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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

Relax, nobody worries about India's tall claims. It is an international forum, and it is weekend. Just have some fun.
Your government worried about our deployment of brahmos arunachal Pradesh.
no surprise there, if India is going to have it must super-super-duper-super times 10. Like India will never never never ever let anyone destroy Israel..ever

2017 is right around the corner, let wait and see what can happen.
No need, the dead indian president announced Supa Powa in 2012.
They already have everything super powary.

Why you guys are so butt hurt whether we can achieve that in 2017 or in 2020? We have achieved so many phenominal things in past in high technology area and we will achieve this too. Funding was not made available for a long time. So it depends on when funding is made available. We know very well the quality of claims of chinese stuff. so keep your butt hurt in control. It is coming. if not in 2017 than in 2010 or even 2022.
Why you guys are so butt hurt whether we can achieve that in 2017 or in 2020? We have achieved so many phenominal things in past in high technology area and we will achieve this too. Funding was not made available for a long time. So it depends on when funding is made available. We know very well the quality of claims of chinese stuff. so keep your butt hurt in control. It is coming. if not in 2017 than in 2010 or even 2022.
India is an abysmal under achiever as always
Micro-satellites? Dont make me laugh. India and rest of the world is using FPGA and CPLDs for low-volume application-specific digital circuits since well, late 90s or even before -- this includes satellites and yes guidance systems in rockets as well. Heck even ham radio enthusiasts use them for making custom digital circuits. Also, FYI, neither Altera nor Xilinx make any chips. If you think this problem is one related to manufacturing chips, you are a moron.

Further, meet a company called ARM. You might know them because of the processor which runs your and that other chinese illiterate's phone in HongPong. Count for count their processors are much more in number than any other processor and they also do not produce any Chips. How about it? I will leave you to figure out how can someone produce processors without making chips since you know the chicken scratches shown above.

Another fun part! Before your WhatTheHeckItIsCalled stupid super computer was made, you were buying processors from Intel to make your super computer. These are called Xeon Omega Phi (google--err I mean what ever censored engine you use-- to find what it is). Now obama got a bit angry with your Stupid party so he banned Intel from selling you these chips(http://www.cio.com/article/2908693/...-chips-to-chinese-supercomputer-projects.html). You developed inferior knock-off of such chips by stealing Alpha instruction set and created a useless chip by throwing around cores like crazy without any bit of idea of bottlenecks that appear in running real algorithms. This is how your HungWang-2 was built.

Now the your own scientists are complaining that it is difficult to put to any useful work (http://www.scmp.com/news/china/arti...computer-fails-impress-some-potential-clients). You know why, you illiterate moron? Because when you make a new architecture or in this case a new distributed parallel architecture, you also have to design a good way to compile programmes against that and that is much harder than just throwing cores of silicon and soldering it with PCI-e lanes.

Making super computer hardware is a problem of scale, making useful software for it is not -- which is why China will always fail at it. And please do not quote your 'award winning' college students on this, as this problem is one of software architecture and not that of solving 40 problems in 2 days. What you have constructed is a silicon monstrosity which is good for show only and occasionally run LINPACK. If you had purchased --no if you were ALLOWED to purchase-- Intel's Xeon Omega Phi processors; you would have got all of the software to run this for free: from intel, in form of their award winning intel compiler collection and from the world-wide libraries which universities and big-data companies have developed to ease the task of running parallel algorithms. But then if that was true, Chinese would have been wise, not moron like they are.

Now; coming to FPGA: Ever heard of High Level Synthesis? Since you are so intelligent chicken scratch reading HongiePongie I will let you figure out what it is. The next super computer breakthrough will come from this technology and it will beat your stupid TingTongTwo to pulp and will consume about 10th of the power which your stupid junkputer consumes. The work on this is already on in C-DAC and it is a software problem, something which chicken-scratch-readers know nothing about.

So good day! and sorry I do not read random piece of craps throw on board. China and chinese are like monkeys -- only good at aping.

What you know about FPGA is partially correct. It allows you to realize any arbitrary digital circuit without actually making a chip, great part about FPGAs is that they can be reconfigured very easily. And FYI, microprocessor based computing is only one way of computing. Another way is to realize a digital circuit out of it. Circuits are inheritently faster as they allow much higher parallelism. This is why a FPGA can beat almost any processor.

