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India will protects its interests in disputed South China Sea: Navy Chief

Yeah indians are mean. YOU CHINESE are thieves, liars and backstabbers. Cunning to the root, I'll trust a hyena rather than you. Im reminded of a chinese kettle, prety crafty contraption and clever too, with two compartments hidden inside. One was for regular tea and another for poisoned tea. Both parties drank from the same kettle but one of them wound up dead.
Thats how good and straighforward you are.

You believe arming our neighbour and inconviniencing us in our sphere of influence is aceptable but us moving into SCS is not. Nice.
Make ur threats 10 years later, when you can ACTUALLY do something. Till then make toilet jokes, while a small country like vietnam pisses on you.

In the mean time a fine gentleman has posted details about our present and future capabilities. Go through it and take a couple more navies in to account for a showdown.
I am not supposed to hurt your ego, Vietnam army's fight power is much stronger than IA. India is definitely not the target for china to showdown, you really suck. Our enemy is USA and Japan.
How many of it you have now? Or just some slum floating in the junkyard for decade?

True it'll come late, but that won't change that fact that whatever comes will be better than whatever frigate PLAN inducts for the next 10 years.
As I said our slums are better than your discos.

I also think so,After all its a new ship in 2025
052C-170 lanzhou is a 21 year old ship

BS, Lanzhou was commissioned 8 years ago or so.
You waited for INS Shivalik and now look, it is better than any Stealth multi-role frigate PLAN has in its inventory.
Waiting for us seems like bad luck for you, coz the more you wait the better our frigates come out.
So keep on waiting coz you'll never have a 17A type frigate.:rofl:

the better frigates? old one in service first pls,LOL
P17a will be a completely dilapidated garbage when it enter into service in year 2025.
I am not supposed to hurt your ego, Vietnam army's fight power is much stronger than IA. India is definitely not the target for china to showdown, you really suck. Our enemy is USA and Japan.

Okay accepted just to humor you. If your targets are really japan and US,then why warn/threaten us? They both will wipe you out . Completely. And if you want to mess with us too, then you are just plain stupid. Dont bite off more than you can chew.

Your 'friends' Pakistan and North Korea won't help you when your navy is bein pounded by all sides because your big mouth went ballistic.
P17a will be a completely dilapidated garbage when it enter into service in year 2025.

See thats who you really are. When owned up or proven wrong in a discussion, thats all you will ever do. Hurl insults. But i can see we have messed you up. Frankly speaking we dont really need to do anything. Just add a little spice and Japanese +US will gobble you up.
He means Lanzhou is 21 aged in year 2025, can you read?

So, what's your point??????
As per commissioned dates Shivalik is only 6 years younger than Lanzhou, however technically both are of the same age coz both were launched in the same year.

the better frigates? old one in service first pls,LOL

The INS Shivalik IS better than the Jiangkai 2.
Quality v/s quantity. That's always been the case for India v/s china. For all their quantity, the Chinese navy hasn't dared to wage war against anyone. Ever. All your ships have served their lives as harbor queens and retired, and so will your new toys.

And by the way, India has plenty of other frigates too in other classes.

Chinese navy won't attack IN in the real world. All this talk and showing off colorful pictures amounts to just that. We are going to do oil exploration and other shipping in the South CHina sea, escorted by our navy. Fire even one bullet and then come back and talk. You won't, and you know that.

A shipyard like this must can build high Quality ships. LOL

P17a will be a completely dilapidated garbage when it enter into service in year 2025.

Sorry to disapoint you but it is 2022 not 2025.
look at INS Shivalik, it doesn't look like any Type 054A frigates will be better than it.
See thats who you really are. When owned up or proven wrong in a discussion, thats all you will ever do. Hurl insults. But i can see we have messed you up. Frankly speaking we dont really need to do anything. Just add a little spice and Japanese +US will gobble you up.
India is always the one adding spice from behind, you coward. we have got no time to deal with clown India, our bother Pakistan will do this job.
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