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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

Read a little more on Gujarat. It has a history dating back to the 1950s.... Under Congress governments there have been atleast 3 large scale riots. Only Modi is vilified like this. (In fact, under him Gujarat did not have a single riot for 13 years since 2001) The reason being that Congress was wiped out by BJP from Gujarat for the first time ever and they needed a reason to stop him. But boy, did it backfire or what?

You are wrong on so many fronts that I don't know where to start. Enjoy your ride of misconceptions and belief that Modi is extremist while all the time he makes India grow at 8%, stopping extremism throughout the nation and helps eradicate poverty.

BTW, since he came to power, India has witnessed ZERO deaths due to Hindu rioters..... Naxalism has decreased like 50 folds.... not to mention the recent success in NE by our Army.

And India is a superpower..

And India is secular.

And Indians had invented aeroplanes some 5000 years ago, which could go from one planet to another.

And the world is Hindu.

And Modi is a superman.

Man keep amusing us, you are giving us a good laugh... :rofl:
I will share something very frankly here. Even being from a Bengali Brahmin and religious family, I was never a devoted Hindu. Infact I had mixed ideas about RSS/ BJP and all thanks to my friends like @jamahir and @Guynextdoor . I was one of the Indians who was daily bombarded with NDTV (read Burkha/ Sagarika types) and Mumbai style secular brigade till I started researching by myself.

Now that I know what RSS is and what they do, I can proudly say me along with many of my so called athiest Hindu friends are now well aware of the so called secular champions in Indian society (especially the educated ones). Its hardly surprising that most of my friend circle (mostly well educated and well established ) are hardcore BJP supporters now.

@SarthakGanguly @Mike_Brando @ranjeet @JanjaWeed @Mr.Nair @Marxist @Nair saab @doppelganger

True. But this Hindu extremist has killed how many Shias lately? And how many suicide blasts have taken place in mosques near Mumbai? Also, as I am ignorant please share with us a few of the Beheading type videos that @doppelganger and his like specialises in
Well what can i say,after all actions speak much louder than words and we all know who has been amidst continous actions for the last 6 decades serving our Motherland on literally every front be it during the Sino-Indian war of '62 or the devastating influx of refugees during '71 or the recent devastating floods in Uttarakhand.They have been an unsung pillar of support on which this great nation of ours has been standing for the last six decades:-)
If we assume that Modi did not order the Muslim genocide he did watch it quietly instead of stopping it.
After Muslims burned hindus in the train in godhara, Modi asked the neighboring states to send extra police force but they refused (all three states were ruled by Congress then).

Modi called in the army but it took some time for the army to deploy.....

Let truth be known about Modi

The country was made to believe that Modi sat complacent and inert while the riots were searing Gujarat. The evidence indicates otherwise. Immediately after the Godhra train burning, on the evening of 27 February 2002, the Gujarat Chief Minister summoned an emergency meeting of top ranking officials of the government, took steps to deploy the Rapid Action Force (RAF), State Reserve Police, local police at sensitive points. Since the army at Ahmedabad Cantonment had been called at the border in view of the attack on Parliament earlier, the Chief Minister requested the then Defence Minister telephonically on 28 February 2002 to immediately deploy army battalions to tackle the situation, which were deployed immediately.

If you are not a Hindu, than to many Indians and even some of your countryman here, you are not welcome in India.
Well,one thing is for sure that nutjobs like you are not welcome in this country.We hate those people who suffer from identity crisis like you:lol:.Got it Mr.Chinese Falseflagger:omghaha:!!
Why stop with the world ! :what: Why not make the entire Universe Hindu land.. Even the Aliens should be made Hindu. :agree:
So with Zaid Hamid in Saudi Jail until 2023, its going to be "Ghazwa-e-Hind(u)" by "Imam Modi".

Ghazwa means those battles in which Prophet Muhammed PBUH led the forces.

Why stop with the world ! :what: Why not make the entire Universe Hindu land.. Even the Aliens should be made Hindu. :agree:

Concept of nationality is there.

Hindu means Indian.
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For Muslims in these Haryana villages, Eid-ul-Fitr will never be the same again
Imran Ahmed Siddiqui

Saturday, 18 July 2015 11:34 AM

Palwal (Haryana): Noor Nessa fears that for the first time, her Hindu neighbours may not visit her home during Id.


A Muslim family at Tikri Brahman village in Haryana. (Picture by Prem Singh)

"Till last year, they used to offer me fruit and milk during Ramazan. Now they have even stopped talking," the resident of Tikri Brahman village says. "I shall invite them for Id though I know they might not come this time...."

Between two summers, Nessa's world has changed. So has that of Karamveer Chowdhury, resident of Palwal town in Haryana, 8km from Tikri Brahman and 60km from Delhi. Except that to Karamveer, the world has only got better.

"I used to have some Muslim friends but not any more," says the 40-year-old dhaba owner, who has become a regular at the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's programmes in the district.

