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India warned about Israeli False-Flag operation


Aug 29, 2009
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Crisis In Israel, IPL 3 - The Coming Israeli Mossad False Flag Attack
And The Catalyst For WW III.

By Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap

19 March, 2010

To: Prime Minister of India

Dr. Manmohan Singh
The Prime Minister of India
New Delhi 110 001

Smt. Sonia Gandhi
The Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance
New Delhi 110 001

Mr. P Chidambaram
Union Minister of Home Affairs
New Delhi 110 001

Respected Sir,


We are extremely perturbed due to the worsening crisis across the region, stretching from South Asia to West Asia. Remarkably this is also accompanied with increasingly divergent & thus plummeting Israel-US relations.

As we all are aware, the Palestine / Israel imbroglio is the central geo-political question of our times. The rapidly deteriorating situation & the grave consequences that we may all have to bare, is what has compelled us to awaken our country & the world to the following plausibility.

We believe that the Israeli Mossad is likely to stage a false flag terror attack at the ongoing IPL 3.

We say it with conviction & on the basis of a studied & thoughtful analysis of the international political situation, rooted in history.

The reason we say so is the explosive political situation that exists in the Occupied Territories across Jerusalem, the West Bank & Gaza.

Moreover the Israeli government has clearly indicated to Joe Biden, the visiting US Vice-President that Israel would carry on with the policy of expanding the Settlements.

This has been rightly taken as a grave slight by the Obama administration & has invited remonstration from the White House. Never since 1975 have we witnessed such vituperative discord between Tel Aviv & Washington & this has been stated by Israel's ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren.

As Uri Avnery (Peace Now) stated – “The Government of Israel has insulted the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, one of the greatest “friends” of Israel (meaning: somebody totally subservient to AIPAC) and spat in the face of President Barack Obama. So what? It’s all a matter of timing.”

Biden responded: “This is starting to get dangerous for us. What you’re doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace.”

Do note this significant report that appeared in the “Foreign Policy” by Mark Perry.

“On Jan. 16 a team of senior military officers from the U.S. Central Command (responsible for overseeing American security interests in the Middle East), arrived at the Pentagon to brief Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The team had been dispatched by CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus to underline his growing worries at the lack of progress in resolving the issue. The 33-slide, 45-minute PowerPoint briefing stunned Mullen. The briefers reported that there was a growing perception among Arab leaders that the U.S. was incapable of standing up to Israel, that CENTCOM’s mostly Arab constituency was losing faith in American promises, that Israeli intransigence on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was jeopardizing U.S. standing in the region, and that Mitchell himself was (as a senior Pentagon officer later bluntly described it) “too old, too slow … and too late.”

“The January Mullen briefing was unprecedented. No previous CENTCOM commander had ever expressed himself on what is essentially a political issue; which is why the briefers were careful to tell Mullen that their conclusions followed from a December 2009 tour of the region where, on Petraeus’s instructions, they spoke to senior Arab leaders. “Everywhere they went, the message was pretty humbling,” a Pentagon officer familiar with the briefing says. “America was not only viewed as weak, but its military posture in the region was eroding.” But Petraeus wasn’t finished: two days after the Mullen briefing, Petraeus sent a paper to the White House requesting that the West Bank and Gaza (which, with Israel, is a part of the European Command — or EUCOM), be made a part of his area of operations. Petraeus’s reason was straightforward: with U.S. troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military had to be perceived by Arab leaders as engaged in the region’s most troublesome conflict.”

Despite the above tensions, Netanyahu stated that "The building in Jerusalem - and in all other places - will continue in the same way as has been customary over the last 42 years," at a Likud party meeting. (Haaretz 15/03/10)

AIPAC, the most powerful of the Israeli Lobbies went on to add, "The Obama Administration's recent statements regarding the U.S. relationship with Israel are a matter of serious concern.” And further - "The escalated rhetoric of recent days only serves as a distraction from the substantive work that needs to be done with regard to the urgent issue of Iran's rapid pursuit of nuclear weapons, and the pursuit of peace between Israel and all her Arab neighbors."

Thus a reality that is unknown to most, is the fact that US & Israeli strategic interests vastly vary & this has & is being increasingly & clearly articulated by leading strategic & political experts in the US, both within the academia, as well as within the highest echelons of the US military & security.

Israel also carries on with the policy of extreme provocation as they continue to violate the very sanctity & sovereignty of the Haram-i-Sharif that houses the Masjid-i-Aqsa & the Dome of the Rock, which are amongst Islam’s most sacred shrines. Thus we are witnessing the outbreak of the "Third Intifada", which is being met by brutal Israeli repression. Fanatical & extremist Jewish Zionists & Christian Zionist Armageddonists’ are publicly committed to the destruction of the two Mosques & the construction of the Third Temple at the very site.

A strong resonance of the Ram Janma Bhoomi-Babri Masjid crisis indeed, but with consequences that are fraught with danger & far too unimaginable for the world.

