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India will never be as successful as China in economy

If the world is a video game, China chose “hard" game level from beginning. India chose "easy" game level. India gained independence by peaceful power delivery from British. China fulfilled its independence from bloody wars. Got rid of Japanese empire control by 14 years second Sino-Japan war. Got rid of US indirect control (KMT government) by 3 years civil war. Got rid of Soviet Union control by Korea war.

CCP's China was born and grew in wars. Of course China suffered huge lives and property loss. But this model also benefited China a lot. Established a strong central government which was free from big powers' influence. Land reform and industries nationalization were smoothly accomplished. Land lords and upper classes disappeared in China. Women were liberated. Superstitious and conservative cultures were abandoned. In a word, China's old system was completely formatted. China was running in a new and neat system. The opposite of China, is India. Today's Indian social structure is not so much different than 1947's. With democracy together formed all obstacles to prevent any change and reform.

China is like Jupiter. India is like Earth. Jupiter on the one hand dwarfs Earth. On the other hand protects Earth from asteroids attacks by absorbing most collisions to itself. PRC was facing a very harsh international environment from the first day it was established. Embargoes from west world and then from east world. Nuclear war threats from both US and Soviet Union. To prepare for war, China moved its most important industries to innerland mountain regions. Because of China's existence, India enjoyed a very cosy environment. It became friend of both US and Soviet Union during cold war. China was in "hell" mode game level in the middle stage of world game. India was still in "easy" mode.

In order to survive, China never stop attempting changes. Great leap forward, cultural revolution, reform and opening, big laid off. Some attempts are not good from hindsight perspective to say. Overall China is moving forward. Meanwhile in India, change could not even happen. Talking about China reform and opening policy, many Indians have a misunderstanding that it was US and its allies that helped China to make all progresses. Wrong. Different from how US helped Japan, S.Korea, Taiwan, US never transferred any crucial technology to PRC. The biggest investment sources for China are Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore. What the west benefited China is a free and relatively fair environment for business and competition. China learned and grew in it. So Indians, who are longing for west production chains transferred from China, should not hold high hope for the transfer. It won't help you much. India already has the key to the success door that China tried hard to have. The free and fair international environment. And obviously China is losing it because US now sees China as an enemy. In the new stage of world game, China is in "hard" mode. India is in "easy" mode, as always it was.

Birds living in harsh environment are cleverer. The CCP government is very smart, sophisticate, patient. It has the ability of self-restraint and keeping low profile. Compared to Chinese government, Indian government is like a spoiled, impulsive, cocky kid. When US government kidnapped Huawei CFO and madly sanctioned Chinese companies, Chinese government never made trouble to American investments in China. By contrast Indian government constantly robbed/banned Chinese investments in India since 2020 border conflict.

I saw many Indians said India is 20 years later than China to adopt opening policy. India will get to where China is today 20 years later. Indians believe China's success is a thing naturally to happen. They attributed China's achievements to west investments(Which India will have) and China's huge population(Which India already has). Indians forgot China and India chose different paths from the first day. They ignored all the pains and suffers China underwent on the path. No pain, no gain. It also works for India. Hypothetically to say, if India reaches to half of China's economy(Which I doubt), India would for the first time face hits from used to be nice America. Will spoiled Indians and their government be able to handle the "not easy" mode by then? I don't think so.
To be honest, this sounds very much like a propaganda article CCP mouthpieces like Global Times might write .
You are praising CCP like some GODLIKE miracle working party , while chastising India (which is convienient for you at the moment since they are behind China, why dont you compare China with its east Asia peers like Japan or soith Korea? Lol). You attribute all the good development China now has to CCP. Will you also attribute all the atrocities, famine and poverty CCP led China to become one of the poorest countries in Asia after they took power until Maos death in 1979? Will you also blame CCP for all that or just brush it off as some slide of history? Lol

