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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

It has caused you such a high degree of Butthurt as if whatever you have said is fully correct.

Wait , whatever you have said is nothing infront of us. We are world's oldest civilization with thousands of years of wisdom and a great legacy of yoga and spiritualism.

However it is very very nice to see your butt hurt. 2017 is not too far and it will be even more interesting to see you guys than our super super computer being inducted.

Nobody is going to get butthurt, but the "tight slap" will be landed on India's own face. Anybody with slightest idea about the state of supercomputer business can tell you there is no way in the world that any country can come up with a this "132.8 Exaflops super-supercomputer" in 2017, not USA, not China, don't even bother to mention India.

The problem is your guys know too little, but talk too much.
actually i felt petty on those 47 who died due to currency ban and those soldiers who died on LOC.

yes, we know you have a very emotional and empathetic heart. You care for others more than your own. Thank you for empathy.

We Chinese already top the supercomputer list for 6 years but with riding superpower India . China need to make way for India in 2017. India purposely not to compete with Chinese. India is just trying to be pragmatic and let Chinese think they are on top. In fact, it super power India that is just a tiger hiding in the dark ready to unleash the superpower for the world to see on 2017.

The world will stand still in 2017 to witness India topple Chinese tianhe-2 supercomputer.

None of our scientific or technological achievement is china specific. So do not bring china in. We do not give ant shit to anybody. We have our own agenda and we work on it.
We will see if India can deliver this time. Hope it is not like those hoax "projects" like "Maned Space Flight by 2015".

Other countries are struggling to come up with 1st 1 exaplops E-Class supercomputer in the world, but India has already been contemplating a 132.8 Exaflops supercomputer! It will be indeed a Super-Super-Supercomputer! Go, India, Go!

Yeah right! Let me know how is your Joint Mars programme with Russia doing. I heard it is still on the way to Mars. After some 7 years or so. Must be those Made-in-China components.
Nobody is going to get butthurt, but the "tight slap" will be landed on India's own face. Anybody with slightest idea about the state of supercomputer business can tell you there is no way in the world that any country can come up with a this "132.8 Exaflops super-supercomputer" in 2017, not USA, not China, don't even bother to mention India.

The problem is your guys know too little, but talk too much.

If You do nt believe , it is your choice. The person who has claimed this is a top computer scientist who had developed world's second fastes computer when Indi was Zero in this area. I know you guys have difficulties in digesting it.

Yeah right! Let me know how is your Joint Mars programme with Russia doing. I heard it is still on the way to Mars. After some 7 years or so. Must be those Made-in-China components.

We did it in a year and half after we conceived that.
Nobody is going to get butthurt, but the "tight slap" will be landed on India's own face. Anybody with slightest idea about the state of supercomputer business can tell you there is no way in the world that any country can come up with a this "132.8 Exaflops super-supercomputer" in 2017, not USA, not China, don't even bother to mention India.

The problem is your guys know too little, but talk too much.

There are more than one ways to skin a cat. Ever heard of FPGAs? Unlike CPU-GPU kind of nodes which China's Ding-Dong super computers are based on, an FPGA based technology is much more flexible because the data paths are not fixed. Meaning, you can change the parallel processing as per the problem you are trying to solve. And FPGA scales really well with semiconductor denisity growth, after all at its core FPGAs are SRAM based lookup-tables. With such kind of technology it is very much possible for India to achieve 132.8 exaflops. And this is just one possible way for India to achieve this. There are many many possible architectures to deliver this performance.
Yeah right! Let me know how is your Joint Mars programme with Russia doing. I heard it is still on the way to Mars. After some 7 years or so. Must be those Made-in-China components.

