit.

The temple is known for stopping dignitaries in the past also. Former PM Indira Gandhi was not allowed to enter the temple and perform prayers as she had married a Parsi (Firoz Gandhi), which apparently made her a lesser Hindu in the eyes of temple priests.

Caste remains one of the most divisive factors in India. The Hindu clergy comprises Upper Caste, especially, Brahmins. The lower castes including Dalits continue to face discrimination in the society.

Published on June 28, 2018

Secondly, did President Ram Nath Kovind, a Dalit, ever express sadness against the suicide of Hyderabad University student Rohith Vemula who being a Dalit was hounded by upper caste university officials ? Did Kovind say that Caste is an atrocity that should be abolished right now ? Does he speak against the caste discrimination that is carried by upper caste computer engineers to foreign countries and practiced against fellow-Indian Dalit computer engineers in their company ?

Thirdly, why doesn't the Dalit-origin President even nominally make himself a worker of the direct action Dalit movement Bhim Army ?
My struggle and pain made me humble and compassionate towards my fellow countrymen !
Whatever the reason & whatever it made you, at least you agreed that you have struggle strife & pain in your life.
That's exactly what I said in my earlier post (that struggle & strife are part & parcel of our lives) which you found "funny".
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Utter rubbish. So, should people die of hunger just because they have no money to buy food while one kilometer away some middle class Maneka Gandhi type is feeding fifteen stray dogs ? And you are also legitimizing the moralistic public shaming of Sita by some regressive / misogynist types. Why are this very avoidable, unnecessary troubles / strifes ?

It is no surprise that you don't like Communism which speaks for socio-economic harmony, non-troubled satiating of one's material needs and of man's harmony with Nature / Ecology.
You have serious comprehension issues and basic flaw in understanding things.

If I say Sita struggled, you think I am legitimising that struggle? Is that what your English tells you? or your Logic? Eitherway, it is flawed.

Idhar bhi communism? Please keep that to yourself and those who are interested in it.

Dont quote me if you dont have basic knowledge of language or logic.
You have serious comprehension issues and basic flaw in understanding things.

Yeah ? Then explain to me and others in simpler words.

If I say Sita struggled, you think I am legitimising that struggle? Is that what your English tells you? or your Logic? Eitherway, it is flawed.

Go back to your post.

Idhar bhi communism? Please keep that to yourself and those who are interested in it.

How will people learn of the benefits of communism if I don't discuss them and don't speak of the flaws in other beliefs when compared to communism ?

And, after all communism is a pan-human ideology. So yes, idhar bhi.

Dont quote me if you dont have basic knowledge of language or logic.

This is a forum. Like the UNO General Assembly. People have the right to speak and question as long as they don't troll in which case the mods will take action.
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