From the above it is apparent that Israel does not want to negotiate a peaceful Two-State solution & is committed to the annexation of all of historic Palestine. Thus the larger Israeli strategy is committed to the total ethnic cleansing of all of the Palestinian People & the destruction of their religio-cultural landscape that is being rapidly Zionised.

Another target in the aftermath of the false flag terror attack will be Iran & a major US-NATO military buildup has been & is currently underway in the Persian Gulf, as Iran continues to be surrounded on all sides.

It is in this context that both the timing & the statements by Gary Ackerman, who is a Jewish Zionist fanatic & is well known for his anti-Christian biases & his xenophobic Islamophobic diatribes, need to be questioned.

At a recent Congressional hearing, Congressmen Ackerman said that the LeT had identified 320 targets globally of which 20 were located in India (PTI 15/03/10).

As we would vividly recall, he also alluded to the Naval Base at Cochin as well as to the Jewish Synagogues. Later both these reports were deemed false by sections of our own Intelligence Services.

Gary Ackerman is a seasoned Democratic-Congressmen & has been elected thirteen times. But he also has a very dubious record. He voted for the Bush-Republican war against Iraq under the false pretext of the non-existent WMD’s. He has voted in favour of the impending war against Iran (H. Con. Resolution 362). He is also part of the anti-Cuban Caucus. He is closely linked to Xenonics, an influential Defense Contractor. He has been on the Asian & specifically South Asian Committees & is part of the core leadership of the AIPAC.

He, thus undoubtedly is both a warmonger & a religious fanatic, who will contrive & distort facts to further the Israeli agenda & thus the terror warnings issued by Ackerman at this very critical juncture should be seen in that light.

The Zionist agenda is to fuel a Christian-Muslim war on the one hand, whilst on the other a Hindu-Muslim war as well.

Ackerman is one of the foremost proponents of the “Clash of Civilization” – a theory that has been debunked by an overwhelming section of democratic & secular intellectuals worldwide.

Closer to home, the situation between India & Pakistan is at best tenuous & fraught with danger. The crisis in South Asia centering around Afghanistan & Kashmir has bedeviled Indo-Pak relations. The Americans are desperately seeking Pakistani co-operation in the Afghan quagmire & thus the current phase of the Indo-Pak dialogue. The explicit Pakistani agenda is to counter the growing Indian influence in Afghanistan. On the other hand the situation in Indian Kashmir is again on the boil. Both the countries have been bedeviled by terror attacks, with claims & counter-claims & the level of distrust amongst the two is at an abysmal low.

This is a perfect cauldron for the Israeli Mossad & the elite Sayeret Matkal to step in & wreck mayhem & destruction.

Do recall that MK Narayanan (ex-NSA Chief), at the time of his departure had alluded to the possibility of a Pakistani led terror attack on the Commonwealth Games scheduled to be held in India. We are aware of the fact that MK Narayanan represented US & Israeli strategic interests & it was during his tenure that our relations with both China & Pakistan have worsened. It was only after Mr. Shiv Shankar Menon was appointed in his stead that the Indo-Pakistan dialogue resumed. Thus MK Narayanan’s warnings about the Commonwealth games need to be understood in the current context of the Indo-Pak as well as the Israel-US crisis.

One may recall that WW I was engineered by an assassination in Sarajevo & WW II was similarly ignited by a Nazi false flag attack on the German-Poland border.

Also do note that after WW I, Israel was gifted the ‘Balfour Declaration’ by the British Empire, which would strive to create a “Jewish Homeland in Palestine”. And after WW II, Israel was founded with the inhibited support of the major powers led by the USA.

Thus Israel has gained after every subsequent World War!!

But after the reverses it suffered in Lebanon & due to the resolute & courageous resistance in Palestine, Israel is at the cross-roads. It cannot defeat the National Resistance on the basis of it's own strength. There clearly is no military solution. Israel must reconcile itself & be committed to a peaceful political solution, by adhering to UN Resolutions & International laws & live side-by-side a Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as it’s capital.

But clearly Israel has another plan, a very devious plan indeed, that entails the total ethnic cleansing of all of the Palestinian population from all of historic Palestine.

This, Israel & the Zionist-Neoconservative Lobbies can only achieve by masterminding WW III.

After the 9/11 terror attacks, the world has been pushed into a state of perpetual of warfare in the guise of fighting global terror, in a war without borders & without time. Do also note that the official story of the 9/11 attacks is being widely questioned & challenged across America as well as the world over & today more than 50% of the American people are convinced of the fact that it was an Neoconservative-Zionist, CIA-MOSSAD masterminded false flag terror attack.

Considering the international situation which is clearly sitting on a powder keg waiting to be ignited, we fear that the IPL 3 could be the plausible catalyst for the Zionist-Neoconservatives cabal who are committed to their agenda of Global hegemony.

And thus our plea!!

The government should take all measures to counter these nefarious designs. Merely stating that “We had provided the Intelligence warnings, which went unheeded . . .” or worse, "Intelligence failure, lack of training . . . " & the like, will not suffice anymore.

