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India will beat China – all in its own good time

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The article is nothing but a hilarious propaganda!

Why can’t democracy be the hare? Democratic Japan’s development was once faster than or equal to anytime of authoritarian China.

Only those inane “democracy” apologists who find no way to excuse their impotency would use such kind of pathetically fallacious pretext to cover-up their embarrassment.

Unfortunately, there is a vast array of people with underdeveloped capability of critical thinking whole-heartedly accepting the fallacy … to bury themselves in a delightful fantasy.
Indian first has to beat poverty. Indian people living there like animals only the elite class enjoy all the luxury. Indian government got so much money but they never invest on Indian people.
Not happening no em sorry haha lol keep having wet dreams!
Indian first has to beat poverty. Indian people living there like animals only the elite class enjoy all the luxury. Indian government got so much money but they never invest on Indian people.

We Indians are not living like animals , Many are under poverty though we are poor we know how to live like human

In India elite class enjoy luxury,Not only in India all over the world rich get this life. Here we have one more category in between ,we use to call it "middle class" and its very big.

Indian government has not got so much money but still it runs a lot of schemes for poor, poor people get a lot of benefit from education to everything.

I did not read the article :) But I am sure its not going to be correct. In economy nobody can "beat" any one, If India develops China gets benefit in trade ,Same way If India loose then China too.Its not war that if you loose some one else gets benefit.
Actually this whole 'economic slowdown' was to 'control' China, as they did with Russia with the manipulated Oil prices.
This is the first intelligent comment that I have ever read by an Indian. Well observation, indeed.
Indian first has to beat poverty. Indian people living there like animals only the elite class enjoy all the luxury. Indian government got so much money but they never invest on Indian people.

Ofcourse! And we doing an awesome job. Poverty in India has come down from 74% in 1947 to 24.3% in 2007. On the contrary number of people living below the poverty line has tripled in China.

Today, China has 300 million living below their poverty line. And communists have set the line much lower at 5000 INR(667 Yuan) compared to Indias 9000 INR annually.

And what is more shocking is that 100 million out of the 300 million live in just one province called Henan.

How China dupes the world about its poverty.

Poverty in China has tripled:NYT
Indian first has to beat poverty. Indian people living there like animals only the elite class enjoy all the luxury. Indian government got so much money but they never invest on Indian people.

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Indians are certainly poor, but not so poor that Pakistani's should call us animals. Apparently your situation is even worse. Would you call your poor people animals ?
I see it everyday here in Canada.

But there are three questions I always want to ask Indians and people in the west:

1. Is Indian democracy same/similar/close to American/Canadian/British democracy?

2. Can developing countries such as India and China really afford western style democracy at this moment? Hence can the idea of democracy applied to every country in the world?

3. How can India catch up with China with a lower growth rate year after year? In fact, the gap is widening everyday, now China has a 4 trillion economy while India has 1.

1. There was a ranking of democracies by Economics intelligence unit. India was ranked 35 out of the whole world. Apparently on things except political culture and participation, better than US. Overall ranking comparable to Israel. So I guess the short answer is that the set-up is similar, implementation vastly more complicated.

2. Yes. Anyway, for India at least there is not much other choice. It is a big country and everyone sort of expects that it will remain democratic. It also keeps diverse opinion, languages and culture together. If India could afford it when people were actually starving (1940-green revolution), why not now ?

3. I don't think India will catch up in the near future on the economy. The author thinks that democracy is the fastest way to growth. History has shown many times that a dictator can get as fast or faster economic growth (pre-war Germany, Singapore, pre-war Japan). It also causes a loss of freedom, which is what I would hate to happen to India. I'd rather be free and slower growing than rich and not-free. (When it comes to a choice between and actually declining economy and being free, I may have a more difficult choice ).
Ofcourse! And we doing an awesome job. Poverty in India has come down from 74% in 1947 to 24.3% in 2007. On the contrary number of people living below the poverty line has tripled in China.

Today, China has 300 million living below their poverty line. And communists have set the line much lower at 5000 INR(667 Yuan) compared to Indias 9000 INR annually.

And what is more shocking is that 100 million out of the 300 million live in just one province called Henan.

How China dupes the world about its poverty.

Poverty in China has tripled:NYT

Not like Indian poverty line is set by the government too.
(Below Poverty Line (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). The $1 per day definition needs to be adjusted by Purchasing Power parity since the cost of rice and grains in different places is different. In the US the cheapest dinner you can eat will cost $4 (Indian Rs 200, approx.). While in India the cheapest dinner would cost Rs 10. So you can see that the $1/day definition needs to be adjusted.

Anyway, why point fingers at China while we have to go a long way forward too ? Why can't we let China be richer as long as we are rich too ?
Pakistan has zakat system even elite class in Pakistan help poor. But in India who is rich become richer and poor gets poorer. I am not saying that Indian people are animals but the government treats them like one.
China foreign exchange reserves at $1.954 trillion

China's central bank said Saturday that its foreign exchange reserves rose 16 percent year-on-year to $1.9537 trillion by the end of March.

