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India Wants the World to Buy Its Weapons. They’re Not Very Good

Were they ever serious with themselves?
We are letting go them mig29 due to too old.

First come first served.

India is short on money:

India’s Military Budget Challenge
The country continues to face the sober reality of both rising threats and serious resource constraints.


India has no class. 25% of its budget is dedicated towards debt servicing..It has 69% of debt vs GDP ratio.
India is short on money:

India’s Military Budget Challenge
The country continues to face the sober reality of both rising threats and serious resource constraints.


India has no class. 25% of its budget is dedicated towards debt servicing..It has 69% of debt vs GDP ratio.

Arent they on a shopping spree splurging on either rafale or f-35?

India needs folks like Jayant, cant recall his fullname.

Anyway, Soldiers cant fight with an empty stomach
India is short on money:

India’s Military Budget Challenge
The country continues to face the sober reality of both rising threats and serious resource constraints.


India has no class. 25% of its budget is dedicated towards debt servicing..It has 69% of debt vs GDP ratio.

That is some strawman argument.
What about countries like Japan, US, UK?
They "have no class" because their debt to GDP ratio is higher than India?

If you look carefully, India's debt to gdp has been falling overall unlike a lot of these major countries.

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That is some strawman argument.
What about countries like Japan, US, UK?
They "have no class" because their debt to GDP ratio is higher than India?

Go by the following gem:

US/UK/Japan are not affected by such/above (peril).

Now you stand as a true straw man.

Just the 2 Chinese companies viz; Sinopec Group (263) & CNP (268) have combined revenue of more than 580 billion dollars which is more than India's entire yearly revenue...Dig it..
Go by the following gem:

US/UK/Japan are not affected by such/above (peril).

Now you stand as a true straw man.

How many times will you repeat this post as broken record?


Total revenue 2,399,147 crore (US$370 billion)[1]
Total expenditures 2,920,484 crore (US$450 billion) (grand total)[2]
Program Spending 2,442,213 crore (US$370 billion) (through budget)[3]
Tax cuts 5% (in corporate tax for companies with turnover upto 250 crore (US$38 million))

You are comparing International sales of Samsung with Indian Central govt budget without state budget.

Just the 2 Chinese companies viz; Sinopec Group (263) & CNP (268) have combined revenue of more than 580 billion dollars which is more than India's entire yearly revenue...Dig it..

You dig Chinese Total debt including service and corporate sector is USD 31 trillion which doesn't reflect in Chinese govt debt.
Go by the following gem:

US/UK/Japan are not affected by such/above (peril).

Now you stand as a true straw man.

Just the 2 Chinese companies viz; Sinopec Group (263) & CNP (268) have combined revenue of more than 580 billion dollars which is more than India's entire yearly revenue...Dig it..

LOL, dig what?
And why is only India affected? Because your superiority complex doesn't allow you to handle the truth?

I clearly showed you the overall fall in debt to gdp of India, which is what's leading India's growth.
Whereas China's and other countries' that were in the highest debt to gdp ratio list have had an economic slowdown because of one of factors being the rising debt as compared to gdp.

Is this how India is affected by the debt "peril"?
World Bank forecasts India GDP growth rate at 7.3% in 2018-19

You are clearly just slinging shit all over the place hoping something sticks.
Maybe "dig" yourself a hole and hide in it.

And the term is ''strawman argument", google it.
LOL, dig what?
And why is only India affected? Because your superiority complex doesn't allow you to handle the truth?

I clearly showed you the overall fall in debt to gdp of India, which is what's leading India's growth.
Whereas China's and other countries' that were in the highest debt to gdp ratio list have had an economic slowdown because of one of factors being the rising debt as compared to gdp.

Is this how India is affected by the debt "peril"?
World Bank forecasts India GDP growth rate at 7.3% in 2018-19

You are clearly just slinging shit all over the place hoping something sticks.
Maybe "dig" yourself a hole and hide in it.

And the term is ''strawman argument", google it.

Stick with reality instead of a brighter future that may never come.
Seems like you and your lot keep falling for the Thucydides trap more every time India aims higher.


You are the one talk about Indian growth in the future. Too bad for you that India keep on disappointing you guys.

I stick with the present. And the present reality is that even Indian military would not use the best Indian made weapon. But Modi shove them down the throat of Indian military.
You are the one talk about Indian growth in the future. Too bad for you that India keep on disappointing you guys.

I stick with the present. And the present reality is that even Indian military would not use the best Indian made weapon. But Modi shove them down the throat of Indian military.

Well if you want to talk about the present, Indian growth rate in the "present" is more than China's and rising since July last year while China's is falling since the same period.
By your logic I guess we are disappointed at growing faster than China.....???:what:

You are conflating critiquing with disappointment, you see we are free to question our leaders here, something that isn't so unique in most nations of the world, of course that concept is alien to some people.