Hard part is translating algoirthms into circuits. Even harder is to map such algorithms onto a network of FPGAs. But this is a software problem and it is under work for quite sometime. Only reason why microprocessor and GPU based approaches are mainstream is because of the PC revolution of 90s. It is due to economy of scale.

Awesome. A very nice reading for a person like me who knows a little about computer. This must have created a great butt hurt to these 50 cent army. Thanks for such a nice post.
I am just wondering how are you gonna program a supercomputer using a low level language, I used to do this for simple project in automation to learn legacy controllers. Please don't get too excited, get it done first, you say your gonna have it in 2017 right, fine use FGPA.

I think you need to understand the difference between processors and FGPAs, I maybe wrong, correct me. Microprocessors miniaturizes the control circuit into a chip. If you were to use FGPAs, your power consumption would be crazy and your footprint will be crazy too.


So good luck building that supercomputer. LOL
2017 is quickly approaching. Is there any chance India will deliver on this? Or is this yet another example of the famous Indian empty talk?


India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017
NAGPUR: Indian scientists have always responded well to challenges and crises. One such challenge that lies ahead is the development of a 'super-supercomputer' along with USA and China who are already rushing for it. The Indian supercomputer man Vijay Bhatkar , who developed the Param supercomputer when USA denied technology to India, expressed confidence that India would be able to meet this challenge too by 2020. He believes India will become the world's largest economy by 2047 through developments in science and technology.

Bhatkar was speaking at the 56th foundation day programme of National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (Neeri). The idea of Exascale computer (computer with a capability of at least one exaflops -which is thousandfold increase over the first peta-scale computer developed in 2008. One exaflop has a computing ability of a quintillion, 1018, point operations per second.)

The idea of such a computer was first floated in 2009 at the supercomputing conference in 2009. Intel has announced it would develop the computer by 2018. USA has put aside a substantial sum for it while India too has committed $ 2 billion. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore are expected to develop a supercomputer with 132.8 exaflops by 2017.

Even granting it is developed by 2020, Bhatkar called upon the environmental scientists and mathematical modelling experts to make extremely precise weather predictions and effects of ongoing climate change in future at regional and national level. Environment science, he said, would be at the centre of all sciences and hence Neeri had a big role to play in future.

Calling upon younger generation of scientists to focus their minds for innovations in all fields, Bhatkar cited examples of innovations like the supercomputer, Apple's gadgets that changed the lives of millions. He said innovations should be capable of being converted into commercial products. Scientists should also innovate for solving people's problems and this, he said, would be possible with the recently announced science technology and innovation policy of the country.

Earlier, in his foundation day address, Neeri director Satish Wate listed the achievements of the institute in past one year. Neeri, after 1992-93, has for the first time generated an earning of over Rs 23 crore from sponsored research projects, an indication of the faith of industry and the people in the institution, he informed. Neeri this year won the prestigious world level award for development of electrolytic deflouridation technology. The institution also started its journey towards upgradation of infrastructure in next five year plan with a financial support of Rs 60 crore, he added.

To mark the occasion, Neeri had put up an exhibition of 70 breakthrough technologies from different laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in fields of health and medicine, agriculture, water, leather etc for the public and it received good response. The institute also organized a model making competition for schools and college students.

Jaya Sabjiwale compered the programme and Prakash Kumbhare summed up.

Scientists get awards

Continuing its tradition of encouraging scientists for better research, Neeri director Satish Wate gave away prizes to scientist and technical staff for their contributions during the past year. The list of awardees included Nitin Labhsetwar-outstanding senior scientist, Pravin Naoghare-- outstanding junior scientist, C Padmakar-- outstanding technical officer, V M Kulkarni, outstanding technician, Vandana Cinthray--outstanding office personnel, Sharvari Deshmukh- outstanding young researcher, and Piyush Mahore-outstanding project personnel.

Awards were also given to best performance by various departments. These included Environmental Materials Division for best publications, Environmental Biotechnology Division for an international patent (which went to D B Satpute and D M Dharmadhikari), and Environmental Impact Risk Assessment division for maximum earning from extra budgetary resource and Water Technology and Management Division for electro-deflouridation technology.

But why India needs a Supercomputer? Is there any need for it? Any project? Please share.
And as far as my knowledge is concern, may be I am wrong, that Supercomputer is an old term, now its the era of clusters and clouds.
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