In fact if not for the fact that you guys were lucky enough to have a pragmatic visionary leader like Deng xiaoping who came to power at the right time after Mao's death then China will still be as poor and closed off like North Korea today(reason I always say you guys shiuld be worshipping Deng Xiaoping even more than anyone else). Had another maoist leader took over from Mao(which was actually quite likely had Deng fallen), then you wouldn't be much different today.
So to attribute all your successes to CCP alone sounds more like propaganda to be honest..there were many other factors that led to China's opening up amd subsequent rise. If the US never normalised relations with China for one then things wouldn't have changed at all NO MATTER what the CCP would have done..
Similarly this talk of CCP this and CCP that makes it sound like Chinese people are dumb or something. Your people are not dumb, they are quite smart, hard working, entrepreneurial and enlightened. The only thing they needed was for the CCP to get out of their way of life and let them do their thing basically. China's neighbours who are the closest to you ethically and culturally like Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea are all highly developed countries and have been even more successful than China..should we also be praising their ruling party or leaders like some GOD like party because they led them to be a highly developed country? Lol
You people should quit this silly talk of praising CCP like they are some GOD like party . They haven't achieved anything that I don't think another party in China cwouldnt have achieved to be honest giving the globalised world in which we live.
If anything it's CCP closed system and trying to regulate every aspect of Chinese people lives that held China back.. on a level playing field and open normal working system Chinese people will still be successful(singapore is a case in point). If anything you guys were just late to the party since all your east Asian peers are all highly developed. So nothing surprising here. North Korea similarly with their Maoist commie closed system is holding their people hostage and keeping their people potential under their boots. Their people are smart and hard working as well, just like their peers in South Korea, if only Korean communist party alias Kim dynasty will get out of their way, open the country up for investments, noemalise relations with the West(like China did), level the playing field for Korean enterprises, let Korean own and run their own business and let Koreans citizens basically do their thing then North Korea will change tomorrow maybe even faster than China.
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My fellow comrade,

Why use this kind of language to poke Indian, it is arrogant and unnecessary.

There are some typical Maoist talking points in your mini novel, I disagree whole heartly.
To be honest, this sounds very much like a propaganda article CCP mouthpieces like Global Times might write .
You are praising CCP like some GODLIKE miracle working party , while chastising India (which is convienient for you at the moment since they are behind China, why dont you compare China with its east Asia peers like Japan or soith Korea? Lol). You attribute all the good development China now has to CCP. Will you also attribute all the atrocities, famine and poverty CCP led China to become one of the poorest countries in Asia after they took power until Maos death in 1979? Will you also blame CCP for all that or just brush it off as some slide of history? Lol

In fact if not for the fact that you guys were lucky enough to have a pragmatic visionary leader like Deng xiaoping who came to power at the right time after Mao's death then China will still be as poor and closed off like North Korea today(reason I always say you guys shiuld be worshipping Deng Xiaoping even more than anyone else). Had another maoist leader took over from Mao(which was actually quite likely had Deng fallen), then you wouldn't be much different today.
So to attribute all your successes to CCP alone sounds more like propaganda to be honest..there were many other factors that led to China's opening up amd subsequent rise. If the US never normalised relations with China for one then things wouldn't have changed at all NO MATTER what the CCP would have done..
Similarly this talk of CCP this and CCP that makes it sound like Chinese people are dumb or something. Your people are not dumb, they are quite smart, hard working, entrepreneurial and enlightened. The only thing they needed was for the CCP to get out of their way of life and let them do their thing basically. China's neighbours who are the closest to you ethically and culturally like Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea are all highly developed countries and have been even more successful than China..should we also be praising their ruling party or leaders like some GOD like party because they led them to be a highly developed country? Lol
You people should quit this silly talk of praising CCP like they are some GOD like party . They haven't achieved anything that I don't think another party in China cwouldnt have achieved to be honest giving the globalised world in which we live.
If anything it's CCP closed system and trying to regulate every aspect of Chinese people lives that held China back.. on a level playing field and open normal working system Chinese people will still be successful(singapore is a case in point). If anything you guys were just late to the party since all your east Asian peers are all highly developed. So nothing surprising here. North Korea similarly with their Maoist commie closed system is holding their people hostage and keeping their people potential under their boots. Their people are smart and hard working as well, just like their peers in South Korea, if only Korean communist party alias Kim dynasty will get out of their way, open the country up for investments, noemalise relations with the West(like China did), level the playing field for Korean enterprises, let Korean own and run their own business and let Koreans citizens basically do their thing then North Korea will change tomorrow maybe even faster than China.
Let me remind you that after 1959, North Korea belonged to the Soviet bloc. China is hostile to the Soviet Union. It was not until 2004 that North Korea began to rely on China.