He dates the change from Narendra Modi's election victory in mid-May last year. "Modiji's victory has instilled a sense of fear among them. They know they cannot dictate terms any more," Karamveer says.

He hasn't asked this correspondent's name.

"Modiji se woh kafi darte hain. Ab woh khud hi bolte hain ke paanch saal chup rahna hogai (They are very scared of Modi. They themselves now say that they have to lie low for the next five years)."

Forty-five people were injured in communal clashes in Tikri Brahman on July 5, causing many of the village's Muslim males to flee. Those who have stayed back speak in hushed tones.

Atali, barely 20km away, had seen an exodus by all its 100 Muslim families in May after the construction of a mosque next to a temple led to torching of homes and attacks with swords. Those families have returned but Atali's air remains thick with tension.

Tikri Brahman's streets look deserted on July 7 afternoon. The doors are locked in some Muslim homes and bolted from inside in some others, the women fearful of stepping out. Most of the 200 Muslim households in the village are labourers; many of the 550 Hindu families are well-to-do landowners.

Rahman, 50, longs for the days when "we always participated in each other's festivals", and when the village held its peace amid the madness unleashed by the Babri Masjid demolition in December 1992.

"Now we seem to live in two separate enclaves in the same village," he says. "Our Hindu neighbours have stopped talking to Muslims over the past few months. Whenever I try to speak to them, they ignore me."

"Even their children no longer play with ours," says Khurshid Alam, who fled after July 5 and is now living with a relative in Faridabad, 30km from Delhi.

First signs

The first signs of the change came in the days immediately following the general election results.

"Several RSS people from outside turned up here to celebrate. The refrain among them and some residents was, 'Ab hamari sarkar hai, Musalmanon ko ab chup rahna hoga (Now that we have our own government, the Muslims have to keep their mouths shut)'," says Shabana, a mother of six whose husband, a day labourer, has fled the village.

Rahman, who corroborates Shabana, says he had never heard anything like that before. "There was polarisation in the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections but nobody spoke so brazenly. Now these Right-wing groups visit our village quite often. Their visits increased after the BJP formed the government in Haryana (in October). Many of them come in khaki shorts."

Elders in the Hindu community blame the Muslims for the communal tension and the atmosphere of distrust.

"We always lived in peace but Muslim youths are creating problems for Hindus. They routinely taunt our girls; they have no respect for Hindu women," says retired government employee Gyanchand Bharadwaj, 61. "We can't tolerate it any more."

What triggered the Hindus' hardening of stand?

Gyanchand explains that the Muslims "had got away with all these things under Congress rule".

"The Congress never took any action against Muslims as they were its vote bank. But things have changed. Hindus have realised they need to be assertive to protect their women and daughters. Now the Hindus have the upper hand under Modiji's government."

The Hindus say the July 5 violence was triggered when Muslim youths harassed a Hindu girl who was washing clothes at a tube well. To the Muslims, the trigger was a fight between young men over fishing in a canal.

A whisper campaign seems to have set the stage for the clash. Karamveer claims that a "code expression" - "Salaam 2031" - used to figure regularly in local Muslims' conversations among themselves. It meant, he claims, that the community would become the majority in India by that year.

The 2001 census found Muslims making up just 13.4 per cent of India's population (the religion-wise break-up of the 2011 census data has not yet been published).

Karamveer stresses that the Sangh has formed committees in every district of Haryana "to keep an eye on Muslims".

The boss

If the committees are the "eyes", a stocky man with a moustache and an assertive manner is the "head".

Sundar Bhardwaj, 50, who claims to have headed the local Sangh for the past 10 to 12 years, sits in the Sangh office at Palwal town. He blames Muslims for all the violence.

"They need to be shown their place. They are the root cause of communal clashes. But enough is enough. They need to learn to live in peace," he says.

There's not a trace of embarrassment in his voice. Like Karamveer and Gyanchand, he doesn't ask this correspondent's name.

Nearly 50 Sangh volunteers gather at Bhardwaj's office every day at 7am. They sit in a large room adorned with a portrait of former Sangh chief M.S. Golwalkar. The one-storey office has several small rooms with beds, air coolers and attached toilets.

"The number of our volunteers in Palwal district has grown from 2,000 to 8,000 in the past one year. And it keeps growing daily," Bhardwaj says.

One villager, though, believes that things have not changed enough.

Yes, the atmosphere has been "poisoned", agrees Tejpal Kaushik, a Dalit who runs a grocery.

"Hindus and Muslims seem to have become enemies. The seeds of hatred were sown during the run-up to last year's Lok Sabha elections."

Kaushik says he voted for Modi.

"I had hoped he would do something special for Hindus, especially the poor. But the achchhe din (good days) are yet to come," he adds.

" Kuchh fark nahin hua hai (Nothing has improved). Lagta hai ye to UPA ki hi sarkar hai (Looks as though the UPA is in power still)."
I respect you so much. And you are a seasoned journalist (as well as nationalist, which is the side that exerts itself here on PDF greater understandably).

