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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

India will remain secular. Of that I have no doubt.

But it will remain a Hindu secular nation. And to ensure that, there will need to demographic status quo..
I bet you dont even know the meaning of secularism

Secularism has no religion in it so if you bring concept of Hindu nation then it contradict with secular principles
If western secular states can be described as CHRISTIAN states what's hurting you to call India a Hindu state?

that would give legitimacy for some minority religions "Founded in India" to call for separation............I hope u under what i mean
I was worried that non-sense has stopped flowing from the other side of the border, but then, i've been proven wrong.........:rofl:
Buddy, all I know is there are 200 million Muslims living peacefully and happily amongst 1 billion of us.

Nobody is denying that. At least, no Indians are. All that we are ridiculing is your continued insistence that those 200 million muslims are actually hindus. If it was true that muslims and christians and buddhists are all hindus, you would not have worded your post as you did. You would not have said "200 million muslims living" among 1 billion of "us". There would be no need for "them" and "us" if the muslims were also hindus, as per your ludicrous assertion. Get it?
that would give legitimacy for some minority religions "Founded in India" to call for separation............I hope u under what i mean

so who is looking for separation.... I understand what you meant.. huh
Nobody is denying that. At least, no Indians are. All that we are ridiculing is your continued insistence that those 200 million muslims are actually hindus. If it was true that muslims and christians and buddhists are all hindus, you would not have worded your post as you did. You would not have said "200 million muslims living" among 1 billion of "us". There would be no need for "them" and "us" if the muslims were also hindus, as per your ludicrous assertion. Get it?

But since these Muslims were once Hindus, they need to be converted back. According to some Indians. This is how to make India a Hindu nation.
I was worried that non-sense has stopped flowing from the other side of the border, but then, i've been proven wrong.........:rofl:

The VHP guy must be a galoot but why do you want to give him a tough competition?? :-)
that would give legitimacy for some minority religions "Founded in India" to call for separation............I hope u under what i mean
nah I was just asking why secular western countries are labelled as Christian states? I can understand ME countries but why Western democracies?

Our experience with Islam is a continuous process. Still continuing. 1947 was but one example. There are various more recent examples.

As I said, the people are our brothers. Nothing changes there. Not from our side at least. But we see things change on the other.

And we have learned the lessons of critical mass.

Jana ji, I think this would answer your latest post as well (as I was making mine while you were submitting yours).

this was the post you quoted. I don't see where he mentioned Christian west?
Well for a moment lets believe what they say . So once these Hindu groups succeed in converting all the Christians and Muslims to Hinduisim then what ?

Are they going to live peacefully sans any communal riots with each other?

In my personal opinion NO they wont. There would be ethnic, cast based etc etc hatred the way it is now.

the communal bloodshed would continue

That's correct. Division along some artificial criterion is a basic tendency of human societies. (i'm not saying it is inevitable; it can be eliminated through knowledge.)

In purely muslim countries, people would (and do) still find reasons for groupism and tribalism - shia/sunni, arab/persian, turkic/kurd, et al. There have been plenty of inter caste violence among hindus in India.

Caste-related violence in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is naive to believe that if everybody in one place follows the same religion, that society would be free from strife.
nah I was just asking why secular western countries are labelled as Christian states? I can understand ME countries but why Western democracies?


this was the post you quoted. I don't see where he mentioned Christian west?
Dig his posts before.. you will understand..
First of all, India is a secular country only on paper, in practice it is anything but secular, where extremist hindus like yourself are trying to enforce their ideas upon minorities.

That's not true. Yes, there are extremist hindus in India. There are also extremist muslims and Sikhs. But that does not detract from the fact that India itself is secular - it is enshrined in the very founding principles of the country, and in its laws.
nah I was just asking why secular western countries are labelled as Christian states? I can understand ME countries but why Western democracies?


this was the post you quoted. I don't see where he mentioned Christian west?

well for starting.........in India ....many religions were founded .......unlike western world

secondly .......in India ...........for thousands of years ............every kind of religion made it his home...............many sacrified lives and families for it...............unlike in western world
well for starting.........in India ....many religions were founded .......unlike western world

secondly .......in India ...........for thousands of years ............every kind of religion made it his home...............many sacrified lives and families for it...............unlike in western world
I don't deny that, i was just pointing out the hypocrisy about christian states.
I don't deny that, i was just pointing out the hypocrisy about christian states.

its not hypocrisy...........its just that accept jews ............no one else contributed that much to be recognised.................in the past ofcourse..............its only recently that other religions contributions are noticeble
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