In addition, North Korea is a feudal dynasty system, not a Chinese system.

China does not have a political family, let alone a dictator who transfers power to his son.

In fact, the USA, which is full of political families and nepotism, is more like North Korea.

The descendants of Mao Zedong are historians, and the successor of Mao Zedong is Deng Xiaoping.
The descendants of Deng Xiaoping are the staff of the disabled persons' Federation, and the successor of Deng Xiaoping is Jiang Zemin.
Jiang Zemin's descendants are engineering professors, and Jiang Zemin's successor is Hu Jintao.
Hu Jintao's descendant is a tour guide, Hu Jintao's successor is Xi Jingping, and Xi Jingping's daughter is a researcher at the Translation Institute.

China has never had two Bush presidents, two Adams presidents, two Harrison presidents and so on.
The capital of China is called Beijing, neither Mao Zedong nor Deng Xiaoping. The capital of the USA is called Washington.
Where did you pull this out from? China says that it is an issue between both the nations and they need to resolve it bilaterally.

This is an ace that India can use if pushed against the wall by China.
Meanwhile, India can do a lot of things with Taiwan to needle China.

Examples -

As far as ‘DARE’ is considered Papa Xi dared US to send Pelosi to Taiwan. We all know what happened to that DARE. One nation fired a lot of missiles in thin air, huffed and puffed and claimed to have changed the status quo. 😀
You delusional indians can try see what can you do to taiwan, try to sell your junk brahmos missiles to taiwan ? China will take back south tibet immediately, support and arm the rebel groups in your country. See who is afraid.
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To be honest, this sounds very much like a propaganda article CCP mouthpieces like Global Times might write .
You are praising CCP like some GODLIKE miracle working party , while chastising India (which is convienient for you at the moment since they are behind China, why dont you compare China with its east Asia peers like Japan or soith Korea? Lol). You attribute all the good development China now has to CCP. Will you also attribute all the atrocities, famine and poverty CCP led China to become one of the poorest countries in Asia after they took power until Maos death in 1979? Will you also blame CCP for all that or just brush it off as some slide of history? Lol

