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India Wants the World to Buy Its Weapons. They’re Not Very Good

LOL - if ever there was a thread that deserved to be ignored, here it is.
Above message was conveyed to @rambro directly and not YOU.

THE US/UK/Japan all print hard currency of their own which India needs for its own imports. No country is going to sell even a TEU worth of peanuts to India by accepting Indian Rupees. INR are counterfeited. Lol.

Regardless, your point about the debt to gdp ratio is still moot

Actually most countries deal in dollars and so do we.

Try to make sense or atleast keep up with the current affairs rather than the just consuming and regurgitating propaganda.

How do you think we sold sonars to Myanmar and the upcomming torpedo deals to the same, or the OPVs to Sri Lanka and Mauritius, or the interceptors boats to Vietnam, or the $100 mil NVG deal with Peru?

Did you know India pawned its Gold to Bank of England and Bank of Japan to take a USD loan?

Lol again.

Again, strawman argument.
What has that got to do with anything.
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Actually most countries deal in dollars and so do we.
Regardless, your point about the debt to gdp ratio is still moot

Actually most countries deal in dollars and so do we.

Try to make sense or atleast keep up with the current affairs rather than the just consuming and regurgitating propaganda.

How do you think we sold sonars to Myanmar and the upcomming torpedo deals to the same, or the OPVs to Sri Lanka and Mauritius, or the interceptors boats to Vietnam, or the $100 mil NVG deal with Peru?

Again, strawman argument.
What has that got to do with anything.

Look at the overall bigger picture of clout less, Veto less & a low income, undeveloped country with a poor (International) credit rating. That is India - full of slums and people defecating in open. So don't even compare shik hole India with the likes of UK/US or Japan in any given field and ridicule yourself with such unwarranted tall claims. Does not auger well for you.

Japanese Budget is a 1.7 trillion behemoth.
American budget = 3.3 trillion
UK budget 1 trillion.

India budget?
Meager 335 billion.

Lol at fastest growing yet a lackluster economy.

The US invoices/quotes its merchandise in USD for exports, the Japanese in Yen, UK in GBP.
Its all convertible hard currency, they are not dependent upon dollars as India is.

So stop your dance here, cause your dialogue is skating on thin ice already.
Go home and sleep.
Look at the overall bigger picture of clout less, Veto less & a low income, undeveloped country with a poor (International) credit rating. That is India - full of slums and people defecating in open. So don't even compare shik hole India with the likes of UK/US or Japan in any given field and ridicule yourself with such unwarranted tall claims. Does not auger well for you.

Japanese Budget is a 1.7 trillion behemoth.
American budget = 3.3 trillion
UK budget 1 trillion.

India budget?
Meager 335 billion.

Lol at fastest growing yet a lackluster economy.

The US invoices/quotes its merchandise in USD for exports, the Japanese in Yen, UK in GBP.
Its all convertible hard currency, they are not dependent upon dollars as India is.

Again, strawman, strawman and more strawman arguments.
Most of what you say has nothing to do with anything being discussed here, just more $hit slinging to masturbate your ego.

Lacklustre coz you said so?
Every economy has some problem, we are doing far better than most countries out there.
India is BRICS nation with one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, how is that lacklustre, oh that's right coz china boy is in denial.

Your crumbling superiority complex is simply fascinating to watch.

You are really myopic, these numbers can be judged better when you see it in years rather than just 1 year.

Here, India's budget as % of the gdp has been rising unlike most of the countries on the list, again you get pwned.

download (2).jpeg

So stop your dance here, cause your dialogue is skating on thin ice already.
Go home and sleep.

And what if I don't?
You'll cry about it in a corner.
Again, strawman, strawman and more strawman arguments.
Most of what you say has nothing to do with anything being discussed here, just more $hit slinging to masturbate your ego.

Lacklustre coz you said so?
Every economy has some problem, we are doing far better than most countries out there.
India is BRICS nation with one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, how is that lacklustre, oh that's right coz china boy is in denial.

Your crumbling superiority complex is simply fascinating to watch.

You are really myopic, these numbers can be judged better when you see it in years rather than just 1 year.

Here, India's budget as % of the gdp has been rising unlike most of the countries on the list, again you get pwned.

View attachment 462351

And what if I don't?
You'll cry about it in a corner.

Oh yes, Japan has slums (poverty), so do UK & the US.

Japan Budget is 5 times over that of India despite them having 1/10th of Indian population. And you have galls to show that budget wise India is superior, despite its (India's) peanut sized budget for 1.25 billion people.

Shame on your futile attempt that has been seen through.