A false flag terror attack on the IPL!! It sends a shiver down the spine.

The stakes are far too high. It makes us shudder to even contemplate the consequences for South Asia & the World at large.

India & Pakistan are clearly being set up for a fratricidal war, as were Iran & Iraq in 1980.

A terror attack on the IPL will undoubtedly lead to a reflex military response from the Indian side on Pakistan & we will have entered a mutually assured cycle of destruction & war. This will spiral out into the rest of the region, enveloping all of South Asia as well as West Asia & beyond. This is neither the agenda of India or Pakistan, or of Iran, China or Russia for that matter.

The one force that desperately needs an escalation in the current scenario is Israel & it’s Medusa like Lobbies within the White House & the Pentagon.

Do note the following. There have been at least three terror attacks that have been staged in India & on the back of which, Israel has unleashed it’s wars on Lebanon (2006) & on Gaza (2008-09). It was on the very day of the July 11, 2006 Mumbai serial train terror attacks that Israel launched it’s war on Lebanon. Yet again, the May 13, 2006 Jaipur serial blast occurred on the eve of the 60th year of the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) & the founding of the Israeli Apartheid state. And recently, Israel rode on the back of the Mumbai 26/11 terror attack to launch it’s genocidal war on the civilian population of Gaza for which it received universal condemnation, but to no avail. These in our estimation, were not mere coincidences.

Thus clearly, the Israeli Mossad does have allies within our country that have been doing the bidding of Israel. This was very clearly brought out by Shaheed Hemant Karkare who had drawn the linkages between the Israeli Mossad, the Abhinav Bharat & the Sanatan Sanstha . . . & beyond. This critical point needs to be kept in mind.

These forces are committed to an agenda of ‘Religio-Ethnic Racial Purity’ & ‘Global Supremacism’ as we are all well aware.

The ensuing climate will give a fillip to the forces that wish to enforce a religio-fascist state, undermine or rather destroy the Indian Constitution, as well as the fundamental values & principles enshrined therein.

We will have to be ever vigilant & strive to protect Indian democracy, which is based on the values of equality, secularism, anti-colonialism & Third World solidarity.

This has been the message of our founding fathers' led by Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Azad, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar & Shaheed Bhagat Singh, amongst the thousands who sacrificed themselves for the freedom of our nation from the yolk of British Imperialism.

The other consequence of the Indo-Pakistan war will be the possibility of a Muslim genocide across the country on similar lines to what we witnessed in 'Gujarat 2002'.

The possibilities of a 'Global Muslim Holocaust', similar to the tribulations faced by the Jewish communities during WW II are also being discussed by the Zionist-Neoconservative circles.

Thus the consequences of a failure to protect the IPL are far too great & this must be averted at all costs.

We thus wish to awaken you to this stark probability & implore you to take all the necessary precautions.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap
March 19, 2010

Crisis In Israel, IPL 3 - The Coming Israeli Mossad False Flag Attack And The Catalyst For WW III. By Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap
Wooow what an Insight.

But i bet that most Indians wouldn't comment.They are so blinded by their so called friend.

An Indo-Pak War would represent a perfect opportunity for a wider global scale conflict.
What happens in middle-east should not concern India. It is not India's problem. So, India better off staying away from it. :frown:
we dont care abt israel so we dont touch that part its not our concern
Wooow what an Insight.

But i bet that most Indians wouldn't comment.They are so blinded by their so called friend.

An Indo-Pak War would represent a perfect opportunity for a wider global scale conflict.

Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist.
. .
ok I read half of it and decided to stop reading this BS.

India will go to talks was decided before new NSA came .
Typically written by Jew hater.......nothing else.....................guys dont waste time on this
Oh just saw the link.................its really a jew/Isreal hate site..................
Fortunately I visited the source before reading the article and saved myself 10 mins of my life. The source also claims that Mumbai attacks was a false flag. Enough said.
Fortunately I visited the source before reading the article and saved myself 10 mins of my life. The source also claims that Mumbai attacks was a false flag. Enough said.

Wish i was that lucky :hitwall: ..what an incredible piece of rubbish written in it :disagree:
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How ironic?
If even after David headley you don't believe Mumbai attacks were a Israeli scheme, then you have serious issues with understanding the truth.

I think the article is very accurate and the threat warned-of is also very real.

But I also believe you Indians are not worried of such a false flag attack because you know that you don't have the guts to go to war with Paksitan (or China or Bangladesh). All you guys can do is keep firing rockets across the borders.
If IPL 3 or some other Indian event is attacked (a false flag attack) then your response will be a lot of cries all over the world to get Pakistan declared a terrorist state. And ofcourse you will sponsor another dozen or so suicide bombers (from Afghanistan) to target Pakistan............. Pathetic...
we trade oil with arab and technology with israel. .leaving all fighting to arab and israel. .its abt country interest only.never abt religion
. .

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