In fact if not for the fact that you guys were lucky enough to have a pragmatic visionary leader like Deng xiaoping who came to power at the right time after Mao's death then China will still be as poor and closed off like North Korea today(reason I always say you guys shiuld be worshipping Deng Xiaoping even more than anyone else). Had another maoist leader took over from Mao(which was actually quite likely had Deng fallen), then you wouldn't be much different today.
So to attribute all your successes to CCP alone sounds more like propaganda to be honest..there were many other factors that led to China's opening up amd subsequent rise. If the US never normalised relations with China for one then things wouldn't have changed at all NO MATTER what the CCP would have done..
Similarly this talk of CCP this and CCP that makes it sound like Chinese people are dumb or something. Your people are not dumb, they are quite smart, hard working, entrepreneurial and enlightened. The only thing they needed was for the CCP to get out of their way of life and let them do their thing basically. China's neighbours who are the closest to you ethically and culturally like Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea are all highly developed countries and have been even more successful than China..should we also be praising their ruling party or leaders like some GOD like party because they led them to be a highly developed country? Lol
You people should quit this silly talk of praising CCP like they are some GOD like party . They haven't achieved anything that I don't think another party in China cwouldnt have achieved to be honest giving the globalised world in which we live.
If anything it's CCP closed system and trying to regulate every aspect of Chinese people lives that held China back.. on a level playing field and open normal working system Chinese people will still be successful(singapore is a case in point). If anything you guys were just late to the party since all your east Asian peers are all highly developed. So nothing surprising here. North Korea similarly with their Maoist commie closed system is holding their people hostage and keeping their people potential under their boots. Their people are smart and hard working as well, just like their peers in South Korea, if only Korean communist party alias Kim dynasty will get out of their way, open the country up for investments, noemalise relations with the West(like China did), level the playing field for Korean enterprises, let Korean own and run their own business and let Koreans citizens basically do their thing then North Korea will change tomorrow maybe even faster than China.
1)A simple question: From 1911 the Qing empiror delivered his power to Repubic of China, to 1949 CCP won the civil war, China was not under CCP's rule for 38 years. Do you see any progress China ever made in this period of time? Soviet Union in the same period spent 20 years turning a war scorched country into a No.1 industrialized country in Europe. Without CCP, China was in chaos. Didn't made any progress. Even in short time China had elections. It didn't bring any change. The root reason of all disasters China suffered is: China was not an independent country. All war lords, political groups were proxies of different big powers. CCP was also a proxy of Soviet Union at early stage and it got rid of Soviet Union's control after Mao became CCP leader in 1935. China became fully indenpendent because of CCP. Independence is critical for China's futher development.

2) Japan and S.Korea are different from China. The western countries were not so hostile to East Asia's small countries. Japan gained a lot of aids from British Empire in the late 19th century and from US after WW2. S.Korea's development also should thank to US. China never received any substantiial aid from west world. US cancelled embargo in 1979. It was not out of mercy. US won the cold war because China joined in west side to counter Soviet Union. Losing China is the biggest mistake Soviet Union ever made. Its economy would not collapse if China became its market and light industrial products/food supplier. Imagine if US didn't let China join in west world in 1970's. Gorbachev would be very likely to tender the olive branch to China in 1980's. The history of cold war could be rewritten.

3)The CCP is a very adaptable party. Otherwise it could not create so many miracles. Mao's enomous prestige temporarily deactivated its adaptability. After Mao passe away, the adaptability came back. If it was not Deng, other guy would do the same.
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To be honest, this sounds very much like a propaganda article CCP mouthpieces like Global Times might write .
You are praising CCP like some GODLIKE miracle working party , while chastising India (which is convienient for you at the moment since they are behind China, why dont you compare China with its east Asia peers like Japan or soith Korea? Lol). You attribute all the good development China now has to CCP. Will you also attribute all the atrocities, famine and poverty CCP led China to become one of the poorest countries in Asia after they took power until Maos death in 1979? Will you also blame CCP for all that or just brush it off as some slide of history? Lol