But yes, lets agree that India is far ahead of Japan in fiscal terms, so that you take a rest - or take a hike.
You are out to defy the conventional wisdom.
A backward sh*t hole (literally, an open air shit hole) like india is in no position to make fun of anybody and anyone. You guys would be better off building toilets for your women so they don’t get r@ped in the arse while they shit in public :rofl:

I remember when there used to be a comparison between indian light fighter program and Pakistani light fight program. Now, nobody...not even indian fanboys...dare to compare two programs. Pakistani program succeeded massively and went on to become the backbone of Pakistani AirPower..while indian program failed miserably and the world quite literally laughs at it. :lol:

And before your insecurity compels you to bring the old, already debunked points about how Pakistan didn’t contribute anything to JFT program and such...please explain what exactly was “indian” in shitejas? Engine? Avionics? What exactly? :D

Poor cow piss drinking bhartis living in utter misery and open air toilet called hindustan

Take that paint skills somewhere else, bud.
India Wants the World to Buy Its Weapons. They’re Not Very Good
Iain Marlow
1 בפברואר 2018, 00:00 GMT‎+2‎ Updated on 1 בפברואר 2018, 13:57 GMT‎+2‎
  • Dysfunctional procurement process leads to delays, high costs
  • Modi’s administration has not dramatically reformed system

Indian Army T-90 (Bhishma) tanks drive past during India's Republic Day Parade in New Delhi on Jan. 26. Photographer: Money Sharma/AFP via Getty Images
On Jan. 26, India celebrated Republic Day by parading troops and locally made weapons in front of New Delhi’s colonial-era sandstone buildings and past 10 Southeast Asian heads of state -- all potential buyers.

New Delhi hopes to export made-in-India military technology, including its BrahMos missiles, to smaller countries in Asia that fear China’s rise. India will have another chance to show off at the Singapore air show starting Feb. 6, where BrahMos Aerospace, a joint venture between India and Russia, will exhibit for the first time.


BrahMos missiles parade for Republic Day in New Delhi.

Photographer: Pankaj Nangia/India Today Group/Getty Images
But away from the pageantry of parades and sales pitches, experts suggest India’s $250-billion military modernization program is sputtering. That’s becoming more important as the U.S. pressures New Delhi to tackle a larger role policing the Indo-Pacific, from the Indian Ocean to the waters off Southeast and East Asia.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi has held steady against geopolitical rivals, including with China in a Himalayan face-off last year, his administration hasn’t fixed a broken defense procurement system in the world’s largest arms importer. That prevents it from equipping its own armed forces, let alone those in friendly nations.

"The structures that are dysfunctional, that have stopped the military from making smart choices, are still there," said Ashley Tellis, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who has advised U.S. ambassadors to India. "It’s not the way to run a military of a major power. It has to be among the worst procurement processes of any major power."

China Growth
By contrast, China’s military modernization has advanced considerably. Over the past two years, President Xi Jinping has overseen the most sweeping changes to China’s military since the 1950s in an effort to create a fighting force that can win modern wars. It’s also now the world’s third-largest arms exporter, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

A spokesman for Modi didn’t respond to calls or texts for comment on India’s defense procurement.

Uneasy Neighbors
India's military spending is far below China's but still much higher than rival Pakistan's

Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

India wants to transition from an importer of weapons systems to an exporter, Ajay Kumar, the government’s secretary of defense production, said at a recent panel discussion. India still needs to import most of its components, Kumar said. The BrahMos missile, for instance, is made up of 65 percent imported components.

"There is significant demand from friendly countries who look toward India for meeting their own requirements," he said, without elaborating.

Flawed Structure
according to a report from New Delhi’s Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses.

Defense suppliers often compensate for the cost of delays and mandatory investments by inflating the final price, according to one U.S. official who previously worked on Indian procurement issues, who asked not to be named, citing rules for speaking with the media.

Finance minister Arun Jaitley today unveiled a budget with the second-lowest defense expenditure in independent India’s history -- at roughly 1.49 percent of GDP, said IDSA research fellow Laxman Kumar Behera. India’s lowest figure ever was Modi’s 2016-17 budget, he added. The global average is 2.2 percent, according to the World Bank.

‘Obsolete’ Equipment
Last year, the Indian Army rejected an Indian-made rifle for the second year in a row after it reportedly failed quality tests. Locally made products like Arjun tanks, light combat aircraft and even bullet-proof jackets often can’t be used on the sensitive China or Pakistan borders because of performance issues.

Part of the problem is procurement is overseen by "non-expert" generalists of the Indian Administrative Service, said Manoj Joshi, a fellow at the Observer Research Foundation think-tank who was on a government task force recommending national security reforms.

"They can’t tell you about strategy," he said. "The army, navy and air force are well trained, but their organization is obsolete and their equipment is obsolete."

After three decades spent developing its own fighter, India put out a tender for 126 warplanes, which morphed into an order for 36 Rafale aircraft from Dassault Aviation SA that will start arriving in 2019.

Until then, India’s air force is heavily reliant on Soviet-era MiG-21s that fall from the sky so often some call them "Flying Coffins." They also have a fleet of newer Russian Sukhoi SU-30MKIs assembled by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. that was temporarily grounded after one jet ejected its pilots without warning.

No Contest
China's arms exports -- including to Pakistan -- have grown, while rival India's has not

Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Experts suggest India could resolve some issues by appointing a single person in charge of the armed forces, or outline priorities in a national security doctrine.

"One of the bigger problems is the lack of overarching political direction in terms of how to prepare and what to prepare for," said Anit Mukherjee, a former Indian army major now at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. "The army is saying, ‘Hey we need to prepare for a ground war,’ and the Navy is saying, ‘No, no, no. It’s the Indian Ocean.’ "

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