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India wants UNSC club expanded to 25 states

lol troll, you mean if India help discipline the smaller nations of the ASEAN into follow Viet orders, you'll support them for permanent membership of the UNSC.

Besides you are over estimating Indian international clout and Indian geopolitical acumen. Better for you to keep licking the boots of someone who matters like the USA.
Hehe, all ASEAN nations respect each other, we just need India support to get stronger.The world is very dangerous now, even Norway also can not stay in safe, ASEAN must get stronger to protect their people from harm.

hehe, you may underestimate India power bcz you have pernament chair in UNSC, but if India also can have, you have to think again bro, and we will surely support India to achieve it when our ASEAN as strong as NATO :P
lol troll, you mean if India help discipline the smaller nations of the ASEAN into follow Viet orders, you'll support them for permanent membership of the UNSC.

Besides you are over estimating Indian international clout and Indian geopolitical acumen. Better for you to keep licking the boots of someone who matters like the USA.

Like how you were licking the boots of USSR when it was stronger? Troll...

On topic, I can say you are underestimating Indian international clout and Indian geopolitical acumen. Or, is it the as-usual-trying to down grade India and Indian efforts?
lol troll, you mean if India help discipline the smaller nations of the ASEAN into follow Viet orders, you'll support them for permanent membership of the UNSC.

Besides you are over estimating Indian international clout and Indian geopolitical acumen. Better for you to keep licking the boots of someone who matters like the USA.

like what china and pakistan is doing with licking each others ***.
Like how you were licking the boots of USSR when it was stronger? Troll...

On topic, I can say you are underestimating Indian international clout and Indian geopolitical acumen. Or, is it the as-usual-trying to down grade India and Indian efforts?

Why would India need to underestimate Indian international clout. The only Indian international clout is in this forum.

India need American assistance as much as the Vietnamese. How can India help others if it need help? For example, how can India supply planes and missiles to Vietnam when Indian need assistance in making them? Couldn't Vietnam get assistance from countries that help India?
Why would India need to underestimate Indian international clout. The only Indian international clout is in this forum.

India need American assistance as much as the Vietnamese. How can India help others if it need help? For example, how can India supply planes and missiles to Vietnam when Indian need assistance in making them? Couldn't Vietnam get assistance from countries that help India?

Preach to the unwashed, my pro-American pro-Taiwanese friend. :)
Some small minds are proving why their country is the pretender sitting there.

They were saved from an ongoing genocide in WW-2 by the USA, yet they think they were the winners. Some people are beneath contempt.

They would have no say in the issue. They will be dragged kicking and screaming when the time comes.
Why would India need to underestimate Indian international clout. The only Indian international clout is in this forum.

India need American assistance as much as the Vietnamese. How can India help others if it need help? For example, how can India supply planes and missiles to Vietnam when Indian need assistance in making them? Couldn't Vietnam get assistance from countries that help India?
hehe, India have Nuke boom , so no one dare to invade India, India just needs time to ceate all kind of weapon she wants.With India-VietNam collaboration and hope Russia will join with us also, we can help each other to create very good and useful weapon in the future :cheers:
Some small minds are proving why their country is the pretender sitting there.

They were saved from an ongoing genocide in WW-2 by the USA, yet they think they were the winners. Some people are beneath contempt.

They would have no say in the issue. They will be dragged kicking and screaming when the time comes.

We'll worry about it when it happens. And lol at the oblique comments, coward.
There is no definition of great power today mate. This is an old definition based on militarization and military campaigns. China is more armed than it was in 1960s and we are more armed than what we were than in those days. So should we also be called a great power?

The world has come to realize that the UNSC is nothing but an elitist club.

As an Indian, I don't really understand why our loser government is so obsessed with getting UNSC seat when not even African nations don't give a flying jack about UNSC resolutions other than selfish sanctions.

I agree. UNSC resolutions are passed to bully smaller less powerful countries but if countries have god fathers in UNSC (like Israel have USA) they don't give a damn about it. So I honestly believe that India should stop wasting their time pursuing such a post in a toothless organization.
hehe, India have Nuke boom , so no one dare to invade India, India just needs time to ceate all kind of weapon she wants.With India-VietNam collaboration and hope Russia will join with us also, we can help each other to create very good and useful weapon in the future :cheers:
India dont have hydrogen bomb and a launch system to deliver it, i wont count India as a nuclear power, but yes, even my country isnt so interest in take over back our territory by forces, people stomach come first these days, they have to be well feed, they have to trade, they have to sell Chinese goods, they have to manufacturing Chinese goods, so, i cant deny India do have some weight consider its huge market which could feed many Chinese people and make some of them become rich...
India dont have hydrogen bomb and a launch system to deliver it, i wont count India as a nuclear power,

Either you are really ignorant or you don't want to accept it out of pure arrogance. But all the more better for us, whenever you deny or refuse to accept the existence of any weapons due to bogus reporting of our media.
Either you are really ignorant or you don't want to accept it out of pure arrogance. But all the more better for us, whenever you deny or refuse to accept the existence of any weapons due to bogus reporting of our media.

Here educate yourself. These guys are Washington non-prolif. think tankers. They are smarter than you are.

Jeffrey Lewis; India's H Bomb Revisited

You haven't tested a successful fission-fusion device to date. And before you protest, yes he really is smarter than you are

Jeffrey Lewis is Director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Dr. Lewis also founded and maintains the leading blog on nuclear arms control and nonproliferation, ArmsControlWonk.com.

Jeffrey Lewis was Director of the Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Initiative at the New America Foundation until November of 2010, when he left to direct the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Dr. Lewis is the author of Minimum Means of Reprisal: China’s Search for Security in the Nuclear Age (MIT Press, 2007), and is a research scholar at the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy (CISSM) and a contributor to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Dr. Lewis also founded and maintains the leading blog on nuclear arms control and nonproliferation, ArmsControlWonk.com.

Before joining the New America Foundation, Dr. Lewis was Executive Director of the Managing the Atom Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Previously, he served as a Research Fellow at the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy (CISSM), Executive Director of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs, a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and with the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.

Dr. Lewis received his Ph.D. in Policy Studies (International Security and Economic Policy) from the University of Maryland and his B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science from Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill.
True. India probably doesn't have a thermonuclear bomb. It does have those low yield nuclear bombs like one US used on Japan. Besides, 5000Km missile surely is overkill for China and reason for its delay is US pressure. Any country with semi-functional space program can build an ICBM.
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