In fact if not for the fact that you guys were lucky enough to have a pragmatic visionary leader like Deng xiaoping who came to power at the right time after Mao's death then China will still be as poor and closed off like North Korea today(reason I always say you guys shiuld be worshipping Deng Xiaoping even more than anyone else). Had another maoist leader took over from Mao(which was actually quite likely had Deng fallen), then you wouldn't be much different today.
So to attribute all your successes to CCP alone sounds more like propaganda to be honest..there were many other factors that led to China's opening up amd subsequent rise. If the US never normalised relations with China for one then things wouldn't have changed at all NO MATTER what the CCP would have done..
Similarly this talk of CCP this and CCP that makes it sound like Chinese people are dumb or something. Your people are not dumb, they are quite smart, hard working, entrepreneurial and enlightened. The only thing they needed was for the CCP to get out of their way of life and let them do their thing basically. China's neighbours who are the closest to you ethically and culturally like Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea are all highly developed countries and have been even more successful than China..should we also be praising their ruling party or leaders like some GOD like party because they led them to be a highly developed country? Lol
You people should quit this silly talk of praising CCP like they are some GOD like party . They haven't achieved anything that I don't think another party in China cwouldnt have achieved to be honest giving the globalised world in which we live.
If anything it's CCP closed system and trying to regulate every aspect of Chinese people lives that held China back.. on a level playing field and open normal working system Chinese people will still be successful(singapore is a case in point). If anything you guys were just late to the party since all your east Asian peers are all highly developed. So nothing surprising here. North Korea similarly with their Maoist commie closed system is holding their people hostage and keeping their people potential under their boots. Their people are smart and hard working as well, just like their peers in South Korea, if only Korean communist party alias Kim dynasty will get out of their way, open the country up for investments, noemalise relations with the West(like China did), level the playing field for Korean enterprises, let Korean own and run their own business and let Koreans citizens basically do their thing then North Korea will change tomorrow maybe even faster than China.
So, basically you westerners just want china to be another lapdog as the other east asian countries such as japan and korea, dream on. I think you westerners dont care if china is communist or democratic as long as it is kept down in development not to challenge west in any way. Vietnam is just a good example, the country basically has same political system as china, what is your attitude on it ? Westerners are hypocrites.
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China will take back south tibet immediately, support and arm the rebel groups in your country.
You seem to have access to Chinese military Plans. Not a good idea to publish them on a forum. Please behave responsibly considering your high rank in the Chinese higharchy.
See who is afraid
You delusional
Stop using this word. Whenever you reply to my posts you use this word so many times that it has lost its sheen.

Taiwan is jugular of China. Entire world knows this and smart people would use it to twist it at times.
Visit by Pelosi just proved it.
I know you would get into a rant and start posting irrelevant comments.
Go ahead.
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you need a competitive advantage in some industry. Otherwise Pakistan is heading for a disaster. Agriculture as practiced in South Asia cannot support high incomes. Baring technological breakthrough Pakistan has a severe energy dependency. Lack of trade with India does not help.
It’s true that a competitive advantage is necessary to grow beyond just population growth.

To that end, Pakistan will need modern agriculture technologies and legal reforms.

Secondly it will have to innovate in the textile industry into producing its own brands.

Third it will have to build up its mining industry domestically and try to win contracts in Afghanistan.

Fourth it will have to become a major petrochemical processing country. It’s on the door step of Mideast and potentially central Asian oil via pipelines.

Fifth, Pakistan can also replicate the services sector grow seen by Indian industry over the last 30 years through modernizing the domestic market and then expanding to the international market.

Finally it will have to build up its transit economy to and from China and the Middle East/Africa. This is the unique potentially geographical competitive advantage. A rail line to Central Asia via Afghanistan would make trade a lot cheaper. A rail line from Karachi to the Iranian rail network and the port of Chabahar will create a direct rail corridor (from India’s western dedicated freight corridor) that would be price competitive (over shipping) for Indian exports to the Middle East and parts of Europe. Sure, not trading with India hurts Pakistan, but if Pakistan develops its infrastructure, lack of two way trade will hurt India more and more with each passing year.

If India hopes to be a major economy, comparable to China, it will need peace with Pakistan to have a hope to access the relatively large and growing Pakistani market. If India and Pakistan created a free Kashmir, similar to the following scenario (where both nations give up some land), both nations could create a buffer country (that would be open to both country nationals to visit) between the two countries and end their enmity to focus on economic development. A then rapidly growing Pakistani economy (400 million consumers by 2050, and probably a further 100+ Million in Afghanistan and Central Asia via Pakistani rail links) would be a good thing for Indian companies. Without peace with Pakistan, Pakistan will have an incentive to keep India bogged down.

The current reality of the Indian economy is the following, and is probably bound to stagnate as India’s labor force ages out/ end of the demographic dividend in a decade or two, with FDI going to other, more younger countries:

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It’s true that a competitive advantage is necessary to grow beyond just population growth.