I respect those more who respect me. So i do respect you too

It is always extraneous causes out of Pakistan's hands. Left to its own devices, Pakistan would be heaven on earth for all. Right?

no country is heaven for all on earth. So no it wont be either but it was peaceful much peaceful so it can be once again

There is a big difference between claiming and sword jangling and actually doing. Your side does. Or side merely threatens emptily. I don't know if its a good thing or bad. Makes us look weak? Baniyas? Barking dogs? :)

well compare actual doing in Pakistan with that in India. In India it is mass conversion in form of ghar wapsi by force by Hindu extremist groups but in Pakistan you may see individual cases that too feudal lords doing same to all .

anyway what it makes you look like well that is up to you how do you feel we are no body . BTW banyaas you are already and why this word banya has become derogatory for you nothing wrong in being a businessman or trader.

I said it before, and on this thread as well. No one is really interested in reverting Christians and Muslims. If such had been the case, then much like Pakistan, post Independence, over 70 years you would have seen a similar demographic drift and shift.

Instead we see the numbers and percentages actually going up. Either that means we suck at forcing the hand of minorities even when we have huge numerical majority. Or that we're really not interested.

I don't think we suck.

your powerful Hindu extrekmist groups are interested in doing so that
is why they even proposed that there should be ban on Muslims for of child births. If these groups continue coming to power then one day it would be materialized.

Nepal is not different to India in any way. It is India. And is given the space they need. Yet always under our protection. We dont have scores of Hindu nations across the world like the Christians and Muslims do. All of us live right here. So this part of the world will be protected and defended with everything we have.

It must be understood baaji, with all due respect. We've been around for over 5000 years and are still here, and there are over a billion of us.

We stayed here not by only being pacifists and kind. We fought and bled over centuries to survive.

This is our home. The home of our ancestral faith. We will not go easy.

Nepal is different that is why India has been forcing Nepal to declare itself as a Hindu state which Nepal has been refusing fusing.

As far as your existence is concerned why you even feel threatened ? :) and who is eliminating you
Well why bot convert the whole living things. Can you please turn Trees into Hindu. Pleaseeeeee
no country is heaven for all on earth. So no it wont be either but it was peaceful much peaceful so it can be once again

That would be good for the Pakistani Muslim population that remains.

well compare actual doing in Pakistan with that in India. In India it is mass conversion in form of ghar wapsi by force by Hindu extremist groups but in Pakistan you may see individual cases that too feudal lords doing same to all.

There were a couple of sporadic high voltage media eyeball organized events. Nothing widespread. And there was no force. Persuasion yes. As utilized by evangelic faiths.

anyway what it makes you look like well that is up to you how do you feel we are no body . BTW banyaas you are already and why this word banya has become derogatory for you nothing wrong in being a businessman or trader.

Just one caste of Indian Hindus are banyas. Not all of us. I guess you do know that. There is nothing wrong in being anything.There are tons of muslims in India who are butchers. Nothing wrong in that per se. Man has to eat meat. We don't call all of you kasai right?

your powerful Hindu extrekmist groups are interested in doing so that

Maybe. I've seen no evidence of anything remotely organized or widespread though.

is why they even proposed that there should be ban on Muslims for of child births. If these groups continue coming to power then one day it would be materialized.

We are definitely concerned about the rampant birthing by impoverished Muslims and its impact on the community and the country as a whole. Haven't seen any move towards any bans or such though. Not even basic contraception and family planning. A critical need.

Nepal is different that is why India has been forcing Nepal to declare itself as a Hindu state which Nepal has been refusing fusing.

Well, Nepal is a Hindu kingdom. Always has been. There are elements supported by Chinese state elements that have been nurtured to strain relations between the two Hindu nations. Does not change the people to people reality. Or our commitment as the big brother.

As far as your existence is concerned why you even feel threatened ? :) and who is eliminating you

As I said. This is our home. Our Muslim brothers, both in India as well as in Pakistan, need to appreciate that. And if you are truly well wishers and civilizational brothers, you would. If you are acting on behalf of your fountainhead from foreign lands, then we will have to react accordingly. Because we recognize you as brothers (and sisters). But not your faith.
When we travel aboard and stay aboard , we travel and stay according to our nationality.

Indian can be from any religion.

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Not according to this guy who want to conquered the world for Hinduism.

Why stop with the world ! :what: Why not make the entire Universe Hindu land.. Even the Aliens should be made Hindu. :agree:

So this guy want to conquer the world for Hinduism... This is Hindu extremism that the world will learn to love.
Well why bot convert the whole living things. Can you please turn Trees into Hindu. Pleaseeeeee

:P according to saffronis everything have to be Hindu if want to live in INdia
As I said. This is our home. Our Muslim brothers, both in India as well as in Pakistan, need to appreciate that. And if you are truly well wishers and civilizational brothers, you would. If you are acting on behalf of your fountainhead from foreign lands, then we will have to react accordingly. Because we recognize you as brothers (and sisters). But not your faith.

So basically you are afraid of Muslim growth right? why you feel insecure in the first place ?

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