China's reserves, already the world's largest, increased by $7.7 billion in the first quarter - $146.2 billion less than the same period last year, the People's Bank of China said in a notice on its Web site.

That rise was substantially less than the fourth quarter increase of almost $45 billion, according to China's official Xinhua News Agency, showing the impact of slowing exports due to the financial crisis.

In March, the reserves increased by $41.7 billion, it said, $6.7 billion more than the same period last year.

Analysts believe China holds up to 70 percent of its foreign reserves in U.S. dollar-denominated assets, including Treasury securities.

China's reserves have ballooned as the central bank buys up dollars generated from its huge trade and influx of foreign investment.

While China's economy has slowed due to a plunge in trade and a slump in the domestic real estate industry, recent data show the drop eased in March.

Beijing has taken steps to hold down the price of exports by cutting taxes on exporters and stopping the rise of China's tightly controlled currency, the yuan, against the U.S. dollar. Economists say both steps could strain relations with trading partners if China is seen to be competing unfairly.

Western leaders including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown are pressing for China to contribute to a global bailout fund from its reserves.

Exports fell 17 percent in March from a year earlier, the fifth straight monthly decline but less severe than February's 25.7 plunge, the sharpest in a decade, the customs agency reported Friday. It said trade "showed clear signs of improvement."

Imports fell by 25.7 percent, widening the Chinese trade surplus to $18.6 billion from February's $4.8 billion gap.

Federal budget deficit sets March record $192.3B

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Treasury Department said Friday that the budget deficit increased by $192.3 billion in March, and is near $1 trillion just halfway through the budget year, as costs of the financial bailout and recession mount.

Last month's deficit, a record for March, was significantly higher than the $150 billion that economists expected.

The deficit already totals $956.8 billion for the first six months of the budget year, also a record for that period. The Obama administration projects the deficit for the entire year will hit $1.75 trillion.

A deficit at that level would nearly quadruple the previous annual record of $454.8 billion set last year. The March deficit was nearly four times the size of the imbalance in the same month last year.

Nearly $300 billion provided to the nation's banks and other companies to cope with the most severe financial crisis in seven decades has pushed government spending higher.

The Treasury report said that through the end of March, $293.4 billion had been provided to support companies through the $700 billion bailout fund Congress passed last October. That support has been provided primarily to banks, although insurance giant American International Group Inc. (AIG) and auto companies General Motors Corp. (GM) and Chrysler LLC also have received assistance.

Besides the bailout fund, Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie Mac (FRE) received $46 billion last month, bringing the total assistance provided to the mortgage finance companies to $59.8 billion since October. The government took control of both last September after they had suffered billions of dollars in losses on mortgage loans.

Through the first six months of the budget year that began Oct. 1, tax revenues have totaled $989.8 billion, down 13.6 percent from the year-ago period. The government's receipts have been reduced sharply by the recession, which is shaping up to be the longest of the post World War II period. The downturn began in December 2007.

Government outlays totaled $1.95 trillion through March, 33.4 percent higher than the year-ago period. Besides higher payments for the financial rescue, the government is paying more in such areas as unemployment benefits and food stamps.

The Treasury report showed benefit payments from the unemployment trust fund totaled $44.6 billion so far this budget year, up from $19.4 billion last year.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated last month that President Barack Obama's budget proposals would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, a figure $2.3 trillion higher than estimates made in February in the administration's first budget proposal.

The CBO review projected Obama's budget would generate deficits averaging almost $1 trillion annually over the decade ending in 2019.

The administration said it remained confident its forecasts for declining deficits over that same period could be achieved. But private economists have faulted those estimates for relying on economic assumptions they believe are too optimistic.

The administration projects that after hitting $1.75 trillion this year, the gap between spending and tax revenues will dip to $1.17 trillion in 2010, and plunge to $533 billion in 2013. If accurate, that would fulfill Obama's pledge to cut the deficit he inherited in half by the end of his current term in office.

Some economists have expressed concerns that the massive deficits being forecast could push interest rates up sharply, especially if foreign investors worry about the size of the U.S. deficit projections.

Lawrence Summers, director of Obama's National Economic Council, said Thursday there have been no indications that investors are growing worried about the size of the deficits. On the contrary, he said yields on Treasury securities have been pushed lower by increased demand from investors seeking to hold Treasury bonds as a safe haven in uncertain economic times.

My Way News - Federal budget deficit sets March record $192.3B
west dont want china to dectat the terms of world in future in arms and in financialy thats why they are making these type of statements to make themsleves happy chinese market got a boom start and its GDP is growing very fast even more fast than USA and european countries but this is not going to happen in year 2030 china will rule the world as USA use to do for decades and their is end of every thing and now it is end of USA dectatorship to the world
china is next big thing what ever u indian say u cannot stop china
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