To that end, Pakistan will need modern agriculture technologies and legal reforms.

Secondly it will have to innovate in the textile industry into producing its own brands.

Third it will have to build up its mining industry domestically and try to win contracts in Afghanistan.

Fourth it will have to become a major petrochemical processing country. It’s on the door step of Mideast and potentially central Asian oil via pipelines.

Fifth, Pakistan can also replicate the services sector grow seen by Indian industry over the last 30 years through modernizing the domestic market and then expanding to the international market.

Finally it will have to build up its transit economy to and from China and the Middle East/Africa. This is the unique potentially geographical competitive advantage. A rail line to Central Asia via Afghanistan would make trade a lot cheaper. A rail line from Karachi to the Iranian rail network and the port of Chabahar will create a direct rail corridor (from India’s western dedicated freight corridor) that would be price competitive (over shipping) for Indian exports to the Middle East and parts of Europe. Sure, not trading with India hurts Pakistan, but if Pakistan develops its infrastructure, lack of two way trade will hurt India more and more with each passing year.

If India hopes to be a major economy, comparable to China, it will need peace with Pakistan to have a hope to access the relatively large and growing Pakistani market. If India and Pakistan created a free Kashmir, similar to the following scenario (where both nations give up some land), both nations could create a buffer country (that would be open to both country nationals to visit) between the two countries and end their enmity to focus on economic development. A then rapidly growing Pakistani economy (400 million consumers by 2050, and probably a further 100+ Million in Afghanistan and Central Asia via Pakistani rail links) would be a good thing for Indian companies. Without peace with Pakistan, Pakistan will have an incentive to keep India bogged down.

The current reality of the Indian economy is the following, and is probably bound to stagnate as India’s labor force ages out/ end of the demographic dividend in a decade or two, with FDI going to other, more younger countries:

Textile is a low margin business ripe for robot based automation. I would be careful putting my bets on it. Pakistan has below average mining resources adjusted for per captia basis. India and China are in the same boat. I doubt Pakistani companies will succeed here because of capital and technology requirements. The only countries that are rich due to natural resources have low populations. The world's largest oil refinery is in India. The Saudis and Arabs want the petrochemical market to themselves. They have huge advantages in capital and access to raw materials over Pakistan Service business implies being on good terms with USA and West. That is something Pakistani government has to work on

Ignoring all the gripes above the biggest issue is cultural. Show me Pakistani enterprises in these spaces that are world class. I remember reading another thread on PDF where someone listed top 10 software companies in Pakistan - all of them were either subsidaries of American multinationals or American based companies run by Pakistani Americans. You cannot blame generals or politicians here.

India has its own issues. It is 7x more complex than Pakistan. I am sure peace with Pakistan will help. But the current crowd in charge does not care. There is a bigger chance China will open up its market to Indian products to lure them away from USA

Let me remind you that after 1959, North Korea belonged to the Soviet bloc. China is hostile to the Soviet Union. It was not until 2004 that North Korea began to rely on China.

In addition, North Korea is a feudal dynasty system, not a Chinese system.

China does not have a political family, let alone a dictator who transfers power to his son.

In fact, the USA, which is full of political families and nepotism, is more like North Korea.

The descendants of Mao Zedong are historians, and the successor of Mao Zedong is Deng Xiaoping.
The descendants of Deng Xiaoping are the staff of the disabled persons' Federation, and the successor of Deng Xiaoping is Jiang Zemin.
Jiang Zemin's descendants are engineering professors, and Jiang Zemin's successor is Hu Jintao.
Hu Jintao's descendant is a tour guide, Hu Jintao's successor is Xi Jingping, and Xi Jingping's daughter is a researcher at the Translation Institute.

China has never had two Bush presidents, two Adams presidents, two Harrison presidents and so on.
The capital of China is called Beijing, neither Mao Zedong nor Deng Xiaoping. The capital of the USA is called Washington.