Actually the present reality is some Indian products despite beating its foreign counterparts in trials are not bought en mass by the Indian Military, of course eventually they do end up buying the better products and trolls cry on the internet.

Of course we don't have a totalitarian power structure that can do military purges and "suicide" corrupt generals at will like "some countries" can.
LOL, dig what?
And why is only India affected? Because your superiority complex doesn't allow you to handle the truth?

I clearly showed you the overall fall in debt to gdp of India, which is what's leading India's growth.
Whereas China's and other countries' that were in the highest debt to gdp ratio list have had an economic slowdown because of one of factors being the rising debt as compared to gdp.

Is this how India is affected by the debt "peril"?
World Bank forecasts India GDP growth rate at 7.3% in 2018-19

You are clearly just slinging shit all over the place hoping something sticks.
Maybe "dig" yourself a hole and hide in it.

And the term is ''strawman argument", google it.

From external debt to GDP?
What a deflection to bolster your ego.


Etymology Online says that the phrase “man of straw” was first used to describe an imaginary opponent in the 1620s.

Here's one of the earliest examples I could find in a Google Books search of the phrase “straw man" being used in the context of a debate. It's in a periodical called The Chroniclepublished in 1878 by the students of the University of Michigan, and the anonymous author appears to be quoting another article from 1875, which is earlier than the citations for this kind of use that are shown in Merriam-Webster and the Oxford English Dictionary:

“The average debater knows no finer fun than belaboring a man of straw. How often have we heard that ambitious disputant, in full flush of victory, fashion with his creative tongue that silliest of all fools—the straw man. Into the straw man’s mouth are put impossible propositions, and when he has been made to utter them, the speaker proper proceeds to show what an utter a** this straw man is.”

It’s possible that the phrase originated even earlier, but it looks like the name really does come from the idea of propping up an imaginary man of straw or scarecrow as a ridiculous opponent who would be easy to defeat.

Now you know your ABC..
No, we make fun because you only paint. That's not the only thing Russian either, your senior JV partner took help from Russia for it's design.

A backward sh*t hole (literally, an open air shit hole) like india is in no position to make fun of anybody and anyone. You guys would be better off building toilets for your women so they don’t get r@ped in the arse while they shit in public :rofl:

I remember when there used to be a comparison between indian light fighter program and Pakistani light fight program. Now, nobody...not even indian fanboys...dare to compare two programs. Pakistani program succeeded massively and went on to become the backbone of Pakistani AirPower..while indian program failed miserably and the world quite literally laughs at it. :lol:

And before your insecurity compels you to bring the old, already debunked points about how Pakistan didn’t contribute anything to JFT program and such...please explain what exactly was “indian” in shitejas? Engine? Avionics? What exactly? :D

Poor cow piss drinking bhartis living in utter misery and open air toilet called hindustan
From external debt to GDP?



Well yeah.
What exactly did you mean by this when you said debt to gdp?
It has 69% of debt vs GDP ratio.

First you bring out a fact that has nothing to do with this thread(strawman), then I give a counter claim discussing the very same point you raised, and now that you can't refute the statistical data you say that's deflection (strawman again).

If you have raised the issue than have the balls to stick to the topic.

Posting a pic doesn't legitimise your strawman argument anymore than it reduces China's ever rising debt to gdp ratio.

Now you know your ABC

That's great, you googled it but you still don't know what it means
Typical google genius.
But then again, how can we blame you it has been your habit to strawman in all Indian threads, go off topic and conflate unrelated issues, how are you going to change that habit now when you make a living off of it.
When you diverged from the original topic by bringing in economics into the discussing, you were strawmanning there and then.
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What exactly did you mean by this when you said debt to gdp?

Above message was conveyed to @rambro directly and not YOU.

THE US/UK/Japan all print hard currency of their own which India needs for its own imports. No country is going to sell even a TEU worth of peanuts to India by accepting Indian Rupees. INR are counterfeited. Lol.

Did you know India pawned its Gold to Bank of England and Bank of Japan to take a USD loan?

Lol again.
India Wants the World to Buy Its Weapons. They’re Not Very Good

Information on INS Arihant damage, cost of its repair cannot be divulged: Govt

But they gave the same information on nuclear submarine INS Chakra (Sonar damaged) which was navigating under the Indian flag.

Sharam ati hai deficiency batane me?


Shortage of 274 pilots in Army and Navy: Government

Lack of aircrafts, lack of funds, lack of pilots and India is issuing futile statements to fight two and half war with nuclear opponent nations like China & Pakistan?

Oye chado vi yara...
Tel lene ke paise nahi....magar fish fry khani hai...Lol

Maldives' engagement with China, Pakistan ‘too secretive’ for India

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