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India vying for air superiority

Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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IN one of its major defence deals in decades, India signed a formal agreement Friday with France worth $ 8.7 billion to procure 36 Rafale fighter jets. New Delhi – ranked world’s top defence importer – has signed several big-ticket deals as part of a $100bn military upgradation plan since assumption of power by Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi in 2014. Given the Indian belligerence and war mongering against Pakistan, which are not new but became even more apparent recently, when the Indian leaders as well as media both appear to be in a mad race spitting vitriol, Pakistan cannot afford to remain oblivious to the modern weaponry procurement by India. We have to look for some affordable matching technology to give a befitting response to any aggression.
In the modern warfare, the air power has assumed great significance to neutralize the capabilities of the enemy. In recent combats, we have seen the world powers doing the same and then going ahead with the ground offensive. As India is working on a plan to replace its aging fleet with the modern fourth and fifth generation fighter jets, Pakistan also requires retiring its old aircrafts and replacing them with the modern planes. As Pakistan can no longer rely on the supply of F-16s from the US following the blockage of sale deal by the Congress, Pakistan needs to quickly exploit other viable options. One such option is purchase of the mighty SU-35 for which Pakistan is already in negotiations with Russia. While French planes such as Rafale are very expensive, the Russians are not and they are equally good. Comparison between Rafale and Su-35 clearly reveals that the latter is not only cheaper but far better in manoeuvrability than the former. Pakistan should speed up the process of negotiations with Moscow in order to ensure early realization of the deal on twin engine Su-35. In addition, the large-scale defence collaboration with China has always remained a great source of strength for us. We should further enhance this collaboration and work with Chinese friends actively to turn JF-17 thunder fighter jet into a truly modern aircraft to indigenously meet defence requirements of the country.

India already has air superiority over pakistan, the best that paf has is f 16 fighter, our Mirage 2000 and Mig 29s can easily take care of those.

the advanced model f-16 are quite potent. PAF does not have the AWACS to support them
the advanced model f-16 are quite potent. PAF does not have the AWACS to support them

paf does not have advance models also. besides I dont think we must induct outdated f16 in our air force, it failed to impress IAF brass during the MMRCA trials.
paf does not have advance models also. besides I dont think we must induct outdated f16 in our air force, it failed to impress IAF brass during the MMRCA trials.

the f-16 is a dated aircraft. if the IAF can purchase 150 F-16D with block 60/70 avionics at $50 million per unit I say purchase it. make sure you have spares for 5 years to avoid any short term embargoes. it is reliable. the cost of operation is lower. there is a reason there are 4000 f-16s world wide
Lets not become too gung ho and demean f16. Aammram c5 is still the longest range bvr, as per known specs, in south asia.
the f-16 is a dated aircraft. if the IAF can purchase 150 F-16D with block 60/70 avionics at $50 million per unit I say purchase it. make sure you have spares for 5 years to avoid any short term embargoes. it is reliable. the cost of operation is lower. there is a reason there are 4000 f-16s world wide

f16 stands no chance against the likes of rafales, eurofighters or Sukhoi 30 and 35, inducting f16s will be a strategic blunder. the pakistani pilots fled the fight with their f16s during the kargil war when they couldnt break the lock by IAF mig 29. f16 should never be inducted in the IAF
This is also not half as bad, given that the fly away cost of F-18SH is 65 million, and Gripen E is 82 million. @PARIKRAMA What's your take?

IN one of its major defence deals in decades, India signed a formal agreement Friday with France worth $ 8.7 billion to procure 36 Rafale fighter jets. New Delhi – ranked world’s top defence importer – has signed several big-ticket deals as part of a $100bn military upgradation plan since assumption of power by Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi in 2014. Given the Indian belligerence and war mongering against Pakistan, which are not new but became even more apparent recently, when the Indian leaders as well as media both appear to be in a mad race spitting vitriol, Pakistan cannot afford to remain oblivious to the modern weaponry procurement by India. We have to look for some affordable matching technology to give a befitting response to any aggression.
In the modern warfare, the air power has assumed great significance to neutralize the capabilities of the enemy. In recent combats, we have seen the world powers doing the same and then going ahead with the ground offensive. As India is working on a plan to replace its aging fleet with the modern fourth and fifth generation fighter jets, Pakistan also requires retiring its old aircrafts and replacing them with the modern planes. As Pakistan can no longer rely on the supply of F-16s from the US following the blockage of sale deal by the Congress, Pakistan needs to quickly exploit other viable options. One such option is purchase of the mighty SU-35 for which Pakistan is already in negotiations with Russia. While French planes such as Rafale are very expensive, the Russians are not and they are equally good. Comparison between Rafale and Su-35 clearly reveals that the latter is not only cheaper but far better in manoeuvrability than the former. Pakistan should speed up the process of negotiations with Moscow in order to ensure early realization of the deal on twin engine Su-35. In addition, the large-scale defence collaboration with China has always remained a great source of strength for us. We should further enhance this collaboration and work with Chinese friends actively to turn JF-17 thunder fighter jet into a truly modern aircraft to indigenously meet defence requirements of the country.


Block 3 JF-17 should be coming into the picture soon. That will make it on par with Rafales

Indian Navy will take care of PAF in near future. Air force only for China

i guess China would have to tremble in fear then
Block 3 JF-17 should be coming into the picture soon. That will make it on par with Rafales

i guess China would have to tremble in fear then

No, Block-3 wil not be on par with Rafaels even if they become 4.5+ gen aircraft, because both are in different category aircraft one is light other is medium aircraft, but it will be very difficult for attacking Rafaels to get through defending Block-3s specifically if they are equipped with weapons like A-Darter/PL-10, PL-15 & PL-21 coupled with HMD/HMS.

It will not be just one bird against another, it will be system & doctrine Vs system and doctrine, Pakistan can defend it self even from Rafaels when they arrive in future, because most fights will be over Pakistani skies as India will be aggressor.
Block 3 JF-17 should be coming into the picture soon. That will make it on par with Rafales

i guess China would have to tremble in fear then

PAF was already outclassed against IAF decades ago,
This new modernization will only decide how much time will they survive the onslaught of IAF a few hrs or a day

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