USSR dissolved in 1990. Since 1990 China has been sole patron of North Korea

Xi's father was a powerful figure in the CCP. Spare me this BS that political connections do not work in China.

USA has political families. The voters decide who gets elected and who gets defeated. A lot of folks have been rejected in spite of their status with political families.
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Eh ? Why would you want the Chinese to help enforce their godless communist/capitalist hybrid system in Pakistan ?

You sure you want that even ?

or just the big shiny cities ?

Have the Saudis, UAE help with stuff.. that'd be more culturally compatible and acceptable to the Pakistani people I'm thinking, no ?

Explain what you meant, could you ? :undecided:
Hey Indiot,

I do not have a problem with Socialism.

We Muslims are just against atheism.

I don't mind the aspects of Chinese Socialism which is compatible with Islam.
I wouldn't say never. India is pretty wealthy historically.
Yeah some of these less educated people fail to realize its been barely 30 some years China managed to overcome indian economy going back thousands of years
Hey Indiot,

I do not have a problem with Socialism.

We Muslims are just against atheism.

I don't mind the aspects of Chinese Socialism which is compatible with Islam.
Sup, LowIQguy, The CCP stands for Chinese Communist Party, not "Socialist" party.. there are differences, both subtle and glaring.

I fear all of this might be a bit beyond you but, in fact it most likely is.. sorry and please forgive me, I will not be replying to a low IQ like you anymore. I do wonder, however, if you may from the inbred lot.. wait, don't answer that ; )
You attribute all the good development China now has to CCP.

To a degree, this is true. As CCP is not only a ruling political party, but also an expansive social orgnization that reachs the smallest villages, and most importantly, the CCP led revolutions over the decades, though some were brutal, completely modernized the mentality of Chinese people as a whole, that sets China apart from other developing countries.

CCP takes all the blames for China's wrongs, so it surely can also take credit for all the good development in China.
Textile is a low margin business ripe for robot based automation. I would be careful putting my bets on it. Pakistan has below average mining resources adjusted for per captia basis. India and China are in the same boat. I doubt Pakistani companies will succeed here because of capital and technology requirements. The only countries that are rich due to natural resources have low populations. The world's largest oil refinery is in India. The Saudis and Arabs want the petrochemical market to themselves. They have huge advantages in capital and access to raw materials over Pakistan Service business implies being on good terms with USA and West. That is something Pakistani government has to work on

Ignoring all the gripes above the biggest issue is cultural. Show me Pakistani enterprises in these spaces that are world class. I remember reading another thread on PDF where someone listed top 10 software companies in Pakistan - all of them were either subsidaries of American multinationals or American based companies run by Pakistani Americans. You cannot blame generals or politicians here.

India has its own issues. It is 7x more complex than Pakistan. I am sure peace with Pakistan will help. But the current crowd in charge does not care. There is a bigger chance China will open up its market to Indian products to lure them away from USA

USSR dissolved in 1990. Since 1990 China has been sole patron of North Korea

Xi's father was a powerful figure in the CCP. Spare me this BS that political connections do not work in China.

USA has political families. The voters decide who gets elected and who gets defeated. A lot of folks have been rejected in spite of their status with political families.
It was precisely because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union that North Korea did not sign an economic cooperation agreement with China until 2004. So there is a famine in North Korea in the 1990s. So there is no famine in North Korea after 2004, and their hunger index is far better than that of India now.

Xi's father was indeed a senior official, but Xi's father was arrested and imprisoned during the cultural revolution in 1962. This led Xi to start his career as a farmer. So Xi did not originate from the family of senior officials, but from the family of criminals.

It was precisely because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union that North Korea did not sign an economic cooperation agreement with China until 2004. So there is a famine in North Korea in the 1990s. So there is no famine in North Korea after 2004, and their hunger index is far better than that of India now.

North Korea could not survive without Chinese help

North Korea at night

India at night

I will let others decide for themselves

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