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India will add 2 more AWACS Aircraft from Israel for $2-bn

Aah. you mean like 65, 71, 99 and about the 'combat'....where is/are the pilots from the CMH hospital? Ghafoor toh khajoor ban gaya.

Oh yes. More Cheeeni maaaal, with cheeni loan. We want our commission.
You're all wrong in 65 we destroyed almost your air force (19 PAF jets vs 110 IAF jets) and in land we almost reached Delhi, in navy we attack Mumbai naval harbur and destroyed it, you mighty aircraft carrier didn't leaves port because of PNS Ghazi (first sub in the Sub continent) but we lost on the table (shimla agreement) in 71 yes we partially lose there were minimum PAF/Naval assets in east Pakistan only army was strong and bangali people didn't trust PA because you created MUKHTI BAHENI to disguised bangali, but in western sector we defend us well even better then 65 especially in air force arena, in 99 there were no win or loss for both parties superpowers interferes to solve the the problem, in 48 we took part of Kashmirs and you did nothing but instead your prime minister goes to UN and crying out loud there

And as for second pilots might be dead or still in our custody because you claimed only one that missing in action @surya kiran ;):enjoy:
Nobody is interested in what you were taught at your RSS shakha about previous wars

Talking about IAF humiliation of 27 Feb 2019, did you guys find black box of your Mi17?

We all want to see how your airforce killed 6 of their own in panic while getting thrashed at hands of PAF

The shakha is where it always was, I think. If you are coming for a visit, will get the exact address.

1 plane and 1 helicopter going down is called casualty. We never denied it, unlike the so many PA soldiers we respectfully buried in Kargil.

1947 HAHAHAHAHA! Yes 1947! Ever since 1947 you Gangadeshis have been in a state of total neurosis, obsessed with Pakistan, so much so that you fools even started to shoot birds flying across the border, imagining them to be ISI spies! LOL! Yes, 1947 was the biggest mother-of-all carve up of India. FEEL IT!

Watching the BRI arrangements between Nepal and China is actually quite interesting. It's like watching salt being rubbed into Indian psyche. :sarcastic:

Cheeni Cheeni zindabad, ab add Nepal also. Tomorrow maybe Chad also!!!!

Ah yes my Surya Kiran. Hows your Surya Kiran flying club doing heard they lost a couple of jets.
Anyways refering to your idiotic claims.
Stop calling out these numbers there is only one date you need to remember 27/2/19.
Also konsa cheeni mal.Jf 17 is not cheeni mal and if you are talking about other buys they are not reactionary. You are buying these Awaacs because you felt threatened by the current shortfall of capabilities. We came and bombed you and plane(s) were also brought down.So Isreali mal is much needed.

Yea, they lost and I heard, we have money to replace them too. Wow!

We remember all the dates. Right from 47,65,99, 26 and 27/2/19. IB cross kiya humne. We dropped bombs on what we consider undisputed territory (that is demarcated by IB) and you came into what you call disputed territory (LoC) not IB.

You're all wrong in 65 we destroyed almost your air force (19 PAF jets vs 110 IAF jets) and in land we almost reached Delhi, in navy we attack Mumbai naval harbur and destroyed it, you mighty aircraft carrier didn't leaves port because of PNS Ghazi (first sub in the Sub continent) but we lost on the table (shimla agreement) in 71 yes we partially lose there were minimum PAF/Naval assets in east Pakistan only army was strong and bangali people didn't trust PA because you created MUKHTI BAHENI to disguised bangali, but in western sector we defend us well even better then 65 especially in air force arena, in 99 there were no win or loss for both parties superpowers interferes to solve the the problem, in 48 we took part of Kashmirs and you did nothing but instead your prime minister goes to UN and crying out loud there

And as for second pilots might be dead or still in our custody because you claimed only one that missing in action @surya kiran ;):enjoy:

If you consider 1971 a 'partial' loss, then toh you have definitely won all the wars!
The shakha is where it always was, I think. If you are coming for a visit, will get the exact address.

1 plane and 1 helicopter going down is called casualty. We never denied it, unlike the so many PA soldiers we respectfully buried in Kargil.