We just piggybacked a small satellite on Russian rocket, and Russian failed us. It is fine, China has enough achievements to be proud of, and don't really need to send a point-and-shot camera to Mars to get high. It seems MoM is like Viagra for so many PDF Indians, they just have to use it every time the impotency strikes. Can you guys change to something new, anything? It gets boring.
There are more than one ways to skin a cat. Ever heard of FPGAs? Unlike CPU-GPU kind of nodes which China's Ding-Dong super computers are based on, an FPGA based technology is much more flexible because the data paths are not fixed. Meaning, you can change the parallel processing as per the problem you are trying to solve. And FPGA scales really well with semiconductor denisity growth, after all at its core FPGAs are SRAM based lookup-tables. With such kind of technology it is very much possible for India to achieve 132.8 exaflops. And this is just one possible way for India to achieve this. There are many many possible architectures to deliver this performance.

Ya but they are unable to achieve such thing and they have some 250 odd peta flop computing power and they do not have any plan in excess of 1 exa flop so they are unable to diget it. They think that that there is no other way to achieve such high computing speed. They are more butt hurt because they have hyped their computer a lot and they are saying that it is the fastes. Once ours will come in , they will not be able to match it in any foreseeable future. That worries them. It will be one more are where we shall outclass them by a huge margin. If they were humble , they will congratulate India but they won’t. They will try their best to miniaturize this achievement.
There are more than one ways to skin a cat. Ever heard of FPGAs? Unlike CPU-GPU kind of nodes which China's Ding-Dong super computers are based on, an FPGA based technology is much more flexible because the data paths are not fixed. Meaning, you can change the parallel processing as per the problem you are trying to solve. And FPGA scales really well with semiconductor denisity growth, after all at its core FPGAs are SRAM based lookup-tables. With such kind of technology it is very much possible for India to achieve 132.8 exaflops. And this is just one possible way for India to achieve this. There are many many possible architectures to deliver this performance.

You guys do have a good track records on big mouthing, and if it counts as a new architecture of supercomputer, you win!
You guys do have a good track records on big mouthing, and if it counts as a new architecture of supercomputer, you win!
You guys have a track record of being eternally butt-hurt because Japnese touched you in wong way back in 1940s. So if narrow-nationalism is the yardstick, you folks stand 'tall'.
You guys have a track record of being eternally butt-hurt because Japnese touched you in wong way back in 1940s. So if narrow-nationalism is the yardstick, you folks stand 'tall'.

Yes. when they were hyping their petaflop computing capability and I posted the article claiming of exaflop capability, they collectively came down heavily on me and insulted me. One chinese came out with a calculation that some 7600 MW electricity shall be required to run the computer etc. As you rightly said, they stand tall in narrow nationalism and narrow thinking.

On the topic:

We shall be able to carry out designing simulation, fluid dynamic simulation and whether forecasting with a great accuracy along with many many complex calculations. Many time consuming studies shall became very easy. We shall be able to make very very compact design Hydrogen bomb.
Interestingly, 3 years ago, someone actually compared the state-of-art in FPGAs/EDA and relevant software technology : http://www.eejournal.com/archives/articles/20130312-highlevel/

It seems Altrea is already having a software dominant design flow for designing SoCs / custom logic. This is already working for small systems like game consoles and consumer electronics where they want to convert algorithms into 'chips' and data paths. The real challenge for India will be to scale up something like this into a huge stadium sized installations of reconfigurable logic nodes.

Lastly, it will be more energy-efficient as well - this kind of architecture will work at one layer lower in abstraction, namely custom digital circuits.
Interestingly, 3 years ago, someone actually compared the state-of-art in FPGAs/EDA and relevant software technology : http://www.eejournal.com/archives/articles/20130312-highlevel/

It seems Altrea is already having a software dominant design flow for designing SoCs / custom logic. This is already working for small systems like game consoles and consumer electronics where they want to convert algorithms into 'chips' and data paths. The real challenge for India will be to scale up something like this into a huge stadium sized installations of reconfigurable logic nodes.

Lastly, it will be more energy-efficient as well - this kind of architecture will work at one layer lower in abstraction, namely custom digital circuits.

Yes but who can not conceive such technology mock it out of inferiority complex.
Yes but who can not conceive such technology mock it out of inferiority complex.
Oh it is nothing new. People even mocked at bicycle when they saw it for the first time. If any of such non conventional architecture arise out of India's pursuit of super-computer technology, they all will go quite.

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