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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

What achievement are you talking about? You call this 132 exaflpos super-supercomputer only exists on Toi as an achievement? No wonder people say your lot have a hard time distinguishing between delusion and reality.

We love to see India makes progress in every field, it is people like you keep embarrassing your own country and made it a laughing stock, with your unmatched ignorance and very loud mouth.

No I am sorry. Your 250 peta flop was a great achievement but our 138 exa flop super computer is nothing great. I forgot that I am on PDF and there are many chinese posters are there.

Actually i am surprised that why this time all chinese members are not telling us liar, big mouth and do not bring senitation issue here. You can have a humble begining.
Listen dunderhead, stop sounding as if the likes of Altera, Xilink and Lattice are Indian companies. :rofl:

Does India make chips of any sort? I mean ANY sort? The answer is a resounding NO. :tdown::lol:

In tne meanwhile, China has started using FPGAs onboard its micro-satellite and satellite constellation:

中新网哈尔滨11月18日电 (记者 王舒 史轶夫)18日晚,哈尔滨工业大学对外发布消息称,作为“长征十一号”运载火箭搭载的脉冲星试验卫星“XPNAV-1”载荷之一,由该校研制的“可编程SOC计算载荷”打破国外高性能宇航级计算器件的禁运限制,将完成一系列科学验证与空间探测实验。





Have no idea what the above says? Time to learn Chinese dude. :lol::D
Actually firstly, although I am not a ee engineer, what I understand about fgpa is that it's a larger scale controller and more basic. You can't really compare it with a microprocessor, you basically can integrate processorz into fgpa modules. Correct me if I am wrong.

No I am sorry. Your 250 peta flop was a great achievement but our 138 exa flop super computer is nothing great. I forgot that I am on PDF and there are many chinese posters are there.

Actually i am surprised that why this time all chinese members are not telling us liar, big mouth and do not bring senitation issue here. You can have a humble begining.
The purpose is to stop bragging...do it first...achieve it then celebrate...you guys look so stupid shouting n cheering for something planned but not achieved.
I am more excited with the hidden possibility with whcih we shall be able to make our ordinry super computers using this new architech work as fast as peta flop or in the range of exa flop. This has opened the way of India having 100+ exaflop range computers in india like the tera flop computers we have right now. If our best will be a 138 exa flop, our other computers shall surely be of 1 exaflop range.
No I am sorry. Your 250 peta flop was a great achievement but our 138 exa flop super computer is nothing great. I forgot that I am on PDF and there are many chinese posters are there.

Actually i am surprised that why this time all chinese members are not telling us liar, big mouth and do not bring senitation issue here. You can have a humble begining.

See, your lot never figure out this simple fact, achievement is something on the ground, not something on paper, worse, on wrong piece of paper with mistake, and not something out of someone's mouth either, it doesn't matter how big it is. :partay:
Actually firstly, although I am not a ee engineer, what I understand about fgpa is that it's a larger scale controller and more basic. You can't really compare it with a microprocessor, you basically can integrate processorz into fgpa modules. Correct me if I am wrong.

The purpose is to stop bragging...do it first...achieve it then celebrate...you guys look so stupid shouting n cheering for something planned but not achieved.

Why you are so conecered if we have not made it. The article was just posted here like many other articles and you guys start bragging. This thread would not cross even 1 page if you gusy would not have bragged here. It is still bellow 3 page.

See, your lot never figure out this simple fact, achievement is something on the ground, not something on paper, worse, on wrong piece of paper with mistake, and not something out of someone's mouth either, it doesn't matter how big it is. :partay:

Nobody has asked for any certificate from you. It is you guys who flooded the thread with you BS. Why are you so much concern when an article is just posted on PDF regarding something good in pdf and you try to undermine it.
Nobody has asked for any certificate from you. It is you guys who flooded the thread with you BS. Why are you so much concern when an article is just posted on PDF regarding something good in pdf and you try to undermine it.

Because we are nice enough to educate you it was BS. :cheesy:
It doesnt matter wht they think but whenever they talk they just like to involve China and tht my fren irratates ppl.

Where did we involve china. It was you guys who started trolling. We do not give any shit to any one.
Let's stop enlightening the delusional and ignorant people, just celebrate world's most developed supa powa computer in hindustan!
I give up on some indians. C-DAC's fastest supercomputer is capable of achieveing 1/2 a PFlop/s at peak (0.520 PFlop/s RPeak) and now some are claiming developing a 138 ExaFlop/s. Would it not be wiser to build the system and WOW the world then brag?

To achieve just 1 ExaFlop/s the current C-DAC system would need to be over 2000 times faster, and to achieve 138 ExaFlop/s you'd need to be 138 times faster then that. Or in other word C-DAC would need to develop a system thats roughly 276,000 times faster then the fastest system C-DAC has achieved so far!

Even a world leader in supercomputing Cray is having trouble developing a 1 ExaFlop/s system until the "Shasta" platform is developed around mid 2018.
I am more excited with the hidden possibility with whcih we shall be able to make our ordinry super computers using this new architech work as fast as peta flop or in the range of exa flop. This has opened the way of India having 100+ exaflop range computers in india like the tera flop computers we have right now. If our best will be a 138 exa flop, our other computers shall surely be of 1 exaflop range.
Delusional day wet dreaming at best

I give up on some indians. C-DAC's fastest supercomputer is capable of achieveing 1/2 a PFlop/s at peak (0.520 PFlop/s RPeak) and now some are claiming developing a 138 ExaFlop/s. Would it not be wiser to build the system and WOW the world then brag?

To achieve just 1 ExaFlop/s the current C-DAC system would need to be over 2000 times faster, and to achieve 138 ExaFlop/s you'd need to be 138 times faster then that. Or in other word C-DAC would need to develop a system thats roughly 276,000 times faster then the fastest system C-DAC has achieved so far!

Even a world leader in supercomputing Cray is having trouble developing a 1 ExaFlop/s system until the "Shasta" platform is developed around mid 2018.
Rss day dreamers
I give up on some indians. C-DAC's fastest supercomputer is capable of achieveing 1/2 a PFlop/s at peak (0.520 PFlop/s RPeak) and now some are claiming developing a 138 ExaFlop/s. Would it not be wiser to build the system and WOW the world then brag?

To achieve just 1 ExaFlop/s the current C-DAC system would need to be over 2000 times faster, and to achieve 138 ExaFlop/s you'd need to be 138 times faster then that. Or in other word C-DAC would need to develop a system thats roughly 276,000 times faster then the fastest system C-DAC has achieved so far!

Even a world leader in supercomputing Cray is having trouble developing a 1 ExaFlop/s system until the "Shasta" platform is developed around mid 2018.

We believe in science, but they believe in Black Magic. If some of their top scientists could seriously claim Indian space flight 6000 years ago in Science Conference, why can't they claim they can beat Cray by 132 times, or break their own record by 276,000 times in one go?
We will see if India can deliver this time. Hope it is not like those hoax "projects" like "Maned Space Flight by 2015".

Other countries are struggling to come up with 1st 1 exaplops E-Class supercomputer in the world, but India has already been contemplating a 132.8 Exaflops supercomputer! It will be indeed a Super-Super-Supercomputer! Go, India, Go!
Dont worry about Indians you better concentrate on your own projects....
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