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India wants UNSC club expanded to 25 states

This is the worst case of double counting I have ever scene. The R & C in BRICS are already in the UNSC.

It's like using the SCO to justify Kazakhstan joining the UNSC. Ridiculous!!

Population and territory: America, Russia and China are three of the largest countries on Earth by land area, and population. BRICS would be bigger

Economic capability: All the P5 members are amongst the world's largest economies, minus Russia. but currently in the midst of an economic crisis with the BRICS driving growth.

Diplomatic strength: America and Russia are at the top of the world.

Military strength: America and Russia are at the top of the world.

No argument.But others (notably China and India) are catching up. For relative diplomatic strength ,you should see what happens at WTO meetings.

Political stability: All are stable, apart from perhaps Russia and China. Earlier was restricted to a select few. I'd say even China along with India, Japan and South Africa are pretty stable now.

Competence: All P5 members have historically proved that they can carry out their political will, both at home and overseas. For good or bad. Youthink their decisions on Iraq and Libya were competent? I'm sure a lot of us would disagree.
UNSC is for world peace and not for power projection.. The very thing which justifies the making of UNSC is flawed in todays senario. Libya, Iraq even threatening to Iran, (even to Pakistan some how) by Nato nations is now seems to be a normal practice. What the credibility of UNSC when it can not prevent such incidents. SCO, BRICS are the organizations for Economic growth, this is for sure. But its not the only purpose. The heavyweights like Russia and China should/could bring their weight in to play and this these groups can be counter balance to NATO, its just the will power. Remember today the west can be developed one but they having a real economic problem. On the other hand China enjoys the fruits of its policies of economic development. Although same can not be said about Russia.

Saying that China can bring its economic muscle (safest weapon) to play in these situations (no need for military might) and being a UNSC parmanent member she must exercise the power of Veto, could realy change the picture of global geopolitics.

About extending the UNSC, remeber if India and Japan could make it to parmanent seat(with China & Russia already there) and other nations like Pakistan, SA, Saudi Arabia, even Turkey can be members with non veto power, could really bring about shift of balance of power to the east. Policies of the world no longer be totally monopolized by west.

This is the worst case of double counting I have ever scene. The R & C in BRICS are already in the UNSC.

It's like using the SCO to justify Kazakhstan joining the UNSC. Ridiculous!!

My point was simple. Remove R and C from UNSC. Does it still hold true for all the criteria?
The world has changed, but the nations internationally recognized as "Great powers", have more or less stayed the same.

Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no definition of great power today mate. This is an old definition based on militarization and military campaigns. China is more armed than it was in 1960s and we are more armed than what we were than in those days. So should we also be called a great power?

The world has come to realize that the UNSC is nothing but an elitist club.

As an Indian, I don't really understand why our loser government is so obsessed with getting UNSC seat when not even African nations don't give a flying jack about UNSC resolutions other than selfish sanctions.
My point was simple. Remove R and C from UNSC. Does it still hold true for all the criteria?

Pop and Land - Doesn't hold
Economic Growth - Doesn't hold, besides China the only two/three countries amassing true wealth (Fx Reserves) are Japan, Brazil and Indonesia. The hard working Germans got conned.
Diplomatic strength - Doesn't hold
Military strength - Doesn't hold
Political stability - Holds, this is the only criteria I concede to.
If India can help ASEAN being unified and have strong power like NATO, so ASEAN will surely support India to have pernament chair in UNSC :P

So, let tie up the relationship with VietNam , one day ASEAN will be the NATO of Asia , :P
If India can help ASEAN being unified and have strong power like NATO, so ASEAN will surely support India to have pernament chair in UNSC :P

So, let tie up the relationship with VietNam , one day ASEAN will be the NATO of Asia , :P

lol troll, you mean if India help discipline the smaller nations of the ASEAN into follow Viet orders, you'll support them for permanent membership of the UNSC.

Besides you are over estimating Indian international clout and Indian geopolitical acumen. Better for you to keep licking the boots of someone who matters like the USA.
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