Nah we don't go to kanjarkhana's like RSS shakas

as for not hiding. Yeah your incompetent airforce simply hide the blackbox and pin the blame on villagers that they stole it

Kashmir villagers Rejects IAF Lies, Say Uniformed Men Took Mi17 Black Box

Nah we don't go to kanjarkhana's like RSS shakas

as for not hiding. Yeah your incompetent airforce simply hide the blackbox and pin the blame on villagers that they stole it

Kashmir villagers Rejects IAF Lies, Say Uniformed Men Took Mi17 Black Box


Yes yes, we accept Mi17 went down and hide black box. Unlike some people who say, they are not our army men and leave them to die, we actually accept our casualties.

1. Lose the battle - Incompetence
2. Refuse to accept fallen - Cowardice.

Keep at it. After all, like someone on this thread said, 1971 was a partial loss.:p:

Did you really now? Where did IAF officially state so. Agar IB cross karna he tha why use SOW's einstein? Now dont tell me you dont know what SOW's are.

You do realise, we dropped the bombs in proper Pakistan? That's like you dropping a bomb in Punjab. You dropped the bombs in Kashmir, which you claim to be disputed.

When you chaps gather the strength and guts to drop a bomb across the IB, come back.

Nobody is interested in what you were taught at your RSS shakha about previous wars

Talking about IAF humiliation of 27 Feb 2019, did you guys find black box of your Mi17?

We all want to see how your airforce killed 6 of their own in panic while getting thrashed at hands of PAF

Oh you mean we should not discuss the 1000s you left to die in Kargil? And then refused to accept them back?
Yes yes, we accept Mi17 went down and hide black box. Unlike some people who say, they are not our army men and leave them to die, we actually accept our casualties.

1. Lose the battle - Incompetence
2. Refuse to accept fallen - Cowardice.

Keep at it. After all, like someone on this thread said, 1971 was a partial loss.:p:

First find your blackbox and then we would talk what you hide or what not

Just don't blame poor villagers for your incompetency

Oh you mean we should not discuss the 1000s you left to die in Kargil? And then refused to accept them back?

You can discuss that. After all you need it to save your face from the humiliation that you got on the day of 27 Feb 2019. We understand your need to run back decades old wars :lol:
Same to you although you are not comming near the IB atleast for a year.

Why should we come now? We have already dropped the bomb across the IB?

First find your blackbox and then we would talk what you hide or what not

Just don't blame poor villagers for your incompetency

You can discuss that. After all you need it to save your face from the humiliation that you got on the day of 27 Feb 2019. We understand your need to run back decades old wars :lol:

Of course, at some point of time it may be found or it may not be found. 27th you drop bomb in Kashmir (which you consider disputed), we dropped on 26th in Pakistan. Which we do not consider disputed.

A plane was lost, its a casualty, though whether 1 plane can result in 3 pilots is a different discussion for another time. The necessity is to show you chaps, that across all conflicts in the end, we prevail.

Not to mention the latest trend of calling 1971, a partial loss. Hilarious.
Of course, at some point of time it may be found or it may not be found. 27th you drop bomb in Kashmir (which you consider disputed), we dropped on 26th in Pakistan. Which we do not consider disputed.

A plane was lost, its a casualty, though whether 1 plane can result in 3 pilots is a different discussion for another time. The necessity is to show you chaps, that across all conflicts in the end, we prevail.

Not to mention the latest trend of calling 1971, a partial loss. Hilarious.

Pakistan bombed you in broad day light. You didn't respond and ended up finding blackbox of your own mi17 which you yourself shot down

We can clearly see who prevailed in this scenario :lol:

As for 1971. Keep using it. You need it
Why should we come now? We have already dropped the bomb across the IB?

Of course, at some point of time it may be found or it may not be found. 27th you drop bomb in Kashmir (which you consider disputed), we dropped on 26th in Pakistan. Which we do not consider disputed.

A plane was lost, its a casualty, though whether 1 plane can result in 3 pilots is a different discussion for another time. The necessity is to show you chaps, that across all conflicts in the end, we prevail.

Not to mention the latest trend of calling 1971, a partial loss. Hilarious.
You didn't prevail. People from all sides can see the Indian narrative for what it was....pre election bullshit. You have people(Non partisan) from all around the world poking holes in your story. Any claims by your side are face saving because Elections! That you come here peddling that crap reflects poorly upon you.
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