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India will be betraying Muslims if it abandons Kashmir: Akbar

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Kashmiri Pandit

Oct 12, 2015
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The Indo-Pak conflict wasn’t rooted in Geography but in ideology, BJP leader MJ Akbar said here Wednesday.

“India cannot abandon Kashmir precisely because it has Muslims… the Muslim is an equal citizen of India… the day you abandon Kashmir, you betray me. We are not a two nation theory… We are a one nation theory, “ he said during a session at the Counter Terrorism Conference here.

The BJP leader and Rajya Sabha member also stoked the intolerance debate again, saying India was the only country that allowed “audible” equality of all faiths in practice and those who talked about leaving the country should go and see if they could hear the Azaan in Washington.

“Secularism is a French word that (as it is) doesn’t apply to India. It either means separation of Church and State or the Marxist definition of elimination of religion.

“In India, all religions are equal not just in law but in society and in practice. My country is the only one where you hear the Azaan before dawn, followed by Hanuman temple bells, the Guru Granth Sahib and church bells. Nowhere else…will you get all this…audible,” he said.

“Those who talk about leaving the country… I challenge them to go hear the Azaan in Washington and then do a definitive report on the subject, “ Akbar added.

Talking about the Islamic State’s perceived geographic dominance designs, Akbar said Islam in itself had never been a sufficient factor for political unity of Islamic nations or there wouldn’t have been 22 Arabic countries.

“Since 1918, the sense of loss is deepest where there’s been a memory of power. And so the major theatre of conflict has been concentrated in the remnants of the Mughal empire and the Ottoman empire. At the heart of it is the romance of regression (and) the inability of many Muslim societies to come to terms with the modern world.

“Interestingly, the two principal countries of the Mughal and the Ottoman empires — India and Turkey — opted for modernity,” he said.

India will have the portion of Kashmir it has, Pakistan can keep the portion it has & convert LOC into Permanent Border. That's the only Practical solution to this issue. Else, the circus will continue for ages...
Keep the status quo and convert LoC into international border. The only and acceptable solution.
India will have the portion of Kashmir it has, Pakistan can keep the portion it has & convert LOC into Permanent Border. That's the only Practical solution to this issue. Else, the circus will continue for ages...
Never Gonna Happen :). India would never accept our Claims, neither Pakistan will except India's claims. If anyone did then they will certainly lose Kashmir Case Ideologically which will certainly strengthen other Separatist movements. India have much to lose, Pakistan have one separatist movement which is in Balouchistan and India don't have border with this Province and ISI is much capable to counter any threat from the soil of Afghanistan.
India will have the portion of Kashmir it has, Pakistan can keep the portion it has & convert LOC into Permanent Border. That's the only Practical solution to this issue. Else, the circus will continue for ages...

It was tried by Musharraf in the past and we almost reached there, but somehow it didn't happen. But that's what is going to be. I am waiting for that day when it happens.
Never Gonna Happen :). India would never accept our Claims, neither Pakistan will except India's claims. If anyone did then they will certainly lose Kashmir Case Ideologically which will certainly strengthen other Separatist movements. India have much to lose, Pakistan have one separatist movement which is in Balouchistan and India don't have border with this Province and ISI is much capable to counter any threat from the soil of Afghanistan.

Are you suggesting the Kashmris really want to join Pakistan? Are you really that deluded? You think they don't know what your history, accomplishments and enormous screw-ups are? You're not exactly like Scandinavia- an oasis of prosperity and health and abundance. There are a few who want 'indenpence' because they're interested in power and money. But that is politically disadvantageous for Kashmir. Makes obvious sense for it to belong to India.
Are you suggesting the Kashmris really want to join Pakistan? Are you really that deluded? You think they don't know what your history, accomplishments and enormous screw-ups are? You're not exactly like Scandinavia- an oasis of prosperity and health and abundance. There are a few who want 'indenpence' because they're interested in power and money. But that is politically disadvantageous for Kashmir. Makes obvious sense for it to belong to India.

I hope he understands you.
Are you suggesting the Kashmris really want to join Pakistan? Are you really that deluded? You think they don't know what your history, accomplishments and enormous screw-ups are? You're not exactly like Scandinavia- an oasis of prosperity and health and abundance. There are a few who want 'indenpence' because they're interested in power and money. But that is politically disadvantageous for Kashmir. Makes obvious sense for it to belong to India.
If that's the case hold referundum and all this will be over,as according to you they will side with india
If that's the case hold referundum and all this will be over,as according to you they will side with india

And we should ask them if they want to join some third party completely unrelated to the issue because?
The problem with Kashmir is its demography.

Let me remind you of another place Pakistan wants. And other parts they wanted.
i. Sir Creek (they want)
ii. Junagadh (they wanted)
iii. Hyderabad (they wanted)

The common point of these three places is that they are a non Muslim majority. So Pakistan drops the claims on the international level and moves on.

They remains stuck to JnK (actually more to the Kashmir Valley region) because it is Muslim majority. As long as it remains Muslim majority, the claim will remain. Kashmir did not become Muslim slowly. It happened in spurts. With the proper guidance and incentives, it can be weaned away as well.

Buddhism, Sikhi, Hinduism, Ahmedia, Christianity etc are alternatives that can be looked into.

It can be done. Lebanon became Muslim majority from a Christian majority state with a span of 20 years. Kashmir has a smaller population in comparison.
It was tried by Musharraf in the past and we almost reached there, but somehow it didn't happen. But that's what is going to be. I am waiting for that day when it happens.
Musharraf and Vajpayee held alot of talks regarding issue of Kashmir. During that Era of Musharraf, Kashmir Talks were on right direction. Restoring Peace on LOC by Seize Fire was a Confidence building gesture which was purposed by both Countries and it was certainly adopted to keep the dialogues flowing until the peaceful resolution of Kashmir issue. But it wasn't purposed to by any party to declare the disputed border as an International border in any talks. But when talks failed, India heavily Militarized the disputed border immediately. Which i believe was quite a Back Stabbing act by India despite the Positive gestures by Pakistan. This is why Military doubts the comprehensive dialogue BS.
If Seize Fire wasn't Established, India wouldn't have been able to Militarize the border and UN could have played a good role in that case.
what muslims of india as a community has to do with kashmir ? how are they being betrayed
Possible solution to Kashmir issue .

Make me the Emperror

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